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DR. a'OWNBEND'3 fiJË ii S.i r.i K ISj .ï ! TUF. MOST F.XTRAORD1NA1Y MEDICINE IX Ti JE WORLD. TUIS ÈXTR VCT is put up ia quori bottlea; ii n ui time clieaper. (jlensannir, ann rttited nperiof tu ny sul.l. 1: cuim diaeoses whhoul ckantug, or dtbilii.nint' the . tiwiit. G1VEAT FALL & WINTER MEDICINE. ■j j,,, grett h '"'V f '' s'r , ..,■....':: erudies ihe lüdy. ! ,? K., ,,!.:! Winter Medicinas evei known; ii nol "iily imrfiwthe whota sysieni and sirenifihcng the iBf8.i, liut il crefñee new. uure wiel noh blo h n : '-y other m.'d ei ie. An I in rhis Ui CIei of ira : ccsj l! h''ie rurmeii v t 11 i ' "' '" ""'s of aevere c is i M leaai 20.IIU0 uf thcue Were consSdered inrai ible. Mjietlmn 3,QiJ cihi ui Clinifl Rneumalism; es of P--pf, ■ 4.0 M ciíta "1 Genera! Dcbility nnd ant oí ; Seises of iho difforent Feniata Con: 1 .r j bases ol tlis Livr Completn!: 2!.r;iU cases ot' Disaase o( lbo R.dneys an Dropsy; B.0UU L-ase: ptinn: And tHnnsiii Dl e woa ol di nsea "f Mooil, , vis: UU-er. Krystpoli, &ill R6um. Pinivloson i the Face, óc. &c. "'h nii.nemua cases "f Sk-k Hl-.. I Ai nel l'ai" n fbe & Chest, Sninnl AfP-c ana. & j ■ Tlns, w ni t: awtre. masl ninr increoi! Ie. l.ui o iiivn lier : i Phv ins and nm Au-nis from uil p "E uf rhe Uui'fl S m '.tv. i ln'rniiiig U9 ol Kx:roirtiniry jiure. 'l. Van Boikk. Ksq . of itiB pei-ttiblf Drii'-iisin .Newurk, N. .1 , ihal M cyn reier i ■ mire lU-m ISD cusesfn llwi ptoi a lone. Ttoere are iho'ismd I Cit es in iheciiv of New Turk, whiol" ' "'" r er '" "h ' ''"" ' lr(. „ni i i ii" ' iraOier. Ii ia Iht Uel -,,r ihe u. v-mive uf diwe knon Ji und ii bieiUy saved llif I' - uf niur tirm 5:),H) CHÍLDREN PAST SEASON'I As ii removed ihe canse ol disense. nnd pu'pnreil them fur.ihe w-nwn. Ii haa never he n known lo injure in ihe least ilie inuti ctalicaw chitdRriEUMATJSM. Thi S.irfiparill i is used with ihe moft perfect guccesïin Rlicinnaiiccuinplnini, hbwever Bevei e or chrunic Tlie ! cureg it hhs .erformed nre indeed won.lerful. Oilier rsnieuies so.neiimes -ive temporary rehef: ihii emirely etediente ii" from ihb ten, even „f,i ilil timba ani'l bjnes nre drend.ully wo lenD Bip Mr. Seth Terry. une ni the o'dest and uw rcspeciable Inwyers in Hartford, Conn. The fjllowing is au exiroot of a letter reetived from In in: Dr. Tuwnsrn .'-I Imc useJ one boitle ol your Baraapanlln, and fin 1 i'. s excellent in Iti cflècis up.m a Chr'onic Rlienirfaiic pain lo wlnch I am I subject, rrom on itgury received eexeral yeare beo, in n public siage. Please send me iwo bottiesto the oare ol 'Or. Keymuur. 1 have can vered wiili iwo of oar principal physicians -and recotnmenav.,urSarsaparilI,.gBTi. TtfiEt Harilbrd, Match 12, IÏ45, CONSUMPT1ON CURF.O. CVnnse and Sirangihcn. CunsuBH"ion can b.cured. Broiichitii,ConBroption, LiverCoiuplaint, Colds, Cotarrh, Oougha, Amhmi, Spuiing ol Ulood. Sorence? in ih( Chcet, Ilectic Fhish, Night S-eats, DUBcult or Profuse Expectoraron. Pain in ihe Side, &c, have been and enn te cured. Dr. ToAwnaend- Oear Sir : Nearly twenty tearaügo I took a vinleni cold, wiiich tctled on my lunge, Vid aflected me scvérely : indeed, finally u bei siant hncüfriii cough. bul su t&yexQ ts to preveni me Irom attending te my hnsiiwsa. Witli.ii ihe last iew years il increasBd nn ino graduaiiy. A laai 1 betiorae redueed I breathed i;,i difllculsy. and raise.l wiih my coujli ninch bnd niati.r, and for 1 1 ■ c las; n'nB monilis urevioiH lousing your Sarsnparilln. had rei'iilnr niglii sweais ; inde-d, niv riends -ind mvll suppofed tliat I wuul J die wiih the Consiimptiijn; bui I have the happinesa in inform you ihit. to mysiirprísfi, aíter nsin? three