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Di;. TOWNSEND'a SJi ti S.ÍI.f R MLIjJI THE MOST EXTRAORDINARY MEDICI Nt: IN Ti I E WORLD. THIS EXTRACT ia put up in qmrt Imitlcs; UUaix times cheiper, pletisanier, on'd war. ranted iuperior tu any 9d. )i cures dieaeet witnoiti vumi:mg. puiging. siekeiiirtg;, or debililatil'i? tile pa:int. ORE.vr ÊALL & WINTER MCWC1WE. '1 be ijrejt bíauíy ad BOjmrwrKy i Uu-SarínpjrHIa over a!J miier medicine ís. wlwle ii i ra lientes 'Jiseasfs. ti liivigufjlcfl l!ie l' It 8 or.f ot the very bi K.ili Wjuter Metlicuie (v" known: it uot mily pur iï n ilic whole eyieni and sirsngthens iho petsm, bol it crentei ne, ]m:c nuil rich bloo.'l; a powor potrease'! by no otilar medicine. And in ilus lies tlte ;!;i: '■ "' cret uf ilei wiiiiflcrlul success. It i;is piíi rnii'-l vvithin ihe putt iwojreors more ihn '.'5,Q'M ere c-iee 'í dieense: at least 0jUO vi tlustj rsre considered ncsrable. Mure th;i:i ;i,0i)U cisci oí Chronic Rlieumatism; 3,1)90 cses of Dyrpepxia: 4.0 10 cuses oí Dtbility anJ Want of Energy; 7 lnmeaeaof" the different Feniale Complainlf 2.00 ) c.ises of Scrof'jla; 1 .-". O cases of the L:ver CompliiirtïJ 2,5DU cises ul Uise.ise ot the Ridneys and l)l"psv; fí.OiH) casej of Consuiiiption: Am! i'i'iusniJs dI' cripis .i dieeea of the hltiod, v;z: ülters., Sil: Rhourn, Pimples nn tin fi:e. Aíc. A.c. (ogether with numeróus caSich lira.! Ache, Pain in i he tin. e ai:d Chcst. Spinnl Atfi'ciona. &c. &i 'l'his, we are nwnro, unís', incredible, i i v e iiive Iftters Irnin Phvsicrftds and ur AgMKj fiditi uil ,Tr;s of the United Simes, lorniing us of exirnordirury cures. li. V .n BqskikKi l'3q.. one oï the most rrspectnblf Uiuguists in .Newark, N. .1., infornis us liim I c ran refer to more tlvm 150 clises in ili.-u pl ice alone. There are thousQfidá "f ca es in the c tv of New York, whtch ■ will ie!'er to wirh ;!e..sii e, nnetto mpii of clmrai'tor. It is ihe best medicino ror i!ie preventivo of diaenáo knoun ii undouí:edly saved the livei oí inur than 5,000 CHiLDREN TOE PAST SEASON ! As it removed the cause of disens:;. and gfepari 1 thetn for the Smnnier tensun. It lias never le n knmvn to njure in tl.e casi the must Jelica'e cbild. RÍ1F.UMATI8M. Tliis Snrenparilla i ii6ed wiili ihe most peifcc; suceessin Rheiimniiccoinplninti, however üvcre or uliruntc. The astonishing cuies il Ims perforrtii .1 .ire indeed wonilerful. Oiher remedios soqMtirnw give lemporary relief; mis emirely m i 'i.'Tled it Irom ihe System, even wlicn tlu ml bonei are drendiully BwollcnO Hoar Mr. Se: li Teny, o na f i!ie oldosi and iposi respectol)le Inwyors in Hnrlfjrd, Curin. T%!ie fo luwing is :ui exiract üt a leltcr rt'ctived from ii f ui : Dr. Tiwnsml - I have uie] onn biitle ofyour Sursipnrillu. md fin,! i: iscxcalleni in iis cflècu u).t:i a Cilronic Rheumatic pain 10 wliich 1 am i i'j'ct, (rijm an injury recetvod isverol ye:i a aa , ia n public sagu. Picase sencl me ih'o bol tlrs in ïlie cure of Or Seymoii"". I haveconvcree i wifh tvvo ií our principal physicians. and reCJiinnenJ v,.ur i. SETH TEKRY. Hartford, Mnrcli IÍ2. IJ45. CONáUMPTION CüRED. Clcnnse ami Sirengilitn. Coníumji'.ión cnn be cured. Bronoliiui,Conuinp(}B, Liver C'itivpl.iin', CuUlg, Ciiijirrli. Cougha} Asilnua, Spitling uí IüouíI. Sorencss ia t ii Clust, ÍIictic Final), .ight 8rnt3, DiHicult or l'rofuse Kxpecior .-ilion. Pnin ín ihe Sidc, &c, haie lieun and can be cured. Dr. Townáend - Der Sir : Nemly twpn'y yearsajo I look n viulem cold, which tetled un my lungs, end allected me stvwely,; indtt-d. iinally n hec;mie a consinnt hrtckmii cftugh; -ui nut po severo as to prevent me ïrom atlendíng in my business. VVithm ihu last few ycars it itiereaped on tne grncluaüy. A last I beenme redueed - I breathed witn dilBculty. and raiteJ with my cough tnucli bad matter, and fur ihe last montlia previuns to usingyuiir S(ir8i)n ï'ilifi. lia.l reuruhtr Oighi sweais ; ndend, iim friends and mvscli sii)j'sííl tlmi wmiKi ilie willi t'ie GomMimplton; bui I have the. happinesa 10 infonn you that. to my tiurpríse. nitcr ut;in;i t'irec botiles uf 'our Sarsaparilla. 