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We live in a world where people are scared to act like themselves in the fact that they will be judged or worst,

But If we lived in my world we would celebrate everyone's differences and everyone would be truly proud,

We live in a world where girls are scared to wear certain outfits in the fear of being cat called,

But If we lived in my world girls could wear anything you want and feel confident as hell,

We live in a world where kids have to walk in big groups so they don't get kidnapped,

But If we lived in my world kids wouldn't have fear of being kidnapped and could walk down the street alone,

We live in a world where being nice and liking someone is mixed up because this world is filled with so much hate,

But If we lived in my world love would be everywhere and life would be good,

We live in a world where if someone is going through a hard time and don't want to talk,  people say “they are just acting like that for attention,”

But If we lived in my world when someone is struggling people would reach out to help them not judge,

We live in a world where kids are scared to go to school because they are scared of who could come in and harm them,

But If we lived in my world kids would see school as a safe place from any dangers,

We live in a world where if you tell an authority figure something you are considered a snitch,  But If we lived in my world you will get some good appreciation for talking to authority about hard things instead of being hated on,

We live in a world where when something happens to them they're scared to speak up because they could be blamed even though it's not their fault,

But If we lived in my world when something bad happens to them they could speak up and know it is not your fault,

We live in a world where in society money means truth money means power.

But If we lived in my world money is nor power or truth, the truth is power and is what determines what is right or wrong.  

But sadly we don't live in my world