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DR. TOWNSEND'S THE MOST EXTRAORDINAHX MED1CI.VF. IN THE WORLD. TUIS tX TilACT ie put up in quart bnule; it is i units eheiper. pleaoanter, and warran:ed s ipe'tor lu ny whi. li cures diseaset Without vjiKt'inj. purgiug, sickening, or duliili! Itillg lll Uilvnl. QREAT KAl.L A. WIXTER MEDICINE 1 lie ;ti' liciu:y and soperiority ol ibis Sar ■i] ■ ill. f il Kihef rnedieiit i-. wiiilc ii eraili ca tui iIubiü 9. ii iiiv.aoriit's ilie bod. Ii is on ai iba very bes. Füll .ml Winter Medicine tvei kutMTM; 11 "Ol "i!y pui'fi-sihe whule system ! hiuI sinnsriliens the po r h n, bilt it trei.ue ncw. i pure aml rich blood: n pjiver pue-et-sed ly no other mi-il:-iiie. And in ilus lies llie rmJ se crct of il woii.lerlul ucees It hip pe formrd within the P'im to year more than :5 0i)0 cine? j of joven: Msca uf discase; a! least -.'0,1100 of these ] wre consiilered incarnblc. Mure iban y,0H0 cise of Cbrunic Rlicum.itism; V.O00 cifes of r)ypepiii: 4.010 ema o( General Debility and rnt ol ü% cuses of ihediïT-rent Feniale Complaiiits; 2.00) enses of 'ScrotuU: 1 501) c.isi;8 of tlie Livar Compluint: 8,500 cases ol' Disuase oí ihe Ilidneys and ! Drop.y: 8.UI10 casM of Consuniption: And thousanJ ol' emm ot difnses of ilie blooil, ] vil: Ulcera, Krysipelas, Sil: Kheuin, l'implcson thoFüi-e. Jtc. Ac, loeher wnh numerous caMof Sick f lenl Achc, Pain in the Siue and Chcst, Spinnl Affc:ions, Ac. &c. This, wc are aware, must appear incrcdible, but we hnve letters lr.m Pliysici.ins aml otir Ag-nl frum all P"'s of the United Sime, ! torniing us of extraordinnfy cures. 11. Va ncmiKK Ksq.. one of the most rrpccthlr , Drui8ts in Newark, N. J , infor ua ibuhe C1n refer to more ihxn l"n casef m lliai place alon There are thousandj ol nes in the ciiv of .w York, whicli we will rofer lo wiih plcusnre ,nl to men of chararcer. It is ihe best merlicini 'oribe preventivo ot tlisone Ji und.iuhicdly saved llie liv.-s of mor than 5000 CUILPRRN THE PAST SEASONI % it removed the cause of diseña, and prppored hem for ilie Bmnincr season. li luis tiever n Kuown to injure in the leust the most delipatr cmliiRHEVMAT1SM. This SvMMritlo is useJ wilh ilie most poifcci successin RlicumaticcompUinis, howevei scvere ,.r chronic. The astoninhing cures it has performed are indeed wonderl'ul. Other remedies sometimes ?ive temporary relief; mis enurrly dientes il from the systsm, even when tbi ; lunbs nnrl bone re dreadfully I O rlrar Mr. Seth Terry. one of the oldest anH most reipectable lawyer in Hartford, Conn. The folluwing is an extract ol a letter reet i ved froitl him : Dr. Toio-isnl - I have tised mie boitle ofyour i Sarsaparilla. and find il is excellent in iii cfi'ecif npon Chronic Rlieuinatic pain to wliich 1 nm I siibject, from an itijuiy received ievernl yearsj aeo, in a public stage! Picase send me two tiesto the care ot l)r. Seymour. 1 hoveconversed with two ol our principal physieiaus .and re toinniend y.iur SF.TÍI TKRRY. Hartford, Marcli 12. 145. CONSUMPT1ON CLRKP. Clsanse and Streng'htn. Consumiition can be cured. Bronchitis.Conmmption. liverComnlaint, Colds, Catarrh. Cough, Aeihma. Spitiin" of Bloorl. Soreness in ilu Cheat, j tic Flush, Night Swents, Difricult or l'rofuse Kxpectorntion. Puin in llie Side, &c, have iea and can be cured. ür. Townsend - Dcar Sir : Nenrly ïrsago I took n violent cold, which te'tled on ny lang, and atïected me scvnrely ; indeed, finilly it became a constant Iwckina cough. bui not so severe as to preven! me from altcnding lo my hiisinrs. Within the Inst few years it ini-reaied on me gradua'ly. A( last 1 became reduccd- l breathed witn Hibiculty. and raised filh my coujli much bad maller, and for the last n.oe monihs