Gerald Lutz Receives A New Cane From The Lions Club As Part Of White Cane Week, April 1964
Published In
Ann Arbor News, April 28, 1964
RECEIVES WHITE CANE: Gerald Lutz (right) receives a new white cane as part of White Cane Week activities being conducted locally by the two Lions Clubs in the city. Members of the Ann Arbor Lions Club and Ann Arbor Evening Lions Club, whose efforts are primarily concerned with aiding the sight-handicapped, will be at various business area locations Friday and Saturday for the annual White Cane Week fund-raising event. Participating in the presentation are Harold Benz (left), Ann Arbor Lions Club president, and Lions District Gov. Leonard Butler.
Ann Arbor News, April 28, 1964
RECEIVES WHITE CANE: Gerald Lutz (right) receives a new white cane as part of White Cane Week activities being conducted locally by the two Lions Clubs in the city. Members of the Ann Arbor Lions Club and Ann Arbor Evening Lions Club, whose efforts are primarily concerned with aiding the sight-handicapped, will be at various business area locations Friday and Saturday for the annual White Cane Week fund-raising event. Participating in the presentation are Harold Benz (left), Ann Arbor Lions Club president, and Lions District Gov. Leonard Butler.
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