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New Ttülojrlng Establishment THE SUBSCULHER havineopened a íhon tor business in tlie villnge l' Battle Croek, on Jettersou st., nearly opposite the Uatlle Creek House, would respectfully announce to the citizens of thd place and surrounding country, that Iib is now prepared for oparatioua in the Tuiloring Business. Hoving tlie ekpeneaoe of many years in llie trade, and by tlie subslautial muniier and elegaiicD of slyle in wliicli lie; may do hia work, he trusts lie slial! bu able to satisfy and please tliose who mny l)e disposed to test his sktll fur themselves - and, tberefore, solicita a share of public patronaee. Particular atteution wül be paid to the fulfilmcnt of eagagements as near the time as poasible. Prices adapted to tlie times, and thereceiptsl'oi' pnymeut in thocomiiiüu curreucy of ihc country. Cuttiug done to order. J. B. MBAOHAM. Battle Creek, June 10, 1843. 9 3m TE CANTÓN TEA CÜMI'ANY lla8 been populnrly luiowi] for many years. This is the largeat and nldea Tea Establishment in America. The public have had full prooi' of thiiir iutogrity rad responsibility. Tlieir scrtipulos regard to all principies that teud to elévate the character of a larga liooae, ia wel] nnderstf)od, and bas already sccured tliiïma conneclion, probttbly, larger than all other Tea Eitablishnients luiited, ji mi thcy conseijiieuily are detrrmined to sellTeas purer, more frngrputaad wHect tur ihe prices, in the aggregate, than any li.nise in the world Evéry packajfe, (in addition to it containing FULL WBIGHT, indepenáant of tlie wrapperj beun the ■tamp of ueatneu and elegance, and tlie Teas therein Bru so thorouglily Rdcnrod from Ughtaod air, that their qualilyand power vvill rcinuiu Hiiimpaired in any climate. A. T. HAVENS, Agent, Battle Creek. 4 First Acaln, TUST RECEIVED Irotn New York, a splcndid as ' oriment ol' la lies and cliildrn Siraw lioinet-, nonsisiinü in a.rt oi'Tuscan, Pedal Braid Lacf, Funcy lirai'l a:id Split Siraw. ALSO - A lot ol' bcanliftil new style Ribbons, nol forgetling a clioice iuurlfl)OI ot' printfiil Lawns, Orgnndy Muslin and Süolch Ginliatn of' the linrst i nulity-chep l..r cash. 5 BROVVN & BREWSTERrpilOáE INDEBTED to the subscribir, will please _L not wate for the bell to ría , before calüng to the Captains OlKec to Settle, tSiittlo Creek, April, 18-18. R. R. OSGOOD. Marshal House, by L. KINGSBURY, Marsba' aü, Mioh'gan. Pgi 1uTil In'.l' b'JUts fct the M ftb ÜNRIVALLED ATTKACTION!! AND&REAT BARGAINS! C. WAK E LIS E & Cö., Aro novv receiving nt their Stoie, in the Biick filocli, nearly opposite the American Hotel, nu entiiely new nnd general assortment of MERCHANDIZE, consisting in part of llie following urticles - Broad Clotlis, Lawn, Dress Mulls, Hat C'ups, Fancy Cussinicres, Shawls, liouncts, Palm ind LeghorD Hats, Satinetts. Slioetiogi, Grocéries, üood Aosortment Of Slimmer Blue and Brown Drills, Tea, Cfïep, GoüiIs, Bagging, Bagar, Molae, Prints of uil Prices, Kentucky Jeans, Todíco Cigr, GinghatDB, - Scotch, American, Cnttou Yaniaiul VVarp, Crockery, end English. Boot and Shoes, Nails, Muil Gingham, Ladies' Slips ïi Ties, GUiss. &c, &.e., Piunella Boots, &c, Cottou Batting Wadding, &c, &c, &e, HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, BYE-STUFFS. Tlie Btock ia entirely new and wcll selected, nnd bought it such rntrs as vvill ennhle the rabcriben to spll very chenp, defying coinpctition. ïhuse who want any mticle in thcir lino, will do well tu cali, as tlio inducernents üffered me unusunl. Any qnantiti qf Wuol and Country Produce wantedfor which the Highcst Pricc will be paíd. Buttle Creék, Culhoun couiity, MichigiinJune, 1848. 