bniili-s of jrour Sarsap'iiilln. I lind n v i'Oiil!] reetored. Il relreved me g adually, and t ain how . ií; mtioh b( lier lieullh ihin 1 have before in 2ö yenr?. I rtxd almost ennrely lust my oppetiie, whieh ia also riturned. You nre at libfny to publiKii tliis wiili my name, in ihc papera, il' you obooiB. My !!:t!tf rirl, w!ii is ih'èe yeortora, hnd a rery'lirrd cuuyh ilie hole rl' lust in'cr. v bewriu) very niucli nla inèd 'n hr nccoun'. - Whiln miiu : li c: ncdi.ino. I irnvehersomeDf it, and il si'ni ennrtlv rolieved liev. as we I as my■ ell n .v. and lieariy as ■'■y child i si f.Ui' iis i . nf liïilë tiliiich'éV'i it took ihe:ii nw.ty nnd Ii i s'iiu ia sinootlt and fair naw, nnd t am tatisfied slie i;ecoverd hei healtU IrJm uaing yoar i xc. ne. B. W. CO.NANT, 4il Broudviay. Cl.". I.S. tlKAO T1H3. ïni wbo have pate complexion. dnll eye bltirh on the Intíi . i mgh ikm. ai.d ''ire -■dui . I !." twen fioitle or two ol Dr Tonfisend'f Snrs.-ip.-n Hu. Ii ill cleniree you1 llod, rwirtvi the íitfl.l.-í and tl ü've yn ailinislien, spiiklniír eye. fine ípTni. and licau:tñi comile.xion - ,1 i in-.di aie ol inrmenat valu. to annfárried ladtuj. SCROFUI. C'URF.D. Th:s Certifícale conclnsively prove tint tfiif arsapnrílla lias peí lecl cui n1 uver (he mot olsiin-ne n tlie hlooil. Three person. cured in om ho'ise is un; fcedented. TIIHia; CIIILOItEN. Dr. Tmrns.n! - Dear Sir: Ulnve ihe pleuun to inform y.i'i li.i linca ol iny h iv. been ul tile fjciuinl l hy l!l I lf Jiillr e.. c llcnt 'l'li'y eieiíflcted vtry sh .- i! 'i bul íiii .- ; havtí laUe'u ■ n y roñr l'i r: ii i 'ín1; iiii-n ;ni iv, vr hn:h i IclI m st-ll uiiJtr very :l ■-.-i '■! :.■ iimn1 V.iii -. les ;i c i'iilly. lSAC r. CiíAf.V. 106 Wooátcrst. New V..rk. Mnrch I. 7. OPISION3 OF PlfTSICI.VNS. Dr. Töwngen I ís ni nnsl daily recciving order; fnn Physiciíina ín diffeienl jiatic) oí Ole Union T.iia ís to c.riiyihit re ibo inidérsigned, Physiciarw ol ih c i) f Albiny, hare in nn-.neroui c ís -ü pfeícribed Dr. Townsend' Saraapirilla, a ;id believ it lo bu oaa ol the most valuadle nrciia.atiuns in the maiket. H. I'. PAÜLIJíO, m. n. J. VU,SO.. M. 1). II 15. BKIGUS, h d. P. E. EuMtiUuflF, m. d. Albany, Ap::l 1. loíli. Pilca Pilas Piles tr. Townseflcf s S -■ i r -= s i -nilla ís no lesa :1ccesilul in curing iím diatreaainu comptninf, than for diaeases ■! the BIn. id. Uyspepoia. (iheunVn tiam, and Nfrvou Debihty. Re. id the Ibllow-. in;: - Dr. Trunucad : DoarPir - Thaefiecu of yon Saraparilla are nu'y wondprful For the laai BÍx or aighl yearí 113; I have boeo euhjoctto se vere ni triL-!9 of ihe ;iileí, during whicli 1 hlv euíTered al tlie tjruirea oí" ihat complaint, anri bad deaiinired uf ever finding reliet except in duith. í huve tlie pleasurfl lo inform you thai '■ilipre 8 yet a balín in Güend." f have used two lnji.i'.es of vour S.irsijia illa, and teel no reni 'ins ot ir.y o!d coui, oint. 1 send yon this fot publi'M'ion, nnd any nrreon you tnay reter to me. I would he bappy io inform ot tlie benefit I have received at yoar hands. Vmirs, truly. JOH.V HALL. 4!) Fulton st. Thomas Smith. Printer, 162 Nanau st.,3! atory, Ciired of a long btundin and agijravuted of the í'iies. For sale by MAYXAROS. 