previous to using your Sarsaparill.i, ha I regular night sweats : indeed, my rian'dsand mvselfsuppoxed thai I would die wilh the ConBumplion; bui I have the happinpss lo inform you that, to my surprise, afler using threc boules of your Sarsaparilla, 1 hnd a y Iiealtli restored. Itrelieved me gadually, and I nm no enjuyins much better healih than 1 Iinve liefore in ítí years. I had almo! einirely lost my nppetile, wb'cli Isalso rfiurned. You ore al liberty lo publish. t)is wilh my nam?, in the paper, if you clivosa. My liitlc cirt, who i? lli'ce years old, l.da rery b:id cough the whule f last winter. We beoime very niucli njarmed on her account.- White using tlie inedicina, I gave her ome of il. in 1 it s i-n e'üirtlv rolieved lier, as wt'l as myarilf. ami the is wH iil. "i"1 lieariy as any child I aver Sha was ilso full uf linie bloiches; it took ilie) nwjy and her skin is smootli nnd fair now, and I aui satisfied she recovered her heallbfruin using your excellent medicine. 444 Bioadway. GIR.S. Hf:Aü TM ÍS. Yu who liave pnle cmnpiexions. dull eyes. l.l.xchei on the tace, mughskin, and are "out nf liirit," uea bolile or two of Dr. Townsend e Sarsnparilla. It II cleanse your bloo'l, remove the freckl and blotchcs, and give you aniniolion, sparkline eye, fiue epiiiis. oud bcautiful complexión- ui' of which are ot immense valué I 10 unmarried ladic. SCROFULA CURED. Th;s Certifícale conclusively provee tha: tbit Srsnp.-.rilla has perlect con rol over itie mnst oblinate diseafts of the b!ood. Three persons , cured in onehouse is unpr-;cedented. THREE CHILDIIEN. Dr Totunscn-l-Dear Sir: I have the pte;.sure to inform you ihat tli'ee of my cbildren have bren cured ot t!ie Scro!.ila by che nse of your exe-llent mrdicinr. Thy were tfflcied very se I varcly with bad sores; have taken oiily four bot_ iUí; it took thein awiy, r whali I teel rnj self under verjr deep obltgaiion Your, reepcctfully, ISAAC W. CRAIN. 10G Wooster et. New York, M.ich 1, 1847. OPINIONS OK PHYS1CIANS. Dr. Townsend is alinost doily receiving orders from Physicians in different paus of the Union. Tui is to certily that we; tha undersigned, Phyiiciana of tho city of Albnny, llave in nunieroui case prescribed Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparill, nd believe it to bc ■me oftlie most valuable Drupa aiions in the mui kei. P ' H. P. PAULI.VG. M. r.. J. WILSüN, m. n. R. B. BRIGGS, m u. P. E. EL.MENDORF, U. it. Albany, April 1, ltJ40. Pilos Piles Piles Dr. Townsend' Sarsaparilla is no less suceesitul in curinj; thia distressing complaint. than for discase of tlie Bluod. Dyspepsia. Rheumntiim, and Narvoui Debilny. Read the followinf.- Dr. Triensend: Dear Sir- Theehecls ot yovr Siroparilla ar truly wonderful. Kor the last ix or eiglit yearg past I have been subject to se ere attacks of ihe piles, during which 1 liav iuffered all the tortures of that complnint, and hid dtspaired of ever finding relief except in denili. I have the plMsur 10 inform you thai "there i yet a balm in Gilead." I have used iwo hotile of vour Snraapailhi, nnd feil no rem.iimol ir.y oM complaint. 1 send you this for publieation, and any person you may refer (o nie, I would be happy to inform of the benefit I haïe rtcoired at your handt. Tours, truly, JOHN HALL, 49 Fulton st. Thom Smith. Printer, 162 Nassau st, 3 tory, eured ol a long standing and aggravaied miof ihe Piles. rür""'by MAYNARDS. 