Roger Maugh (Ann Arbor), Jerry Embury (Battle Creek), & Jim Bonney (Jackson) - Winners Of Pole Vaulting In Five-A League High School Track Championship, May 1950

Published In
Ann Arbor News, May 22, 1950
THREE OF STATE'S BEST IN POLE VAULT: This trio of Five-A League stick jumpers should do well in Saturday's state Class A track championship meet at Michigan State College. All are capable of 12-foot leaps. From left to right are Ann Arbor High's Roger Maugh, Battle Creek's Jerry Embury and Jackson's Jim Bonney. They finished in that order in Saturday's Five-A League championships at Wines Field with Maugh going 12 feet, one inch for a new league record.
Ann Arbor News, May 22, 1950
THREE OF STATE'S BEST IN POLE VAULT: This trio of Five-A League stick jumpers should do well in Saturday's state Class A track championship meet at Michigan State College. All are capable of 12-foot leaps. From left to right are Ann Arbor High's Roger Maugh, Battle Creek's Jerry Embury and Jackson's Jim Bonney. They finished in that order in Saturday's Five-A League championships at Wines Field with Maugh going 12 feet, one inch for a new league record.
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