1 find ti y UeüUli rcstored. It relieved me gidlmlly, nntl I am now enjOying miich heller healtli ilion i have licfore in 2(5 yearg. I had almot ennrely lusi my uppetite, whiüh is also returued. Yon are at hbeny :u pulilisli this witli my name, in the papen, if yon choose. My Iritis girl, who ia three yeaisolil, Lij a very bad ciiuh the whole cl last winter. We bec.imo very much nlnrrned on her aecoun'. - While usiiig the medicine, [ gave hersitneof it. and it s nn untirelv relieved her, as vvell aa mysell'. andshe is v e 1 1 n-w. nnd liearty ns nnychilcl Í ever smv Slip was also tuit of ütile btufches: il took tJiem aw.iy and hpr skin is smoolli anil íair now, and I am Baliafíed tlie reoovere'J iici healtb ('rom using your exrvllent medicine. S. V. CONANT, 444 B(o:;dway. GIRÍ.S. RËAD TE1IS. You who hove p ■) 1 e complexiotis. dull eyes. blotches on llie luce. rouíb skin. nnd nro MOBI "I spirits." use a bot lie or two uf Dr. Townseiid'i Sarsaparilla. Il ill c!e;in9e your blood, removí the freckls and blotches, nml give yon nninifltion. sparklinsr eyes. fine spitiis. ahd benu;ifii! complexión - ni' oí which are ol immense valúe 10 unmarried Iridies. SCROFULA CURED. Th:s Certifícate conolusively proves tliot tliif Sars-iparilln Ivis perfect con rul uver ihe mnstulsiirifire dlsenges of the biood. Tlirce personr cured in yin tiouse is unpr"cedented. THREE CHILDKGN. Dr. Toionsini - Dear Sir: I have llie pleí.jun to infonn yon tlmr ib'ee of my chüíltun ln been cured ol't!e Scroli.l i by msh uf your e.vcelleni medicin-. Th;y ere íflred very sí verely wiih bu) sores: iinve líiken on'y four bol lies; it took ihem awiy. 'or which 1 leul mj seh uadtr very deep oblgniionVour, rp8r)ecifully, ISAAC W. CitAl.V. IOS WoDster el. New York, Mnrcb I. IH47. OPIMONS OF PHYSiriWS. Dr. Townwnd ia alinou dnilv reccivincoiiderf from Pbysicinns in diHerern pana of ihe Union. Ti.íb ís lo certtfy ihat we hv underáisned Physiciana of the city of Albiny, íiave in nunierou case prescribed Dr. Towrwend's Sarsipnrtlla, and believe il to be one ol'lba mosi valuabli prcpa.alions in the maiket. H. P. PAÜLI.VG. i. d. J. VVILSON, h. D. R B. BRIGUd. b. o. P. E. EL,MEN'ÜORF, m. d. Albany, April 1, 18-1Ö. Files Pilos Piles Dr. Towusend 5 Snrs'ipn lilla ís no les gti':cessful n curing ihis distrcssinj complaint, ihan for dismise? f the Blond. Dygieti-in. Rheunni tism, nuil Nervous üebilily. Re;id [he follovving: - Dr. Trtonscnd : DeirPir - Theeffccts of yori 8'impnrilln are iruly wonderlul For ihe Ins ei.x or eiglit je.irsi insl I h.ive heen tu'ijictin se veré ntlncks of ihe piles, during which i linve snITerüd ail ihe torture of ihit compluint, nim hnd de8iriired of ever (ïndin? relief except i dft!i. I h'ive ilie ppaton lo infonn you llia: 'tlitre is yet a balín in Gilend." I hnve useil two boules of vour S .irsipa'illn, nnd teel no remniti ! u;y oIH cimplninl. I send you this foi pubüontiijn, and any prrson yon niay refer fo me. I woull be h-ippy 10 infonn ol the benefit I have receiveii at your hands. Yourj, trulv. JOHN HALL, 41) Fulton st. Thomna Smith. Printer, 163 Nassau st., 3) story, ciired ot a long standing and aggravuteil case of the Piles. For a ile by MA YX AROS. 345 General Agents, Ann Arbor PAINTS, 0Ü8, Varnish, Spirits Tur pentinn Bniühes, Glnai. Putty, O'niiers. Diamond, A.o A Urge ttock for sale low at ÍÍ4 MAYNARDS. NEW LA DUE & ELDRED, (Succcssors to Eldred Sc Co.) N O. 8 4 WOODWARD AVENü E, Dïrectly Opposite t'íc Episcopal Chiirch ARE liappy to ir.form itia Ime cusioniers of Eldred & Co. and i!-c pilf,c gi-nerai!, ihat ihey llave n-jwon liand, and are ontiamly manufiíciuring, a superior amule oí' Leather, And arü sshrA '"g a Findings. AMO.VG THEIE. ASSOItT.MENT MAY BE FOUND Spanis!) and Slaughíer Solé LEATIIER, Deer, Goat and Lamb Binding, llemloclc and Oak Upper do. Morueco oí' all kinds, Harneas and Bridfe do. Shoe Thread, Tacks, Sparnbles, Skirling and Russet Bridlo do. Slioe Knives, Pincers, Mammcrí, Belt, L5rnd a"d Welt do. Boot Oord nnd We'obing, Hoive and Síring do. Awls and Brislles, African nnd Slangliter KIP SKINS, Lasts, Boot Tres and Crimps, Oak and Hemlo'c'k CALF do. Lasting and Seal Skins, Frenen Calf Skins, Bank, Shoro and Straits O1, &c. &c. White, Russet and Colored Linings, All of whiefa tliey oíFeron very reasonable terms. MERCHANTS&MANUFACTÜRERS Will liad it to tlieir advanta;e to cal) r.nd examine our stock befjie purchnsins elsewhcre. CASH PAID FOR HÏDBS AMD SKÏMS. DETROIT, Id47. 