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We are Bou] to presaut ihrougb the columna of tUis popar to onrreader; sick and wel!, wherever thcy may ba, a series of weekly Aotices, oencerniag tlml celebrated medicine, wbich lias made -o ï.nnv aud vorious cures in tUia ;uul otlier countries duriig tjio past five years, Vau h sVe gtalile Lilhontríptic Mixturéis tho irticleto which allude. We fraukly aytbat we l,.,v,. ]„. ,., .,.,,„, ,irtuB,or it u 1 1 nol liavo eslablislied lbo lame tot itself wbich it ceita uly bas. We are not one of ihoso apt lu iiragiae t! at a worthleea npstrum can even Bdstain itself Uve y eara - it is out. ol' the queatioQ- bere ia a short extracl Ivom t letter howu as by the Agent.-" I thought I wöuld test the article myself Ib weaknest of the kidneys, bejreiutroducinsit, nsiiigl i amall-bottle instantlj te ieved me. 1 fhen offered it to my customera for all kiudsof comphants - resolved ti tort it séverely. I vraa as'oniilied at its rrsiilts in i'l c i.-i-s. aiul must iubecvibe to the tbeory of a universal n-iueily, &c. Dated Euelid, Oliio, Jx!y IS, 18 IC. L, L. Adama; Druggeat &c."- Reader go to the Agent, get n parnpblet, and learn ïn.i.,-. llis location is seen ander the advertisement of Qrcat American Remedy.