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BAYMOJVO &, WAK ING 'S ÖRANB MMAfiERIE! TRIVMPHAL E.STRY OF THE NKW AND O'IRO KOU 4 COLOSSEAN CHARIOT! ItriKTii bjr Tm Srrjr llurrai, (ir THK Lílir.KíT SI7.C, Conta'ning tile New Y.irk BRASS BAD, whlch wrill preced ■ the carrrages contnining 'h varí un Animéis, llie wliilc fdiniiir.'a GUAND PROOB8TION. Un eiterhig each place of Exliiliitiou, The iltaxniiotis of thia stun -uJiioni work of Sculptuml uud Decorat've urt, arr na follows : II 'ig'it ti smninit nf c:innpy 20 fert Lenstli of obaríiit .■)()" Wei.-lit iu Culi !0K);i" U'ill be Kxliitiileil Rl Balite, Creek 011 Wetlne.s.l.iy May 21, I54S. IVom 1 tu 4 l M. Tiie Pfmrietnr rir c f I . .iiiiiniuica to the public thnt m 'Irsoc :ii4Mu tli'vwll li. iv. i .ni nriporttnityof witnessiif the novel him] hi iti3 nerfiirinnDceoi' Bt'lle ívnid.l.K, who, ilurinf; tlie pust winter, li;is oraated so sre'it an iciti-iiie it ni the E.istsni oities,au4 lias gúued fbr lier8:;li tlu tiüe of the S'ü; will e.iter tlis ileu of tlii H.-rcest auiujuls vrilh tbe su traed in;::: nitiüiitir. ■in 1 ;r vh se iujtnictions Hhe Ih tieeii taiiírht to iiniciue ihnt ilui wt unerlmmtii exhibUñu nf inlf jinitminii feurlleg ádrela,, ud mi in;t.ille coumge, Tbe euna and tuct wiiicli alie displays in bringiiig be most untnmmiitle tuiinul to cruch,(it lier l'c-f. Imws (he w.Muleifui 8'irmaoy of tliu bumau miad ver bmto f,nx ■ hiiiI ferocity. I) esliijli Ins exciliiteil in nlinist every purt of li clvUizeil worl.l tln; 8arriMng'H)wer vrhiulí lio pmsscs over thé miftniil creirtiou. The perfonmiuce l he'Teaclie and tlie 1 ■ i ; i I . witli theirputfaiiiily oI'Tks ítli! inoit s;ivH,'f ;i!iim ila, nIi uva muís rtmJé'fal il;íini murar Om He.ists l' tlie fijld and tlu wild deiii. z mis t' t!i'í Kore. 'l'he fillnwi.ig is a list of tlit Ailiaiala iu tliis extunsive Mea iq ifiií , llcrr Dricsba-h's Tralncd Animáis: KM) grow i N i u ,l ,, rw i. Asi ntc y i ia, Af-i aai L. . i-M-.. Pumiir Öitver L ,.■ ofámlli A n -no, (. '■cii II íitm.' L ■D'iird, ' beut-l ir :nil! A4i:itic l.- i;n-d C...i.r,, P-t T..r IV,),,! B mzU. II ,y il B Tigar. Th War KIc)Iiuiii Ilnmiiiml, A.f ARABÍAS PACK CAMEL. Cl'JO Ni. 1 :,!„ x l Cmdu.i tí A. ' " 2 A'i Afriean Z ibra " 3 A:i Bmu. iir New Holland O.stnch, and Kangaro. " 4 A iHir if Penivinn Llamis. " " 9 Foweei. M iriws, ParruU, Arm.dillo, and B{yptHii Wtf.iz-I. " ' fi Z luí. or S icied Bn!l ol'Buim ih. " " 7 Fuil nvr.iL'n. Lious, mul Leopntd. " " 8 AflHtic Lwtie.-w, Tiger, Puma, aud A.frioan Le ii!inl. " " 9 R lyul Bauitl Tiger, tho ouly one n the U. St.iteí. ■ " 10 Fmr N-ii-ili m"-ican Paniliers. " "11 l'iii-'iflir.izüi.inïiïers,;,,,,! l'r.iirie Wilvvs. " " 12 P.iirofS;nttc.l, nr Q svs S ibbtnf Mvpuh. " 13 8t)tieg il Laoparti. uud Uu.icli or Stniml II , - aua" " 1 4 R luia i and. rth Amarleau Bruwn oud U"ick li 'ara. " " 15 M i i'ïbv Fnnrly, Ichm-irrn ís, (1 1 1 ; x. " " 16 C.illeoiicii ot' preparcl B ;asls, B i'd and R-)tli.s. " " 17 B a Cmstiictor ud Anaconda Scipaiits. 60 Men nsil 1OO Horses! ara roquiretl in tlicir cwv I I 1 'niü8OrtHtÍO;l. AIMISSl.j.N 3 Cu.-ChiUren audef 10 yeur o a.'e 15 cent. Will ilio hè held at Mirslall Miy 23, Kalatnizoi M 'v 2. W4S. S ta Ol lï "hsariILS Stre! IV,, 1'eu-Hr.ldM., B'acfc B'ue n.l lïe,l fitk, re 8ei.luig.Wiw, Uur StuUm. &c. s.iIb cli ■! it tlie AIMTHECIRTBS HTJ„ g ,-.l,. Block "' Pm.).IE .Itlut Bi'i.1 fimriUilijugTouoau befouad .it tb'j CLi'.'ui Dni! Store. A. T. HAVENP STATE of M1C1I1G S-'VU Ciruii.t Court lor lmconnty ol Cilh un - In Cnancery. Al a e HOU of il id court. liel.l al Miraliall on ihe 27 h ui of April, in Uu' v' ir nne Inwin tiid eiglit liundrt d and futlj riglil Piecvnt ll"ii. Gi-o ge Mili, i inuvi Judge. ORLANDU PATEE, Coinplainanl. G1DEON 1". SM1TH. BEI'SBY DUTCUER and (iULUMON UUTCIIElt, Delfii nut. It Mtfcfaclonlv apju-nririii lo Ihia Court ihal Helsey Duicliur and Soliimon Du i-licr tv o o; i lie elWuduut in I h is canse are iMHi-recidcnis ai.d t llicy i eaidu ;n tllc SiHlr of üllii) - On lll' Hou of Abner E. C.illlu nelt, Sul c ttir lor iltf CvH)fln nuni, il is ordi n d ila ihe ftiiid it fendanlKt Ufia v l nclier and .Siiloitim. Dn clier eau tlier aí(iaríiice lo be rnlerrti vvnliin i line ui' lülis Lrum ilir ol lili" ouier. and ilial in c.isuol lliir iiii aran e lh- i au -e Ilieirau wer Intlli uam,iIailnMtV lii'l lo In filen uu i a copy Itienof lo be h rved "ii'be cdtnfjl ii anl's tSoliuiloi wtlnn liffehli 'lavN nilT ui ii euiy ut ■Hd ut ! I ai.ii t olice 01 Ui ► oriii r : u d in ili lamt tluraul lli il llie hiíú bilí li nk"n as co"lHSHed by llie baid (lelciiduiilü Be-aey :)iiiclie and Soloiuon Du'; lui. Aml it is lu.lher ordtted lliat within Iei4]i da ihe sanl toinp ain int citu a cipy ui lilis ordur to lie iulililietl lu lite " Mt:biiti I..I11 riv l're-s" a neo■ per pnlil sin d at Han ' l'n'i U. in l'.ieionuly ui C'alliotin, ilid l II il til e -uid IUC&I ion bu có'ljl lliuud in f-am ier at ! 1 on e i" eucli wn k lor nlx in alle■■-e ion. or llial de t.aue a c -y ol l urdí r lo !