3:'.7-ly NEW ARRIVAL ! bxrs. surrraaTON, WOL" LIJ respeetmlly inloi'in her oíd cuMoin eis and the public ai largo, ihui she lias rctnrned iu Ann Aruor. ni th; oid stand, a litile a'iov the depiTt. hetween .Upper and Lower Tüwn, wheie the tas jusi icceived hom New York. n Inrge oss'jrtiint'nt ui Millincry and Fancy Dry Goods, CanElsting in pnrt of China Pearl Slraio Bvnnets, Tuscan, Velcct, Satín, ■ind everj' other faslüuii of Bonnet :!iat tiie New Yorn uiarkei could afTori. We h-iv on hnnd n Inrga nssortnir:nt oí ui] Uin.Is of MILLINliRY GOODS. We w'ill sopply ihose Millincrs wiih (ioiids who wiïh M buy. and we will seli ns cheapas ihey ca:i luy in town. We have billis. SiitiDSf Ribbons] Piuhhís. Flowers. Capes. Collars, Silii3 mode for Mourning BennBis, Borders, llt'.nl IJresícs. Sliocs, Glovea, Milis, Lace Caps, Muslin de James. and oiher anieles tuo mimeruMM [o MH'I1U;)U W'e would sny to ihe ladies. rnanied or sinyle, if ihcywish 10 learn the art l CÜTTINfl LAD1ES' DRESSES BY RULE, reare ready lo lonrn in frum ihrce to six hours 10 cut to a lüiir's drtudih. or no pay. Theorei and instructionsgivcn l„r TH'RKK ÜOLLAhS MRS. C. BUFFIKGTUN. Ann Arhor, Oei. I-i. 1847, :i:5-'ti STRAYED, fKF-t .,1 t'-yi'wCT? A BOUT ilio IO1I1 ol August, a IpStfSSfy XJL'leep rei] cnw inclineil 10 lirinjffPVi '" ''" overi bul most bo uu llie ,-r-fV, fui InM'l. Any pcrson giving nny UJ..II iii.n,.ii M lo the whei o ahouts ol ilio sbove r.'iiw hall lm aniply reniunera'ed ly the s-'hsrriber. 335-3w W. LAMBEftT. WILLIAM A. RAYM0ND, OF THE OLD MANHATTAN STOEE, CORNER OF JEFF'N AVE. AND BATKS ST. DETROIT, HS just rcceived a large and complete a6sjrtnieiu ol' DRY GOODS Broadclotlis, Sheetings, Ca-ísimeres, Drill ings, Sntinets, Tickings, Full Cloihs, Bnggings, Tweed's Cloths, Flannels, Kentucky Jeans, Linseys, And oíiier articles in the line of Heavy Goods, tuu numerous iu meution. l'iain &. Rtncy d'Laines. Prints, f'ashmeres, GinghaiTin, Pi.iin $l Funry Alpacas, Lyonese Cloths, Oregon Plflidi, Orleans Cloths, Indeed h s nssortment of Dress GoniJs comprises all ihe vanety wtiich businrss demanda. SHAWLS. Of every varieiy. Irom splendid Brochas anti C.i9hmeres 10 henvy, comfurt.ible l)luikc[ Shawls. LIVE GEESE FEATHERS, lïy the pound or humlred weight. Paper Hiiiasiiigs, Of all qinliiies and prices. PAPER W1ND0W CÜRTAINS," Of the newesi patterna, at wholeanle or retall. Wiih a siock 09 well ealculated for the country as the city trade. it is confilontly expected tliai 'ha raputeriofl of 'he -'Oíd Minhatinn" for good (iüods at cheap rntes will le fully susained. AS tl lliat TUUR AND S1XPENNY TKA. thït WC have sold sa many yenrs. t is har.lly necessarv 10 say a word ; bilt il' th:a should meet the eye of iny .ne who has n.)t tried it, he ehould by all 'iioana make the experiment, and nee how great savins; may be mode by patrotmng th Manhattan Store. Detroit, Sejt. 29, 1847. l7-m READYMADECLOTHING AT mïwttsnu üv xutaf!, THE subscribers have now on hand! rlie birïi assurfrneiu uf Kendy ITSndc Clothing, ever oiTerei! in ihis Süiie. Tliey have rsceived ond rnniiulsctured n l.r;e addition to thcir Stock wühin t!ief.:ist si.x weeks, nml nre fuliy prepated wilh sensoHMlils nnd fashionnble goo-is for llie lh!l irade. Theirnssortment cuinprises eveivdeCripïton of irarrnpnt froni iïre OVER CO ATS. CLOAKS, DRESS SUITS, ïc. &-c. 10 (be more aubstaniinl and econorr:ical garrnenti fur the farmer and laboriflg -ALSOA large nssortciont of Furnishing Goods, SL'CH AS Fine & Coarse Shirts, Ünder-Garmenls, Hosiery, Colars, Iiouonis, Stocks, Suspendcrs, &c. &c. Hoving ereaily incre.-ise-.l [heir facilillos fcr manufaoturiifgf. ihey are better prepared [lian liereíoloro fi r ihe WHOLESALE TRADE. ['urchaseis at wli'les:i!v a e inviie.-l lo waroine iheir Stucki Their garmoi ta are f go( nviter,a. welt made. oí' sulaMe sizos and fiyles. nnd will l)c (ifl'jrod ai luw rules. Thanklui lor pasi favor, iliey solicit n cominrance of puhlic patronsge. IJALI.OCK & RAYMOND, 3IH-lf Cnr. .lnl'n V„, dwnrd Avenues. TÜOLS. - CarpenterV, Gooper's and Juiner's 'J'ools for snle liy M B. B. i W K NOYF.S .Ir FIRE ! F1RE ! ! THE subscriber continúes to net as Agent Ier ilie Ilariionl Kire Insurnncc Cumpany, of I Inri ford. C'onnectimit. This Cuín'■iny Ivts been n builnsu lur üie Idsi TUI UT V SIX YKAKS. and proniplly pnid nll lossos diiri:2 lliat lime. am"iinljni! lo many MilliuiM o!" Dullnrs. Applicalioiis lïy muil, (post pakl) or lo ilie subscriütr ai :lie l'ost OIIicp, proniplly nttenJll'o. P. J. B CRANE, Anuit. Ann Ar!or. Tiiiy 30, M47. :i:t!