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Washington. Ja". 12. Senate. - Mr. Efnle pfesöfited a petilion sitne1 hy 2.900 Uniturians, prnying lor ihc -iihdraw.i! nf our troops í'rom Mexico, and for (he nppointmeut o I" Coitirnissionérs to irent for peace. Mr. Dii'kinson gave h is views upon f his resol ut ion in a sp ech nf considerable length. He was in favor of nntiexing all Mevic'nn territory now in our posses ion, nnd lraving iliesubj et of slav ry as in after consiHeraiion lo be determined by the inhribi'auts. Srnatbis Yulee and Hale offirred subSl iluté! Tor the Ten Regiment Bill. Mr. Cliiylon íesutned liis reinarks. - [le wa ópo?ed lo nn increase of the army as unno.cesfary. He wiM also npposcd In tlio l)i:l to forwiird supplies to tha pri - sent furce no in Medico. Mr. Bnt'er gnva noticn he sliou'J movp n recommil the bilí (fi'r nmendinenisso as to provide for i:icre"'s'ng the miniber (íf ■ (giirenis now in servi p, instead of Bnihorizíug ten new regimenis. Ja'13. In the Sennt", a bilí i" favor of vesse's ronveying eniigraii's to Li!er;a was aicpu-d. Afler sime tmimporlant bnsinpss, the Sena'e resumfd the o:r!er o I' the day, being the consideríition t.f t he Ten Regiment Bill. Mr. I'enrce, of Mnrylnnd, replied lo Mr. JiJimori, f rom the snine SlnlP. He (ipposed t" tl. e aggrpsie occopAtiun )f .Me.xican tenitory, and was in fnvOf bf issuming and niaint-iinin a boundary lino. Or presence in Mpxico only irovokcd resisiance. He dcnunced ihe orderii'g of the uoops lo the Rio Gr.-inde ás an nsurpnHon of pjver ; anfi MfW iht idea of indemüiiy was iipw aivl absurd. - México is cnqiered, her government iiroken U, her resuurcps ièftroypd, nnd tKe pncutin of 'he wnr was unhoivriible. lie would oppose ihp arm-xatiim "f any moté trritory as a precaufitm against perpetual difficulne and ruin ut home. He wuld int vote eiiher for me:i or rnoney to continuo the ar. Af er iie liad conclnried Mr. Calhoun look ino fl"or, bul gnve wav to an nrlournmeri. Adj urned iintil Munday. House. - Al'ter morning business a rnolutiot) bf Inquirv, lelitive lo the rank of Surgpons in the Army was reconaidere i and adopted. A corfernuhicntioB was rereived fpow !he Prosident, in riply to Mr. Goggin's R'-s')!ution of Inquiiv, r lat i v e to barita Anfia's Pass into Mexoo,which was nad. I'ho Piei.-!eni refutes to make any ienruks lo tl, e cnlumny knjilied; becaus' in timl of ho.-tiüty, tlie public interest requirrs SPCiei'v, and nnotlier law pre sumes the Rxecittva tobo incírrupiib'e, iud au nutboriiy for thi, cites ihe opiriions of President Wa-hington. Mr. Adnrnd spoke cneigeticnlly in reference to this communica!ion,an'l moved ts refWunce ir n Spleet Cornmhiop, who wnu'd lie nUo to show Mr. Polk thai le vn bound to (Vrnish ilie niforniation n!-ke). Mr. Sel'eiK-k, of Ohio, siid it wnstime th.'it the Repreietituihftj of the icople shouM asert tlieir lig'ns. Mr. C. J. Ingersol' if Pa , next took ihe üiar nnd justified tl. e President in the ooursa he had puisucd in lelatiun to the resolution. Revcr-il other memhers spoke on the snij -et, and m'jch excitement was raanifested. The mof-sige wasmidp the special order cf the dav lor next Tuesoy. Jah. 19. SeNATE. - Mr. Dix prpiíPiitPcl n peti'i'm from Eciwnrd Mills, n.-king to be it'leisoi froin ihe o 'türnct in refcence to the Bremen line of ste'ifiier?. Mr. Mnngnm's rcsohition calling for i he plins of the campaign ns proised by GoriPral Sl'i it crime tj, wlnch on moiion of Mr. Sevier, wa-i la'd n the lable - oyes 32, nays CO - ngrecable to previ'im nutice. Mr. Webster asked and o'.i'niiW lenve to bring in a Lili whieh was re;d r serond ar.d Ihird tima by uftanÑnooS oonsftnt, and was finallv pa-;!