■■ ni oullv aervfd on the siiid leleii'l;tnts BfrtMV Uulcher Mild Soloiii'üi Dnclcrui leartl twni v d.iyrt teiuie iliti mie l escubed f r ihi'ir a:ip arunce (A i rinc„,v) JOII.N MKACIIB.M, Ri-B t, t. An-it B. CiMPim.l.. S 'linilo ;! C nip I alll 'i-(i S'ATK .il MICJHUiA.N - The Cii uit Curt i lip uoii'itv ol' (,'alli in i - fa Cll meer. At ii srssiuu e niii ounrt, lielcl ut UnrxhnM nu the 25lll dav of April. A. D., l!l I. l'rcsoiit Hou. Geo. Mili-. Circuit JuUce. CLAR1SSA A. McCOIMtTlE, Compluiumit, verplis OLIVEU R. MuCOL'ltTIB, Defeudaiit. It Kiiiislinti'i'ilv aupearing tn tlii Court thatthe ilc(■iidiut, Oliver K. AlCoiirtie, is 11 inm-icsMeiit uf ttiü Stüti', mul Iliit lic ruseles iu llie Stute iifluiliuUH - Uu motiiMi nt Willimn C. R vlcy, Sulicitor 6r llie ï.'nni[! liiiHiii, il is ordtTcil that tlie Btüd U1' ndiiiit, Olive; K. iVKCitiftic, can-;e Ilis ajunNirjuicr l.i li: euleiftl wi liiu tlii'Bf ïmiiill's IV11111 the dalB il' tliis (ir .ei-, mul lliai in case üf liis a[c;iiMiicr lie causo 11 s auswur to the ciniiplaiiiaiit's tiill uf compUiiiit lo lie tilfd ttiiu a c(iy 1 lifieol' In lic servcil 1111 thp nnaphiiiiHUt'i Billtwtm' williiti tvvruty days jifter Hervicti uf a cnpy rtf saiil bill atuj imtice nftliis Oi'iler; and iudefanlt thereof that tlietmid liill lie tiikcii as coufesaed liythe said del'eiidaut, üliver I!. C.iiutie. And it is furtlifir oidered tlmt wiiliin tvventy days the feiïu Cditifilftiiliiiit caue a oopy (it 1 1 1 - s order to !k: pnljlislit'd iu the .Micliiu'au Liberty IVess, a iii'usuapcr pulituhcHi at Battltí Creck, in tht couuty til' CiiUtuun, and thut the aaiu publicntiou lie coutiiiued iii s:iid paper ui least ciiicf iu cacli week fiir six weuks iu succesi 111, ir that lie cause aciipy nftliis Order to In perHOimlty served (111 llip said deteiidanl, lilivor R. MiCmirlie. at leasi tweiity days befare tli ttinie almve ;resci-ihNl f ir his ap pearance. (A true ce]iv) JlIIN MEA( IIEA'. BegU'r. W.H. C. RpWLKf. S 'liicitor tir C nnpluïbtiul. 4-Bvv STATE uf MICHIGAN- Tlw t'ircutl Gjmrt fr tli coimty of Ciilli un - [11 Clia.cery. At a session i s;ii:l : oUít, lield at Marslrtll ou tlie 2"tli day of Apri iu tlic yenr oue tliousmid eiuht hundred itud lorry-eigh Preseut Hon. Btfci. Miles, Circuit Jailge. JCtóEl'H W. BBCKLEY, Complana, ve 'sus SALINA R. BL'CKLEV, Defemlaut It müifkctorily apeming to this Cimit that the de fettüout. Salina R. Buokley, is a nmi-iesideiit of tlii Stato, and tliat -lie remltw in tlie State il' Illinois - Oí tnutidn of Williain Kawley, Solicitiw ínr ihc f!oifl ;l;LÍnaut, it is onlired th'it íüv sa:d dufundant, Sálliu U. lincU'ev. t insc hér apiejianc' tu lie euteml wiiliii i licet m mili trom the date ot ihis Order, and tlKit ii case nt'li -r HiineurHUOe she canse be? aiiswer to lile Erna ;lain;int's Ijilt to be (ilcd, and a ctpy therent' tn le iel' ved un tlie complainaiil'rt Silieitir witliin tweuty day il'ter aervice of a copy of wiid bilí, ftiiil notice of 1I1 urüer, and n default tneroof ihrtt tlie said bilí lie takei i OfWlfeaiüd liy tlie said ilefetidant. Salina R. Bncklu A.iil it is fnrtber oidered, witbiu tweuty dtye ili aid cnilaiiiant canse a copv of th'ít Urdnr tu be p'i!)■slied in the Michigan Liberty I'reü, a iiewjiaper jinb ished at Battle Creek iu tlie cunnty of Calhuun, aml liat lili sai.l putilicalion be cuntinned iu said [iper al least once in eacli vveek tur six we.-ks u snccess 'on, or ■ b:tt Iip cause a copy of ttlisorder to be persunally servad un ibe said di'l'eiidaut, Salina 11. Buckley, at least twetity days befiire the lime abuve ireociibed for her ippe.irainje. (A tnir copy) JUHN MEACHE.VI, Register. Wm.C. Rowr.KY. Solii'iiiirf ir C unii'.'iiii -mt. 4-fiw STAB OF MICHIGAN, ? Cu nity of Oalhnau ss. ) AT a Cuurt of l'ro'-'iitu he'd at the offi.-e nf the .Tndge ihereil'in 'larehnll, on the 5 tb dayof.M.iy. A l).. IU48. l'i'esent Hurace A. Nnyes, Judge of l'mliate. Lu the muiter of the estáte of Eluazer McCamly deceased. L'pon readhis and üüng the petitimi nf Sinds M'C nny. Biecutorof t last wtll and teatnraeut of wiu Jecuased, il 1 1 ! y veritï -d, prayi i fn' retisrms llieretu se orh, KirliceuM anti ml li. nity to sell ceitaiu real csat- ui Haid pciitiou descrüted. ThrtrUHni it is ordered tin coiisideraltnh of wild lütitinii (istioue 1 muil the 17lh dny of JmiAiiext, tone o'clock in the aftrnin-M], at llie Probate Ü!ll e in l nslutll aiorosaid - .it v hii-h lime and place all persons iterusted in llie estáte ui'e bureby ililWJteiltii Éppwir e!oie thf; Juilxe of Pi'obate at'ii'esaiil, tiv sh iw canse vliy a license Iliilid not lie grauteJ to siid execiüor, o sell so mueli (if the real eslate ofsaUl deceased as hall l)e llficeds vy to pay the d lt.s, leac-es aad eX[)elies of settle:neiit of the estáte of said deieaseil. And it is ftirilier ordered that said exec.nior canse a ■ py ol' ihis urder tobe pniílUbed n the Michigan Llrty l'ivss. a printed and circula in:.' in s.iiil iiinty, lor toni' succeasive weeks [n'ior to lile time oí éariug in ihe premises. 4 11 A. NOYES, Jiidgn of Probat. l'ATfl OJf MICHIGAN, } Coniity oí C.iHi iiiii, ss. T ;i ' 'urt of Probate, liulil al tlie offiue nf iIip Jadgr TL ihereof. iu M irshull nu lije -! 