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Madam Restell. - Tlris woman is now enjoying comfortable lodging al the E'.dridge street prison, under the charge of the Sheriff; - she has a parlor and bedroom, and for all we can see, is as happy and r.ontented as if she was luxurating at her sp'eridid mansion n Greenwich street. What a Chanoe. - J. H. lngraham ihe great writer on love, murder, suicides, piracy &c, whose works have gone off ike hot cakes among the light reading community, has abandoned his novel writing, and become a preacher, in lhe Episcopal Church, Gerrit Smith, Esq., says the Madison Co. W'hig, has directed n letter to the Supervisors and Justices of ihe sevornl towns o" tha'. county, requesting them !o select seven unmarried, poor, landless womrn, (a pa't or nll of them may be widows,) 10 each of whom lie proposes to give fifiy dollars (or ihe purpose of aiding them to purchase a home for theniselves. The Nominations. - As far as we can learn, the nomination of Hale and King give general sntisfaction. All the Liberty men we have sesn have expressed their hearty concurrence,w hüe not a few grow enthusiastic at the bare mention ol' the names, and shoüt 'Amen!' with considerable show of earneslness. Even Wiiigs and Demociats, when they meet us in the street, teil ui 'You have made a good noiDinntion.' We have foutid a Cesv who would have preferred the nomination üt'Genitt Sniith. We wcreof that number ourelves, anii give him one of the 44 vo!es !ie rei:eived, lioih beca use we love the man, and lind not KuiTicient nssurances with regard to his successful compeiilor. We are g!ad,however, to find such a general approbation of the nominee, and have only to trust ihat he may not prove unwoithy oflhe gonerous confidence. reposcJ in him. - Washington Patriot. Sib-Trëasury in Uut. on. - On Saturday morning, seven stages belonging to Frink &. Co.'sljie left the Receiver's office in this city with about $400,000 in specie, on its way to St. Louis, and thence to Mexico. The horses had to tug smartly befare tliey coulJ siart the precious load. The Sub-Treasury works beautifully. It collects the specie in the country which should serve as ihe basis of a business cnrrency, and the war swallows it un. - Tribune. A Contrast. - During the Rfcvolulon which lasied seven years, the American loss in killed arui vounded was 8.G97, while in the Mexicnn war of less ihan eighlecn months, it is 4,491, tosay notlii::g of dealiis from disease. SoMF.THiNG New. - They have a ma. chine in New York for making crackers at ihe ra'e oftwo hundred pr minut?. The dougli having been prepared in the proper thickness by passing beiween two rolls, is mnved on a revolving cloih ihrough a trotigh in the machinery, passing under the stamp, wh'ch cuts and prints the crackers at the same time. Decidedly Good. - A paper stntes that a very romantic young lady, rescued from drowning, while in a stat of insensibility. decl.ired on reviving, that she must and would marry thn noble preserver of her life. On enquiring the name to her great dismay, she learned that i was a Newfoundland dog. Steamboat in the Woods. - A steam boat of 300 tons hns just been built on th Kentucky river, in the mountains, fifleen miles from Lexington, and one hundrec. miles deeper in the interior than u boa was ever before constructed. She hi been built, out and out, from the forest tre by tho builders, finished; by four mer. only. A Vbteran. - John Van flonze, tiow living in Sullivan couniy, Tennessee, is 114 years of nge, and has voted at every Presidentia! election that has been held in the U. States. Ifeveryougo (o New York, reader, visit the mourning slore n Broadtvay. Yon may know it from adistance, f ir it ! pninted a dark, glnomy co!or, and diffcrs Trom the surrounding. The store oonlains nothing but mourning goods of every varieiy nnd quality. On your entrance, a clerk drcssed in colored habiliments advances, and politoly inquires, whal he shall have the malanchüly pleasure of showing you to-day. When we were there, a short time since, we observed amongother articles white bandkprdíef with black borders woven in. -Springftrld Rcpublican. The Duquesne Greys, which lefl with nine'-y one aciive men, had but sixteen or sevenleen fit for duty laie in October. These are some of the frightful ravages of war which coma back to the homes and hearths. - Pitlsburg Gazette. Big Cheese. - fhere is a cherse now exliibiling at Cincinnatti, that was rnanufaciured in Lickingcounty, Ohio, weighing one ihousand pnunds. The milk of one hunored cows for four dnys, constituted the stnple of ihe cheese. It measures forty-eiglil inches in diameter, s sixteen inchcs thick, and is worth $250. In John Evelyn's diary is the followir.g tem: "1683, June 19- This day I paid all ny debts to a farlhing. Oh, blessed day !" There s every variety of reformers in the world. There are rmny classes of Anti-Shvery reformers. Some be'ong to the popular sects, nnd great parties ; some have formed new orgnnizations ; some have withürawn from all. Lel every mnn l)e fully persnaded in Iris own mind. From many of these we diner. Their philosophy, their policy, their language, thoir spirit, moy nol be in accordnnce with ours; but, God forbid thnt we liould set ourselves up fer a model, or indulge mie word calculoted to wound nny spirit, seeking with wnat energy and wisdom it ha?, todo gooci to tmnkind. - Above all, should we be kind to those who dared to be true to their convictions


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