3 Goneral A-.'iits, Ann Arbor PAINTS, O::.s,, Spirits TurIJt.ilme, Biujhes, Giiiss, Putty. Glaziers'. D sm .i l. ice. A large stock for saic iow at MATNARD8. N EXT DOOR TO mCHlUAN STATE BAftK. BE'IROIT. [L347-48] DETROIT. THE CHEAPCAS!I STORE, Xo. 132 Jeferson Atenué, Dclroil-OId stand vf 1ÍJ A WHOLESALE ) Michigan F ANC Y and STAPLElg; i 'tí : i' - ■ ■ ' ' f" i="j - r ifiti i i I i ' ! ' 1 1 ' kí ■ ■ i r EÍDIJ FT" r 1 I BEECHER & ABBOTT. our attention is inviled to the bnst stock of Ever brought to this City. Also, to the largost and cheapest stock of SUPER NEW STYLES Urassels -■ Crpets Warrented to have been imporled within the last 20 days. Also, a splendid assortj ment of ENGLISH IXGRAIN AND LOWELL, 2 PLY CARPETS, ALL WOOL, At f:-om 50 cents to $1 per yard, eind every otlier vnriety of Carpe:s at from ls.3d. to 4s. per yard. Also, ! OH Cloths, Brussols Rugs, Win doro Shadrs, Wall Paper Hangingi, Feathcrs, Malthtgs, &c. &c. GOOD GOODS, LOW PRICES, AND MUST BE SOLD, WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. 347 LÏÏTHün BESÖHER, Detroit. ; ' i . - iLA DUE & ELDRED9 (Successors to Eldrcd Sc Co.) NO. 8 4 WOODffAE A V E N U E, Bia-ecíSj7 Oppositc the Episcopal Chureh, ARE hnppy t. inf.r:ii lili lato customsrs of E'dred & Co. and iha pvblic generall, that ihey liavc nuvvüii hanJ. and are cjnstanily lü.ii.ufaciuring, a superior amele of Lieather9 And arü SïKiïft T a Pindisigs. AMO.VO THEIR ASSORTMEXT MAY BE FOUND Spanish and Slaughtcr Solé LEATHER, Dee:-, Gont nnd Lamb Binding, Hemlock nnd Oak Upper do. Morocho of all kinds, llaniessand Bridle do. Shoe Tlnead, Tack, Sparables, Skirting and Russet Bridle do. Shoe Knives, Pincers, Hammers, Belt, Band nnd Welt c do. Boot Cord nnd Webbing, Horsc and Siring do. Awls and Brislles, African nnd Slangliter KIP SKINS, LbsÍr, F'.oot Tres and Crimps, Oak and Memlock CALK do. Lastitip and Seal Skins, F'ench Calf Skins Bank, Shore and Siraits Oil, &c. &c. White, Russet and Colored Linings, All of whichthey offer on very reasonalile lerms. MERCHANTS &MANÜFACTÜRERS WiH fnd it lo tlieir advantage to calJ and examino our stock before purchasing clsewhere. CAS23 FAIB FOR 21ID23S MD S&XNS. DKTHO1T, IS17. 337-!y NAILS.- ISO kogs Eastern Nails for for 8üle by :4 B. B. & W. R. NOYES h. CCLAKK,Attorney and Counsellor and Jus'.tra of tha Peac. Ufl'.cr, Cou', House Ann Ar 'ï ' StOtf : PERllY'S JÏOOK STORE, EPISTÏIÜ No. 4. RBAD AND CIRCÚLATE. THE subseiitier luis retmnel frmn.New Yock , !i [ba !.:'.■: mi ck of School Books, lilank lí '"K-. Qnd Staiionery,êvBl beToie brouthi ,.) tlns vilinge, wliichj when addeB to his lormei urge siut-k. will nrike tho most complete osnoitmcnt in Sinic, all of which lm will srll '. very low prices lor Cash. I] is slock consiMs ii pnri of SCHOOL BOOKS, PAPER, PENS, Lu':, Quills, Slutcs. Sand, Blank Books, Sand Pn]:r, and 2500 PIECES PAPER IIANG1NG.?, , Bortfl'ring'. Vire Boards, nnd Wrndw ('unains. ill unusualiy chenp and nico. Alsu liooks suilable lor. and nuflícii ni lo íurnisli 100 TOWNSIIIP LIBRA RTES. School Inspectora nntl olliers interesled, are j reques'ed lo examine liis stock and prieta hfljc purchaaing, as he is deten ned lo sell 80 as 10 innke t nn object uot lo no funlier TOÜTES' BOOXS, Moral. lleligious, insiruclive and oinusintt.such as muy si'e'v be put inlo the hands of ciiildren. 1OO Gold Pens, Golil Pencils. Silvcr Pennis, Evet Pointa. . , Hydratitatic im.l Pump Inkstnnds, (ind inniív oiher dosiiable and fiincy articlus of Sta ■ tionery. AUo. llr, Straps, Uomcs. Cidlies ( es, Lathrr Brusues, HairOil, O. Marrow, fumes, Pnncy Sen! nml Wal'eis. nnd lula 01 tX' ngs Ibr comfori nnl econoiny, at PLRRY'S BOOK STORE, nr, Arbor.Uppcr V'illage, Hawkin'a Block, No. 3. wc3i sillo of ihe Conrt House Bqunre. It is Jesirablc that il houW io umlcrsiood tha; persons in llio Country, sei.tlin osn order, may depcntl np6n -rcccivini; bootís.or stationery on aa favorable terina :is thougb preíent to mulle ibe )urchase. VV. R. PERRY. Ann Arbor, Bec. 1817. SM3 if. CASH Will be paid for COUNTY ORDERS DUAWft on any of thn countiesof lilis State, or money will be limned on iliem by tne ii iny Jhnkin üliice, lirst door towarcls ihe Kiver anrl oppoaite the cuslom house. Detroit, Mich SIGHT DRAFTS on New York or Buffiilo nlvyaye on hand. :Ul-:i;n G. F. LEWIS._ S.siüií! for sale. THE subscribfir oflers for snle Eighty Acres of Lnnd, I eing ihe easi hall ol ninh 2st (iinrler of section i'.l, of lown 4 north, riine 11 wesi. sitúale in tho townsllip of WuyIfind, Allegan Couniy. The land is level, eil timbared, aml well accommodnted by roads, and will be sold low lor cash or cxchaneeH for stock. JAMf.S H MOSÜER. Ann Arbor, Nov. 4, Id47. 