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PERilY'S BOOK STORE, EPISTLË No. 4. READ AND CIRCÚLATE. THE subscriber has remrneJ from New York wiih the largest stock of Schout Books, Blank Books, and S'aiionery,evei belore brought lo ihi3 village, which, when added to bil förmer large stock, will make the most complete as sortmcnt n ihll State, all of which he will sell atvery lowprices lor Cash. Ijis stock consista . n pan of 'school books, paper, pens, lnk, Quills, Slatfis, Sand, Blank Books, Sand Paper, and 250(1 PIECES PAPER HANGING.?, Bordering. Fire Boards, and Wintlow Cunains. all unusually chenp and nice. Also iiooks auitable lor, and suflicient to furnish 100 TOWNSHIP LIBRA RÍES, School Inspectora and otherB imeresicd. are respectfuily leques'.ed to examine his stock and prices befoie purchnaing, as he is determ nel 1" sell so as to make it an object uut to ao fnnher. 70TJTHS' EOOZS, Moral, Keligious, insirnctive iind ainusing.such as may safely be put into the handt of children. 1OO Gold Pens, Gald rnc:U, Silver Penciis, Kver Points. Calenders. Hydrnstatic and Pump Jnkstands, and mnnj olher denjialile and fancy ar.icLs of Sta tionery. Also. RaZorsj Straps, Hones. Cl'.thes Brushes, Laiher Jiruslics, HuirOd, Ox Marrow, Perfume, Fancy Seul and Wafe:s. mid lots ot fixings fbr comfort nn economy, at PfcRRY'S BOOK STORE, Ann Arbor. Upper Village, Hawkin's HIocIs, No. 2. west side of (he Cnurt House Squnra. It is desi rabie that it should be understood tha: person6 in the Country, sending cash orders, mny depend upon receiving books or stationery on ne favorable tenns as though present to make the purchase. W. R. PERRY. Ann Arbor, Dec, 1817. 248 tf. HOMffiOPATHY. BLACKWOOD & ELDR1DGE, HOMÉOPATHIC PHVSICIANS, Office on Main si. opposite Cráneos Block. TUIS FIRM, in prest iring tlieir cnrd to ihe public, solicit no more favor, ilnn an enghtened cammuniiy may adju.lge ilieir incriis as )'iysieians to he deserving of. Since the ntroduclion of Homcropathy in tli's ■illnge. it has be.n cmi.-i mi !y gathering Unre'i n the curti of dise;ise, ond winning ilieconHdcnce )f nli who have seen nnd feit iis superior eiïicacy ver oli otlier systems ol medicine in healing the ick and restoiihg healiii. The sime renard ;e lion to t wherever itslitht is spread. Bilt we .visli 10 let ihe e immunity judge of the compara vemerits of Homreopnthy and Alipahv New School and Oid School Medicine. Lel Alipathy ;ime with her leech, lancet, blister, ca'om 'I. juinine and all her insirumenis of torture: Th n naik the bilis of mortality over her sisnature. Look at the long list of disaases. siid by doctOJI ,o be incurable What a fearful prr cenrum of he great variety of inflammatiüns has always iroved (atal! Wliat safety lor the poor puffjrer n tlie miilst of the nialignant epidémica thnt iometimes scourge our race! How lutile the el"ortsofthe Old School in the Cholera, for in itance; or yellow fever, scarlet or typhus fever: ;ongestions ot the head, lungs or abdominal vis. :ern; black longue or erysipelas, i&c Bul how different tlieresult imder homceopathictreattnenf. Her tables show ihnt all these disea?ca are