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I always pretend to be happy.

I always pretend to be okay.

I always pretend to be fine.

But I’m actually not.

I’m afraid to express my depression and anxiety.


People ask me why I am depressed.

The answer to that question is, I don’t know.

Asking me why I’m depressed is the same as asking “Why is your blood pressure so high?” to a hypertensive patient.


Stop saying that I am “too negative.”

I am just being truthful.

Stop saying that I should “be happy” because there are so many more people who live a worse life than I am.

Why do I have to be happy for their unhappiness?

Stop saying that I have to think about my family.

It is the same as “just live with it.”

Stop saying that I am “too sensitive”.

If you think depression is a result of being sensitive, you are underestimating it.


Why don’t you know that I am hiding my feelings?

Why don’t you know that I am sending signals for help?


I miss myself.

I miss old me.

When I had an innocent smile on my face.


You will never understand how I am dying inside.