341-3m. tíFattoriveys AND QTHERS WISHING DEKD3 ACKNOVVLEDGEt) or Depositions taken t'i be used in eilher of the States of New York, Onio, Pennsylvaniii, Indiüna. Missouri, Kentucky, Souih Carolina, ftlainc, or Vermnnt. The undersigned has been duly appoiiuari a Conimissioncr for each of said S'ates : Aleo Notary Public for Wayne County. OFFICE li:i iloor tciwarl3 tKe river from the Post Office, and opposile the cuslom house, Detuoit. M.cii. OLEASOJSÍ r. LE WIS, Gr', F. L. wiil n M en si protnpily to iha takins DepoitioiM &c. 4o. for pergeña residinj at ; didtatne hy a Idressing him by mail. 'J44-3m Hat, Cap, - A N D - GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING EMPORIUM. T. II. ARMSTRONG, H AVINO inlirii the Siaail No 5._Woodaicl Avortue. i diión neriJl nf Doiv's Auctio rio im, rt'ceníly oceupied by .1. C. í'r;int', ae Hat Siore and nddea tlie stock f tbe linter I liía ovvii, nnii also engaged ín manutcturinE yvery dt-aciipli.'n of II ATS CAPS, lie is now prepnred to offer to the PuMi iver' anide in bis brie. eitbi'r ol' bis onti a ivisicrn iiíannInctiüE'. iwciily Uve per tvrrt lee lliiii hiivë bei'n i.ÜHie 1 in iftí inaikct. In hi iock v.-iü be foond Fine jN'uua. Satín Beáver Beaver, Otier, Bi.ibíi mi' Sporiiiig liáis, Fin Cloib. Siik. I'ImsK. Oil Sil!; nnd Velei Cnpa ilso. [íich Sük Ciava. i, Scarl's. Hnndlltrcheifí Kid. 'libread. Siik. biui Buckakin Glovesj Col lar, Bósonie, Walkiii'' Canes, Umbrellnx. &c. ai o-. f WÏLLIAM A. RAYMOND, OP Til E OLD MANHATTAN STÖHE, CORNER OP JEFF'n AVE. AND BATES ST. DETROIT, HAS j:iat received a large and complete aeBurunent oí DRY GOODS Broadcloths, Sheetings, Caísimeres, Drillings, Satinets, Tickings, Full Cloihs, Bnggings, Tweed's Cloihs, Fliumcls, Kentucky Jeans, Linseys, And other anieles in the line of Heavy Gc-oda, loo numerous lo tnention. Plain & Fancy d'Laincs. Prints. Cnehniaro, Ginglmms. Plain &. Faney Alpacas, Lyonese Clollis, Oregon Plaids, Orleans Cloihs, Indeed li's ajsoriment of Dress Gootls coniprises all fio varittly wbich businrsa demanda. SSAWLS. Of every varieiy. troin splendid Brochas and Casbmeres lo heavy, cúmforíablé hl.inkei Shawls. LIVE GEESE FEATHERS, By tlie pound or hundred weight. Paper limig-Iiigs, Of all qualities and prices. PAPER VLD0W CURTAINS, Of the newc8t patierns, at wholesile or retall. With n stock as well calculated for tlie country as the city trade, t i confi lontly expected that 'he reputaiion of 'h "Oíd M uihattan" for goocl Goods al cheap tmiiíh will be fully suetained. As to fhat foor a.ib si.xpknnv tha, that we have sold so tnany yenrs. it in necessarv lo aay a word ; but if tli:a slinuld moet the cye of any une wbo hns nol t ried it, ha should by nll nneana make the experiment, atul seu how reai a sivinj: may be niade by potror.izing ilie Manbflttan Store. Detroit, Sept. 22, 1847. 