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Somo progresa nppears to be miking in legM.ition, at Michigan, althongh onlv ono session n diy is held, beiauae llie mud is so rfepp in the strests, an i the mots anti stninps so thick, and the n'nrding l:ons"s so scat:ered thnt the members cannot meet in coraraiilees in ihe cvenin?. Oktemn is tulkel of as a new name I P ir tlip C-ipitül. Di'. Dentón lias propostd n number of rnrasures looking towaivls pgni refinn. He hns given no'ice nf his intpniion to íniroriuiíe severa] bilis, re!alivp lo mcrnnsing the civil jtiriscüction o;' eoofflv courts - givmg criminal ju risdiclinn - re!a!ive t'i coun'y judg'ps - pnivi ding fir Ihe trial of cri niinls without r,. Mictmcnt in certain case--, &c. &c. nnd thfn m'ivpd the sup'-nsiori of the rules nnri int'oduc-eil thn bi!K Sena'or Allen o (Ter rel a revhjtïon ol' inquiry o T 1 1 ■ e Prof. if the Univprsity, il' in there opinión it would not grently prnmote cducation and the good of the peoile. to pktallsh an instituí ion Hit the pducanon of ti-mii'e;, in connection it!i llie Univprsity of this Stnte. Mr. Eldndge, to hor hnd bi'en referr?d a rpsolniion rfllative to rmking n plank walk nn one sidfi of Washington ; stree!, and fór clearing üe strekte, on thp w-hool wet ion, at thp expense of the Stritp, ii. this plnce, reported adverse. The "pav bill" pnssftd the Hous, and als') the bül t phanaf the nma of this pkicfl to 'Lansng." Tho Senate witl not protebly concur. Michigan, Jan. 19. Senator Fitzgernld ireserted a ptitinn for th etnsnn of th charter of the Farmer'j nnl Mechan Cs Bank. Senator Griswold prpsen'eil prenmble and resolutionsof the Board of Auditors nf ilie county of Wavtie. nkirig for the patsrtge of an net aulhurizing tho levying ofntaxto pa- f r t!ie construction of a jail n snid cuuniy. Senntor Ia!ch presented n petition nskir.g for the división of the State i rito six judicial circuits of the circuit court - tint ihe circuit c.our's have their jurisdiolion insreaïd- that the enmty courts be aboüsheJ, and th-il two neiv judges be added t'i the Suprerre court. The bill reponling th" miülia tax was nmetiried nnd pns-.Pi. A largs number of bil's went thro'.igh ihe fommittee of ths whole, and were placpd on the general nn"e; The j lint re-io'uiion fiiugthe time Por the election of a State, wai laid on the tahle. The bill lo amsn] a;i iet o rogulatc ths prorepHing-! in cns pending in chnncpry and thn circuit c 'iirls, nnl to mnend an act for rev'sing nn 1 cKin!idating tlip st:itutes oftiie St ite, -.vas tiken from the iMri Wlipn Senator Eldrcdga oíTi-red a su stiiule therelor, which was read a tliirJ time and pase I. Senator Berry ofFered a Tiew resolution instructi-.ig the ooinmit;ee on public lan .) to inq'iire into tlie expediency f thn reH.iciion of the minimum price of unsold universitv land-;. Senator Allpn gave nolceofa bill crpiting a (nnd out nf the proceeds of h s.-ile of the Sa't Spring lands of this State for tho support of hmnches to ihe Sta'e University, to be esUiÜisl.ed in ever county un-ler thf j. int djrection of the Regents nnd Sjpeiintendent of Public Ini'ructiort. 9ihnt'r Griswol.1, g-ive noiice of n bill to exieni ihe tima f ir tho collection of ceitu'n taves fir 1317 in Uamtrimck, iilso a bill to nmend MCtifin 13 t, c'rip:or 00, tt'e21 of the Revi.