1 d.iy of M ly. A. D., .;Ï3 - present H mui i N'ytM. Ja t'itíof 'rolute. In tliu matter f tli ■ rtute irt' II irmet Swèet, riVeefl(■il. U i ' 1 1 reiuling iiml Sliug tlie netitiou of Murtli i woet, wiiI'kv nf stiil iK.'C'Si-srd. pryirig t-lu tnny c !ip) lintuil A.ltiiiiiTstr-.i'i-ix (it'siid eïtite. Tnarenp iu it is urilèfed ih it tli1 öoj-Hulerution of sii.l ctitioi) lie [) istji mud u iiil tlio Ï9 II d ly of M iy. lust.. one oVlook in tlu nftöriioou, ut llit; I rol4te dHjcb ii, I irsli.itl ;it' H--H;ii.l . , A ui t i.n l'nrthor Jnl-Jred, tlurt tlm siiil imtitionei nue acnpy nf iliis order in be nll islif 1 in ilm .Iicliim Liliei-iy Prol, ii ui!w-i;i,i;iit p iut.-.l ninl cirualatiuii i s litl o ui.ily, tli e.1 cii8'ciitive weeltci prior lo th mj ol'lua.i.ig iu tlie premi-. I H. A. N!)YRS, ,. of PmliVe. 'i'v Cubiiicit :ir'Jime - . TUK NUHSljKIlilSR wbdins t.i inl'om tinMl . j' i il c tliiit h Ii;h BSttiulinlieil liimsull' in j I il i!it Ciliiuet Biisin-ss. nuxt do ir ti rli -- ' K 1 [ BurUei'a sluip, lurmoriy aouiiieU ly Mi aartS. of lieiuii5 line, mul o3 'is liis ware cliunp. Ci I lul sitiify y iiir.sulvcs CotH ia in i Ie to nnler on tli'! sli irtest notice. Liinier tiikon iu explbiuge Cir C il!iut w cp. .ITT1IEW E. CRAXB. n-iU'i" Crn-'t. Anril IS, 1348, lti-4 n. T'JB iiudenízned vi I lic uppli] fmrn iho Aun Arbor l'.iper Mili, with tho variom J ;s:riptjo:is ofthu ilnvt: ititiiH'tl irticl '. inmiiit'ictiired jtt tlmt place, iob(tiiigof Priatiug, Wiappiug uní Writiue, topctlrer ■vitli Blank [icoks. Theiibove ap(iiile will be Boldfbf ;,usU exphuuged !:l'. B. D )RIÏNCE, Agent. B it.tle Ci-eck, 20. ISI7. ' 14 tti'lH-iUer's Tool. I GOOD iii-.iii-iit will be fiiiiiil atiho Usnlwdrf C áUwu iu B it'lt! Creíík. c.'msistiii',' 'i!' lio;ul rixtm, a l.'s '. s. latí comin'Hi üii7tirti I-mu' hdJ ihrirt jóittter. ja;' )!a.i';s, sin i tl( litt , li ill;vs au] roiiinls. skew aml ra1■ tt la lea, hi4a:U, mitrli plwidii. bm; ditto, grduidh vu04. h islj [ílaues, )!tnr!is, savv sets, ( i ii"vv iri(;l) bmee 1 1 I Wt. m,'iii'l)ts. siisol si'ii'v. ni i'k'iltci 12in, liukn if.v 'ii i'í )í, scotch jfrny uuj hi.i.l ittau ".l.átoiies, all of vti'oh will be sold cli'i.ip. Family ISiOles 1 ) ABRWOE:) tlut tli.-l),iks, ulri'tters. 'jfco4. may J ■ re ni a o-ie coüiinjte 1 Ilittury. A! , ci:irnpi;oiiil i i fi i.-yonvul. ::)..-s. tisíia, peif irntml i id llíet' [aei-, V i) ile ih-iri 1 ft' .M i 'slnls, -i ni V isliinto'i sml fiis i iT.ik .t,'.. Jfc., jm: rucoivu.l at fhi Jrix? st.-r,. ,,t' .A.- 13, i-ltlü. " A. T. HVVRNS. TUJSE IDG:1TB')u tli Balíturibjr, will ploase uot wiio f r tile [i ill t) riu , Uul'ore ünüiiig to llie 3ptjins O lioo toSottte, Battle Crek, April, 184. R R. OSGOOD DR. (i. C. VAUGHN'8 idvertisimelit, lor 18-48.- itie Great American llemcdy - Vnughn'i Vegetable Lithon tript ic Mixture. - Tilia universal pHnacm wiifiwlwiiif; ntroduced iiitu Enrope, the Eust and Welt Indii s. South America nud nll nther parla irf the globe, wlierc diwtn exisls i imy form. Tlie United Stutes and thr Canadaa bitrefiir tin past three years everely testedth viitucs wbkfa i lic prtopriotor, iipim the iutrddiiution ol tliis medicine, hesitntcd not t my it nodsrwed Iu introdneing iliis (íreal Vegetable líeniedy. the mtotetarthvj promiíes ere made, 011 tlie pnrl Dl'tbe m-d icine - síi nove] vvíis tlie thenrv, Ihe [irincipfe OKJn wlícL cmvs vvrre to I)B effectéd, ilml panple ib ew iii tlleir hands ilid criftl, wliat ni-xt! Even ciedulity B'arted wiih nriisi', and ilie socitlled ' Kaenliy" minie iii'iuselvfs iivrry otar the ' new liumliu." íiui mai-li ilic tamil - Ihe hi ee yeiirs Imve paned nwny- puliüc npiulnn, the voicu ni mil li .lis of obn-rviuc iudividiialt, btive fninped iliis .eiiit-dy the most singular, wnndeifnl, iiicdinpn-lii'iisivi' ainl iniraciiloiiscumtive pnwi-r ever inluceil. The une rrrat dfseate, which tlie pronñetornf this medicine bad pi-eMimpti-in to say existed, anl that ;il] variuns ii!tk eiiaes ware lint secnmlaiv. has now milHonanf heliever,, 'l'hey must believe, for they Imve wilni'ssed ihe cll'cc uf th; ipworatm-. Ii has cin]iieiril all case, by ñm. ply cmi(jnpnng the one. The oíd school uow opeñ tlieir rves. Tlu-ir oíd dnmu, like Ihe norniflg ttiist, fiy íieInie Ihe ü'ht of truth, w-d iiumii nise now seets u road to heahh its own wav. inati-ad ol closinv e es aml Iteiiw Wli Thu of the principie npon which his iitide cures is eslalilinhed, and Ihe slaletnent is nirnhi Imldiy. ni ist emphiitically, ínnst decid, illy rciterated : thia medicine will drive. fcorfi the body eörV tliitíÍHíe which bata name. evi-ry lisi ti-;nii:z:it.ii'ii of'lhV system i Inch eau ex-st. ïfboneand mn.scle ivm-in. this m,,:'i'.lie will restore to a perfect state. The old calomel. lil.