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My joy comes from books.

But only the well written, fictional, fantasy books.

They take me away from reality,

And into a dream.

Sadly, characters don’t last forever,

They are amazing works of fiction.

Tears pour out of my no longer dry eyes,

And my head falls in my hands.

It’s over.

The joy of the book is gone.

422 pages of glory,

32 new chapters,

7 brave characters,

And 6 fascinating settings.

The pieces came together to make the most beautiful art.

Goodbye sanity,

Hello, anxiety.

My thoughts are crumpled paper being opened after several months.

I was in the series for over 8 months.

And on this cold Winter day,

I have finally finished it.

I lay on my bed,

Staring at the popcorn ceiling.

I see the glow and the dark stars my dad put there years ago.

They give me peace and hope;

I know my dad is up there watching me