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Extract Of A Letter From Kentucky To The Cincinnati Herald

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My Deau Sik - We are endeavoring to sustain the Examiner, of Louisvillo. Wc feel hopeful that we rnav be able to form a public sentiment in our State that will demand the extinction of our worst enemy, [slavery,] in the Constitution which we tliink we 9ha!l liave in a few years. You know the question ufa convention is before our pcople, and I know that but few suppnse it will not carry next August at our State Election. Our prominent political men seem afraid to publicly take liold of' the subject. Slill slavery is being discussod by the people, and it is the particular topic that all feel is to be the great ono. 13 ut we do not despair, we feel that wo must succeed. A great change has been cffected here in public sentiment, and the subject is being diaeussed in a manner that greatly encourages us. I was gratifiedat the rcsolutiuns passed at a meeting in Lowis county a few weeks since, com meiiding the courso taken by John P. Halo in the Sonate of the United States on the subject of tho Mexican War, and the voto of thanks to somo of our Generáis in that war; it is certainly the only consistent one that can be taken. I was the more gratified, too, because it was an expression in a latitude that is not common being South of Mason and Dixon's line. The speeches of Hale have been read here by many, who feel ihat ho is a man of the right stamp ! - nn honest man - and ono who doservcs their Bowlinggrecn, wbich letter and response you vl:l see, Í exgect, in this weeks Examine r, - Although I do Hot agrec with the Judgo, y'et lu Kas staown n rnanly part !n liis prompt and ingenióos reply.andone, too, that will ba warmly commended. It certainly 3 an advance, and one tliat argües well. You will no doubt have r:oticed tlie numbers in tlie Exuminer, sigrred a " Southern Kentuckian." Tlie writer is a preacher, possessing indi'jienclcnco of' ihought and does not betray tliat subserviency to public sentiment tliat is too often wilncssed here, I liavo beard Inm speak of llie Mexican war in the pulpit, vitli a matdy boldness, ;ind as every man should do who lovos juslice and right and is guided by trulli, and not only so, but ho eulogizes and thank_s God for the nianly and open mdependenco of Corwin and olhers, tliat lie more tlian a ycar ago in tho Senata of the United Suites, did as an independent and lionest man give utterance to his own convictions on th'it subject. Tlie "Wilrnot Proviso has fi-iends here. You can hardly know how they are gratified when they sec a disposition on your side of the river to sustain it. And what is most astomshing to mo is to ihink that any man who is a free man, and wlio devoted any attention to the subject, should oppose it. It does seem tliat ro man who loves justice, honors and respects his oountrv, and is not an cnemy to his race, could bc so lost to the claims of human'ty as to oppose it. We have a man [Fee, of Lew3 country. whom you know and who ouglit to bc known by every philanthropist, and will be, whoso labor in behalf of the down-trodden and op pressed will be held in remernbrance in days vet to come - he will yet reap his reward. - But our main hope is that the North will yet resist the aggressivo and oppressive influence of the power and spirit of slavery, and deliver the General Government from the power of its sway, and assist us in the extermination of the evil oppression and wrong, from which it derives its nourishment and lile, and assist us in making these United States the land of the just, as we now cali it the home of the brave. Yours wilh respect. We commend the foregoing to the earnest attention of all our readers. The wriler is an enthusinstic f'riend of emancipation, and an 111flucntial citizen of Kentucky. If Mr. Clay is so zealous u friend of liberty, wliy do not the bravo men in his nativo State, who are strug clinir for tlie elave. know it '( They speak of