-lv NEW TIN SHOP. TU ti sutacriber has commeneed the manufacture of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper, [11 üll iis vnnotis branches, in connecuuii wti 'lie '-Anvil Siure,'1 and is prc.ired 10 lurnish Country Merchanls and Furmers wiih every ibing n iliai line. JOB WORK AND REPAIRING Xeutly and expediiionsly done. HKNRY VV. WELLES. UpjhsrTowh, Ann Arlor, Ist June. '7. ' Cali and Settle! THIS is tonotify all persons indebted li) the luie firma il' Marris, l'nrlridgo S: Co., nnd H, 15. Hnrris & Co.', thnt iheir noies w lef i in ihe lundsot Jnmes B. Gou. Ksq., Jusnee oi' che Vence, lor ciillection As 'these firms ire noiv InsolveJ. it s nbsolntely necessary ihai ilieirouttishding maners sliould hesenled nssoon i practicable. I!. B. I1ARRIS. Ann July )2ih, 147. 3T 3m MRME1S! ATTESITIOCT ty( DOZ. Blood'sCradle Scvthes, 4J ou - VVa.lawortli's '" :iü 'f BIouJ'b Grnsa " I" " Jenk's " ' 10') Biinieii'a. Ruijcrs' & Curiias' Cradlse. 1011 LimsDo's Gniss Öoyihes, 10 doz. Tower's Hoes, I00U lls. Coil Chnin from 3-16 to 5 8 in. 4(1 Lo Chnins. Hny Knivea, Uush Ilooks. May, Barley. nucl Manure Forkt, ind oll o'hcr Pnrming Utensils. just receivodnnd íor sale ai Deiroit pricea at the Anvjl Store, UpprTown. HKNRY VV. WKLLES. i'i isc, 184. 3J5 IMEYV COOKING STOVE, AND STOVES Oi' ALL KINUSÜlü! Till'. SuiMcribcr woukl cali dio auenlion of tlia public lo WOOI.SONS KRW HT UK COOKING STOVF, whicli iliey can coiifi lently recommend as beinn ii '!-iii-tiiv superior lo nny cooUins ftovo in use Kor simpliciiy ni opuraiiim, cconn:ny in futí!. anti lor juieqiiiilled linkiny and fonsting qualilies il is unriv.iled. The new and impDiüuit iniprovenien! inirodnctfcl in iis cuiist uctiun btinj sncli aa in ins'iro grenl utlvuitagea over all uiht-r kinds ocook iii g siovcp. l'liose il.'finius ot getiiii; a goixl cooking stovc Tur lamüy uso. ir n piibiin lnii?e. would do well hy cnlllns nd fxmnihing the nbove stove bclorc iMircliaatn-; cldcuh-rc. 15. 1!. &. W.R.. NOYES, Jr324 ?( Woodwnrd Av.-nne Hardware. T[I E ?ubcril)ci3 linvi' jus! receivud a brye nddilion to iheir stnuK "f roreigli and l).inicslic Sliclf Ihudwurc. whicli makea iheir asninioent very cúmplele. B. i. &. W. R. NOYF.S JrJuly, 1847. a&l TVTAILS.- ISO kegs Eastern Nnils Por 11 fursnleby ■m Ii. B. 9f, W. R NOYKS .Ir. E. G. BURGER,, FIRST ROOM OVER C. II. & T. W. ROOT's STORE, RANE & JEWK.TT's BLOCK, '20 1-1 f ANN ARBOR. G-HESEI rSATHERS! PAPER HANGINGS? FIRST RATF. YOUNü HTSON TEA AT ONLY FOUR AND 8IXPENCE PLft POUND ! By ili" woji no onc buya lilis tea once bul Lmiví nuin. and becomes íi cus'omer. ÍSTone betier íur the price bo lisd la l).ur(.iit. WILLOW WAGGONS, TravelingBaskets, and ns wpII as Iota of otlicr goods besidea Dry Goode nioy lie liad veiy clieap at tlie ' (J1.11 Mmiattan Stork.,' Deiroit. 17 W. A.RAYMOND. . 53 Ifrel ÍUWz -a 7 :: r - jH M i ? o I g 5 O 8; SS'V i' S 'ï 51" H s =? 5 h di: fililí í XKEaynards ARE IN TOWNjíGAIn! HAVING remove.! to tlwir new store, wlicrc they are rccciving anexiensive nssorlmen ut Drugs, Medicines, Painls, Oils and (Jroceries, With a smnü, well-seieeted assortmcni of DRY OOD, All of which ihev ofTer 10 tlieir olcl Iriends nn( new custumers nt unusual low prii-es. Any iliing au ld at thcir siore is warrnnied 10 bo ol first qualily. Tliey ruend heroafier to keep almost eveiy article wanicrl (at family use. Ann Arbor, June 30. 18-17. 323-lf CASIIMARCTT AND T WEK DS. - A beiiuiiíul anide for Gentlemen's slim mei A'ear, just recniveil and w,ll be r.ianiilactured in :lio liitest Btyle and best possible manner, ai ibe ;- Western Ciolhing Emionuin." HAhLOCK & RA Y MOND. 313 tl" DETROIT. Cor. .lofT. and Wopdwnrd avenues. StccI EnlTivaTor TcctIi. TIHE sulwcriber is nent for the Patent Ptuel J_ Cultivator Teeth. ind Insjust received. ;i treshsupply, wliicli lie wi[ eell at the manufacturer s price. Tliia nriicle ia coin inir into goneral use wherever inirodnced, nnd hm received 'ie nppi-olniion of thn llrst agriculliirists 11 the United Statc3. Anvi! Btore. Tpper Town. FIENRY VV. WELLES. Anv Arbor, 2iii May, '-17. 20. 1 NOTICE. rIIE FIR{ hcrclofore exisiing iin■■- "Ier ilie name of J. Gibson &.Co. is thU 'Iny. hy muiunl, consent rlissolvcil. ond nll per. ons indebieH 10 the Inie lirm of J. Gilisdn & Co. are requeaiod to rM nnd seitle the s..ine wiih J. Gil'son. who is cluly amlu.rized 10 seiile nll (.-om pniu deins, befou ilie Isi day ufNovamher jhxi. or ihey wil] fiml tlitir apeuumi lefi wiili a Jus lice for coilectio. Tfef business hereaft er wili lieconducted by Giwon, JAMES GIBSON, E. 15OTTSFOKD. Ann Albor, Scpt. 4ih, IÍ47. 