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I feel myself get feelings

In my toes


It’s odd as if I may be able to move them

But shouldn’t


I feel that same squirm right below my ankles

But this time it’s different as if these

Feet might have a purpose in life


I feel my ankles get stuffed right through

And I should move everything so I

Should not fall


Soon enough I feel a joint

Grow big that allows me to run or

Walk very fast


I feel so very

Unstuffed as if I have the

Power to live

But different from before


I feel a jolt of red straw blood as I

Get hay stuffed in place of my heart


As I reach my head I feel no new thing.

Only the familiar feeling of being



Soon after that I see something new

Which was quite a surprise

For I saw

Nothing before


Soon my vision grows big

I see everything around me except for behind

But oh so suddenly I feel a stick

Up my back and sit there for