-eiliiifí. hlisteriug sysiem u ahout to fall. The piool daily r'eentHlg itselldf the ti'llthof onr theorv.isü prop out ot" til old strncture, which will soon tumbe to tlie grnuiul, a shapelrss inass of iu'uorance mid dtHieption. llivabda íesort nt once to tliie medicine. Il ia Mtrurt'y vegeUible lenirdy, the product ot'our own soil, a coiniwiuud nf twentv-twn iliffereut iliaredientu. Each root has it.s part icnhir jiartof ihe systetn to nct npon.aiif) ihis ictiou i. akvays proilnced. iis effect upou lile wholesslem iainimediatcly apparent. Tesiiniony olihe bighesl chararler is dilily cominj to tlie pioprietor, fnll of trntfa -and yon will alwayssee llames, placesand dates. Not a parlicle of iiilse evidence is otfered on the part ofthis greal enranve. The BK. (:al,.:;;; ptmm] „f „„, „. , ÍS uewred. Il ;'ves thu character ni all ihe secomliry cououluints which prrvwl, and which have heen cu r-d by th;s article. Evidence of cure in mie of the most dreudtii! cases ol' lingeriiis complaints wlliob it has hcen thc fortune uf any medicine to cope with, is foiiinl - rases which llave heen left to die. Hnndied in every largo city of onr Union and tlie Cañadas, have to ihuuk this article for their lives; and so do ttíey, as let!ersin punetsioñ of the riroprietni will show." 1 lus great medicine will cure dropsy, in every stape; gravel, and all kinds of ditïiculty in tlie nriiiary organs; CompUiiut nftbe kidneye, weukuess if the liacR', femnle neiiliirities rmmeUintely cbckarl, mul ■ hntltby ton.friven t ilie sytein. evtry lómale at opee remrl o lliis .ie medicine, and use uo btW. Diseased liver. ïidipestinn, bilions compluints, dyapejniii iimtaiitly n-. lieved; rbeuinatUm, umt, &c, prpduced kw inactiou ■ t the bl.,o 1, will etwayt Bnd relief; nflarn d linies. cóukIi, even couMmptiou, unless the ptttieuta and theiimedical dviseri weredeceived, lian beun cured by this medicine; serafnla and eruptiva digenses, pilen, erysielas, inrl.iminiitiou (it'tiie eyes, pnjpitation of he beurt sick-headaclie, jamidice, lever nd iifi'ie- :fie wlioleciitaloiïue miijbl lifiianicil - set-k t.iis retnedyi Imy lu.otiier. Pilt np in 30 nz. boules, at $2; 12 oz'. hottle $1. Be caelul iliii! yimare not imiewd irion. Ev.ry luittle has thp wards, "Vungbi.' VeurtaUle LitboMriptic" Irinwn iimiii the ,'hiss - the writteii nigaature of'-G. C. Vauu'lni" au Ilie dirivtioiis mid G. C.Vnnghn, Búllalo, sianioed on the cork. N'nieolbcr genuiue. Preparad by Dr. (i. C. Vaugbu, and sokl al the prineind ageney, 207 Mum at., Buffaio, at wbólesale and re■ail. to whini all conimunicatioti must ctnae pont miil. Offices devoted excluiirely tothe ule iif tliis medicine, at wltolesate and retail : Hew mh City. J82 Nhrsau si., Oeorü H. östmixler: Salem. Mass., 355 Rssex st.. ïh'imis 1'. Che; Ci.icinuali, Oliio, 228 Main si C S. liurdall; St Louis, M„ , J. Walkei - -eneml agente. At ri.-l.iil lv respectalilu dni','i;i-ts througtlODt tbe Uni.111, as aiivertii;d in the papnr. For sale Iy A. T. MAVEN8, Bttle Creek. G. ft .T. G. T-lill and .1. Oweu & Co.. Detroit; Maynn. Anti Arbor; E. S-an.son, Vj.silanti; .(. Breek foiil Saline.; K. S;nv,-iis. Ooiiaml ; Hali. Sinilh At liuiiiMin, (i.-HssI.ake; I). C. Wliitwood, Dezter; T.J.Ciiamjiiou, Homer; T. Wliedock, Albion ; W. Jitckson, T,eni; A. C. Goodrich, I'aw l'aw; .1. T. ('laoham, Kalainnzno; Bniwu & Bcott, Siliool,-iaft ; J. C. Liinnine. Milew; J. L. T.iby & C.,., Jackson. nnd O. H. Hyde, Marshall. -11 o. W. OW EN, Travelling A-eut. The Piles. CURE FOR LIKK SECUBE !- Dr. UWÏAM" il Infernal Remody lor tlie euro ntTili-s. Tl ie Venable Pile EVduHry, nreiiteri Iiy Dr. A. Dptiam, a diiuguubed l'hvsician if New-York city, ia tbe niily re illy smeoi'ssfiil ïvinetly for Iliis duiüeroiis .nul Jiatrtis.iii:; complaiut llie riles, ever pfiered to tlie American mblic. The Electunry costaios no Mineral Malicine, no Al'■, Ciilncyiiiii, G.tinjbng, or othwr powerfal huü irritoojr purgativo, No few of Uiting ro'J whüe nmltjr ts iutíneuce ; un chunga i:i diet is uecefWary. If t.ikon cpiirding tn dirertiuusii cmv (ir life is guaran tied. liifliuniiuilorj' Dixnsis. Altfmieli tin; Elootaary ra nriitiirally preparad tor he cui-e of Tiles, yet it hog proveí] itsoli to be a nunliine t'ir sii)ni-ior to all nthers, iu all diseiities of nu inl.imniatoiv character, ili a determination of ll 1 to uy iarticn!ai' psrtor in-gHii: In iitBttiumntiun aud cones' Ion nf the [Wee mul npleeu ; iiifluniituitioii, i:ul aureess ailil nlccrari mi ollie srom.icii, iiovvcls, klüliey ;i i(] tl.uhli'i ■; ut i.ill hm nalorv a ui uuren lial rlietiinatisin, it s tlie bost niediciue ever Jiscfvered. lmpurHf0of il'1 i.mmI Por all ini mrities ntthe lilooii nrisiug from ttip imruilent use of inercui-v. or otlier roiigw] fur all di- .mes of llie skin nuj surofiiloua atli-etimis i all cuses vii.-r; tlie Mond is powi-i -l'ully ilcie inine.l to tliö li.-;ul. ' tluciug dizziness and distiess, D Upliaui's Klectuƒ is eutirely uurivulleil. T'O tlAliUIICI) I,AI)KIS. Married ladi.