3 General Agent, Ann Arbor PAINTS, Oils, Varnioh, Spirits Turpntine, Brushes, Glass, Putty, Glaziers, P;tn MKfe e, A Urge tock foraale lo w_a t ISEXTDOOR T MICHIGAN STATE BANK. DETROIT. [1847-48] DETROIT. THE CHEAPCASH STORE, No. 132 Jeffcrson Avenue, Detroit - Old stand uf :, w w i.y u'. . . . ..; .N 1521-nT-T= P A .WHOLESALE ü )j li Vi U h A Ái A A A7TA.H HIPÉ H'lfaí llííillBEECHE R V ABBOT íl . .SBlilT 1 fcX R P ETSl 1 " i IFE ATH ER S Michigan IFAWOY a_nd STAPLE b tj 5TATE BANK Píth ■■■i-Mutif lili O 11 1 11 ífrüj""" I So S ilBII Lili: TT3v t f en OTITIS 2 i W i fTHE "bëëchër7j f BEECHER & ABBOTT. our atlenlion is nvited to tlie besl slock of DRY GOODS Cver brouglit to this City. Also, to the largest and cheapest stock of SUPER NEW STYLES Brussels ■-' Carpets VVarrenled to have been imported within the last 20 days. Also, n splendid assortment of ENGLISH INGRAIN AND LOWELL 2 PLY CARPETS, ALL W00L, At from 50 cents to $1 per yard, and every other variety of Carpe'.s at from ls.3d to 4s. per yard. Also, OH Clolhs, Brussols Rugs, Window Shades, Wall Paper Hungingb, Feathers, Mattings, &c. &c. GOOD GOODS, LOW PRICES, AND MUST BE SOLD, WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. 347 LUTHSR BEECHER Detroit. NEW LEATHER STORE. - w IN l 11 m ÉSr r??1'- '' ' = II M ... .'-:= TBS-V j -i Sa LB6iJ'' 'Js==WtBIBi Sig"j yj"?? LA DÜE & ELDRED, (Successors to Eldred &. Co.) NO. 84 VVOODWARD AVENUE, Directly Oppoite the Episcopal Church, ARE happy to nform the laic customers of E'dred & Co. and the public generall, that they have now on hand, and are cunslantly mar ufacturing, a upírjor urlicle of Leather, And are H& oriving a Findings. AMONO TIIKIB. ASSORTMENT MAY BE FOUND Spanish and Slaughter Sole LEATHER, Deer, Goat nnd Lamb Binding, Hemloc'k and Oak Upper do. Morocco of all kinds, Harnessand Bridle do. Shoe Thread, Tacks, Sparables, Skiriing and Russet Bridle do. Shoe Knives, Pincers, Mammers, Belt, Band and Welt do. Boot Cord and Webbing, Horse and Siring do. Awls and Bristles, African and Slaughter KIP SKINS, Lasts, Boot Tres nnd Crimps, Oak and Hemlock CALF do. Lasting and Seal Skins, French Calf Skins, Bank, Shoro and Siraits Oil, &c. kc. White, Russet and Colored Linings, All of whichthey offer on very reasonable terms. MERCH ANTS & M ANUF ACTÜRERS Will fiad it lo Iheir adantage to calJ and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. CASH PAID FOR HIDES AND SKINS. DETROIT, 1847. 337-1 y NAILS.- 150 kegs Eastern Nails for ICLARK.Attorney and Coun?ell7r for sale by and Jug-.Kfl of the Peac-, Ofilce, Cour, 3-Í4 B. B. & W. R. NOYES Jr. House Ann Ar " T , PERRY'S BOOK STORE, EPISTLÏÏ Io. 4. RKAD AND CIRCÚLATE. THE gubscriher hns reiurned froin New York wiih [lie largest lock of School Books. Ulank Ciioks, and Stationery,evei befóle broughi 10 lina village, wliich. when added 10 his fornier largo stock, wili matte the mosi complete aèortmciit in thi s Suite, all of vvhich he will sell at vcry luw pricea lor Cash. His stock consiste 11 pnrt of SCHOOL BOOKS, PAPER, PENS, Ink, Quills, Slates, Sand, Blank Books, Sand Paper, and 2500 PIECES PAPER HANG1NGS, Bordering. Fire Boards, nnd Windnw Cunains, all nnueually clieap and niee. Also liooks suitalils lor. nnd surficient lo furnish 100 T0WNSH1P LIBRA RÍES. School Inspector nnd olhers interesled, ore respectfuMy requested to examine his slock nnd prices befu.e purchasing, as he is determned to sell so as lo inake it nn object uot ti c furiher ZOUTHS BOOSS, Moral, Rehgious, insrruclive and nmusing.such as moy 6afe'y be put into the hands of children. 1OO Gold Fens, Gold Pencils, Silver Peñíitt, Ever Points, Calenders, Ilydrastatic and Pump Inkstands, and innny other desirable and l'ancy nniclus of Sta tionory. Also. Razors, Sirap, Hones, Cl-ihes Brnshes, Lnihcr Brushcs, HairOil, Ox Marrow. PerUiiiira. Fancy Seals nnd Wafers, and lots ot fixini's lor comfort and economy, nt PtRRY'S BOOK STORE, 4nt; Arbr.Uper Village, Hawkin'i Block, No. 2. west side of the Court House Squnr. It is desirable ihnt il hould he undersiood [ha! persons D ihe Country, sending cash orders, mny depend upon receiving books or stalionery on as favorable terms as though present lo make ihe purebase. W. R. PERRY. Ann Albor, Dec., 1817. 