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Caution To The Public

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Dr. Herrick, beili" áetertnined to proteot ilie public IVniii iiik-.-:uiii]. and t" preserve the reputation of his beautiful :v-d every wbere popular Sugar Coated l'ills; t. in expoee certatn medicine-mongers reaiding ia litferenl parta pf th caontpy, who i hiim to Uave d pateól tbr contiiig pills whli sugur, asks a cuieful penual otthu fiillowing letter: - U. S. 1'atk.vt Ofkiok, Jan. lfi, lüiC. Dr. Hbbrice - Dear Sir: Your letlerof tha 5th, insiaut. liaa bseai received. In auswcr to your inquiry, wlictlirr ;i:iy patent lias been granted for a pill coated with sagar, I have to inform yon tlmt ao r&oord of êuoh a patent can be fouod in tlas office. Respèctfolly yoürs, EDMÜTÏD BORKE. The alui've letter, receïved difecl from Patent office, 6hovv3 up these gentleraeu, and thsir deadly nostruins, iu no very euviable liljt. furlher commcnt is uinneceesary. A. T. HAVEFS, Asent.