at once disar.ned of ihcir lerrors. The greal family of Chrnnic Disensos, too, are lor the most part radicaüy cured by Hnmceopnihy. as thouaanda of living witnessrs cm bear leslimony. Munt ol hom. like the woman n ie Scipmre?, niu) eptjntiiü titeif upnn phytieinna kr many yenrS without relief uniil Úitty liad tpplied lo Homoidpnthy. And ye; ihere are physicinns who afl'ect lo sneer at erory tliiner like improvement in medicine, and eIuii iheir eyes affninal ihe lisln ihat would euidu (hem in the nrt of healins:: holding fust lo thiír idols, they coniinunlly cry out, !i nieat Dmnn of the Kphepinns." I5ut "by their fruiisye sha'l know them." Tueedav of each week as fiir as possible, phaü be set apart for ihe reception of patieius. sn llial persona comins from a dis'.ance may nol fi:id the orBce on that d:iy vncnnt. Ann Arbor. lOih Dec, 1847. 348 " prospectus"" ÖF THE EDINBüRGH öl'ARTERLV PHBE OLOGIÜAL JOUHNAL AND MAGAZINE OF MORAL AND INTELLECTUAL SCIENCE, COMMENCÍNG JANUARY, 1843. G.-.OKGE COMBE AND KOBERT COX, 1 DlTORS. Vulume One of the American Edition. The manyand earncst desires exprctsoil !" the lovers of Pfareiiolöüy on thissicie of the Atl iniic, and ;he hope of elill furiher advancing ihis grcai cause, his induced us to publish an Aniciican editiun of thÍ6 profound and SCIE.NTIFIC QUARTERLY. lis charf.cier and morits need but liitle commcnt, furtlier than tliat it emnr.aies Iro n sme o' the ai)!ea' tninds in England and Seotland, und has been before ihe puljl.c more thnn tweniy yenrs. Il was the tirst serial publicalion evei comnrïnced. devoted exclusiveiy to this m;ior lant subject. GEORGE COMBE, The distingmshed phrenolooicil wrilpr. is :s principal cmr;bu:or. nnd vinu; 1 cont'ucor. lt embodies all new discover es, logeiher wiih all of interest which apper:ains to l'hrenological Science. MAGNETISM [t also advócales, showing is adapta ttnnto mfdical science, to tlie relief of human suffsriñg, and to iis other various and important applicaiijns. HUMAN RIGHTS It also urges, wiih great aSiliiy and succes?, showing Iba bearings of this science of mind to legislition, moral and politiol government, as well as lo individual self-control. The fir8t number will !e embeüished wiih a beauiiful portriit ol Mr Cnoibe. nnd subsequent numbers by oiher distinguishnd Phrenologisis - Each number will contain 9! pagos, and will bc ssued qmrterly as soon ns possihle nftrr ihe 1ecepiion of the proof sheets, lt wi I be i fac simile of theorij;inil copy. nud nillbe furnis'ihd ala iirice ONE THIRD LEES Thnn (lie cost if iheforeign edi;ion ondwill be ns l'ollows: TERMS, INVARIABLE JN ADVANCE ; Single cipy, one year, J2 00 Tiirce Copies, " 5 " Five Copies, ' f' oi) Ten Copies, " 15 l)0 SAMPLE KUMBERS VVill be furnith cl to Agents nt cos'. All s;.biciiicrs will commence nd close wih the vnl ume. To reci'ive anention, letters anl orrfe-? must in all cnses ie post paid. anrl directed :o FOWLF.aS & WK1XS, Ni. 13 Nnssiu Siree', N. Y. TOTTORNEYS AND OTHERS VVISHING DEEDS ACKNOWLEDGE r Denositums i iken to be used in eiiher of lllfl Staies rf New Y.irk. Onio, Pennsylvanin, lndinia. Missouri. Kcntucky. Souih Carolinn, Mainc, nf Vermunt. 