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S. D. (Casey) Jones Named 1953 President of YMCA

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S. D. (Casey) Jones of 2910 Geddes Rd., was elected 1953 president of the YMCA at a joint meeting of members of the board of directors yesterday. Jones has served four years on the YMCA Board of Directors. The last two years, he has also been treasurer and chairman of the budget and finance committee. Other newly-elected officers are Eugene C. Rowe, vice-president; Rev. Edwin J. Weiss, secretary: and Robert L. Johnson, treasurer. Three board members were elected to serve their second three year terms. They are Dr. Bruce F. Fralick, George H. Gabler and Paul C. Wagner. Newly-elected board members to serve three-year terms are Wager A. Glass, Edward Groesbeck, Walter W. Springer and Frederick E. Stein. Dr. Dean W. Meyers was re-elected to the board of trustees. At the business meeting, Wendell R. Lyons, general secretary, reported on the accomplishments of the past year.