248 i f. CASH Will be poid for COUNTY ORDERS DR WN on any of the countiee of ihis Slaie, or money will be loaned on ïhem by me nt my Banking Ollice, lirst door lowords ihe River and opposile ihe custom house. Detroit, Mich. SIGHT DRAFTS on New York or Búrlalo always on hand. ni4-3m G. F. LEWIS_ Tand for sale TH E subscribor offers for sale Eighty Acres of Land, I eing ihe easl half ol njnh Dost quailer ofseclion U!, of town 4 north, range II west. siluaie in the township of WayInn.T, Allegan County. The land is level, ell limbeied, and well aceomniod.ned by roads, and will be sold low lor cash o.' exchanged for stock. JAME.S II MOSHER. Ann Arbor, Nüv. 4, IS47. :4l-3m. t(Fattorneys AND OTHERS WISIIING DEEDS ACKNOWLEDGED or Deposinons laken tn be used in eilher of ihe Staies of New York. O:iio, Pennsylvania, Indiana. Missouri, Kenlucky, South Carolina, Maine, or Vermont. The undersigned has been duly nppoimecl a Comniifcsioncr for cach of said S'ates : Also Notary Public for Waync County. OFFICE first door towards the river from ihe Post Office, and opposite the custoin house, Dktroit, M:c. GLEASON F. LEWIS. G. F. L. wiil allend promptly to iha takin? Deposittons &c. &c. for persons residing nt e distance by addreseing him by mail. 244-3m Hat, Cap9 GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING EMPORIÜM. T. II. ARMSTRONG, HAVINGtnken the Stand No. 5S, Woodard Avenue. 3 doors nonh of Doty's Auction Room, recemly occupied by J. G. Crane, as a Hat Siore ; and added the stock of the latter to hts own, and also engaged in manufacturing every dcscription of H ATS Sr CAPS, He s nowr prepared 10 offer to the Public even article in his line, eilher of his own or eastern manufacture, twenty-five per cent les than have been ofiered in this market. In his stock will be fonnd Fine Nutra, Satín Beaver, Beaver, Otter. Bi jsh an-' Sportine Hats, Fine Cloth. Siik. l'lust., Oil Silk and Velvet Caps ; also, Rich Sük Crvaii, Scarf, ilandkercheifs ; Kid. Thread. Silk. ami Buckskin Gloves ; Collars, Bosoms', Walking Canes, UmbreUas. &c. williaFaTraymond, OP THE OLD MANHATTAN STORE, CORNER OP JEPF'N AVE. AND BATES ST. DETROIT, HASjHStreceived a large and complete aesortment of DRY GOODS Broadcloths, Sheetings, Cassimeres, Drilüngs, Sntinets, Tickings, Full Cloths, Baggings, Tweed's Cloihs, Flannels, Kentucky Jeans, Linseys, And other anieles in the liDe of Heavy Goode, too numeroue lo mention. Plain & Fancy d'Laines. Prints, Cashmeres, Gingham, Plain & Fancy Alpacas, Lyonese Cloths, Oregon Plaids, Orleans Cloths, Indeed lis assortment of Dress Goods comprises all the varieiy which business demands. SHAWLS. Of every varieiy. trom splendid Brochas and Cüshmeres 10 heavy, comfurtable hlanket Shawls. LIVE GEES E FEATHERS, By the pound or hundred weight. Paper Hangings, Of all qualities and prices. PAPER W1ND0W CURTAINS, Of the newcst patlerns, at wholesalc or rctall. With a stock aa wellcalculated for the country as ihe cily tradc. il is confilently expected tliai ihe reputaiion of 'lie "Old Manhattnn" for good Goods nt cheap mtes wül be fully snstained. As tO lllilt FOOR AND SIXPK.NNY TK.A, tlljt WC have sold so many years, it ia necessarv to say a word ; hut il' lh:a should meel the eye of any one who has nol tried it, lic should by all menns make the experiment, and see how creai a saving muy be made by patror.izing the Manhattan Store. Detroit, Sept. 22, 1847. 317-Cm Hardware. THE subscribor8 have just received alarge addition to their stock of Foreign and D.netie Shef Hardware, which makes iheir asKrtment very complete. _„_ , B. B. &W. R. NOTES Jr Jaly lOth, 1847. 