3I7-6rn Hardware. THE subscribors have just received a larpe nddilion to iheir stock of Foreign and L).i■nestic Shell' Hardware, which malíes their naíorlmcnt very complete. B. B. & W. R. NOTiS JrJuly 10ih, 1847. '32t NEW COOKING STOVE, AND STOVES OF ALL KINDS! !!!!! TI1K Subscribir would ca!l che attention of ihe public lo WOUI.SOn's 1SEW HIT MR COOKING STOVE, vhich they can coiifiJcntly reoommend as being lecïdedly superior lu any cookini' sto8 in use. Ar si mplic.i i y in opcraiion, economy in fue!. and 'or unequiilled b-iking and roasi:ur qualilics t is uniivnled. The new and important imjrovement :nirodi:eed in its const uction being inch as tu insurp great advantages over all oiher onda of cooking siovis, riiose deíirous ol geliing a good cooking stove or f'amily use. or a public house, would do well lycallmg aml exninining the above stove before jurchagji elsowherp. B. 15. & W.íl. NOYES, Jr324 7f) VVoodward Avenue E. G. BURGER,, FIKST ROOM OVER C. M. & T. W. ROOT's STORK, JIIANE & JEWETT's lil.OCK, 2öl-tf ANN ARBOR. GEESE FEATHEHS! PAPER HANGINGS! tpiRST RATJG YOUXG HTSON TEA AT f ONLY FOIÍR AND SIXPENCE PER OUND ! By the w.iy no one buys this te once hut buys gain. and beeomes a cns'omer. None beller fór he price can be had in Dalroit. willow waggons, ÏravelingBaskets, a is d as well ns Ints of olher gonds besides Dry Goods nay be hnd very cheup ut the ' Old JMixhattam Store,' Detroit. 17 W. A.RAYMOND. B sí: ,,a ijt 5 3 "= 1 - KÍ. fe ,2 S rt JÉ1M_: mtaynards ARE IN TOWNiiGAm! HAV'ING removed to iheir new store, wheri ihey are ruceiving an uxiensiveassortmeu: Drugs, Medicines, Painls, Oils and Uroceries, VVith a Binall, w fli-ce'ected aseortmeot of I)RY OOD, All of' ïicli iliev offer to tlicir old Iriends nm' new custinieis at uhüsual luw prices. Any ilini;: - ■ lil al itieir srore is wairanied to be t f iirst (jii;ilny. They ijitend lieicai'er to Keep almosl ivery ariicle wanteH ur tíniily use. Aun Arbor, June;0. lí-i?. 32.!-if CLO1ÏI, CLOTIl ! Til E urwVrsijinoil would inform the puM ihnt iltev will continue to inanufuctuii F'iiiled Cloih, Cpvsiiniere nnd KI-miik.-I. al tliei FaCtorj', two ;ind ;i hulf milu 'es( li-om Anr Albor, on duran ltiver in-ii ih; lí;i;lroud. TEEMS: The price of makmg cloih will bt for Cnssimere, 44 cts. per yuid ; fot Fulled cloih. 37 cts. oer yard ; for wliiie Flannel. '.'llcis. jer yard. - We wüi also exchange cloili for wool on reason able terms. Wool sent by railroad accompanieti wiili inílructiono wi(l be p.ompily aiteiuleii to. Wc have d. ne an extensivo business in inanufiütnrinu cloih tor cusioniers for sevcral yi.'arí, niid believe we give ns good Falisfnciion as any Est.'iblisliment in the State. We iherefore invite our old cu3iomers to coulinue, and new ones to come. Letters sliould be addrcssed to S. W. Fostei & Co., Seio. Hf- S. W. FOSTER& CO. Scio, April, 1847. 313-if. STEEL GOODS! i) iuï st Sfllts atirt Ertmmlnii! SPLENDID FANS, nnd any quantity of otncr g od? of this sort at the OLD MANHATTAN STORE, :17 Detroit. HFIBrriRE ! ! THE subscriber continaes to act as Ágent for the Hartlord Fire Insurance Compnny, of llnrtforn. Connecticut. This Conipiny has been in business for the last THIRTY S1X YEARS, and promplly paid all losses during ihat timn, amounting to many Millions of Dulkirs. Applications by mail, (post paid) or io ihc subacriber ai the l'osl OfRce, proniptly attendedto. F.J.B CRANE, Acent. Ann Arbor, July 30, 1S47. 331-1? N0T1CE. ■ TUF. COPARTNERSHIP lieretofore existinc; between J. H. Lund and D. T. Mc Collum under the firn of J. H. Lund & Co., is this chiy dissolved liy mutual consent. All demanda díte said firm either by note or book account u.un be soltlcd immcdiately, wilh D. T. McColluni who is authorized to setile the same - and no inistnkc. .1. M. LUND. D.T. McCOLLUM. Ann Arbor, Oc 23, 1S47. The business hereafter will bo carried on by J. H. Lund who is now receiving a large and ppleudid nssortmeni of fall and winter goods consisting of Dry Goods, Groccries, Hardware, Crackcry, Boots and Shoes, Drugs &c. which he ollers to thn public chean for ready pay. Pleasecall and examine gootls and priues. J. U.LUND. Ann Arbor, Öct. 09, '47. 