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The Signal Of Liberty

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Is published every Saturdity morning by THEODORE FOSTER Terms of the tapèr Two Dollars a year, payable as uearly in advance as may be. AH subscriptiona must be oaid within the year. Fop'ers will not bc continuad td 'Hese ho 06 for one yeur or more. l'aymenia in tank billa may bê remitted by Mail at öur ris!: and eXpenafe ; büt in caae of loss, proof must be made liiat tlie money waa actually and propcrly raaileo'. KatííS óf Advcrtising ïor eachlineofjrevier, (the amallesilype,) the firat insertion, , 3 cehif. Forcijcluubsciuentinsertion, 2 cení. For thrcs monihs, ' cn"For six montlis, IC nts. Foroneycar. 1 o cents. Oldera by ninil wil be promptly attended to. Kl Advsrtiaing by the tolio. Rvodvertisemenis must be ocuompai.'c ! '.jjwk'ittex dircctionafor die time of insertion; otherwisn they will be charged for till ordered out. O" All llemiiUncea and Comniunicalions hiiild beaddreased, Poat paid, ETSignalof Libkkty: Ann Arbor.Mich.o LOCAL AGENTS. '"Fhs follnwini; persons are muhorised and re lesicd 10 nci as ngents for the Signal in iheir respective rittinhiss. S. D. Morsk, Eatofc R.ipuls. T. T. Stf.bbins. (,'arlis1e. A. Aumstrosg. Vermonivil'e. .Iokl Buraess, Lyons. Fkíkci? Way. Porllnnd. F.. S. Ingersoi-l. Dcliü. ROBERT PoiNTtK, F.ügle. M. STF.v:5, Ilennington.Wm Hammond, Shiawassee. Ismii Mïsiujus. Flint. W. S. Htoi.Kv. L-ipeer. K. R. HoLMr.s. Almont. I)r. .1. B. Bahvf.s, Owosso. Mr. Gkoboe Delt. s our liaveling Agént for tlie Slute.


Signal of Liberty
Old News