33;t-3m THE FARMKR'S COOK STOVE! Something New npiIE subscribcr would respectlully cal -- ilie ntier.'.ion ttt ihoao about purcüawts cook stoves io an eniirely new paticrn- a suppl) "I whieli he is now receivins. They are AIR TIGIIT, nnd have a Summcr Arrangement by whicli most o( (ha oulinary opeiaiions can be perfornied wiih the sinallesl umnunt of luel, and wulioul the neceííity of lieating the room. The furniture h perfect and complete, cnmpiijng neaily every kitchon uiensi!. Tlic patent was procu're.l the past winter, and airea. iy i has bt-come the nmsi popular siovo in the Kaatern Stntcs. A ful! assorimentol the Premium Cook, Eo.. and Air ïight Stoves, kept on sa:e. Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron WO ÍK, in all lts Kranche, done tu order, und supplies of ware conttnnily on hand. HENRYW. WELLS. Anvil Store. Upper Town, ( '-'4lh July, '47. 326 WiW. S. BKOWrV, Attorney $ Counselor at Law, ANN ARBOR, MICK. f'FFICE wiik E. Mdt, r. 1 y THRESH1NG MACHINES, C3COVER MACHINES AND SEPARATOKS. TtíK aubs.'ribcr would int'irm the public ihai he conmines lo manuluctiire the abovc tii n - ciiirieti't Ififi oíd 6to .d ol Knapp &. HkViiand, ni ihi! Lower Vtllageo' Aun Arhor. near t lie l'aroi Mili. The Machines nre ol' npproved model?, havchecn ttiofo'ujrnly tfflíed in ihis vicinitv and warked well. 'J'licy ;.rc tn;ide ol lliebryt :nnieriáis nd by expcrienced wockmcn. iiey wil! he kípl ronstnmly on linml. nuil ae be inmie !■■ order at the shnrtesi no ico. Tliey wiil be sold un very rentnnable lerins ibr Co.ih, or lor noteê knmvn to ha ul'iHilinely gnod. Tbo nbove Mochines enn le used by four. six or right horp?, and are nut liiiblé tó be ensily 'irokon or (Inmnffcd. Tliey are wíll ailopled for the use ol ciilier ■"arrncr.s or .lubliers. The Separators can he attachd to any geai.'l or slrapped machine oí any other Hind. The subscriber wúDld reler lo the fbllowing persona h'o have purrhascil and used bis Muuhinrs : Vii'hiel Thompson, Salem, Alexprufer Doaas, " .Tmiii-s rarker, " Alvn l'rait, Pittsfi:!d, M. A. Cravath, " Clnrlrs 'Xlcxander, " VVtn. l'oi tA. Mil.ord. Hinkley & Viniot, Th'-if.ird. Martin Doty. rpil:inii, M. P. & V, D. Iladluy, Saline. Win. Sinith, Cnnion. Isaac lÍLirlnna, IVonhfield. Varticnlnr alie ilion wlll be pd lo Ut.r.tiRs. Canil will be pnid Por Oíd Castingrs. PrrsorR tlesirona ni jui rch ni mnehines are cequeslcd to cali and examine tliese befoij pureltasing clsewhere. T. A. II WIL AND. May 17. 1847. 3l7tf EPISTIjH No. 3. THE SUDSCHIBER 8ENDETH GItEETING. PERKY'S BÖÖK STORE, Oprned anew at No. 2 [Inwkirm Hlock. 'ncxi door 10 Uill, White &, Co. 's Store Arm Aruor, Michigan. Let tbis be a suíiieicnl noiice to nll persons using C'ioks. Paper. Blank Bonfcs, School liooks. Slntes. Quills. Sieel I'cns, Penciia nnd stationekï, of nny kind, liiat at Ferry's Bookstore 18 ihu placa (o buy. 1500 PIECES PAPER HANGING3, Boídering. Pire Boanls, nnd SniuJ Paper, which wül líe sol il cheop fat cash. StantfnrH m( Misoelliinodiia liouks.suiuble for Distric!, Town sliip nnd FnmUy School Inspcciors nnd others inïeres'cd. are requeated :o ciil nnd cxami'ie hts n.-sortment. - AIüo, Union Sabbnth School bnoks. a Inrgo v;irieiy. and (ar superior lo tlic jjtiK) Lilrary boili in binding and maner. Aldo. uibleSf rI'e8ta:nents. Prayer !oolis nnd lïymn books. ' TOTJTHS' BOOZS, Nónfl, Itchmuiii. insn ticiive and anrimiig,stich ns may salely be put into the hnncU of thf i'óung. GOLD PK.S'S. wiih Gold nnd Silve; ca?e. ■ superior ariicle. Tho sttbscriber has in;n!e ürrangenienta in New Yurk whiefi will cnaltle him at nll times to olitnin any (hing in liin lino direct froin iXow York nt sliort noiice, by EXPBE3S. It will be scen that hiïfuciliiies. or accoinodating hls custorhtrs witli nrlíeles not nn Imi'l is beyond preccdem. and lie is tea'ly and wiiling to do every thirig reasun■ib'e to rmke hu ëilablisliment such an one as an enliglilenc.l and discurning coinmuniiy re quirc. nnd he liopes l merit a fluiré oí pat roñase. Persons wiihing üny oiticlo in h s line will do well to cali bofore puichnsing elsewlicre. Jl vïu fbrgei the placef enqnirc (or PERfiY'S BOOK STQRE, m: Arbor. Upper V'ülage. It is drsirable llint il yliould be nnderálood tliat prrsons in the Country, sendina cii ortlt-rs. inay depend tipon receiving books or staiioneryon as favorable terina as tliough preseiu to niake the purcliase. W. R. PERRY. Jn2G. 13)7. 