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When we are asked by our readers why we are constantly, week after week, alluding to...

When  we are asked by our readers why we are constantly, week after week, alluding to... image
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Ey Wlien we are asked by our readers why wn are coulamlv. week after week, alludiug to Vaughns Veg.' Lithor.triptic Mixture, we have only to say that wiili all due allowance to the mérite of other anieles of the kintl, we must say we have been astoiHshed at the buccese Of tlii Great American ftemedy. In all the coraplaintí which belong to the human r.miily. it acts as a curative power oí ïni'st mtóicalolnwacter - tliis we know. 'Tis true that we are p(Jd tof thia notice- for the porprietor pf theLithoatnptic, Dr. Vngbn.adverí!?" largi'ly with u.s, hut reader we are not paúl to filsify, and we begofyou to examine hia bonk in the Agenta hands and als:) the Ageuta tliemselves if his Remedy is uot sjiuetliing of groat value. See our columns.