340-tf THRESHiNG MACHINES, D1OVER MACHINES AND SEPARATOJRS. THE subseriher would inforrn the public ihat he continúes tu manufacture Uie above machines at thfi nIJ of Knapp & Havitand, ai the Lower Villtigeu' Aun Arbor, neor the Paper Mili. The Machines ara of npproved modelti liavrliofn ihoroucrhly tostcd ft thia viciniiy oud workeil wll. They are made ol' the best ninteriaU and by experienced workmen. 'rlify will be 1 ept constantly on hond. anti 'ilo le made lo ordei ol ihe shorlest no ice The)' will be sold on very reasonnble lerius tor Cash. or lor notes known to be abtolifrely g"nd 'YUr. aliovu Machines ran t e uscd by four. six or eight horses, and are nut liuble to be ensily broken or damoped. They nre well adapted for the nse ofeillier Karmersor Jobbers. The Separatois can be iitaclied to nny geared or itrapped machine of nny other kind. Tho suhscuber wonld re (er to the following i ersona whb have purchnpcd and iised his Macl.mca : Michael Thoinpson, Salem, Alexairdor Doone, " J.inief" Taiker, . " A Iva Pratt. Pitlsfild, M. A. Cravath, " Clmrlfts Alexander. " Wm.Poit. Milord, Hinkley &Vintof, Thmford. Martin' Doty. Vpsilanii, M. P. & A. L). Iladlcy, Snline, Wm. Smith, Cantón. Isaac IJurlians, Noribfield. 'articular nttcntinn ill be paid to lltriiBg. Cash will be pni-1 Tor OldCastins. Persons desirons of purchnemj tnnoliines nrc re(negted to cali nnd examine these before purehasing'elsewliere. T. A. IIWILAXD. May 17. 1S47. 3lttf .f hm JÊrbor TUE Subscriber liavnig purcliimed the nierests ol J. M. Hockwell in the MarUliliusinep. wo'jld infmni 'he inhabi'nnts ot thi and ndjuiniri2 countiey. that he H'ill coDtiniiC tin !)usme. s at (he old stand, in the Tpper near the Prcsbyterian Church. and manufaciurc to order : Monuments, Gnrc Stoyics Paint Stone, Tablels, c. $-c. wishing to obtam anyarticle in lii.siini ofbnsineB? will lind by ca'ling that lie has an naáortment of VV'iiite aiïd ';:iegnted M'irlile fron fhe Kasturn Marble Qn:trriepT which wili bt wrouïht in Modern style. and sold at eastern pricra, dding transportado:) only. C-jII nnd gi" e thproof. W. F. SPAULDING. Ann Arbor. Jan. 30. 1847. 272 ly CVSHMARETT AXIJ TWEriDS. - A IteauMiul anide fur íiettí'eincn'p ílimmei vuar. jjst received jmd w.l! he tiiniHil.iciured in the liitest Biylc and best possible marnier, al the '■ Weslern Cl ;hins Emrioriuiri." IIALLOCK &. RA Y MOND. 31 i?, t DÏTROIT. Chesip Jewelry Store 157 Jeferson Avenue, DETROIT. 'Wholesale and S&ctail. THE subscriber has jast reiurned from New Yoik w;ih a Itirge lásonimtit ni GoW and Silver VVattíhes. jewaiiy, toolu, mate nals. toyy, musical instrilmenis ..nd fancy ;;oudj ■viiich he wül sell at wbols.i'e rctul as !ow i iny establishment west, of New Vork. Counirj IVattft Makers and atfiéra wonling any of th ibove Go nis wül lind it tu iheir ; ïit t ret-i to en']'. is iheywil! fiud the bett assoninciii in the city, ind il the hiwest prices. GOLD PIONS, wiih silver holdtr and pencil 12 OP. l'rice lieluced. Guld Peni.Wotcheïand Jeweltv RF.PAUIF.D il J!. UARSU. 