33 tf. Cliesii Jewelry Store 157 Jcfferson Avenue, DETROIT. Wholesale and Sletail. THE subscriben has just relurned from New York wiili a large rtssorlinent it Gulil aiul Silver Wêlclies, jewelry. Icol, mate nrils. toys, musical Instruments nnd faney smxU. wlucli lio will sell at whoksa'e or reuil as !mv aa :my Mtililislimenl wesi of New Yurk. Couniry Waicli Mukers and othtrs 'wnnling nny of lile nbove Go'kís will find it to ilieir iuu rest to cal],, as rljey wíl! fincl i lie bett assorimeru in the city, añil at the InweM prices. (iOLD PENS. wiih silver liokler and pencil $2 00. Trice Re.-Joced. Gultl Pens. and Jewelry RF.PAIIIKD H Ú. MARSH. 107, JeíTersnn Avenue, Detroit, ) tíisn of the G,i!d Pen. ( 324 C CLARK, Attorney and Counsellor, nii(].lus:ce ul't he Pesco. On.ic. CquiI e Ann r!o" ! i()i' FÜRN1TURE & UPHOLSTERING WARE JIOOMS. STEVENS & ZUG, ÍN llie lower end of ihc White Ülock. diiociiy apposile (lic; WiciiitiAN Kxcii.iMiK. have on hand n large nssonment of URXI'l 'VliE, oí iheir own manu acture, whicli iliey will eel! vcry ow for Ciisl) Tliey nlsokeep 6xperiencoil Upholsterers. nnd ire preparecl 10 do all kinds of Upliolsiering al ilie shoiiust noiioo. Fornitura of alt kinds made 10 order of ihe best material, nnd warramed. STEVENS & ZUG. Detroit. Jununrj', ], lfj'17. Si!J7-ly FOR SALE CÜEAP for CASH, or cvery kinI of cour. Iry Produce, Saddlrs, Bridles,Harness, Trunks, Valiscs, Trunk Valies, Carpat Iiags, fyc. Als,) a ooou msorlinent of VVmps &. Lasmks. wliich will ue sold v-Riy low, nnd no mfatnke at -CdOJE & HOIHNSON'S. Ann Arbor. Aunsi 12. IH4G. 'J77-tf New Establishment. clocks, WáTCHES, AND TH F. subscriber would rcspectl'ully announce M ilie eiÜCMM ol Dexler and viciniiy thai ie lias opened n shop in above place, in llie corner siore, fonnerly knotvn as " ShencrdV; where he is prepared to do AU kimis oí' repairdg in ilie line oí clocks, waicln-s. jaweliy &c. in the shortcsi nmice. HaVinghaaobouUwalve yeors experiencc in sanio ol the btsi. Kasiem slmps. he flatten himsell ihai lic pan jive enlire Satifattion ld oll those wlio rhny favor him wiih iheir work. He has and isconfantly reccivmL'. docks, watc-lies. andjewelry ol all descripiijns. which he will sell as cheap as the ehe.ipest. W. VV. DEXTER. A L S O GROCERIES f all kinds: suoh as, Teas, Siiars. Mnlassf?s. !lar-ins, CofTee, Peppers, Spice. Fish, Canclies. Tobacco, Cigars &c. &c. And in laci kvf.rtTHiNo usnully keptin such nn eslab:ishmeni(l.ia ijji:iCEPTED) conslantly on hand and for sale W. VV. DÏU'TKR A Co. Outeu, March ö, 1847 3tt rf T URE 8 HING Machines, -MjlliK undemigiied would inlcHiii ihe public X that he niüinilnctuies Morse Poweis a;id l'hresliiriL' Ütfcrh'ines at Scio, oí a bujierior kind mvcnied ly binueU. Thesj l'owcrs and Michines are pnrticularl} dapteii in ilie u&e 9l I'iini.i i.i wno wisli lo uc :hcni lor tlire&liing their own gr-in. The power, ihrolirrnnd tixiuns ;nl .-.II be lo.ided tBk) í éommoñ sizerl vi(in Imx and drawli wiili ont pair ol horses. 1 liy are dfsigncd u be usi(! ivilh fmir liurscs. and nre abunclunily slronc !i ihai niiinlier. and niay lie jafely uted wilh six oi ciylii nnrses viiii proper curp. 'I hiy wirk wnli lesssirengllt ot horses ai-cording to ihc nmoi Dl oí biistneas done thnn any tither pnuer. nnd wj ihrüsli enerally aiioul 'ri0 Imsliels wliiai pel day wiili four liorses. Jn ono i nuance IBt Ijusliels wlirat were threslicd in thrce hours wiih four liorses. Tliis Power and Machine rontain all iheadvaniagus nrcts.sai v lo make tliein pi to tho nurclnser. They are sirong and duralile. They are ensily moved l'ioin one plnca tr onoihor. 7'he work of ilie imsrs is easy on ilupr nowpra in con.parison to oiltera, nnd ile ptice íf LOVVHK thnn nny oihcr power and nincliinc. liave 8er been sold ín the Stnie, aocirdin2 to ilie real valué. The terms of payment will be lihe. r.-il lor notes are known to be ibsulutcly onú. I liavn a niitnber of Pnwpra and Macblne? now reüdy for H:le and persons wialiing io bu are inviled to cali .soon. SEPARAtöftfl. F cm proparei] lo myjie Sepnrators for lliosc who mny wam iheni. The ulility and adfantagpi of thii Power and Machine will apprar evident lo nll on eiaminini; 'lio rceoninieml.