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Autumn leaves


from the tree

my love

we fell that quickly

but did it matter?

Did you care?

Was I anything at all?


That night

a billion glittering rainbows

splashed across our skin

the shadows

an artist's mistake discovered

that bass beat

thumped in time to my heart

but did it matter?

Did you care?

Was I anything at all?


You asked me first

a knot in my stomach

seemed to warn me.

Did it matter? Did you care?

Was I anything at all?


Coffee dates

at the little place


ordering mochas and lattes

the fireplace crackled beside us

Your body popped with tension

Were you nervous

Or were you just afraid of the truth?

I was so happy

or was I breathing my last moment of fresh air?

Now I'm just the dregs

overbrewed with emotion

once warm and inviting

but left cold,



Did it matter? Did you care?

Was I anything at all?


The cards were strange

I had not played this game

Did I have the right ones?

it was your path

I was following

But I couldn't tell

the cliff from the road


Did it matter?

Did you care?

Was I anything at all?


Now I'm plucking petals



daisy white pieces

first love's gentle touch

scattering with the leaves


Does it matter?

Do you care?

Am I anything at all?