7-6m LC 3aX f 8V.X A,,,-. AA. ■ ■■ - '_-' '" - ■ v"1 '■ ' P'STiif JAMES A. BA1LF.Y, í gj SHOE AJÍD" LEATUER DEALER, M BATTLE CREEK, M., gjg Keeps constanily on hand and for salean jAjj SJi assortinent of anieles Ijl liis line, consistiiigot ij? Qj BOOTS, HOES, I.EATIIEB. jrfi Trimming, &.c, &c, and tor sale obeap. ï?y; iM The ubcriber woulj respecthilly say to Sg O tliose who desire a GOUD FIT, and" a tasty 33 Fashionablc Boot, or Süoc, jjjj And Ht tlie same time ilurüble, tlmt lie is lui'. :.. ,: y pared to execute orden in ach a inanner o8 ! 0sS TO BHI COJIPETITIOIV, Xi Having the best ol' materia] and every fapilg 'T ''y necessary to grotlfy the particular taste of ij a 32 every individual - in hort to aait the most = 'KÍ5 (astidions. Shop, Main st., oppoBite Brick iii &$ Block. Hide wantod, and the highest price s-:jí WISTAR'S BALSA OF WILD CIIERRY. The Grcal Remedí) f or Lung ijomplaints and all AJfcctions of the Respiratory Organs. VrE WISH toleuLti;;:t]yütidOrstood ihatevei'y cerVV tificate nul statement of cures performed by Wistar's Balsam of Wild Clieiy, vvliich we stnetly true. We givo names oad dates, and invite the cloeet icrutiny, and challenge the most rigid iuquiry uto llio aathenticity of mir statements - kuoning fnll well that a knowledge of facts, as to tlie great superiority of tlie medicine, is alona necessary to iiisure its use, in preterence to any otherremedy, orary physiciau's preseription. Tliis is strong language. for a prooi' of its ti-uth examine wliat folio ws; Mr. Joeeph I. Younglove; - SU' - As n duty I owe to the coiomunity , and parücularly the iffllcted, I would stale that I liave been for n immlicr of yeai-s laboring ander disease and weakness of tho langs, wliich causea ine to cough a great deal, aml produeed a consequent debility ot my system generally to sucha ilegree tliat it waswith difficulty I could walk, to do wluch, even for a short distance, I experienced great fatigue. I had various medicines recommended to me, which I used without any benelicial eiï'ucts wliatever, anti) I procurad a bottle of WUtar'a Bulsam of Wild Cherry. , theuseofone bottle afforded relief, entirely relieving me ufaough, and restoring my lungs to healthy act ion. The use of it for a short time increased my genend healtfa and strength to such au extent that I was gtronger and more healthy than I had been formany years before. Krom the trial I have made of the medicine I can confidently recouimend it as a powerful tonic, and anda certain cure for aflections of the lungs unRss it inay be in cases of consumpüon. obstinate ;nd of long standing. JAMES A. LBWIS. March7, 1846. Iiovvling Green, Ky. C0N8UMPTIVB PATIENÏS ! Will pisase read the followiug statement from the Harrison Gazette. The iucredulous are iuvited to read the following note from Rav. Mr. Coldron, whose character '. for truth and verdciiy stands above suspicion, and have their doubts dispelled as to the superiority of Wistar's Balaam of Wild Cherry, over all otlier remedies l foro the public of the same character: Cortdos, Iud., Jan 23, 1848. It is no less a duty than a pleasure to state, for the benefit of the afflicted, that l eonaider Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, greal blessing to ihe human race - Haviug tried it in a caseof tseverc affliction ol' the lun3. I uuhesitatingly recommend it to ihose similarly afHicted,as the best remsdy I have ever tried, and one which CUred me when Physicians said I must die, and v hen [ thought mvself that my time to depart was near at hand. WILLIAM COLDRON. There is a difference between " Wislar's Halsain ot' Wild Cherry" and all other preparutione of Wild