38 NEW COOKING STOVE, AND STOVES OF ALL KINDS! !!!!! THE Suliscribcr would ea'.l the aliention of the public lo WOOI-SOn's NKW HOT MR COOKING STOVK, whicli tliey eau coiifidenily reconimend os being decidedly superior to üny cookitig Move in use. For simpliciiy in operalion, economy in fue!.nnd for unequnlled bnking and iroaeting qualilics it ia unrivaled. Tlie new and important improvenient introduced in 13 conet.uction being snch as to insurc grcat advantages over all otlier kinds of cooking stoves. Those dee irous ot getiing a good cooking stove for hi 111 il y use. or a public house, would do well by calima and examining the abovc stovc before purchasing elsewhere. B. B. & W.a. NOYES, Jr3'24 7(ï Woodward Avenue E. G. BURGER, Dentist, FIRST ROOM OVER C. M. & T. W. ROOT's STORE, JRANE &L JKWETT's BLOCK, 261-tf ANN ARBOR. OEESE FEATHERS! PAPER HANGINGS! FIRST RATE YOUNG.HYSON TEA AT ONLY KOUIl AND SIXPE.N'CE PER I'OUND! By llio way no one buys tliis tea once butbuye again. and becomes a cus'omer. None better for the price can be had in Dotroit. W1LL0W WAGGONS, T r ave Li ng Baskets, and as well as Inis of other goods besides Uiy Goods may be had very cheap at the ' Ui.n Mvnhattan Stohk,' Detroit. 17 W. A.RAYMOND. S= - J O 11 Ulaynards ARE IJV TOWNAGAIIV! HAVING removed to ihcir new store, wberr ihcy are rcceivtng an extensivo assortmeni of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils and Groceries, With a nali. well-se!eoted nssorlment of DRY UOOD.-i. All of wliich ihev offer lo iheir olil friends nnd new cuslomers ot un usual low priees. Anything 8uld at thcir siore is warranied to be i f first qunüty. They intent] hercafier to kee;-1 almoat every article wanted for faniily use. Ann Arbor, June 30, 18-17. 32-i-tf W 2L 3 W L 2 2ê 2 CLOTH, CLOTHl ! TH F. undersigncd would inform the public that tliey will continue to manufacture Fiilled Cloth, Cassiiniere anJ Flnnnel, al their Factory, two and a hal f miles est trom Ann Arbor, on Huron River near thj Railroad. TEBWS i The price of making cioih will bt for Cnssimere, 44 ets. per yard ; for Fulled cloih, 37J ets. ner yard ; for white Flannel. 20 ets. per yard. - We will also exchange cloth for wool on reasonable term8. Wool sent by railroad accompanied with instructions will be p.-omptly attended to. We have done an exieneive business in manufacturan:? cloih for customers for several years, and believe we give as good satisfaction as an)1 F.stablishment in the State. We therefore invite our old customers to coutinue, and new ones to come. Letters should be addressed to S. W. Fosteb fc Co., Scio. S. W. FOSTER & CO. Scio, April, 1847. 313-tf. STEEL GOODS! IJ ii r s t 5 [ 1 t s a u rt Crímmlnjí SPLENDW FANS, and any quantiiy of othcr ge od. of this sort at the OLD MANHATTAN STORE, 31 7 Detroit. FIRE ! FIRE ! ! THE subscriber conünjes to act as Agent for the Hartlord Fire Insurance Company, of Hartford, Connecticut. This Company has been in business for the last TIIIRTY S1X YEARS, and promptly paid all losses during thnt time, amounting to mony Millione of Dollars. Applications by mail, (post paid) or to the subscriber ai :he Post Office, promptly attendedto. Pi J. B CRANE, Aeent. Ann Arbor, July 30, 1847. 33t-ly N0T1CE. rpHE COPARTNERSHIP iieretofore existJL ing between J.H. Ltind and D. T. Mc Collum under the fir.n of J. H. Lund tfc Co., is this day dissolved ly mutual consent. All demanda duo said firm eiiher hy note or hook account must bc settled mmediately. with D. T. McCollum who is authorized to seitle the same - and no mistake. J. H. LUND. D.T. McCOLLUM. Ann Arbor, Oct. 25, 1847. The business hereafler will be carried on by J. H. Lund who is now receiving a large and splendid assortment of full and winter goods consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardzcare,Crockery, Bools and Shoes, Drugs &,c. which he oflers to th public chcap lor ready Dar. Pleasecall and examiuu "oods and prices. J. II. LUND. Ann Arbor, Oct. 29, '47. 