-ed Stntutes. The S n ite then wout ntu ooimnitte of the wholo, nn I con'iiderpd sevnrnl büls, which were rejiortel hack, but befoo any .,cf:on wa had, t:e Seuato adjourned.' In the Hous', Mr. Noyes preíentod n poiition for tho repeal of the milti ia Uju Mr. Campbell prossntpd a petifon fir llie abol t:on of the couity eouit-, and fr the e-tauüshmeiit of two aJditiotml judiciarv circuit-i. Mr. V. R. MTit'n, four pVtítlon' re1 itive to a road from ihe capital tu Usstmg in BeiTy county. Mr. Mithews, for tho onactment of garn'shee law. Mr. Turner reported bick the claims of S. Ptítti one, and statöd that no legislative aciion was noepssary. Mr. Young, from the committee on the milii'a rnpor'ed back the resolution from the Senatr, rel-iiive t) the enrollm'ut of' tlie vulufiteer reimenl into the regular service. Mr. King-tlay repnrted n b'll lo pxiend the time the o eotion of taxes in Green field. ANo, reportpd ïhe rdsotutrofl of inquiry rotativa to the nmntainnnca of the pooiby the tuwmthips in wr-ich ihey reside hack nn.1 recconvuended ihat iio ch:ingfl bo m'ide in e.ti-ting laiva. The Senate bil! to amend liilo 21. chnp. ter 94, section 18 of the R. S. waspassed. Señale hill to incorpnnte the Detroit Mrrchant's Exchnnge cwipanv wat rrad twicn and ipferre'. There wil) bo inoiion made to liinit the charter tu 50 years. Mr. Mulhollen gave notie of a bilí amenfiifig thfi II. S. relutive to highways and bridge'. Mr. SciiH gave not ce of a bil I toamend section 72 pfchap. 20 of' the R. S. The iloiiJe then went into commifee nf the wliole on sundrv bilis, and spent the bula tiCe of the fiienoon. Among oihers wns'tlie interest bilí. Thpre i-i no', doubt of the iui'pti'n ofethcr the Sena'e Houebill. All cfincur ín the t.ecesMty of an irrimeHiiite payment of the somintinual inteies! on the recognizcd debt uf the Stae. Jan. 20. fn the Sen.itp, t"-dny, Mr. Thomson presei;te.l the peta i of 310 citizens of Fün!, csking (br th Chnitef óf n rail roa J from Pontinc to Flin', Upon the most piacticab'e rind eligibio route. Als", a pol il i 'n froni tlic houd of Supervisors df the county of Giiiesep,pra - ing fór an a'terfitioii of the faw re'alie to thfi asesmeiit uf highway laxes. Mr. Sboe rialier preaenteH tl'e pptit:on of Lra'-der C!ii'm:m nnd 110 other ci:izrns of Jac&son c nirity, nskirig fur a rcpf-al of the court I fw, the creaMn of two new circuits of the circuit court, and the establishment of a court of'cfioiícery baving c'n-n.-rent ];j risdicliori the cir cuit court. &c Mr. Hart. froin the committne on división of UMvns and i-ouiitie , to wlioni was relVned the pptition of citizer.s of Detroit, nsking the diviin of fourtli ward of said city, reponed a bilí lo amend an act eititleil an ad re-I .tivo to wnrd election-? n II. e citv of Detroit, and lor other iurj)Dsos, apprived Mirch 27th, 183SÍ, in which lh y nxked ihn concirrence of tiio Señale, and lo be disi-h:irgfd f rom the fn rtlter considerMiofi Iher'of Th bill was onterft 1 t a third rending. a:.d ivo t'iirda if ihe Sctriiors re-en l voling theiefor, re;id ihc third lime an'l pnssed. Tho bil! 10 amenJ t tl- 21, cha;tor 94. sectinn 13ofth rtvUei siaiuies of 18 16. wis ordorcd to le enrol.'ed. Mr. 'I homsor gave nli:o of a j .ini icsolution reJutive to the g"viTiiment of the Üartéd Staies refun ling t tlio Sthté ol Mtoh'gnn any nnd nll sums of tomiey expended by iliis Sta'e in fitting out the first reginiei't i.f Michigin Volunepr Infantry, Iri puMunnce of a requisición made by the wa deportnient on ihe e. pcu'.ive of ihii siale. Also, ol" n bilí lo Incorporáis the P.tisbmg and Boston Mining C . Als-1, a bill t nmond ilie charter of the L'ike Superior Fishing nnd Mining Co. Mr. Thomson ofldred ihe foüowing restilutron : Re-olveH, 'I'hat the Superintendent of Public InstriroMon be requestej to furnisii fiir the use if the Sennt one hundrd o .ipips of lis last nt.imal rppnrt, and (hol the Secretary of the Sen-ite bo direc'fd U furni.