-s are a'in Bt iuvnrblbly subject to tliat 'üiilul and i.ijiirious di.seasc, tlie l'iles, vvitli conseilèut iiiHaminaiioii of tlie stom.icli, b iwels and spinr, vimIuii ■-■; nf bock, 11. nv of blond to the hend, &c. Tlie vectllarv is icu'r;:!y saíe í'or piv":int Indio, and llic i wt nsefiil catliai-tic tlüit tau icissililv lie used na u vill nut iiuly remove tlie rile and uil inll uinnitorv ise.isi's, without pain or Irritiilluil, bul will t)inru mi asy tiine, a salo dulivery, and sound 'cnnstitui nu iu hu iiffijirhig. I'. ilillnr ( as s i.iil ff, ets In w Rni;I,.tl. Climuic files. - A workmui iiithc goshnaisal Cmbrtdi-pirt. wlio luid the piles tifteen yeurs, very neverelv. and was constantty éxposed tu the míense if a Iniii ice a.i 1 piraartt reducé] by tlie Jisense, reeeiveiitrreat relief ai(d a final ciu-e liy ttie use f Dr. Upharn's TIn; c.ise wts a very obatiiuite oiie, ■ win;; ti tle n.itiiri' r tlieowitpatirtii und the demugu'd ciiuuitiuu 'it'the poticut. Üleetlins Pilea.- A petnleman in Sedfund, Mos., wlm iIk.' bleeitiugpilet for mimy yeurs, giently exli.mstiiig hw systeni, was entirely Felieved of lliis distreasiua aml diiilgeivmasyrnptpuis, by Uuöug a lia' f iluso 't El'ctn try unce tl' tvvice n inuitli. Fillliug of Iba ISrnvi-ls. - A ici-siin mIH ctcd with piles, .i;id falliug it' tlie bowals. te such a dgrea tliat uo evacilHtiifi oould b'liid vrithillt lyipg fiat upan the flour, rm ïntirely reüeved iiiid oured by tliis medicine. The case was a very e.xtracii-dinary one. Extreme Cis'ivnes-;. - N'iiuktihïs persons, and es leciallv leui.ih-s, iiffl:ete,l with extreme ciwtivenefla nul .les. witli all tliise ilistressiiiy svptciins attendant ilpcm -nch a state of the systein. have boon iible to elfacl an eutire chinge iu tliis cniiditiuu ly tlie use of lliis medíline. It i a very mild catlmrtic, and Bil admirable rein.'dy f ir Cüs'iveness, espvciully tor 'n.uried vvoinen. Fístulas, Ulcors, &c, - Iu tlie worst caso of pitea, wli (Te Satiilns, u'ceri, and oaveriious hole exist, the K'tytu iry is nlwavs salutiiry iu its oflfcctg, and il perserariiticly used, wijl produce a curo Two oí tbree cases, wlicre -,l surgicul oiMsrution was tbonglit to ba ueiesrv by the doctors, b ivk boen cureil by thü inediciue. It is a perfect remi dy iur mercurial tÜseascs til tho iutesti íes. l'iicc, $1 por bsx. of twolvo doses witli f ij.1 1 (lirectiiHH mul other int'.nnitioii rcspuctiug llie trualmeut il tl ■ I cure of tlio diseasu. So!(l wlicile.-iiilo fiud rotail ly Wtatt & Kr.TCiiAM. 121 Kciltmi streel, nud l)y A. T. Hirais, ButtTe (-!i. Farm Tor Malo. T!IE subscribcr rifthea tu dispose flj' liis Cum. -d oue iiml a half railes nörth ot'tliu viUuge of Battie 3Vék, rtn thcj town ktite aouusting ut' ICO acres f liiud, 100 Huiler goixl iniitrciveinuiit, u ood framo house uud baru, with a wull or wutr iittnched. Alunan ;]r md ieiifli ni-cbiinl. Tsrms easy, Buquirs f William Brooks, CLiiirlub Bartlott. or ot' the suliscriber na Ihe premise. J. H HALSTBD. Octolier 50, 1847. Il ! 'I In !►; 1 1 iind . . l.lf C Inonol) jiu KDITÜD DY KI.gIZL'R WRlillT. Purtr.isuED nr uiiite. potter s itrio ht 15 tTATK T., HOSTOti. rpERM-_)A.y, O.K CBNT, For JL aiiy siim forwofded tothtt pulilinlws (Vee nf expense. tlie will the paper Bt Umt rate tili lijo muiícy is exllansted. V' EEi .y. - Twn dollars a yenv in advnncp. or for 'iiiy slmi'ter time at th: Mime rute. Fur fie Uullar!, three cuppiea will seni for me yenr. Tliis )ul)licittion i niïide m thé fiucyt ptyle of nexv!iii)ei' tvMigia])hy. It is imlcpciidiint ot'al! e '.!, Kiri os, iikI cliqueSj expreuiug l'reely ihe views ofitied itoroDclni web coiTespoiiPiiti íis lie thiuks proper to iilniit.on all sulijr-cts oflinu ntrraft It ail vocal es ei[iiiiíily óf liniíian rifíhts, ;ind ilie abolí tipu nf diirery , thoiough land lefurin, clienp postare. ili'iuence t'niln iuíoxicatiii drinks, t-X'niption of temf)era!jce me 1 1 fVom taxes to rppsir ilie l;niMi.r''s nf dritiUin7. a reform ín writinü alid R)iellilííí ilie Knjrlisli lautfiiage, the uWoliiimt of capital pninslinient. uuiversn1 und kindly toleration in religión, lile and lu-altl) iusurance, water cul'e, workiiiff mens' proteclive uiitiotifi, and all nther practical form of association for mutaal id - and geuumlly. Propie-;. It also 1,'ives the news from all ]iarts of tliecounlry iu 'lie ni'ist cointened and lltei L'il)le slyle. Apothccaries Hall. HHlS well known cheap estubliithhieiit is stilliu binst 1 üt llie (iM stuud in Eugle Hluck- umv kiiow all men by these presents, tuut Uere is the place wilere ;i Lood issoitui'Mit of pure, noadultéruted, freniiine medicine uiiiv be I' n 1 1 I ;it luw prieel. Hure in:iv be fouiid alsii f.i. erècuAnd litack, of ifpenor qnnfity, spices, lídger, clines, ranee, ciiimi, &c. Sic, together willi piiiut rils. dyc-stiifl"-. pei-ruinviv, pen knivos. ti inke's. Idvs. tccl bi'iidn, irte., etc., uil of whicli re sold cheap, cln'np cheap. Ai ili" II;ill mny he Fon (ld ageneral nssortnimit of the most iippi-ovfd and efficiënt p-,itcii! medicine, fiír the cure of {'evers, au'Urs, rfnijrflai colilf, coiisiiniptinn, pief. wimmlïij lrgs'8 miü imti'ilyiiiii sores. In v word, for Thecüi'C ot relief o ;ill the ills vv liicli flüsli is lieir t'. Shon'd : n i y be (artille, et lUcm culi ; they iliall have the I'ROUFS. ti. B. O ri't miatiike tlie place - 'tú in Bagle Dlock iiext to BucklHv'M OiM'iierg. 3 NOTiCE TU CONTHAÜTOK..