Cherry. The true and genuiue Balsam, as sold by us, contaius, besides the extract of wild cherry bark, other' medical agenta of great character and effii-acy in the cure of coughs, colils, and general disoases of the chset and Iuuei. Butthe all important diffarence betweeu this medicine and all others of the kind is that Wistars Balsam cures, wliile other remedies give only temporary relief to the sufferer. SoldbyJ. D. l'ARK. (successor to SANDFORD & PARK,) Fourthaud, Waluut streels, Cincinnati, Ohio. General Agent for the South and West, to whom all orders must be adressed. A. T HAVENS, 13attle; Oomstock, & Halsty Marshall ; D. A. McNair, Kalamazoo ; H. A. Goodyear Hastings J. Oivcu a Co. De r it. 9 II U i T & K O 15 Y , STORAGE, FORWARDIXG & COMMISSIO. MERCHANTS, 1V:ircli(iusr, S'ool of tïim Slrcct, Dclroil. Agents for Troy mul Western Line. No transhipment at A Ibany or Troy PROPttltTOlW. - Rice, Cïnpp & Co.. No. 31, Coenties Slip, New York; 1'. S. Stenibery & Co., corner Fruut and Doek strects, Buft'ilo. J. J. Newcimib. L. Whurf, Boston , R. Rubiusou, l'icr, Albany, Agcnts. Also, Ageiits for tlie WathiugtOD Line. PROPaiETOrs. - James Grilley & Co, 4!) Quay st., Albany, ttaac .lerome, 125 Broad st., New Yortt, Coats & Folger, No. 10 Central Wharf, Buffalo, Agonts. Liberal Caah adyancei made at all times upun property (lestiiied tbr Eoiteru Mnrkets, or for sale liere. 2-tf Apthecaries Hall. TH1S well known oheap establishment is stillin blast ut tbe old stand in EülelBlock - miw kiiow allinon by these presenta, tnat liere is the place where n good Bssortment of pure, unadulteratrd, genuine medicinen may be fniml at low pnces. Herc niay btj fouiul als: teiM, creen and black, pf saperior qiiality, spices, ginl'ci", c1ove9, mHC6 citrón, &c.. &c.f tngstiier wiili patnts oils, dye-stuffj, perfumery, pen kiiivet, trinkeis, loy. steel buads, etc., etc., ail of which ure sold cbetip, cheaji cheap. At the Hall nrny bc foniid a general assortment of the mast Approved aml efficiënt potent medicines, tur the cnre of fo vers, aguea, coughi, colds, ootuumption, piles. wounds, bruisps and nuüifyiug flores. In a word. (br tbs cm or relief o i nll the lis whiob flesh isiieir to. Shnnld anv be faitliless, let them cali ; tliey sball have tbc PROOFS. N. 13. Dnn't miatake the place - 'tis in Eagle Block QOZtto Bncklfv'ö corners. 3 public „otice. "IT7"HAREAS niy vvifo Snsiin lins obtained articles nt V'V different )laces naknown to me iór which she hns used my credit and tbereby iuvolvedmn in debt to lnrge ammint. This. therefore, is to forbid all persons tnisting her on my account as I will pay no dcbtsof her con tractiug alter this date. hit RICHARD [X] GGDSMARK. Bedfonl, June 5, 1848. mark. 8-3w J TOBLACKSMITHS - Anvils, Vioes' Sledge and fijA hand hammers, scrcw platea, and a ocd asort(r ment ofirou and stee!, for suleby Wilham Brooks Bile Creéis. April 13, 1813. STATE OF MICHIGAN, ? Connty of linny, y AT a court of IVobite, hulden nt the office of the jrid::' theiecif, in rlaatmgg cm the 23d diiy of May A. I) 1848. Preteuti Iac A. Hoibrook, Circuit Court Commifsio&er, octing .ï;ulge of Probato; In the matter of tljp estáte of Edwurd New, deceaseci. Opon readiug and liling the jietitiou of Charlott New, praying lor reasona therein set fortli, llmt letters of d mi nis tra t ion of said estate may be írranted unto lier; widow of Saúl deceasöU, and Georjïe Brown. Therenpon, it is orilered that the consideration of said petition be postponed iiutil the I9th day of June next at one o'cIock in tliealter-nnon. at tbo Probate oiRe iu Hastings, aforesaitl, at whicli time. and place, a!l persouiiatereited mayappear&show canse why the prayer of said petition ihould uot be grantcd. And it is iiirther ordsred thatsaid jtetitioncr causeaco[y of this order to be published in the .Michigan Liberty Prtas, a uewa paper priiited and circulating at liattle Creek, in the counly of Calboun, for three weeks succesáively, once in cacli week, prior to the time of hearing in the premisos. ISAAC A. HOLBROOK, Circuit Cnurt Coin., acting Judge of Probate. [A tnie Cojiy.] 