Couple Married Here Will Make Home In City

Couple Married Here Will Make Home In City
Wedding vows were exchanged yesterday by Margaret Alice McLaughlin of E. University Ave., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar McLaughlin of Fairmont, Minn. and Forrest Ingman Peters of Champaign, Ill., son of the late Mr. and Mrs. George E. Peters of Billings, Mont. The service uniting the couple was read' at 2:30 Sunday afternoon in the First Baptist church, by Rev. Robert N. McDonald, pastor of the First Baptist church at Champaign.
White flowers were used in the church with tall candelabra. Mrs. Ray Reid of Champaign, soprano, was the soloist at the service, which was attended by about 150 guests.
A draped frock of street length made of aquamarine blue silk crepe was chosen by Miss McLaughlin for her wedding, and with It she wore a small veiled hat of fuchsia feathers, black suede gloves and shoes, and a shoulder corsage of orchids. Her matron of honor was her sister, Mrs. John Viesselman of Fairmont, whose frock was made of rose silk crepe, with which she wore a matching hat and a corsage of irises. Reception Held In League
John D. Showalter of Georgetown, Ky., was best man for Mr. Peters, and the ushers were two University of Michigan students, Carlos R. Bell, of Nexera, Tex., and John J. Hogan of Waverly,
About 100 friends were invited to the reception held in the Ethel Fountain Hussey Jounge in the Michigan League after the service. Mrs. McLaughlin, the bride's mother, was among the out-of town guests. The candle lighted table was centered with an arrangement of flowers in pastel colors, and the friends who were asked to pour were Miss Kathleen Hamm and Miss Vivian Visscher, both of E. Madison St., Mrs. H. G. Waller of W. Davis St. and Miss Mable MacLachlan of Washington Heights. Miss Adelia Beeuwkes of E. Madison St. and Mrs. John H. Ayers of E. University Ave. assisted also.. - Mr. and Mrs. Peters will return to Ann Arbor to live, after a short| wedding trip. Mrs. Peters who is dietitian on the University staff at the East Quadrangle, received her bachelor of science degree in foods and nutrition at Battle Creek College, and spent a year as graduate interne in dietetics at the University hospital at Minneapolis, Minn.
Mr. Peters, a graduate of University of Illinois, with a bachelor of science degree in physical education, is a former All-American quarterback, starring on the Illinois team. He is an umpire in the Association of Professional Ball: Players. N. Y.
Marriage Announcements
First Baptist Church of Ann Arbor
Michigan League
Battle Creek College
University of Illinois - Alumni
Association of Professional Ball Players
Old News
Ann Arbor News
Forrest I. 'Frosty' Peters
Margaret Alice McLaughlin Peters
Oscar McLaughlin
George E. Peters
Rev. Robert N. McDonald
Mrs. Ray Reid
Mrs. John Viesselman
John D. Showalter
Carlos R. Bell
John J. Hogan
Kathleen Hamm
Vivian Visscher
Mrs. H. G. Waller
Mable MacLachlan
Adelia Beeuwkes
Mrs. John H. Ayers