- The m,ii rsi-m-cl. Special Commifwiciiier under the Act opropniitjta' ."i.oiio ama Inti-niiil Improvement Innda lin-tlie purpose ut' iniímivíiií; ii State Road IVom lialtle CrceK iti tlicCo. ofCnlhonii, tlnoiiiili Bpllevne mul Chsrhitte in tliocouiiiv uf Kiton, to Míchíaii iu tbe coiinty ol' Inffbam, approveJ Mnrch 23d, 1848, hereby gives niitici.1, that he will reefivf biils i'or j-ibs (in snid ixaii iu Charlotte on the lat, í'l nnd :iil l:iys of June uex", iintl will lab'ii-frs, and lel cmitnu-ts nt nny time tliui'eniter. nnlil siiil apprupnution is expenle(l títi saiti í"o;td. BkliJer will be i-equired to give giMxl security for ibe iierfnUBf anee of coutruct. Specificaiinns and iuforinatioit pertaiuing to said reed can be lind at my ufficein CharlotOe ' at aiiy time alter the 22il May next, JOHN D. BLRNS. Charlotte, April 22d. 18)8, 3-3w Iteinoval. THE Tnilnrins Establishment of Wilü.im Roe ia removed to MrCmnly'8 Block, tlie corner store, wliere Ijt.1 wül be glad to waitoii hrsnld cintciiiersaud all new niit'8 wlio m;iy favor Ilim wttli a til. 3 npiHS mny reitit'y to uil wliom t muy cnuceni, tbat X w[ierc;i my wife Liióy has, without cause or my consent, lelt my i'wellin, I tlierefore lorbiil every man wontnn or cliild hm'bnruiff or tnisthlg lier on my :ic(■onnt. for I will pay 110 ilebta of her roiitracliijg nfter ihidte. UENRY YURK. J.iliustowii, April 21, 1!M8. 3 Oenlisliy Ac. pHABLES E. BARTKETT, M. D., Pbysinmi & Sury liemi anü Snrcini Deniist. Office over BrowiJiflid Brewster's store, Cummj IMmcI?, Mü'mi streef. Ioiorroptib!e Pcrcei;iiu teetli snpplted. from ( to au entire Bet, in siich a iiïimiier as to tickle the íuiicy oí the must inatiilicms. RanTe Crect. April. 1848. 3 At'cnf ion ! MESSRS. HARXED A MKRRIC. No. 1, Brick B!ock. vml(l invite the public to lire examiuation of their atrosnMM ppeciraeii#-"f [TDtojjruplbic L-kiresses, executeil ly the iniprnveil DnüiieiTeau prucessThe beraty of execntinn and bnlduenuf appeoranre 'if'tlie l)ai:uei"!'cotHï ünprenHon3 taken attliis establishment ltave bei-u acknovvtt'(ii,'('(l tv pi'csuiis itf' tile mast (liscriiniimtiiif.' fnsie, tu be equu), ïf uut superior to auy tíiícen iir tFie pa?tcrn i-.lties. Pecson meh&ug In obrain likenesses of ihemseives or friend. will dn well to cüll nul si! lur their portmits. How often dn we liear the remak m iele alter tlie Inss of' a fnetid. ' Ïf I only hafl a Daguerreotype Likeness. no mnuey cnntil Imiy it' 'l'lierefnre is it nnt pnlicy, n this time of prev;ulinï ep'uleniics and sinltlcn ueuthft, to embrace tlie [wwseut opportiirity of aooriig a cnrregt res"inl)lanre of au lïi;[ore(l parenl op beloved cbilj befoi'e it i Uiu late. N, B. Cali sooii as onr time isllmiteJ. 2-2 liiviiinsiblt! CómpnufonQ FX Lotnri'son Cans'-s. 1'i'ovciiiiini anti dtre of O'ink siimotiiMi. Astliniü. l)isr;iscs of tlit; ile;irt, hihI :ill Female Disense. '.'34 pages, 2R eOOTaviuga, l'aer 50 ets; honiii! 7ócts. Mail f ;m v j-irt - nistMire f) l-2ots. SliDiildei Mnieéa and Cliest Expanders. ê"i. M'iil tn jiiiv pwl. 1if) cU. pnsiaïe. Iiili;iliii; Tube, Srtver, $3. ly tnrtll. letter pofttHLe. Alxlouiiiuil Supncrters. i.MiVct. $". to $IO.fornll Kiiptui-es, Kallilii.' of ihu Bovv 'ls and Womb, and Wu ik Back, and Clicst ; sent by Rxprcssevervwlifre. t'flr Bmceor Sinportcrs, or RupTure Supporters, sl'ví nwjtht Trom head to footi and cii1cmnfereoce ot' peraou next the anriüce, just nbove the hi')s. II' Unitniv. iivntioir wllich êide. A;ents wmt'd (nr ilii's.ili1 of the alinvc gooils. Addruas Dr. S. S. KITCH, 71)7 Broiulwiiy, New York, post puitl, Kel. 2 1. lt!48. TVR CANTÓN TE V OoMl'ANY bi boen [opulur. i ly kimwii fiir m:i!iy yein-s. Tliis is thr riniot and nljes Tc.i Estiil)l.,liini;iit in América. Thé public have Iml filll pniofof their iutegrilw finlrionsiliilityj Tiietr 9eniult reffanl to hII priñcijilos ilnt lend lo i'li.'VHtc imriKier of' n Ittl'K l)nii-, Is weli linJersbHid, iml b iilrenly seciiicil thfmcoiiueotiuii, inilubly, largar tbau 11 otlier Trol E.tallislim-.iis uuiteil, mi. 1 th-.-v cc)nsc(iienily are iletermlned to seHTcas pur. i-i-, mire [Vngrirut mei iierfic fi.r the rices, n chaggregnte, ni y 11. .use in tlie world Bvery nu-bi', (in to conuiuing FLT.L VVBl'iHT, iuui-ic,,.!'.it of the rrnpper. wnn be .stuuip of' ui'HtiK'ss ïiiul cle'.rnicr, autl tltc TeÏEW thercin iti'u si tlinmnlilv seoili'i-4 l'i'oin liglitnnd air, tint llieir (uality and jmwcr wlll remniii uiilni[i:iiivd iuanycliniatr. A. T. HAVENS, Agent, R-ittle Crrpk. 4 i'H Arriiiiïiiiciit ï PgU, MOUE STUVES Sjk . LATER l'ATTERXS!.'.' K Til K CNDEltSHiNED plen.inre in oflèring te the (iill)lic ;i more c.niilt'tc slttck nt'ni'w ;iud benutil'ul siylfs qf CiMijEÍtig ainl Parltir Stoyos tUna i-vc rfr e(re lnen iiiitfrdU n iliis ntnrkèt, toijetiier witli n genoral issorrrnrut ui' Haliuw Ware, C(ipter, Tin Sheet Iroii. Stiive l'ipi', &c. &c fe. The ntteiititm of tlu stove fmying cnmmnhïty is respeottully snücited toan examiuatioti ufonr stock befare purchasiug. SAMUEL S. BURl'EB. M'irflmll Octolier f). 