New Lions Name Charter Speaker
New Lions Name Charter Speaker
Prof. R. L. Garner Will Give Talk
Prof. Raymond L. Garner, chairman of the biological chemistry, department of Seton Hall University's College of Medicine and Dentistry and former president of the Ann Arbor Lions Club, will be the featured speaker at the newly formed Arbor Land Lions Club's charter night banquet next 1961
Garner, former University of Michigan faculty member, served as president of the Ann Arbor Lions Club in 1952-53. Prior to leaving Ann Arbor in mid-1956 for South Orange, N. J., and the Seton Hall post, Garner also had served as a Lions district governor and zone chairman. He is a Lions international counselor.
Garner was a member of the U-M faculty for about 21 years.
The Arbor Land Lions Club, which meets the second and
Prof. Raymond L. Garner
fourth Tuesday nights of each month, was organized on April 11. It is being sponsored by the Ann Arbor Lions Club.
Other highlights of the charter night program, to begin at| 7 p.m. at the Michigan Union, will include presentation of the charter to the new club's president, Donald O. Brown, by Lions District Gov. David L. Golden of Highland Park. Golden is Highland Park's municipal judge.
Officers of the club will be formally installed by O. D. Crouch of Wayne, deputy district governor.
Mayor Cecil 0. Creal will give welcome remarks.