'J'iie unrlrrsigned has been duly appoinieH a Cojnmis-ioncr lof oach of said S-ates : Alsu Noiary Public for Wayne County. OFFICE tiisi door townrds the river from the Post Office, nnd opposite tho custom house, DerR0.T, ftfaft GLEAfOfJ F. LEWIS. G F. h. wiil ettend promptly to the taking Deposuions &c. &c. for residins ata rfifonce byaJdreseinghim hy mail. Si- OUK AirVËKTlSEUS. Uaicr this hesd, ws publith, frce ol charge the name, r'sajdence, and business, ui thosc who adverase in the Srs.vAL f Libektt. Wm. R. Pkrky, iiook Store, Ann Albor. Mav.vards. Drujgisie, Ann Arbor. T. A. Haviland. Machinist. Ann Arbor. W. Wilkinson, Tailor. Ann Arbor. S. W. Fostkr & Co. Munufuciurcrs, Scio. Wm. Wagnlr, Mercbant Tuilor, Ann Arbor. C PiquETre, Gold Pens, Detroit. W. W. Dkxtur&Co-, Jewc-Iers, Dexter. T. H. Armstrung, H013, &c, Detroit. S. W. PotTKSf Th."eshing Machines. Scio. Comstock & Sevmour, Merchams, Juckson. 'i'. H. Ai m Tno.xf,. Hat Store, Deiroit. 0. Clark, Law Office, Ann Arbor. E. G. liurii:u. Denlist, Ann Arbor. C. Bt.tss. Jeweler, Ann Arbor. F J. B. Crank. Insurance Ofïice.Ann Arbor VV. F. SpAUt.Disr.. Marble Yarl, Ann Arbor. Cuok & Rubi.n-son, Harness Makers, Ann Arbor. W. A. Raymoxd. Merchant, Detroit. M. Whkki.kk. Merchaot, Ann Arbor. S. I); Burnkt. Dcntist, Ann Arbor. Stj.vens & Zvqj, D)hnlsterers, Detroit. Wm ti. Broiv.n, Attorney at Law. Ann Arbor. J W. Tu lm in. C binet Ware, Detroit. IIallock &. Ratmonu, Cloihing Store, Detroit. Im Die & F,i.iiRt;D. Tannery. Detroit. II. i. Marsh. Jtwelry, Deiroit. Mus. C. Buffington, Millinery, Ann Arbor. } H. Lünd, Merchiini. Ann Arbor. J. II. Mosher. Real Eslate, Ann Arbor. G. F. Levvis. Broker. Detroit. CASH Wil! be paid for COUNTY ORDERS DR WN on any of the counties of this State, or money will be lonned on them by me at iny Bankina Office, hrst door towards ihe Rivcr and opposite the cusiom house, De troit, Mich. SIGHT DRAFTS on New York or Buifnlo always on hand. :;il-3m G. F. LEVVIS. DIRECT F ROM NEW YORK! C BL1SS, CCTJ TT A VING just returred gf Xl Irom New York with P Njj A a wel] seiected assortment If&t Ki " g""'1 pprtaining 10 his ■ff 9 "HhBi 'ine' 'S noW FreParet to y- A V1 ]L?( wail upon who may COqi favor him wiih a cali, at 'SÊSSS8 ,is old ft ind on Mam si., i-' II. lieckers Brick Store, He ii deiernmed nol to be undersold by any, and nmong in anieles may be found tho lullowing : - Gold and Siher Lever Walches, Lepine and Common do , Gold Pins and Rings, Minialure Cases, Gold Pens, with case as low as $2 Pluled and Brittania Candle Sticks, Plaled and Brass Snuffers and Trays, Castors, coral Necklaces, Kryed ind common Fiares, Fifps, Accordeons. Violins ind strings, extra bows. finaer boards, Bridgee, &c, Gui'ars and eirings, Music Buxes, Silver, üerman and Plated ppoons, fine cutlery, patent tnife sliarpeners, a great variety of toys, perfumery, sieel bag and pursc claspe, steel beads and urse twist, Brass Clocks for $3, ltl;es, hair, lather, looth and nail Brushcs ; Combs, Wallets, razar strips, in s'.:ort, a great vnriety too niirncr0R8 1 1 meniion. Cali and examine lor yourselves. Clucks, watches, and timepieccs of every dcirNEATLY REPAIRED ANO WARRANTEO! N. B.