Women Prepare for St. Alexis Catholic Altar Society Style Show, September 1959

Published In
Ann Arbor News, September 14, 1959
Trains Models: Mrs. Mark Wilson (right) professional model, gives tips to Ypsilanti women. They're preparing for the St. Alexis Catholic Church Altar Society style show, titled "Fashion Takes a Holiday." Models are (left to right) Mrs. Richard Watkins, Mrs. John Braykovich and Mrs. Robert Packer. The show will be held tomorrow.
Ann Arbor News, September 14, 1959
Trains Models: Mrs. Mark Wilson (right) professional model, gives tips to Ypsilanti women. They're preparing for the St. Alexis Catholic Church Altar Society style show, titled "Fashion Takes a Holiday." Models are (left to right) Mrs. Richard Watkins, Mrs. John Braykovich and Mrs. Robert Packer. The show will be held tomorrow.
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