3w7 Ciieap Dr ng Store. rpiIE SUBSCRIBES baa beea eiilurging liis store, X iiud receiviug large addijions to bis stock of goods, aiul isnow preparad to wait apon :ilt his old ciutonters, and as ranny new ones as picase to give bira a cali. You will find every nrticle usually kept in a I)ru Store, inclnding PaintS, 0:U, Dyu Woods, I'atent Medicines, sadagreatTiiriety afarticlea iü ihia liepartment, together with a largestock of School l'ooks. dooks for town libraHes, Blanksand Blank Iiooes., Letter, Foolsp ml W rapping Paper, fancy Stationery, Jewelry! Mirsiial Instruments &c-, &C. Thia is tlie agenoy ol" the Cantón Tea Compatiy and fatniliei eau be snpplied with n choice article, and at il low price. All kinds of örooerie eau be foand beic, and the i)rices are just riglit to suit tlioso who wiïh to b;iy cho-p. Phyaicians, Merchants, Pediera, Farmers, and in short all can make money b calling,as I amdetermiaed nol to be L'.NDERSOLD, cither at wholesale or retail, by anv similar establishment tliis side of New York, A. T. HAVENS Battle Creek, April, 13, 1048. Mowoll Temporalice House. THIS Establishment, Bituated nearly opposite tlie Courl House in the village of Hówell, has agaiu come iato the hands of its iitrmer proprietor aml oceupaiit, who is now preparad to acoommpdate a portion of the travelling puDlicln a quietand conií'urtable manner. This House wilt bekept as fomierly lipón strict Temperance principies wiüxoutan exclusive refbrance to tiie profits of the busjpeas oporationa. The subscribe!' feels assured from tilo very liberal support this house has Formely received, tbat íiis efibrta ni the cause of Temperance will be fully rewarded, hi.s motto is stiH " Liberty uud Temperauce" E. F. GAY. Howell Liviagstong Oo. May 15lh 1848. STATE OF MICHIGAN, 7 Oouuiy of CaUiomi, ss. J WHEREAS, Hernán Cowies has this day presented liis petitiou, duly verified, to the Probate Court for said county. praying for reusons thcrein set forth, that lie may be appoiuted Adminiitrator of Hie estáte of Stephen Greenfeaf, late of liattle Creek, citccased - uotice iri tli'refu"c hereby glveii, that the consideratioti of saiii petitiou be postponeü nnlil the 3Oth day of Jane, ilitant, at one o'clock, I'. M., at the Probate nllice in Mui-shiiUwhere all persons iiiterestod canappear aud show cause (if iny therebe) why the prayer of said petitiou should n)t Ie gt'auted. And it is hereby directed that this mítico be published in the Michigan Liberty i'ress, ii news paper printed and circolatiug n said county, for tliree weeka successively, prior to the time of hearing in the premisos. H. A. NOYES, Judge of Probate. Daled at Marshall, June C, 18 13, 8-3w Hillinery. , Ate MRS. I'IFRSON" haa recently opened a Milline■H ry Establishment on Main street, at the dwelligg ö house formerly occupied by E. L. Stillson, Baq. Her present stock was oarefully select'-, I this siH-ing in thn city of New York, and consists of CMnese Pean, Rico Stravtr, Frencb Gymp, Petal Straw, NeopoHtaii and Florence Braid; a variety of silfts for bonnots rjnbroidered ribbons, stmw fringe, artificial bordera, face triinmiiigs, band-boxes, &c, all of tlie very latest style. Drcss making in all its rnrions branches, and accordinji to the bitcsi fashioü. IMatesof Fasbions vvill be received regularly from New York. Konnets altcred ov drewed over neatly and speedily, at modérale rutes. Battlo Creelt, Jiine 8, 13 18. 