1848 II I .V T Ac ItOltV, STORAGE, FORWARÜI.G & COiWMISSIOA MERCHANTE W:iri'hniir, Fooi of liiil. Slrorl, l uoll. Agent fbr Troyuud Wenteru Line. Xu ti-aiisliipincut nt Alliiiny or Troj I'iioi-riktuik. - Kice. Ciapp & Co.. Xo. 31. Cot-nties iüip. New Volk; 1'. S. S'.eniberv & C„ opruaf Frmt uk) Dick sin-.-ts, Bilffiilo. .(. .1 .' cmnh. L. Wlimf, LinsNiu , R. U il iisou. Ior, A tl njy . A eutcs. Alsn, Agoit i)rtUe Vahiugtan Litw. PKupKiETiii's. - Jamu Grilley & G, -1!) Q i.iy st., A1bauy, Uu ](■ .leroinc, 13-1 Bromf t., New YórK, Ciiats & FdIcit, Xd. tUCentnil Wlurf, Batfttln, Agente. Libèrnt] Ciisliaclvuiices.iiniile -it mII times imon ])f(iporty itest.iin'd lor Bdt"u Markels, or fiir ale liero. .2-tf Disoliilioii. THE PARTNERSHIP lieretofow stams bttVM'.i the nmlrriigue.l su'uscnUers is iliis dny Msolvcn} by inutnal consent. All panmis injebtcd to tlio abnve 8rm will Bonfer a favor ly cuiliiig and si-tiUn u immaiimtely S. B, TIIA.YUH, ' ' I" B. BRTI,RTT ! nttio Creek, April M, IS 0.4 Í 2OO,ooo c:ah Capital, ll'itha Perpetual Chai tt r. Thr l'liiii l'iic liimirniicK (o,,of lint llore!, fia PT1HIS Conipimy lina Ijcen in succpssfu] oerHtiin l'r J. more t hun a qOnrtcr of n oeiitury, mi ('rom itt ;)ioiiiit and liouin-iibln ínnde cf iidjimiiig lomes, ]■■: uever ln-í'ii' ('isl:npíti ed ut.linme or abrond. It ha paid, witliiu llie lust two years, ?4,JG0 for luses Bustmiied 1j fire in thif co'iuiy. í'ilicies issued, iiisuriug Bgoláat iho lus or durcage by File, na DWKWr.LIXO H0VÍL, MANlf ACTOH1K, STORfcS, Utít, r'nsiTi'nE, ■ waur koush, rkufliCtt IN STORE, CHCIICBf., anc] iiiiiin all kinds of tiisunible I'ioiieity. ut LOVT ATES. Auy lcws whicli this cnmpniiy mny rfirínin ftn ri.-lii tiikeu nt hi8geuw, will liberally wijiisUQ ly iho M'enl hfre, iiccorcfing to llie usüves' of i lio liest Fir ronipoiiii's in coiiuirv. Hiid iili picniptlifM. in niouey -urrBiit in tlie city nf New York. Tlii romp" ny liía neyer cnutoíted íi'Ihsb in tlie cilv ú' Ni-w York. Iliense ditíeiences shoiild ari' tonching miy lom or llámese, íhecompanyl pledtfèd, liy j resolunon ofili Bimrü of Director, to sulmiit the lame to rUitrnton, indiflt-renlly choscu, nriit tlie npiíiion nltlie Iiianred. THOS. K. UIÍACE, Proridenl R. L. Lnovis. Secretfiry. ; E3 Applicntiuu for Insurance, or the rene walofpoL ices, and all business coiraected witli llie office, msy !. mulé to tlie snhscríber. lulv appninted ajriMit, whk fall power lo receive prnpnsaii and 'nene jmlices ou tumis as favorable as auy ntfic in iW ttate, JOSEI'H C. FRIKK.AMVt, Oílice; N'o. 2 Court IIouss. Marilial), Dec. 7, 1347 JJlí. tl. H'. l'l',fc,li l Í5 VERVIFUGE OR "DEAD SHOT." 1 03 W0RMSA Htghiy Viüuahh PrcpaiaU.m. Capable, from Int Promptitudeofits Adiáis ofCIranfiing the Sytttutita ftw hnurs tifcvery Kurm 'IMIE cxcieling .IU..II qu.intity ül tin Jt:dicjjie rrquirf! t I ipht the exisencf of worm, er lp repiovf ei n onu ironi i hw System, it omr.ajff in i few Ijours, lojrrtlu'r vv tih its grral eertëiuty of effect, ucuctitule it ol'tlif ut brilliHjit iiscorerimi of the ligt. Il seldDB ;:pCiU t bo fepphtwd .nd ne+er to In follotv' jj ;uiv oiIéit purgr. ThereiWre in nrgmi caí s. tt tllOal1 ot'FITS, SPAS.MS, OT CO WUI-3IONS, IUf ( N V WOflils, ülli'l' vu hul ioriiy is m.iuiJ'e-'t. Few nidic4n ■ urf! '"-tier culcuhitoü 10 iiuprov) lIic hnaltn ol' cliitili'M), oven wliure no worini f-xist; ms it rWlffM ihOM pltrtM ui' trmiitii's ihat line intii cin-piy aiÜierr to l te fttdiinicli ïiml boweU, j iving ríe to syntpv tuins tlnil couiiterfeit evcrv varity of worm -tJi-easr. I[fniiigf proinit mei ccrt.iiti in ut opertifiou, nd uut tiiuilraiwiit tu tU taixn. ü is pfrfectl suf-, umi ndnptcdcó tftn tniitfereÁi iiítp. 'Vhf luMowiiiff ia ui extract froin ili'ttrradiirosd tu A. R. te 1). tíanda íYom ifie A gunt ut thf Drby Line. Dkkby 1-ink VI.. Mhv TH, IK!. Gkxti rmrv : - I nceivd the Imix of "Öt-ud rtlioi" V i imiup ubiitn firtern (f, siitcp, iiii'l tnif now mtty i frw dtMüru ö i h.iiul which wiM bc jfoiuMn li-sc tli in n-n ihiv.-.. It cfiu u tl'u tlir wrk to Hm perikel fatlsfbctioii of nll wlto use it. I lirr MtDIf (f ol' it. wlittrn il lis rotluccd thr eXpOlioii uffrom 15 or 30 io 115 worms frotn oiip. pcctron, nnd ii''.irlv tb nDM iiutiiht-r froin somf ciiil'lrcn. Ui' courc yon wil) ilint worins mu1 ofthfí prcvai ing disPOSAv in ';iuhÍ; rihI ' 'iiuiuit - ■ Na ie m-ihI uu; üiiitthrr ujplv ub suoii a& emivfnieiii. ff -imm.ifully, T.C. (iUTLl.K. Thffollowing i f rom tin eminent Phiyirian Ju.ESnonuuun, T un.. ltai.3d. 1S-ÍÍ. Dn. H. F. Prf-by - 1 tak e trreut pleaadrfl in rcrominf ndiitf io Lh pilliliv juur vj.hmhlH Venmliigp, (prnpcrlv aWrd Dí-.mI 11 hol.) [ buvti b.een vinding it lor tw era Nuthiu t iha kind tune i pverwltd tli.u tin etven Mich oniveinalnatibfifctioiK 'l'.if rf in out' CHM in iny imramliatp URiglibot hum! ilitu I mm r-rnllf-ct of in wliicl mie diwa cdüted xpuUibu üflSO worm fmtu ii pui dl chill h tlicnarciitiiiJorin",) rm ftorw-trds. Wrv rppevilul!v. JOHN VAN T,V, M. D. Price 35 vAiit pr vtl. Prppnn-d l Dr. ÍI. F. Pi-ery, ntid r-t;nlhvA. B. D. SAXDS, DrupyiotK. 