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Mob At Washington--an Assault Upon The Liberty Of The Press

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In the Capitol of this Republic, - n this. boasted land of liberty - vinder the shadow of the Halls of our National Legislature.on which the Eagle tt'ilh hisbroad extended wings rests as an emblem of our elevation and power, and our National flag of stars and stripes, givesits ampio folds to the brecze, as the proud Banner of freedom, proclaiming this is " the home of tho brave," and should be the land of none but the free, - we had hoped that mob days were among the "by-gones." But with deep regret we learn thatthis press which has bustained such an unimpeachable character, whose candid, and courteous, and yet decided conree, in treating on every important subject, should under all cireumstancss, have been secure, is in danger of being dertroyed. Such Rn out rage is a d9grace to any civilized community. Is there nn American citien in these United States base enough to countenance euch an attemnt. Last Saturday night, we learn, someseventy or eighty slaves escaped f'rom this place, in a sloop or schoener and proceeded down the river. The fact was not diseovered lili next day, when a steamboat wasdespatched in pursuit. The fugitives, together vvitli threo whito men, who navlgated the craft, vvere caught, brought back and imprieoned. A great deal of excitement was the result : and th cry soon arose among the crowd, that the National Era was the cause of the mischiet. Ofcourse there is no truth in tliis - not one partiële. - But, excited men do not inquirc or reason. While we are writing this, at ten o'clock at ftight, a crowd of men and boys is crowded about the office; many stones have been thrown; but the pólice aro striving to do their duty. They may fail ; the multitude may overpower them , bat we hope for the best. We cannot but think ihat the sober eecond thouglit of the ringleaders in this aftair will arouse compunction for this violent assault against the liberty of the press - a liberty in our case which even they daré not say, has been abused. All we have to say is, we stand by the freedom of the press, whatever thn result. Wednesday Morning, 8 o'clock. The inob dispersed last night about 12 o'clock-- thanks to the efficiënt conduce, of Captain Goddard and the rest the of pólice. The ratnor that the office of the National Era was concerned in the escape of the slaves in the Pearl, is utterly groundless - this its originators know, but they are willing to use it to inflamo popular feeling affainst out press. Whatever we do, we do openly. We cherish an instinttive adhorrence of any mnveraent which would involve us in the necessity of concealment, strategy, or tiickery of any kind. No ! No ! We undersland this outrage. - It is airnad at the freedom of the Press. We own and edit a paper which is as free as the winds of heaven. It bows neither to slavery nor to thfi mob. We stand upon our rights as a man, and as an American citizen, and will use these rights, in speaSiing and in writing frecly upon any subject we please, despito' al! threats of violence. It is a damning disgrace, that at the very moment we are rejoicing with the peópte of France at their triurnph overa Despot who undertook to en.slarc the Press, an attempt should be made to strike down the freedom of the presa in tho Capital City of this Itepublic, in sight of the National LegÍ6laturo. We are again threatened - the outrage is to be repeated, it is said. And for whal] What is our offence 1 Is there a man in this commnnity whom we have injured 1 Have we not boen kind and courteous to all mon, studious of the proprioties which ought to distinguish ihe discussion of all important questions1! There is no man in tliis city who has examined our paper that finds any fault wilh its tone, style, or temper. Enough. We yield to no violence. We appeal to the good sonso of this community. ave, and as we 6aid, the sober second thought of iho infatuated pursons wlio, jn a paroxysni of blind excitement, a8S!iil our press. It cannot be that in tho nineteenüt century, n the face of a world struggüng forfree thought, free speech, free actinn, and looking up to this Republio f'or example and eneouragement, n free Press should be put down by violenco n the capital city of this Republic.