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Ann Arbor Youth Poet Laureate Commencement Performance!


Thursday May 23, 2019: 7:00pm to 8:30pm  Add to Calendar /   Add to Google Calendar


Downtown Library: 4th Floor Meeting Room

For Whom

Grade 6 - Adult


Join us for an excellent evening of poetry as we continue an exciting tradition for Ann Arbor's young writers!

The Neutral Zone has partnered with several nationally-acclaimed writers to select the next Ann Arbor Youth Poet Laureate.

Several finalists will read their work and the 2019 Ann Arbor Youth Poet Laureate will be honored. The winner will receive a contract to have a debut collection of poems published by Red Beard Press.

Aldo Leopoldo Pando Girard, Ann Arbor's 2018-2019 Youth Poet Laureate, will pass the torch to the new winner and read from his brand new book. This event will also mark the release of a chapbook by Ann Arbor/Ypsi youth poets of color, the culmination of a weekly workshop series led by Aldo as a part of his Poet Laureate leadership. 

A2 Youth Poet Laureate Commencement Performance