Elks Lodge #325 Prepares For A Valentines Day Dinner Dance, February 1965
Published In
Ann Arbor News, February 9, 1965
Elks Lodge No. 325 has picked "Twin Hearts of Elkdom" as its theme for a dinner dance Saturday which will aid the Elks handicapped children's project. Mrs. Don Laubengayer (left) and her husband, exalted ruler, will be in charge of hostesses at the affair. Charles Hall (center) is chairman of the local handicapped children's committee and Mrs. Edward Sayers (right) is assisting Mr. Sayers in planning the annual event.
Ann Arbor News, February 9, 1965
Elks Lodge No. 325 has picked "Twin Hearts of Elkdom" as its theme for a dinner dance Saturday which will aid the Elks handicapped children's project. Mrs. Don Laubengayer (left) and her husband, exalted ruler, will be in charge of hostesses at the affair. Charles Hall (center) is chairman of the local handicapped children's committee and Mrs. Edward Sayers (right) is assisting Mr. Sayers in planning the annual event.
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