-,li said S .uperintendeiil of Public Instruction wilh a copy of this resolution. Mr. Cnok moved to lay the resolution on t!)3 taille, which was lo.t. Mr. Eldredge movpj to amend by ad■ ling ai the end of ihe resolution - "and ihat each Senator be ;ind he is herpb) instructfd lo serid such copies a he miv reëel va to the unmarried female ()"it!nn of hi-i constiiiienis" - which wns ac;cepted l)y the mover of tho resol u' ion. Mr. Ook moved to leferlhe rpso'u'ion io iho comni ttee on pubüc instrüciion. which was ng'efd V 'J'he qu'-stio i being on ndoptii.g ïhe .esjluti'in a nmoaded, it was dcouled tii in the negitive. Mr. Allen givn notice of a bil! to pro vidtí by a goneral 1 uv fr tlie org iniz'itinn of ;ill !ow'iishi ivlien thev 8hall contain n s o,'ifio;l nurnber of qualifled VOtPIS. The bil! to amend sei. 82 of ch.ip. 92 of the II. S. of 1816, and ihe bül mi t'norizirg ami fmpoenng ihe Spcreiar üf Stnte to dia)ose, by snle or exchnnge. of cerlain statuta bonks, werñ íftvrKÍIy pnssf'd. The House ir.insacted a vn-t amount o business to-d.-ty. The gpnei-;il order w;if inken uj and cleaie.i. No adj 'tiniment for dinner took place until tw.i o" clpck, so, many of the n.embers who linr a milor so t walk, IkiI a late dinner. This is most esipntially a vvorking Lei.-lature. We have seldom scen a memher'sseat vacant during the huurs of sess on. Mr. Emmons pre.=ented the letiiion o: Herhert Adams and others, of Ontona gon, for the orginlzation ol' that towu sïiip. Mr. Pierre,)ursunnt t pievious ntice, askcd aivl ob'aiieJ Ipnve lo innodice a bilí lo d " fi : ; e a h'inins's i') and PXímpt ihe same (Vim forcrd s:i!e in eertain case Mr. Linlephn gv.'c notie? of n bilí (pprorja'ing rflNai'i intrivil lmproverr?iii latida, to lie usd in coostnic'ing a wi arl' an1 ipening rertnin ro-id-i for th bpircfil nf i lira [lnllinH c 1 n now sptIng in the eounties if Otiawu aüd Aliaga n. Mr. Dentón givo noiic o f h b! to aninnd c!i;r). 142 ii Uie R. S. On motiou of Mr. Eldreíge, IJe-i'lveii, Tliat tli roinmiltsn on tlie judiiiary bu ilwtruolPfi to inqnire intu tlie e.vpedien'-y nf so nraend n? tho revised Mahjte of 1846, ns to le.iv e ihe grnuting of lice'.se-i lo ihe t.uviiship board--, and report by lu'll oc olhpiwisf. Mr. gave noiico ufa bilí to amci.d scc. 4 of c-hap. 2 "i nf tlie s!atitea, relame to Iny ing out, altering and iJíscoi.tinuing higliw.-iy.--. Un inotÍQTi of Mr. Emmons. Resolvpd, Tliai ihe comrniltoo on tha oig"riizilio!i of iuwn-;hi s a;d countfes le instrtir.-tcd ;o reporl a bul provijing for tl e oigniiization oí townships, when from rregu'arity or otlier causea thy liava faileif to comjdy wu!i the )rovsions of thp. fict nulh irfzrng the sime. Tl e amrn Iment t , being a substitü'a for, tlie SeuUe bilí to prrjvi l for tSa paymeitor inte1 est on tlie liq'iiditeJ portion r.f ilie five mi ] ion lo n, was concurred n. t!ie aTiendtnent orde el tobe engrooed, and tho bilí ord red to t ihird leading. Mr. Litll jhn, from tlia corumiltM on wa ys and mearw, hy u:rin'm"us consent i'ppoitd a bilí i'ir thp nymotit of Ai-dew [linie, wh le c'aimi.g nsrat I the 1 1 : 'iiso of Represent itive. The Honín Míen res vrd itse'f int) commiltee of'tiie whol ■ m ihe gn"ral (infer, nnd n;ïfr s une ti ne -peni iherein, i'if coniiiiittet' rosp. and reported inek to ihp IIoms". v:ho;it ame íiliueni - A bilí tu ex'end ihe lime fnrthé coüenlion auil rlinn of tnxes m the lownsliip of ( ! renfielrJ, in i!ip countr of Wavue ; A bilí to incranse the nnmlor o' m istor in chaurery in tt.e several countiei in thÍH siat ; A bilí rclaive t ponding pro-eeJings luí" the pnrli'inn of leal estafe ; A i in; iTS'ihni.Mi relativa lo furnishing cp.Main tnwnslirp offioera with eropie ni law ; A j iit rsoluííon r. lvive M ih ppriii;i lent enf ünipnt o! ihf fir.t rrgimoÉt of Miciiigaii Vtilun'.eers intoile erviro of ihe Uni:ed Stnt-s under nny nct of Congresi i.ow in furie cr hi(h m.iy 1 ecnme a law diuing tl. e preseiil leisiimof Cong' ess. And a!s ) rcpor:e1 back, wiih anendmniit, in vvhicfi thn concurrance "f i!ie Ilonse uaíHMíed, a billto incorpórale lh Detroit Merchante ExchanpCo.