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Departure Of Troops

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We learn from the Detroit papers that Vhree companies of Michigan boys, composing Capts Buels, Hanscoms,and Greusel's companies, marched from Detroit on the 24th inst., for Mexico ; nnd three more coxpanies, (A. E. and F.) marched on the 25th inst, under Major Ruehle. - The officers of the companies are - Company A - Capt. Frederic W. Curtenius; lst Lieut. Edmund Rice ; 2d Lieuts. P W H Rawls and Sam'l Rice. Company E - Capt. Isaac S Rowland j lst Lieut. S Chadwick ; 2d Lieuts. Louis D Clairoux, Clemens D McNair. Company F - Capt. John YVhittcmoyer ; lst Lt. James M Stuart ; 2d Lieuts Win B Gray and Charles VV Cummings. (ï? The Gerard College has at last been opened. The Philadelphia News says : "Yesterdny was Uie day fi.xed upon by the Directors for application for the admission of orphans into the College, and we understnnrf that a very large tiumber were presented. The directors will meet on the 15th inst. to elect a President, Matron, Sleward nnd Teachers of ihe Institution; and the College will be opened on the first of Jnnunry for the recept ion of orphans, under the pro-visions of GIrard's Will. {JC7 The Washington correspondent of the Pliiladelphifl Lerlger,has the following interesting and gratifying intelügence with respect to the operruion of the chenp posto ge syslem ; 41The reduced postage on letiprs is beginning to work excecdingly well, and tlie deficit in the leienue ocensioned by it is rapidly disappearing. Frcm 800,000 dollars the fi:-st year of the enacting of the bil!, i; liad dwindled down to 040,000 ; and during this year ihe deficit will scarcely mach the figure of $40.000. - Emboliifined by this unexpectedly happy i-fsiilt of a measure which so much contributes to civilization, the Postmaster Genernl will proba bl y propose, in nis report, the inlroduclion af a uniform syslom af pnstage througiout ihe Union, bimilar to the penny posUge in England - a measure which will be liailed with universal applause by ihe whole communily, withoiit distinclion of party. jJJ VVe linvc given place to the communication of "A Citizen" res'.ecting the Adultery Law of this State. A pressure of business has prevented us from e.xamining the subject. If bis premisos be be correct, his strictures are jus', and deEerve the atlention of community. (E5 The péople of Jackson are holding meetings in reference to a projec!ed Plank Road to the seat of government. (ÏT0 The Telegraph is nowin operation from Detroit io ibis viliage.. Anv amount of soft soddei was expondeJ n the introductory saltitations between the two places. tt7" We. e.xpett to receive tlie Governor's Message ín season for our next paper. (U Congrcss is not expected to do much till ihe holidays are over. A correspondent of the Free Press w rites from Montreal; Dec. 11 . - "The ship Cevec bas nearly subsided, only to break out nnew with spring arrivals. The cities and towns on tlie St. Lawrence have been so many charnel bouse8. All of 20,000 emigrants have been buried this season. Such has been the mortality at limes that long trenches havo been used instead of single graves, to g t rid of the dead. While the dead cart has been absent at the potter's field with a load, anothertier were found waiting on its return. The wiiole twenty-four hours were consumed for weeks in thismanner. The scènes of the cholera were shocking, but did not number so many victims as the ship fever. Many of the most benevolent men cf Canada have forfeited their lives in re Hoving these poor creaturen. There has arrived from Lord Palmerston's estáte in Ireland, 1300 pa'.ipers. - Unfortunaie.souk - all of one hnlf of them now sleep beneath ihe soil. They were sent out thus to perish, by a momber of the British G'abinet, and at his own expense, in order to lessen his poor rate ax. 640 were crowded into. one vessel. Not one of them had a shilling on their arrival. They were literally wi'.hout clothing. Several of the females were almost in a state of nudity. Jt was revolting tobehold them. The city authorities ofQueLec haveaddresseJ the government in the matter." A Dutch woman was found in a car on the Worcester railroad, the o-ther day, with a boy strapped behind her, a la bustle, under her cloak. She put )yim there to avoíd buing a ticket for him.