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Mary and Barbara Fidler with free kittens at the Farmers Market, August 1969

Mary and Barbara Fidler with free kittens at the Farmers Market, August 1969 image
Published In
Ann Arbor News, July 30, 1969
Prospective Customer Little Monny Chochran (right) sure would like one of those "free kittens." The son of Mr. and Mrs. Moncrieff M. Cochran, 436 S. Fourth Ave., he was on hand this morning for the give-away at Farmers Market. Mary Fidler (left) and her sister Barbara came to market with four kittens. In five minutes, they had found homes for two of the animals. The girls are the daughters of Mrs. Edwina Fidler, 1505 Morton. (Ann Arbor News Photo by Jack Stubbs)

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