- Cash paid lor old Gold & Silver. Am Arbor, ot. 8 1H47. 344- tf Harilware. THE subbcriboie hive jusl receivec! a Iarge addiiion to their stouk of Foreign and Dnmestic Slielf Hardware, whicli makes thcir assortmt'nt very cornpl'-te B B. &.VV. R. NOYES JrJuly lOih. 1847. 34 WINTER MILLINEFÍY. f"Il[IE Ladies of Ann Arbor and vicinily are J_ respect fully invnc'H lo examine a lar ge assorturjnt o Winter Millinery. just received at Mra. Pakmlex's uH stand un Main-rt, Upper Town. The stock bas been silected with great care, and comprises all ilie mosi ïasliioiiable materials worn i'i New York. A complete nssortment of every dtscription of Bonnet s ncw rpatly fot exhibition. The l'attern Hals this Fall have been selecteJ at sevoral of t lie Iead;".g Mili nry Establishment; in New York, and il is suggestrd to those Ladies here and in the su' r.nindin1 villageR.who ire in the hibit of sending to Detroit, or furtlier east, fnr rioli lionnets, that precisely the same anide wliich would suit i hem obtained ibroad. can now be had at Mrs. I'ARMLEE's.and at n cari y one hilt tlie Broadway Cost. The assoruncm of Flowers, (American and Frenen,) Pin mes. Ribbons. Velvets, Plushe and moai ampie and lUilli'iers ol the adjointnê towns can be supplieii as advuningeoucly as ai ÜJtrjit. Ann Arbjr, Nov. Ici47.4w 345. WM. S. BKOWiY, At tor ney ty Counselor at Late, ANN ARBOR, MICH. GFFICE whfc E. Müsdt, Es. 8S7-ly and for sale. THE subscribir offers for sale Eiglity . Acres of Land, lieing ihe huil of norlh 3ü8t quailer ofsection 13, of town 4 nortb, rnirso I I west. sitúale in ihe township "f WayhniiT, Alle„'a;i Coun+y. The land is level. well timbered, nnd well acconimodnted by ronde, nd wi'l be sold low lor cash exchanafd for utock. JAMf.S H MOSHER. Ann Arbor. Nüv. 4. I-i-17. 3-Í l-3ni. ïlat, Cap, GENTLEMEN1 S FÜRNiSHINQ EMPORIITM. T. H. ARMSTRONG, HAVING tukwi ilie Staod No 6Í, Woodard Avenue. 3 d.iors nonh of Doty's Auction Rooriv, rec-enily öccupied by J. G. Cmne, as a Hüt Siore ; and added the stock ot' the laltcr lo his own, nnd also engagtü in manulacturmg every dcsi-riptinn of H.ITS CAPS, lic ip now prepared to offer to the Pul. lic everp anide in his line. eiilmr of bis own or eastern mnnnñiciüre. Iwenty five per cent Ica than !ave been (■iTered in tl. is market. In hia 6tock will be foiind í'ine Nutra. Salín Reaver, Beaver. Otter. Bi jsh nn1 Spoitine Hals, Fine Cl.ith.Siik. l'lust., Oil Silk and Vclvet Caps j also. Rich Si'k Cravaw, Scar's. HiindliPicheifs Kid. 'l'bread. Stik. uw. Bucliskin fïlove? ; Ce, lars, Bosjïiib. Walking Canes, fmbrcüae, &c. TA1LOR1NG, The. Suhscriber Iiof :il?o sc-i'rr the ervicr of a fivst rn;e Pr.-iciical ('uiitr. bv wbieh he will be ennbled tofiiTiish earmenip of evrty iiyl'-and dascription, and in the most npprn td nrd fanh. ionable marnier. He is ronsiantly rrciinnp the inteBtf.-ishi'in. nnd. employins th best of woikn en. he is confi'lent that he will ive the bet of Mtisfaction to all hnt nay Invor htm with their patronage ia this fcranch of his bosi' eis31 0-iT


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