-e.1 ; l makes aU;ichments issuing out of U. S. Courts conform to the ltiws nnd reguiaiions of such attichmenis in the seveipl Stntes. Mr. Bngliy Mibmitied a res-i]:ition donying the powi-r of the general g"V_ eMJmèn't under tho consiilulion, to improvc harbors nnd rivers and construct iniernnl mprovements. The Ten Urgirnenl Bill was tnken np. Mr. Badger spoke forsorne length of time ngainst the b 11. Jan. 10. The Ten Regiment Bil! was tnken up, and Mr. Foot, nf Miss'ss'ppi, spk at some 1 'ng;h ifi defei'ce of the tneasurt. and df the adminUtrntion. Mr. Maiigum submitteJ a rrs'ilution .isking t e Pi-rsidnt wlicther ordpr No. 376, IsStied by G"n. Si.vrt, w.ns frm insiructions from the w-ir liep-irlrnont, and f so, to 'ay thetn before the Sennlp, nnd also any opinionsof Gen. Scon as tof fin inilitarv means necpssary to carry thein nto effect. Lies ovpiy In the House, Mr. Vinton, from :he pomniittee ol ways and man-. presenled n bil! providiig for n linn not p.xcee ling 18,000,000. Rftad twice and refeneJ to eornmiite. Mr. Tii'-k spoke on t!ie subje-t ofi slavery ; Mr. McLnnn on the Texin hnund'irv qie-ti' n ; -wlieii nn rxeiiing debate oí' onver-ruion fillowei', betweefi Messrs. Tupij-kins of Missouri, and IlousIon of Alabaim. Jan 17. Sf.nate. - Mr. Rradbury ofMainB pre"ented the credentioN of Mr. Muore, appoinied to lili the vacnncy occnsioned by Mr. Fairfield's deith. He was sworn. Mr. Cameron submilfeJ a resol ution appoiniiftg a select coiumillee f investí' eple the late defalcation al thc Philadelpliia mint. Mr. Mangum's resoKition, 6:lling fir General Scoti's plan of the war, was then taken up, and Mr. C.iss opposed ils I a s'ige. H con'endeJ that il w;is nol jlidk'iuus to disclose the plans for the war. Mr. Mangum spoke in favor of his resolution, indignantly repelling the idea thal the [ila'nsoftbe lïxecutive ought nni t be disclose l to ih# Amarienn peoplf, wl:cii in fact thny vveie alroiily disdoseu tothe MexiciBs by public orders. Mr. All"' spokf zealonly ngiinst the rfsolulion, tliought it nught not to pass. and moved to la y it on the tab'e. Mr. Mangum rejined and the re olution was il en iassed ovpr infoinnliy. The order of the day being llie u-n re{iment bill, it was tlien t.ikcn u, and Mr. Bitlor of S. C. opposed its pnssnge, and pointe! out its dffct-'. It wns univ cessirv to ineroHtQ ihe eecu ve putronage, a this would do ; this paironngft b'ing alreirly loo large and d-ingerou. His proposed nmendm''nt, providing Fr tlie increasB of ihe mimber of ths compañías and rpgimems alrendy in the field, with out organizing ne, would {""'■) itcrease this jow r. He deuouncfd a ervilo compliance witli Uie den.ands of the pxe"utie, nnd leaed ihat soine ineimbers woul I give him 200,0110 inpn if he dfsircl so mnnv, and mertlv b'' iIip President ake f ir thetn. He thonght Mcx'.:n had a righi t.i coTiplain mi the terms dem'inde'l hy tH as the price of ppiice. M liadger of N.C. has ihe door on i h is suUje't to-morrow. Alter au Execuiive session the Sunato aij'iurned. Uouse. - Mr. Boyd ofTered a rcsolu'ion lo stopde!a'e oh Piesident's niessag ■ iminpdinU'ly on going in'.o commitlee of the whole. Mr. Steuhen moved to postpone úe iTS'iluiinn to Mominy next. C'arried, yeas 96, n.iys 83. Mr Giddings oñVed a resolnlion, citmg the case of the negro purchae in Congressional boar.iing lioiifO (?J nnd providing lor a select cmmiitee of five to inquire inio expe iiency of nhclish ing bltworv in :he Üistrici of Coivmbin, or removing the seat of government to u free Stue. Mr. Gay le, of Ala., mvtd to lay thp resolution on the table, and dernanded the nnd ïiav, which wpre laken, nnd re-] su!ted yea-i 81, nays 86. So Mr. G's moi ion w.v lost. Much confusión lirro prpvaüed in ihel Hnl!. Spveral mnnliers were ndiin ssing ! tlio cliair at ihe same linrw, Tlie S-crikpr cnüei loudly to order, rapping u ith hi.s II n minor. Mr. GiriJings said hc wislied to modiTy his rpsolutio. Mr. Hixra!s'in, of Gn.. moved to lay the resolulion on the tnble, and aslcpd the veas nnd nays. Tliey wpre taken, and stood 9-4 :o 88. The mofiou iras therofore carried. Otlier rpsolutions and bi'ls wereoflered til! thp ndnurmnent.