1 07. Jcfferson Avenue, Deiroili } öign f the Gold Pen. 324 FURNITURE & UPHOLSTERIJG WAREJROOMS. STEVENS & ZIO, ÍN t)i lower end of the Wnite Ulock. directlj oppüsiie the Wicmigan Eichakok, have oi: liand a large assortnient of FURXJTl'RE, o their own manu act.uie, which they will scll ver} ow for Cash They alsokeep evperieneed Upholsterers. anc ire prepared to do all kinds of Upholstering a the sliortest notioe. Farniturc ol'uli kinds tnnde to order of th( best material, and warranted. STF.VENS & ZVG. Detroit. January, 1, lt?47. S97-ly For sale CMKAPfor CASH, or every kind ofcour try Produce, Saddles, Bridles,Harness, Trunks, Vali ses, Trunk Valises, Carpet Bags, fyc. AUo a aoou assoriment of Wmps cV Lashi.s which will bc sold vety low, nnd no mistake. ot (OOK &, HOBiNSON'S. Ann Arbor, Aufjust 12. I8-JG. 277-tf New Establishment. clocks, WATCHES, AND THE subscriber would respectl'ully announcc to the cilizens oí Dextcr and viciniiy thai he 'iaa opened a shop In the above place, in tht store, formerly knotvn as "Sheperd's"; whete he ia prepared to do all kinds of repairidg h the linu of clocks. watches. jewelty te, on thi shortesi nutice. Havinghadnbouttwelve years experience in ome of the best Eastern shops, hc fluiters himself that he can give eiuire tatifathon to all those who may favor hini with their wirk. lie has and isconfantly receiving, clocks, watches. and jewelry ot all deseriptbns, which ht will scll as cheap as the oheapest. W. VV. DEXTER. O GROCERIES of all kinds: such as, Teas, Sugars, Molasses, Raisina, CoTee, Peppers, Spice, Fish, Caniües, Tobacco, Ciars &c. Ac. And in lact usnallj keptin such an estHb.'ishment().n} uor F-xcEPTE) conslamly on hand and lol sale cifeap. W. W. DEATER Co. Dextkr, March G, 1847 tt" rpOOLS.- arpenter's, Gooper's and -1 Joiner's Tools for sale by 324 i. B. & w. R. NOYES Jr. T H lt E S H I N G HXachines, '"11H& undersigned would inlumi the public I that ii e nianuibcuucs iluise Puwers and 1'hreshing Machines at Scio, ol a Miperior kind invt'iiit'd by bungelt. Then Powers and Machines nrc pnrlicularly idapted 10 the uto of' Farmers wlio wish lo uf :!iein lor threshing their uïïn grsin. 71. e power, tlircshcr and fixtuics can ;ill bu loat'cd inio a common iied wagon box and diawn wil ti one ;iair ot hoises. They ïire desigiicd lo l-e uscd wilh f'oUr hortrs. and are = bundanily stronp ivt that number. nnd may be safely u?ed witfa six or i-ifjht niirses wilh proper care. 'J lioy ork wilh lessslrengili ol horaes arcording lo ihe amoi.nt of business done (ban any oibcr po er, and will hresh gttittaHy nbout VOO buobels v heat prr lay witli foiir iiorus. In one inflance ]S8 jushels wlieal tveio tbreshed in three hours wilh f o 11 r horses. TWs Power and Machine contain all the advantages neceesary to make them prolitoblc to ha nurclnscr i They are slrong nnd durable. - They are caaUy moved f'rom one place to another. Tlie worli of ihe noisrs is easy on these noweio in con parison lo othera. and the priee is LOWKK thnn nny oiher power nnd mocbine, iinve ever been old in ibe Siaie. accorriini to the real valué. The terms of payment will be libera) fut notes that are to be abeolutcly i;ood. I liave a numbèr of Powers and Maclilnes now ready Tor ale and persons wishing to buy are invited to cali aoon. SEPAdATORS. I nin prepared to make Separators for those iio may want [hem, The utility and a!vaniagcs of thin Power and Machine will appoar evident to all on examining 'he recommendaiions belovv. All persons are cnutïöned against making ihese Powcra and Machines: ihe undersigned liaving ndoptcd the necess.iry niessiires for secu . ring. letters patent for the unie within the time required by law. P. W. FOSTF.H. Sciö, tVashtennw Co., Mich.. June 18, 134G RECOMMENDATIONS. Durin? the year 1845, each of ;he undersigncd purchased and used either indiviilunlly or jointly wilh others, one of S. '. Foster's newljr nvented Horse Powers and ihreshing lachines, nii helieve they are bptter adapied to the use of Farmers who -unt Fo'vvers and Machines for 'heir own uae than ony other power and thrtsh■:r within our