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The Hedgkhoo. - It is said that the hedgehog is proofagainst poisons. Mr. l'allns sfntes that it will eat a huruíred cantharides without receivingany injun'. More recent 1 y n Germán phisicctn, wlio xvihed to dissect one, gave it prussic aciil, lut it had io effect ; he tlien triod arsenii-, opium, and corrosive sublirnate, with tho same result. A rich sorvics of pinte, which hal been fiurchased by merclianls anj olhers of New York e tv a present to the late Flon. S:lis Wrigh!, ust previous to his deatii, Iids now boon siven to his widow. It m worth $1800, weighs nearSO pounds nnd cons:s!s of 118 difFercnt p'ece--. Last week, thfre c.ittip o Troy, n linie ', n lrtrjiann, a Germnn family of a j iivnn, liis Hé, nnd ihirty-two chililrpn. j The rhildren are all girN, nnd were tiaced at Mxieen birthí. A pcnilemnn of our city who hp.= snme land in tliatvicinity, lind promised to givo ihem one I dred acres of lnnd provided llieir da f liters will promise, ns they severally come i tn maturity. to ntermarrv with tlie inhiljiüuits of Indiana. - LouisciUe Journal Punch : - "It rmy [e proper lo rale ihnt tlc distinguish"d personaje known amone: the ancienls by the name "f Cupid, has recenlly chnnged his name to Cujñdity, a:id will herenfter devote his nttention to matttra of moiipy as well ns Jovc aíTairs.:' Killüd by a BüAB, - A boy engaed na museuiTt nt líiag.tra Fnlls. accidntally whe?Ied a bnrrow over the loot cif a, wiiich was clinined n the yard. a short time since : (he animal nxtnittly bocame furious, nnd at a bound hrokf his chaiti, yeized ihe innocent la'l ai d liuggpd and bit liim ith such vif)I(-nce ihat he died two diys a"terwards. Mr. Barneit, the proprietor of llie museum, atlempted to interfere to save the boy, hut was himself so ba'ily bit:cn ttial bis life was for jome time despnired of. Among liie exports fmm Boston, last week, was a case of Baby Jumpere, f"r Ihe use of the Spanish Señoras ín the West Iridies. Gen. Sjpelds. - A public meeting "f the cilizens of Charleston, S. C, hns been held fuf the purpose of tendering a public dinner to General Shields. The Extreme of Sensibclity. - The Montpelier VVatclimati state. that in London a joumeyrmn printer committed suicide because a "tur neo letter" was found in his "matter." It is very fortúnate that the typos about here do not taka so mueh pride in tlicir work. If they should, we fear that all the offices would be short handed. They are miking drays in Pittsburgh with a fixed pulley fastcned to the front part, by means of which one man can load a hogshead of sugar or any othor heavy weight, without any assislance. Yankee Notio.vs. - Among the exports from Boston last wesk, wo noticed a caigo of ice, desiined to Colomb', CeyIon, with 25 rrfrigerafon. Thib last we believe, isa new article of export tu the eastern world. A Babt Steam Engine. - Malhew Irving, of He)burn, an ingenious Meebanio in England has made a swill sloam engine to rock bis child's eradlo ! The length of the engine and boiler is eixtecn inclies and a haíf.


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