8 " IïoUl Your IIores?? THE SUBSCRIBER would inform nddle and and Ilarness buying puWic, ' ' ou hand, vfc i t'.Mislnul 1 v ínanufactoriníí.Saddlt-'s, Harness, Br'ulles, Haltera, Trunk, Ti-mikaus. Vatjeceg, Carpct Bags, Whips, &e'., &c., vvliicli willbelierealiorSoid C - and Cashnuly - at prioes dvu, down, dnvit so low you will ihink jie 6tole the stock, or that their is some inistake nbout it. Cali and sec. Dont forget your Pocket Bnnk.Slinp on Main St, oppositetho " B. Creek House" - Sign of the rnammtith Collor. Batlle OrecV. April, 188. K. R. OSGOOD. Honc ati t Lot f or Sai e. jjf MRS. DÜRANT, intonding to leave ior B'igl&nd very Boon, offers her house and lot (situated in Eust Battle Crrrk) Ior sale ata very reduced prioe. Sha will also dispose ot' her houseliold furnituro at verv low ;it(?s. Also, onc Torning I.atiie, ín Chadwick'a Ohair Slutp. For termsapply to her at herrcsidence. Battle Oreek, June 7, 1848. 8 Carpentcr's Tools. AGOOD aasortmont will be forrad at the hardware store in Battle Creek, consistía of broad axea, ;ulzs c s. and cotnmoa auguro, long and short jointers, jack Humes, smooth ditto, hoHowa and round 8, skew and rabbit planaft, brad, mateh pUn9, base ditto, greoian ora'o-j, snsli planes, pluughs, saw sets, (a aew afiele) brace ind bits, angur bits, steel sitiares, ui 11 ked ut 12tbs, elicks uew mago?, scotch ffray and hindostan oü stones, all oí' whieh will be sold clieap. AriiiiinlMf rnlora Sale, NOTICE is hereby èiven thathy virtue ofaa erder of Sale granted ly the Jndge ot Probate of the County of Cnllumn to the undersigned, adminiatrator cf the estáte ot' Thomas Willson, decensed, late of the Township of LeRoy in sakl County - I sliall sell ut public vendue to the hirhest bidder, at the Hattle Oreek house in the vilhige of Battle Creek in the County aforaaid on the lst, dny of .Tuly m'xt lietvveen the hours of one and two o'clock in the afterBOOB of that day, tlie following described real estáte to wit: Six Lotaoo Biock Six in East Battle Ci-oek in said Coimly being the four East Lots and tne two lyiiig eouth ol luts lately ownsd by one Kdinuml Astlry. 6 E. TACICER Ailministratoi . Datrd May 17, School Kook. rriHBY DO SAY that Havana bas the beet fbolscap, L letter and billet paper, nnd that he sells bookw lmver thiu at any nther eetabliehment 'm town. C e for ynurselves. 1 WEJtrEKN IVKW t .):(K COLLEGE O F JIKALTÏI, 207, Main sírétf, lliffula Ti. !uri DR. G. C. VAUGHN'S Vegetable Lilliontriplic Mixture. rjlHlS celebratod rcinedy a conatantly increu X fume ly the many curca t ú nrakiug ;ii i workl. It has now becomo tln only medicine km; family ose, aud is pnriiculiirly rocnmmenrled fir DBOP8Y: aJl tagee of tl int immediately r . lie ved, no inatterof how liong standing. See Pumphlet for testimony. GRAVEL, and all diseaies of il:c urhmry orgn theae dútreisiitg complaiute t rtanda alone; i article caii relieve you ; and tbe cures testifted tn will cominee tile Riust ceptical : kiver Cpniplaiut, I diseases, PeVer aud Agüe. To tln Greut VVesi i lv, and wherever tln'.-c comptamts prevail thu inedicine iaoffered. No material aicnt. no dulctcrious con:poutid is a part of this mixture, it curca these wiih certaiaty aud celerity, and doéa uot leavt iliu sy6tetn íorpid. roc Pamphlet. l'ILES, a coraplaintof a most pninful clmr; iminedialely rdieved, and r. enre 6J)low ljy a few dir uso of tíiis iriicle : it is far Ijt-íore ijay olber preps i for Ibis (l:-". '■. ir for :i:iy ol!-.-i; Jrt':i.