-iuons liei.iw. A] perjona nre onuMonccI aíjainsí mnliin(í 'lióse Powera and Machines: ihe undc'fignid having ndoptcd the necessijry ineabiires for secu ring lettprs patent for the same itliin the time required by luv. B. W. FO8TEB, Scio, Waihtcnaw Co., Mieh.. .lunelö, 13-lfi BECOMMENDATIONS. DüniiL the year I?45. Met of ;lic undersigneri .)iir;li;ised and used either individually or juinily wilh othera. oi:e of S. V. Foster's ncwly in venled Ilurse Puwers and thre?hing viachinps. ind helieve thejf nre beller ndnpted 10 the use oí Farmers who wml Ponera and Machines for iheir owii use ihnn nny other power and ihreth:r wiiliin our knowledgo. Tliey are cnlcuiated o be usfid wiih four liorses nnd are o( ompk strengih ior thnt nnmber. Tliey nppenr lo b ;0Msiri]ctc(l in sucli a nuni er as to rendor lliem vorydurnbte wilh linie linbiüiy of getiing out ol order. Theynre eisily moved from one pl.-icf 0 nnoihrr. Tliey can le ivntked ih nny niun ier of hands from four to light, and will ihresl ibiiri '-'00 liusliels wbHi! por d.iy. J. A. PPI.HEMÜS, Scio.Wnslitcnawco. G. lifOOD. " " T. RICIIARDSON, " SAMUEL HKALT, " ?. P. FOSTER, '■ '■ N. A. PIIKLPS, ' " ADAM SMTH, " J M. nOWEN, Lima, WH. WALKER, Wttr, " TrifiS VHRK., " ' D. SMALLEY. I.odi. " I threshed last fall Prid winter w.'ili one of S VV. Foster' horse iiowcra. more than lilteen honsand buslicla gran. The repsira. ïxuowe'd ipou the power aniountod to only fi} cems, and 1 was in order hen I had done threshing. 1 invariribly used $i. linrees. A A RON roüÑGLOVE. Marión, June G, 1340'. I pnrcli.ised one of S. W. Fosrer'g l.orf lOWé lust fall and Imve n=ed il for jliln"ne. I live used innny difft-ient kinds of puu-ers on'! ïelieve i dis is ilie btsi riiBniag power I hav everscen. o. g. DENNET. Il-iniburg. June, 18 IC. We purch.-.sed one of S. W. Foster's flor.-e Powers Inst mll, ad have uscd it and ihink il ie i firat late Power. JF.SSF. HALL. DANIELS. HALL. TT , REÜBE.X S. HALL. Ilnnihurfr. June. 184(5. 2(!) il TEETH.' TEETH TEETH MASTICATION and Articulalion, warranlud dy ilieir being properly re placed. S. D. BURNFTT, vill conmine the prnciice l DENT1STRY in ïll in vnrious bmnchrs. viz : Scü, fillinc. ■nul Insertmeoii jo)J pinte or pivnts. iVoin om n nn oniire wil. OU piales or misfils rcmotlled. nnd made cqail (o now. OFFICE over C. f!. Thompson &, Co.'s Shot Store. Ladïea who rqntt it. can be waiied on :it their dwfllinns. N. B. CliarErcs unusually low a d a!l kint' ofPRODUCE .nk,n. Ann Arhor, Dec. 5. Ja.Ifi. C!)- il CO.TISTOCK fc SEIMOIK, Dealers in Fancy and Sluple Dry Goods, Beats AND SIIOES, HARDWARE Croclccry & Groccrics, at No. 3, Porler's Block, South side of the Public Square, 308 JACKSON, M1CH. KetiirncdTAILOKÏNC TUK Subscriber s desirous of informing hi old cusl(mers and iliu public ienenilly, thn ha has located himfelf on Canier's Corner North side of the squere. where all kinds of T A I L 0 R I N G in the present fas h ion can be done in a espectable and prompt man ner. P. S. CUTTINCi dnne on the sliortest no tice and warranted (o fit if properly made up W. WILKION. Ann Arbor, May 20, 1847. 317' Gold PeiisT PRICE REDUCED. IT 8 admiited bv all wlio use thcm. tha Piquette's Gold Pens are eqtial if nol superior 10 niiy ever nllcred in tliis mürkcl. priie J.2,50 For sa'.e wholeaale, and reiaüat the inanutucto ry. Corner ot Jefleraon Avenue & Griswoli St., Detroit. 314-lyr Also lor sflle bjf C. BLISS, Ann Arhor. NEW GOODS. EXPRESS PRO NEW YORK, Spring Fashions. TUF, sulscriher has just rcceived a fresh asfortiiient of Spring and Summer Goods ■ind oliérs ihtin tor sale cheip. suoli a8 Broadchths of all description ; Satinets and Cassimeres, and evenj Ihing in thePANTALOOK nnd VESTJNG line, and every amele usually lound in a Msrchaot TAILOR'S ESTABLISHMENT. Ile is now prepared to make and fii all kinds ot gemlemen's garmenis, and woulri ender his ihajks to hia old cusiomers and the puMic generally. an.I soliciis their favors (!? G ARMENT 8 cut to order at all times. WM. WAGNER, srxüse sTwAW.lurun ■■ s"tho' Ann Arbor,Apr] ?8, 1847 32w Jtnn .Trfor TUK tiubscriber i;nving pn rcJinfccf the ntcrcsis ol J. M. Knok we I in ilie MorMo Hnsinf, would ínTorm 'lio inliali anís ff ilii and ncljoiiiint! couniicp. (bat hewill cominuc ili liUF:ne 8 ni ihe oíd RiMnd, in me I'pper Town, ncnrilie l'rcsbjMeriün Cbtrch. ard manufaciure f" m dvr : Monumcnts, Gr'ive Slones Paint Stene, Talléis, 4 c. %c. Thnsc wisliiiiL' t" obinin nny ttete in Inilin of business will tind liy calliiig m he htis on - sortmeni i.f Whiie nijil Varirg-.trd Mmble frnm tlie ICnsicrn Morble Qusrriev,' whuh will b wiouclu in Mijrlern siyle. and sol! ai enetcrn prices, ailrling lianspoi Ir.non Cnll Jind Lt e'hproof. VV. F. SPAULDIXCi. Arm Arbor. Jn. S$. 