310-tf THRESHING MACHINES, OLOVER MACHINES AND SEPAEATOKS. THE subseriber wonld inform the public that he continúes t manufacture tlie nbove machines at iIip oíd of Knapp & Haviland, al the Lower VilfligaofAnn Arbor, near the Paper Mili. The Machines are of npproved model?, have heen thoroughly t:s:ed in this vicinity and wnrked wel!. Tbeyare nindc ot' ihcbest materiüls and by experienced workmon. They will be kept constantly on hand. and alio be made to order at ihe sliortest no ice. They will be sold nn very reasonoble lernis íor Cash, or for notes knnwn to be absolutely good. The abova Machines ran he nsed hy four, six or eight horses, and are nut liable to be ensily hroken or damaped. Thpy are well ad:ipied for the use of eilher Firmen or Jobbers. The Separators can be attached to any geared or strapped machine of nny othcr kind. The suliecriber would retcr to the folloivins repons whb have purchaBrd anl used his Machines : Michael Thompson, Salem, Alexander Doane, " Jame? Paiker, Alva l'ratt, Pitlffi:Id, M. A. Crnvath, " Charles Alexander, " Wm. Poits. Milord, Hinkiey & Vinto, Theiford. Martin Doty. Vpsilanti, M. P. & A. D. Hadlcy, Saline, Wm. Smitli, Cantón. Isaac Burhans, Norlhfield. Particular atiemion II be pnid to Rkiairs. Caeh will be pniil (nr OldCastings. Persöp desirous of purohiisint; machines are requested to cali and examine these before purehasíng"elewhcre. T. A. HAVir.AND. May 17, 1847. 3l7tf .Bun Jirbor JM I J THE Subscriber having puruhased liie interests of J. M. RocUwell n the Marlilt Uusineps, would niorm ?he inhabi'nnts of th8 and adjoinirui counlies. lhat he wil I continue llie busine s at ibe old stand, in tbe Upper 'J'own. near the I'reabylerian Clinrcli. and manufacture fo order : Monuments, Grave Slones Paint Slone, Tablels, $c. Sfc. Those wishing lo obtain any article in Incline of business will find by calling thnt he hns on aasorttnent f White and Variegntod Mirble from the Entitern Marble Quarriee, which wiü be wrouglit in Modern stylCj and sold at enstern pnces, ftdiling trangportation only. Culi nnd get e ihproof. VV. F. SPAULDIXG. Ann Arbor. Jan. 30. 1847. Ö72 ly T1 SHMARETT ANU TWEtíDS. A _ beautiful article for Gentlemen'.- slimmer vear, just received nnd wjl bft rnanulhctured in the latest style and besi pussiblc marnier, at the " Western Clolhing Emporiuin." HALLOCK & RAYMONI). 318-t DÜTKOIT. Cheap Jewelry Store 1-57 Jefferson Avenue. DETROIT. Wholesale and Retail. THEsufascriberhasjust returned from New York vviili a large aesormient of julil and Silver Waiches, jewelry, toolu, mnte inls. toys, musical Instruments find fancjr '400ÚS. .vhich he will eell at wholesa'e or reuil as !ow ns tny establishment west of New York. Cuuniry Watch Makers and others wanting any of tlie lbove Goods will find it t iheir interest to cali,, is they will find the bett assunment in the city, ind at the lowest prices. GOLD PENS. with silver holder and pencil $2 00. Price Reiuced. Gold Pen. Watches and Jewelry RFPA1RED H B. MARSH. 157, Jefferson Avenue. Deiroi', ) üign of ihe Gold Pen. S 324 FÍTRrTÜRE &UPHOLSTER1ÑG WAREROOMS. STEVENS & ZLCÍ, ÍN the lower end of thS White Block, directly opposite the Michigan Exchanhk, have on hand a large assortmenl of FVRNITURE, of their own manu'acture, which they will Lell very .ow for Cash They alsokeep cxperienc.d Upholstcrers. and are prepared to do all kinds of Upiiolsiering at the shortest notioe. Fnrniture o!" all kinds made to order of the best material, and warranteH. STF.VENS & ZVG. Detroit, Jnnuory, 1, 1847. 