-r orí froín impiire IiImoiI. - Bee painpliíft. " DEBILITY Oí' THE 8Y8TEM', ivealt back, wi k aeal oftíie Kidneys, &c., or inHamaüpju of nnc. is imroediately relfeved ly a few daye i.seW thi.s medicine, and a cure is alwnya the resul t of its uso. It stands ms a certain remedy for ;-ucli complaints. aiid alio lur dcrangemeut f tli femule fnuue, irregnlaritÍ8, tnppresBÍohs, painful menstniatimis. No nríicK1 Iihs ever bden offered except tlii. wbicti woulíl touch this kind oí'H..ranemeuts. It mny be ví lied upoij as B BUre aud effective remedy, and did wu fool permilted to loso, cmld ;ive i thonsond ñames ns propf of enres n tliia distressiu clara of eomplaints. All broken down. dcbilitated constitatiose tVoni the effect of nioroiiry, will find the brucíng power of the article tn act iinmediately, and the poisonous mino;';;l Clldicated from th- svstem. ' ERUPTIVE DI8EÁSES will find alíeruativo properties ol" this article to punfy the bloud, and drh- mch diseasea frena the syetein. e pnmpblet Rr te niony of cures iu all dúeases, whichtlio limita of n: mivertisement will not permit to be named ! pve tham aray ; they contain :-i pagea oL certificati s of liii;h chaiücter, aud a strónger nrrny nftheproofuf the of a medicine, neverappoared. 1' iu the peculiar features of article tbat ii nerer Riils tu lii'ui'lit in anv case and if bone and miisclc are lef to buildr upon let the .emaciáted snd lingeríng invaüit HOPE ON, and keep taking tbe m -Alt iue M toug as - an impro vemen t. 'J'hc proprietor wonld caution tbc public airainst ; nnmber of anieles wbicfa come out under the bt-ail of Sarsaparillas, Symps, &c, as cures for Dropey, '■ ■■:'.". , &c: They are goud for notbin g. auil coococktod U) gull tiieunwary; touch thein not. Theirinveutorsuev er thougbt of ouriug such diseasea till this artichrhad done it. A particular study of ibe pamphlet is earnestly solicited. Asaría? and :ill wlio el! itir artiulfl nro elm! lo circuíalo ratuitously. Put iip in :ïO oz. bntlles, ui S-l 12 oz. do at SI nach - Ihfl largr hotdinr 6 oe.morn than two smail boules, hoek outatid Tint gei imposed vpoit. Every 1mii!r Ii:is ",iity!m's Vagotobifl Lithfiuript'c Mixture," blown upon the ghiss, iltf1 wriilfii tiiiatiirft oí" G. C. Vrlifrliii" on the liircttiuii. :ui I G. C Va'iyhil, Hu(f;ilo." stamptd on thr r.orh. No otile r an i.r'i Preparad by Dr. G. C. Vaiichn, and loid at i!ie pritn ip il offise, -ia'!. Main strept, BurT.ilo. at wboiaiatennd retail. No alwntion plveñ tolet tRrs unlrss post paiil - or-lers fnun rfiirulitrly conatltuted Agfiüi exceptad: pott paid letters soliciting advice, prompil y aueoded tO, LM'. Hl'. üflicesilevotcd exciusivply to tho sale of tb'u artille - 1S3 Nmmi &t. New York city; 295 Kssex st. Salem Maas.; mul by ilio principa] Druggists througUout the UniteJ tales uud CauaJa js AfjfMits. For sale by 7to,dcl A. T. HAVENS, B ittle Creek. G. & 3. GHiil and J. Owen & Co., Del.i M.i.-ii ir.l-. A mi Arliu. ; T.. Sampson Tpailanti; 1. Breckford Salino. Mich.s f. Siüïhk Concord : Hall, Amiih Jt Diinham. Gran Lake t). C. Whitwood Dier; T. Wheclork. Alblon; W. Jacksoii.Leoni ; A. (7. Goodrich. PawPaw; J. T. Chiphain. Kalntnuzon Kron II & Scotl. Schoolcrafl; J. C. l.unmore, Nile; I,. T..!iv & Co., J:i, -k-i.ii . andO.H. Hyde, Marshall. J.W.OWEN, Travelling As'i. 900,000 Cash Capita!, ïi'ilh i Perpetual Charter. Ilnin lire Iiisniniice t'o., oi Hmlfori!, ('I. rjlHIS Compnny boa been in Buccessful operation tinr X morO tfaan a quarter of' a century, and iVom :: prompt mul lionoinM.i mode cf sdjustii - [osses, i i never beau dishonored al home w iibroad. Il has paid, within ilir lal two yeafs, ."'li :'ii Icm ses siistaiuod by fire in this county. Policies issuéd, Insoring against Iho lusa or daraaga by Kire, on DWKWLLIXG HOCSK, 51 A.V!' P ACTOIll ï:i . STORES, M1I.LS, FIJUNITÜRE, f M'AItK HOUSSS, PRODUCE IX ST0UIÍ, (Ht'RCHKS, and apon all kinds ot' Insurable Pi-operty, ut I.