1847. 272Jy rpI-lE SÜBSCRIBER has receivcd his JL winter Huck, which licuilem lur C'anh, at greatl redoced p:i:es. The i'uulic are invited to cali, examine, nd judge lor iliemselves. Nljw on baad, nntl dniljr uddir.g. SCFAS of every vatiety and pattern, ;nd the InicsL fuahiou, pure Trom $-'ï(J tiihI iip- v.-;rfs.. DIVANS. OTTOMAN'S. LOL'.NGKS, BÜKEAÜS. oí nll k.ndp. frotn 1 =nri tip. Ceñiré, ijard, Tea. Drtfcj. l'ier, Dininj, ind Xcsi Taljlcs. VV'üsh. Ciindie, nnd PoUet StanJf. Beiltrcnd - Mabogant, Map!e, and Wilnwt, Ironi -i'J -.nú up. Piuno Furies ; Piano Cover ; Piano Sloot. Donhle snd binóle MjtrtsstB oi hair, hoek, palm leaX, or slrnw. Doulilu aml ingle Col BuIbímcIs. 'lo do Writinj Draks. C1AIRS. - The Seyt as9irln.eni tliat eanbe futind west of S'ew York and the chrspeit in tuis riljfi Windsjr Cho.ra, n good article, at $2 50 the sH'. M'iogrïnv Kronclt (liairs. linir smt a fint rato anicle, and well liniheil lor if'-i 50. Catli .inly. j"M;iln)cnny Uockinir Chatrs. hnir ai nd hnck , worranui) good, at hc low f.ricc of $12. for ihc caíh o 1 1 1 y . Kir.;; Canr Seat from Cs. and np. Bird Chgos, pl;tin and cnüery : BírH CUb, ïlubl-y Morrea, and Toy VVht't'Iharr"vviit for rhi!dren ; Püffnf Sdower and Hip Kaihe ; Jiiiin liatli Van.". Camp Stoof. Umbrvll.-i and Hat Si.'iihÍs. F'anr'5 Beüows. Foot Pcrapcrs, Canc Seat Coiiiiier and Roat StonU. Cnrtnin materia!, Tahlfi covers. Patent Post-Otñcc BnUlter. Kttntc Frames. Willow VVawons. ChkIIhh. Chair. 'in Uk. and I!n.-kc;t ; Brittaiinta Table Cntor, very ciicap. 1 '.v. THAMiH,--1" Nn. P7. Jeilj onAvmu. Detroit. January 1. 1847. 97-Jy STEEL GO O DS! 9 ii t Bi S f i Jt. s n i ÜTyimmiiia SPLEXDW FANS, and any qnamiiy of otlu-r p od of [lus soit at dip OLD MANHAÍTAN STORE. :?17 Dtticil. ;r TONS "Swdes" IRON, Kf l!l '-.Iiiniaia" do. 3 " ''Peru" do. ToL'Ctlier wiih a fu II nncl comp'cic sMorirren! f !ron, Steel. Carnaje 'Erifliminga, Lhckimiili' nul Wnggou Maker's Tuol, juil itceivcdni the Anvil Slore, Upper 'l'own. IJENRY W. WEI.LR8. July I. 'M. 3?-i CLO1II, CLOTHl ! Tilt", undersigned old inform the pufclit thnt they will continue to ni.iiiufiietiire Fi.lled Cloih, C.issiuiierc ami Flnnne!. al hetr Factory, two anti a half m:i'S wei i'rtm Aan Arbur, on Hu ron River near thj RaDroacL TERMS : The price of mnking cloih will bt for Ctinie:e. -J-l els. per yard; lor Fulled cloth, 37J cti. ner y.ini ; for wlnie Flannel, 20 et, per yard. - We will nlso exchnnge cloih for wool on reaionalile terms. Wool sent hy milrrutd accoDiponicd wilh instructions will be p.omptly attendtd to. We have dune tin exiensive bnsinran in tnanufacmrin; eloih for rusiomers for sevrral yeirs, Und licliove we give as good ntisfuciion ny Kstübliihmint in the State. We thcrefure invita our old cusiomers to cuutinuc, and ncw ons to come. Leners should be addresied to S. W. Fosti & Co.. Soip. S. W. FOSTER & CO, Srio, April. IS47. 313- if. Hat, Cap9 - A N D GENTLEMEN' S FURNISHINB EMPORIÜM. T. H. AR.MSTRONG, HAVIiNf} mken the Siaud No 5, Waodard Avenue. 3 doors norili of Doiy's Auction Room, rcoenily occupied ly J, G. Cmni'. as a Hm Siore ; nnd added ihe slock ol the laiter 10 lis own, nnd nlso cngngetl in nianulacturinc evcry dcscripiion of' HATS fy CAPS, He is now prepared 10 offer to the Puhlie iveri anide in his line, either of his own or 'n.stcrn manufacture, twenty five per cent lest Imn luwe been offiired in ihis tnarket. In his slock will bc found Fine Nutra. Salín Beitrer, ïeaver, Otter. Br.ish nn- Sponine Unta, Fin Cloth. Siik. l'lusii. Oil Silk nnH Velvet Caps ; ilso. Rioh Silk Cravai?, Scurfo. H.indlfercheif ; id. Thrend, Silk. nn.( líuckskin Gloves Celars, Bosorne, VValking Canes, Uinbreüas, &.O. T A I L O R I N G . The Subscribcr has nlso eectired the erviert oi a fïrst rme Practical Cutter, by which he will e enablcd tofiiniisli garmencs of every tyleand description, nnd in the most approved nnd fahonable inanner. He is consianily reccirinp the atest fashions, nnd, pmploying the ben of worlcnen, he is confident that he will jtve the best of satisfaction to sil that may favor him wilh tbeir patronage in thie hranch of hrs basiness. 8Jft-r(


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