297-ly FOR SALE CHEAP fob CASH, or every kind of cour. try Produce, Saddles, Bridlcs,Harncss, Trunks, Valises, Trunk Valiies, Carpet Bags, %c. Also a aooa assortment of Whips At Lashks, which will bc sold very low, and no miatake. at COOK & ROBINSON'S. Ann Arbor, AUfi"st 12, 1846. 277-tf cw Establishment clocks, WATCHES, áND "TiF? TT ïlrr Wff'ifitt Til "1 TIIE subscriber would respcctfully announce to ihe citizens o( Dexicr and viciniíy ihai he lias opened a ehop in ihe abovc place, in ihe comer slore, formerly known as i; Sbeperdd" ; where he is prepared lo do all kinds of repairidg in the line of docks, watclics. jeweliy &c, on the shortesl nolice. Having had abouttwelve ycars experienee in some of the hcst Kneicrn shops, he flatter8 hinnelf thal he can give entirr sati-factwn to all ihose who mny (nvor hini wiih their work. lie líos and sconp'antly receiving, docks, watclies. and jewelry ot alt ilescriptijns, whicli he wil] sell as cheap as the chenpest. W. W. DEXTER. A L S O GROCERIES of all kinds: such as, Teas, Sugars, Molasses, Raisins, Coflee, Peppers, SpicB, Kisli. Candies, Tobacco, Cigars &c. &c. And n (act kvkkythino usnally keptin sueltan estnb!ishmem(l.ii udk eicepted) constantly on hand and for bale cheap. W. W. DEXTER Co. Dexter, March 6, 18-17 312-if TOOLS. - Carpenter's, Cooper's and Joiner's Tools for sale by ■2i B. B. & W. R. NOYES Jr. THRESHING HKachiiies TyiiÏL. undereugned wuuld iniurrn tlie j ublic ■hal he manuladures Hui e Powera and l'liresliiiig Machines at Èeïö, ól u etfpêrior kind nvenied by hini6elf. Thess Powers and Machines are partif ulerly ïdapted 10 ihe use of Farmers who wish to uii them lor threshing (lieir own gri;in. The power, ilircsher and fixiurcs can all be lofiiUd iiïio common aized wagon bux and drawn wiili orie pair of horces. They aie desigued to he üsëd iv n li four horees, and are abundumly slrong ivt ihat number, and may be safely iiêcd wiih ui óf eight norses viih proper care. T hejf ork witlt lesa slrenglh oi horsen according lo liic anioi nt of business done than any olher poner, nnd wil) ihreah generally about '(lO buehels hfat re day with four horsea. In onc inrtance 158 bushels wheat wcre threshed in ilute hour with jour liorses. This I'ower and Machine contain all ihe advantages necessary to make tliem prolitable lo the purch.iser. They are strong and durable- They are easily moved from one place to another. The work of ilie Virscs is easy on ihme powers in comparison lo oil.ers. and the price ia LOVVKR than any othcr power and machine, have ever been sold in ihe Siate. according to (ha real valué. The terms of payment will be libe' ral for noles that xra known tu be ahtonay jood. I have a number of Powrrs and Machiné now ready for sale ano' persons wishing to kuy are invited to cali soon. SEPAaATORS. I am prepared to muke Separator for tbottf who enay want them. The utility and advantages of this Power and Muchine will appear evident to all on examinrng 'he recommendations below-. All persona are cauiioned aainst makinp ihese Powers nnd Machines: the undo-signtd having ndoptfd the necessary nieasures for eccu ■ ring letters pment for the same witliin the time required by law. ü. VV. FOSTER. Scio, Washlenaw Co., Mich.. June 18, 1346 RECO.MMENDATIONS. Daring tte year 1645. each of ;he undersignei purchased and used either individually or joinllr wiih others, one of S. W. Fostpr's ncwly inve.ited Horse Powers and threshing iiachines, and hcliere they ore beiter adapled to the use of Farmers who want Powers and Machines for iheir own nse than any other power and threther within our knowledgo. They are cnlcnland o be userf with foor horses and are of ampie strengih for that number. They nppear to be consiructed in such a manner as to rendcr them very durable with linie liabiliiy of getiing out of order. They are eisily moved from one place lo anoiher. They can be svorked wiih any number of hands from four to irght,ai-,d will thresli aboi't 200 bushels wheat per duy. J. A. POLHEMUS, Scio, Wni!