ÜW RATES. Auy loss vvhich lilis compnny mny sustain n:j ruks taken at liis agency, will be liberally Biljnsted bv 1 1 1 - agent htie, according to the. usages of the best l'iro componies in the conntry, añil wiili prtintmiss, in nioney current in tlie city of New York. Tütt comjunv has never coutested a loss in tlio city of New York. In case difterences slionld otise toaching anv Iom or datnage, tiie company is pledged, by a resolution of il; Board of Directora, to gubmit tbs same to m'bitrotors, indifterenlly chosen, oral the opinión ot'tlie insured. ÏHOS. K. BRACE, President S. L. Loomis, Sscretary. E3P Application for Insurance, or therenewJyLpoL, ices, and all busin ess counected with ibe office, muy be made to the subscriber. duly appointed au'eirt. iiij; l'ull power to receive proposa! 8 and in-ue polices on terms as favorable as rmv office n the state, JOSEITI O. F1ÍI.NK, Vpent, Ofiicc, No. Q Oourt ilouso. Marshall, Dec. 7, 1847 Ciroceries at Wliolcsale. The subscriber offers a very lafgé and well telected 6'ock of heavy XC S m2 3MSZ JU.3C JBtü S v At lowcst poenible pcices, and on the uioat nccomniodfi tinï ti rms. AJro, t krge mul fnll new stock of' L)YKWÖODS and DYE 8TUFFS, and Woolen Ulannfactiirer's Ha.1%hinory, Whli a heavy and carefully selected ii)i'lnu'iit of' Paints Oil and GlBti, AUo the following gemiine DRUGS & MED1CINKS- 500 ouuces Quinina ;;o do Morpliine ." do Indine 40 do llyd. de Pol 10 do Strychniae 2 Cases Rhutmrb 1 do .lolliip 2 do Magnesia 2 do Hoiiix 2 do Liqunii.'r 2 do Sup'i. Curb. Soda ÍÍ do Turtaric Acid. 200 lbs. (iiin Opiun, (new erop.) 50 dQUaibmel, (Em.ï. 2 bbls. Oainphor 5 ilo Salpnnr 5 do Efwom Silts 5 dn Quiuber do 2 do O remi Turtai, 2 do Castor C!l 10 do Al l bale Bernia ■2 casKs Sa) S:m1 i 1 coso Sal líiitliulle THEO. II. EATON, 80. Jefferon Avenui-, Detroit, odjnining K. .&" M. limk. r= REMOVED 8IN0JB THE FIIIE. a gTATB OF MICHIGAN, ? Oüimty of Barry, J AT a court of Probate, holden at the office oi uu judn thereof, in Haatinga on the 26 tli day of M sy, A. 1). 1818. Present, Is.kic A. IlDlhmnk, Circuit Court Comaigsioner, acting Jadge of Probate In the mutter of ite of Josenh S. Blaidell, prayius for n-nsi n herein set forth; tli:it letters of aamitiistration t' saiü Mtote ni-iv ba wsntedoato her, widow of uii deeeannl and He.iry ParaoDS. Thereupon il i&ordcred tbat he couaideration ofsaid petition In postpoped untilthe JGtli tlnv of June ni'xl. ;it oneo'ctock in llic ;ifier-!iooi), it wiiicíi tima and place, Ml persons inté' ested m iv nyiusr, nul show cause why the pniyer shoukl nol Ge jraujed. And it is further Ordered thut wid petitinner cause a oopy of tlüs order to bo published in the Mioliiian Liberty Press, a Dewa paper published and cis fating at liattle Creek, in thecountv of Calhoiiii, for hree weeks uccwwirely, onoe in each '.veelt prior tq the time of hearing in tbc prem ISAAC A. H0LBBO0K, Circuit Court Com. acting Jndge of Probate. [A trae Oopy.] 9w7 Paper. TUE iinilcrsimied wilt be supjilicil ÍVom the &gn rbor Paper Mili, with the variom descrindons of'the above named articlé, maiiufactnrtMl ai tliut plsoe, coi. sisting "f frinting, ÍVrapping una Writing, tpgetlier witli Blank Bqok. Tlieabovo mticles will be aoldfor cash or cxchanged for raps, TUe above may be fooud a', tbe slioe Store of .1. Pier■on, onc door cast of the Hardware Storo of William Brooks. E. UOrtR.NCK. Al ! Battle Gfw (íovei ir H