knowledgo. They are calculated io be used wilh horses and are of ampie itrength for that nuniber. They appcar to bo consiructed in suclï a nianrer as to rendcr them very durable wilii linie liobiliiy of getting out of order. They are eisily moved from one place lo anoiher. They can be worked wiib any num'icr ol 'lirtnds from four lo .ighi, and will Ihresli ibiii't 800 btrshelt uIict per day. J. A. POI-HEMÜS, Scioj Waahtenaw co. G. BLOOD. " " T. RICHARDSON, " " SAMUEL flKALY, . P. KOST KR, " ■ N. A. P.'IKU'S, ' " ADAM SMITU, J M. BOWBfT, l,,rra VVM. WALKER. Wcbiier, " THOS WARREN. " " 1). SMALLET, I,odi. " I thresheii Ust fu!l =nil winlar one of S W. Fosler's horse powers, inore liliern thoiUnnd bugheli graln. The rfpnirs bestowrd 'ipon the p-ivrer amounted to only OJ cents, and it wíl in goud order hen I had done threshing. 1 invariably used six hnrse'g". A A RON YOUNGLOVE. Marión, Jiine t 1S46. I (mrchnted one of S. W. Foster's hort .)wois liisi f';iil and have used it fur johliinc. Í M. used mnny diíTrni kjnda of pvwera nrd ■lelieve iliis is liie best running pnrr 1 ha vïeëi. I). Ö'.'BKNNET. Hiiiiburg. Ji;ne. 1340. We puichasrd ono of S. W. Foster'n [lorie Powers hisi tr,l!, and have used itaud hink it 1 i firsl rale l'ower; JF.SSP; II ALL. DANIELS. HALL, KEtBEN 8. HALL; Mnmburg. June. 18-ÍC. 2liO-if TEETH! TEETHl TEETHf MASTiCATION and Articulation, aiiciinuü1 l.y ti.tir beius properly rliaced. Ö. D. BUR1MFT , vill continue the praciice ol DENTfSTHY !rt ill iis vari nis branches, viz : Sculinf. F'illinp, md Iiiseiiiiigon go3tl platea or pivou, Irom one io a eniire Old plau-s or inisüis reniod'ed. nn-f made cqual io new. OFFICE over C. B. Thompson & Co. 's Rhoe Stme. I j-i.) i-g who rtquesi it, can be waited on it their dwelliiigs, .V. R. Cliaraw unusually low, a id nll kinds ifPRODÜCE "laken. Ann Arhof. Dec. 5. 18.16. 993- tf UeturnëdT" TAIEiORIKTO. THE Subscrilier is desirous o.r infor.Ting old cu8tumers umi the public enerally, tha ie b.iti louated hiintelf o Carrier' Corner, .Vorthsideof ihe tquere, where all kinds of T A I L 0 R I N G in the present fashion can bc done in a lespeciable and prompt mantier. P. S. CÜTTING done on the shorlest r9i tice and warranled to fit if properly made Bp. i W. WILKIXSON. Ann Arlor, May 20, 1847. 317 Go M Pens, PRICE REDUCED. IT is adrnittcd liv all who use thm. that Piquette's Gold Pens me equal if not superior , loanj ever r-lftred in iliis niiukct. price$2,50. . For sa! whoftenle. and reiail ai the mañu'actory. Corner oi JefTer6on Avenue & Griswold St., Detroit. 314-Iyr : AIso for sale by C. fiLÍSS, Ann Arbor. RËADYMADE CLOTHING THE subscribers have now on hand lite best assortment of Ready Made Clothing, ever offered in this State. They have received and manulactured o larne addition to iheir Stock within the paal six weeks, and are fully prepared. wiih seasonntile and l'tishionnhle goods for the , lalltrade. Their assortment comprises every de- scripuon of gnnnent from fire i OVER COA TS, CLOAKS, DRESS SUITS, $c. Sc. to the more substantial nnd economical garment , for the farmer and laboring man. -ALSOA large assorlment of Furnishing Goods, SUCH AS Fine & Coarse Shirts, Uiuler-Gar.nentt, Hosiery, Collars, Bosoms, Stocks, Suspendcrs, &c. &c. Having greaily increased thcir aeilities for manufneturing. they are better prepared than heretolore frr the WHOLESALE TRADE. Purchasers at wliolosale are invited to examina their Stock. Thcir g.irments aro uf good maiurials, well made, of saleable sizes and styles, and will be ofl'ered at low rates. Thankful lor past lavors, they solieit a continuance of public patronage. HALLOCK & RAYMOMD, 3IS-lf Cor. Jeff'n & Woodward Avnuee,