ïtnw eo. G. BLOOD. " " T. RICflAPDSON, " " SAMUEL HEALT, " " ?. P. FOSTKR, " " N. A. PI1ELPS, ■ ADAM SMITM, " ' J M. BOWEN. Unit, VVM. WALKER, Webster, " THOS WARREN, " " D. SMALLEY, Lodi. " I threshed last Ml snd winter w;th one of R W. Foster's horse powers. more iban fiftítn thousnnd bushels grain The repairs liralowrd iipon the power amounted to nnly Of cents, and it was in good oriler when I had done ihreshing. 1 invariably useil si.x hnrsps. AARON YOUNGLOVE. Mirion. June , 1316. I pnrrhaaed one oí S. W. Fosler's 1 on powers last fall and hnve u.ed it for jnbbing. I Inve used nmny dill'erent kinds of powers ai di belicve ihis is the bist runrling power ƒ ha ever reen. D. 8. BF.NNET. Flamburg. June, 18 It'. We purcliiisfd one of S. W. Foster's flore Powers laai fall, and have used land think it i first rale Power. JF.SSF. HALL. DANIEL S. HALL, REUBEN S. HALL. Hamburg. June. 1846. 269-ií TEETU! TEETHf TEETH.'U MAST1CATION and Articulntion, wiirraijied by iheir being properly laced. S. D. BURNFT , vill continue the praciice of DF.NT1STRY in i!l is vari iua branchpp, viz : Sc;ilmg. f'illine, ind Insertinem gnM pintes or pivot. from on o in entire set'. Oíd pintes or misfns remoded. and made equal lo new. OFFICE over C. B. Thompson &. Co.1 Shoe Store. Lmlies who requeat it, can be waited on u iheir dwellings. iV. B. Charges unusually low, a id all kinds jf PRODUCE "taken. Ann Arbor, Dec. 5, 1846. S93- tl Jietiirned TAIIiORING. THE Subscribcr is desirous ol inforning lis old cuatumers and the puMic enerally, tha he has loented hirrtfelf on Carner's Corner, Norili sideof the squere. where all kinds of T A I L 0 R I N G in the present f a s h i o n can be done in a íespectable and prompt manner. P. S. CUTTING done on the shorteít notice and warranted to fit if properly mads up. VV. W1I,KINSON. Ann Arbor, May 20, 1847. 'Áltlf Gold Peus, PRICE REDUCED. IT is admitted bv all who use tin m, tint Piquette's Gold Pens are equal ilnot superior toany ever ofl'ered in this market, price $2,f0. For sa!e wholesale. and retsil at the mnnuir.etory. Corner o: Jefferson Avenue & Griswold St., Detroit. 314-lyr Aleo for sale by C. BLISS, Ann Arhor. RËADYMADECLOTHÏNG AT WíWtxm av iUtaíl, THE subscribers have now on hand the best assortment of Rcady ITIadc Clothin ever ofi'ered n this State. They have rereivedi and mnnulactured a lnrae addition 10 iheir Stock wuhm the pnst six weeks, and are fully prepared wilh sensonahle and lashionable goods for tbs l'all trade. Theirassortrnent comprises every de- scripnon of garment from fire OVER COATS, CLOAKS, DRE83 SUITS, %c. Sfc. to the mare gnbstamial and cconomical garment lor the farmer and laboring man. -ALSOA large ngsnrtment of Furnishing Goods, SUCH AS Fine & Coarse Shirts, Under-Garmenls, Hosiery, CoHars Boaoms, Stocks, Suspenders, &c. &c. Having jircaily ncrenseJ iheir i'acilitiei for manulncturing. they are beller prepared than liereioforo fn( the WHOLESALE TRADE. Purchasers at Wholesale are mvi'.ed to examina iheir Stut k. Their garmonta are t-f goud male- nals, we!l mailt', of snlealile sizes and stylea, and will ba ofl'ered at low ratos. Thankful lor past lavors, they solicit n contintiance nf public patronage. HALLOCK & RAYMOND, 318-tf Cor. Jcff'n & Woodward Avenue.