100 Fulttiu st cnruftrof VViIUüiii. S).i l0 hy A.T. I1AVKN5. J. OWKX & Co. D'-Moit, ml hy DrucgisU giierdlly tlirongiioul the Un fil St .l-í. i Masito ssji.e. STATE CK MICHIGAN, Iu Chancery, 8d Circuit. CIIESTKR I3UCKI.EY. Comnlnúinut, vs. CHARLES L. BIRM auil JoöEI'll A. KENT. 'efendatrt. JAMKS WltlGHT GoKOQN, C()lll[)'tfl Sol'r. IN PURSUANCE of uUecetál order, mud in ihi cante, it ;i Court tif Chanrery tbe State o1' MivllNi'in, holden at the Couit House in the villajc of KVuuiazcio, 11 the cnanty nf Kalaimizoo mid State ol Mu-liism, on the SVth day of Janiuray, 1848. by the Hun. Charles W. Whipp'e, Ass .ciate Inrfgc, si 1 1 inr iu clmncry - I. snliscrihei-, one óf tbe Mnstern ui the Conrt 'if Ch;rlK-crv, resuliiiï iu the cnunty n{ ' alllnnu. iu lid State, wül sel] at pnblic Riictioii oi' vendueiit the Ccnirt iu the vfllaga of Miinbatl. iu said cminty ofOalhuiiu, on Munitny, the 201 iliv of Muy ueNl, at niiK o' cliick iu th afteriiMiMi nf siiiil Jay, tbe mortgiigetl pn-m is'"8 iiosurilicd iu süid decretal iinlwtH IoHowï, tn wil : All tlisi' certiiin pieces qr i ouli oI'IíiihI, tatúate nnd lieing iu the of Ba Uit' ('reek, ciiuutv orCalhoun anil -tate of MirhlgHIl, aliel desciüied a foltow. tn witl Villnge lot immber twenty-six, (2fi) iu ranse nflilnrkl uumiier one (I.) Also a strip of land ten feet in widili on M.rn sti-eet, and eiüht i-odsiu lengtl, U) taken ufl hnm tbe ewrt sitie of lit iiumbi-r twenty-five, (■_'■").) m.d adjoiniiig uiiuiIht tvrenty-Hix, (-.'6) cli"ttihitiig thirieej) Imiidreil and twenty (1350) stnare ('eet uf imiJ, Also the UdhMrluc döecrilred prece of land to wit- all thiit part of lot nuinlier twenty-sevin, [07] in r.m; of hloclis unmlmroue [I] in the villapeirf Bnttle Cicel; as it is situatod on the oasterly siile nf the tuil race le;k( liigfrum the Flouriug Mili of A. Whitcomb & Co., toi the KalMin-.'zno river. Suid pmtof lot lirs luljuiirfn lot mimbur tweuty-six [(] in the aame range of hlocks, Wia pi-eniises be'ms more fiilly described on the leior':. .1 nüip of said villaje. Also a strip of land fivo feet and eight luches iu vvidth, and eis;li4eeu feet in leiiKllii !e:n,!.' il piece of lulid of whith the s-Jc'i Kunt & liinl ww fcae tlie ii;;)it o: way nv im,üig fronvtlM p weel above deserilied Ilie folloviuï to wit: A piet-e of land furty-two feet in fiont. auil tlnrty-êiï teet in rear, on t!i ■ eisterlv side of lot iiimi1-i' twenty-six, owuetl by (ii.leon K. Sinilliiind Felix Dllffio. Als peice of lanil tliirty-.six feet niu'ht iuchesoii Main streef, and sixiy-fuiir feet on West Canal snee', heiny the northeast COruuruf lot Dambor tv ity-ix [25.] EI.I L. STII.LSOX. Master ín CbaiifWf. Jamks N r i ut (íoiíni)S. Sukiuitiir. I)i .'I Battle Crefk. Anril 13, tüj!. i-C,w Cheap Drug Stor THE .■SÜ'KSCItlUKIi lus hcvu eiiliirgiti" liis ótnrc, and reeiviag arge mldivitiiis tö UU -rock ofgnods, unl isticnv )re:mrej to wint npou all liisold ciiatomfi'), and is mi my iifv miea ms líense Mi give liiin a cali. Vuil will liinl eweny artiols nsii.illy kqn in n In:, iliclildmg ltinls, Oils, llyo W'ckhIs, I'it,:4t M-iticities. aml fi ifreat Viiricly o!';irl irles in lilis tlciïurtiiicnt, togöther witli alargeMooh ofSrhut)! B.inks. Iiooks t"i tduii lilintrUJD, nhuiksaiid llaiik BneB., P-etter, K"la(r. and Wnipping Paper, fiuioy Stutiqueiy, Jcwtlry' .Mmii-al UislruiniMils c-. r. Tliis is tlio iifjun, -y n the Cantón Tea Gompany mul familie s cwi hc suiilicd willi a chpice :nlic:li;. nnd at a low rioè. All kinds nf (nji-i-nrs cal] ba t'o ■iml hcri', aiu'. tlm prices m just liglit to snil tliose wliu wipli to l:i cli"). l'hyxjcihrMi, Merehsftts, 1'edlrrs,, and in slio; all can mnkc muiifv lj caíliug,iu I nmtleterminetl nut tu bu r.'[)ERS()[.r), either at wlmleHale r retail; bj any siniilnr establishmi;ut tlii aitle uf Kew York, A. T. I1AVE.NS Rnttle Crcek, Af ril. 13, 1818. ■ IfoUf Vwiir llorso?' THB SPJBSCRIBER wanW iiiform the Sumidle antt .■uid Hiu-ueM btiying pulilifc, tliatli Rug on linud, 6 s C Mistmiilv 111:111 1 1 i'.i(.-tiri 11 r, S. iddlcs. Harneas. Bríillca, Hiittcrs, 'l'.iiiiUs, Trupkes. Vulieces, Carpet Hag, VVbtpt.&o., au-., wlm-li wittbe)erëtjWSild fur C ish - and ('a.-hoiily - at priltea iIhwii, dnwn, down 81) lor yon wil] iliink liu stilc llie tpck. or tlmt tlit-ir is suni iniKtuke it. CnJl ind st'i'.' Dimt tiiruvt ynur P ickft Bok,8)iop on MiiUi !St, nppósits iliu ' ïi. GroekII "isi-" - NÍ..M Dfthe inHin'iKitUOalku'. R:itilnCiiH-k. April, IB 1T. R. tf. QSfiOOP. J HIN il IJ A CM (SM. Cuitat; Clark. OHTcf No. I, Com-i Qi.usc Hall.!, CHIunm Cumity, Mioliignu. 'ji-1;O Jlfll J, Illll', iMiiislantlv mi liind fur sale at J. A. O Jacn&m - (J 's.. chitíh slm), Battle Creck; 50 M TuTf L,V(;KSMITHS - Auvils, Vices' Sllee ml AQ) hm 1 hamraere, scrt-w pillea, aiia goed iMgnre Üe Cre'k. A.iril lï, 1848. SchiM! Uookg. TlflEY DO SAY that Havens hm iho l.est fiiolwnp. lettöT and billet paper, and that ho sells bnoks In-.v. ■.'■ t!i -in ar any otlier atsblübmeut iu town. Gull tuxl .-00 lor _V"irs( Ivih. j Ma,r,';uI. fI ''" !v l Kr.VGSB'JRy. Kurill al!, MicWgrtti. St3olrrvtH5 hrpTgj (t t'.-i J',