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JPIERSON has opencd a shop, one doir Easi oi , Broiiks' Hardware atore, Main ., BmleCreek, for the manufacture and sale ol' tlie various descrip' tions nf' Boo's and Shoes. Particular attention will ae given lo Eadies' Morocho walkin Shoes, Gaitrr, Slippers and Ties. The lirst tiuality of stoch only' will be used and the best of workmen eraplovud in la manul'ucuire. Persons dusirous of a Hrst rale fit and a durable article will please give hiin a cali. All ol the above Icept enn-Uantly on hand and made to ordur. Hilos wanted in excliange lor cash or work. ftecollect the sumber. One door East of BaooksBattle Creek, M.iy 13, 1843. 5 liivaliiablc Coiiipuiiion. 3IX Lecluresn Caiin, l'rcveniinn and Cure of CoiiJ stunptimi, Aathma, DisefttMoftbeHrart, and .-ill Firrmle Diseases. SJM pages, 28 engravings. l'aper 50 tê; lnmiiil 75cts. Mail tonnyptrl - postume 9 l-2cts. Sbiuildei Bracea aud Ohest iüpanilers. %ï. Muil to ny part. SO ots. postage, loluiling Tubes, Sflver, 3. bymail, letter pounge. Abdominal Sanpi irfect, tB to$10,fcraU Itunliires, Falliug-of the Bow Is apA Womb, aiid Weatt Uai;k, and Cbeit; geut Iv ïxpresseverywliere. Por Broce or Supportej-, or Rupire Supporters, give height froin head to foot, and cirutnference of person nct tbe arftice, ast above th upa: If Rupture. mcnti.iu wbioh side. AgeoUivaiied for Ihe salo of the above guods. A.ddreM Dr. S. S. ITCH, 707 Broadwiiy, New York, poet pnid Feb. 24, 1818. Was!) for Buildings. In nne of the nuniberg of ilie Ciihivatcr for 1S47, a subscriber asks - " Vi!l coal-tar, put on a roof, prevent thesporlo from a locc mniivc from catching?" [Vol. 4, page 227.1 'I he following receipe was sent us by a geullemnn of New Orlonns, who writes ihat the ivosli ws satisfactorrally lested upon the rooi ofthePhcEnix Foundry n llint nciirliborhood. It is not only a proiection ngainst fire, bui renden btiek work imperviooi lo water. - The basis is üine, whicli must first be slacked wilh hot-waler in a tub to l;cep it in the steïtin. ft should hen be passed, vvhile in a senii-Huid state, throiigh a fine sievo. Take six qriartg of the fine lime, and one quart of clean rock sak lo be disoved by boiling, and the inpurüiea to be skimmed off. To fivo gallong ofthig mixture, (affll and lime,) add one pound of alum, half a pound of copperas, three-fourihs ofa pound ofponiih, (the las,! to be added gradually,) four quarta of fine sand or hard wood ashes. Add coloring matter to snit the fancy. It shoiifd be applied wilh a brush. It looks as uell as paint, and is as histing as slate. It stops small leaks, prevenís moss from growing, and rpnders thé ivork incombustible. B [Pliiladelphia, Pa., Feb. I.] Keaping Dried Fruits. In ansvver to the inquiry n a luie number ofihe Cultivator, a correspondent at Fredonia, New York., writes - "Give the fruit a thoroiigh steaming after it is dried, so as to kill the nits of insects ; ihen put them in some secure place wliere the flies connot eet t them." b Preserving Eggs. Pack the eggs to be preserved in an upright earthen vessel, witli their email end downwards, and poiir over the-n melted lálow, while it is warm - (not hot.( The eggs sould be completely covered, and when the tajlow is cold, set the vessel in a cool place i II the eggs are wanted. A writer in the Ag iculti.ral Gazette siates he has kept them learly a year, and vvere found excellent. Carrots as Food for Stock. Al one of the agricultura! meetings held in Boston during the past winter, the subject of culiivating " root crops" for stock, was discussed. The genera] expression was, tbat the carrot is the best root for this purpose, in situations adopted to its gro-vih. Hon. Air. Brooks stated that he bad made experimenta in feeding carrots, and for young stock he thought them as valuable in weight as good hay. He thought iliey did produce as mtich mille, when fed to cows, as potatoes, and hoga prelerred potatoes. He considered carrots compared with oats, to be wonh 33 cents per busel when oats were worth 50 cents - that 10 1-2 Ibs. of carrots were equivalent to 3 1-2 Ibs. ol oats. He considered the tóp's ofcarrols of sufficient value to pny the expense of harveating. Ho put them up ín small etacks out of doors, and tliey kops good tiil mid-winter. Mr. Uice said he sowed carrots ear'y in May on ligbi land - usual erop 500 bus hek per acre - 40 bushels weigh about a ton, and were worth as much as half a ton ofliay. Mr. Proctor said 35 tons of carrots had been grows on anacre at a single erop, and it was not uncommon to obtain 32 tons. - Most of the speakers mentioned that the blight had injured their carrots, more or less, of late years. DR. H. F. PKE$Y'S VERMIFUGE OR "OEAD SHOT." EOR WORMS A Iltghly Valuable Prcparotion, CapabU, from kt Prompiitudc of its Actiojij ofCleansing the System in a few fwurs ofevery warm TUIS cxceeding: siuall quantity oí' this Medicine required tO lest L li e exisencö Of worms, ör to remove evory one from the system, iu operating iti a lew hours, together with its great certaioty of effectccnstitute it oue of the most brilliant discoveries of tho age. It seldom neer! to be repeated und never to be foilowed by any otherpurge. Thorefore in urgent cases, s thoseofpiTS, srASMS or convulsions, cuused by worms, unrivnled sujieriorily % manifest. Few medicines uro better cutculated to improvG i]ie heulth of ciiildren, even whare no worms exist; as it remnves tbosc mássiu of crudities that line and c lunet y ndhere to tho stoinurli mul bmvels, giving rise to symptoms tliat couuterfcit every varicty of wonn-dise;ise. Altliough prompt and ci'iinin in its o)ïeration, and not Iiauleatant to Iho tasto, it is perfee tly safe, and d;ipteito thetenderesi Bye The followiiifr is au extr;n [ j1,,,;,, ( letter addreiietl toA. .& D. Öands from the Agent at the Derby LÏüe. Dkkby LiNi:, Vf., MavTth, 1H4C. Gentlemen:- I rece i ved the box of'Dead Shot" V rroifuge ibout flfteea iayi lince, and have now only a few dozen luft on m d wincli will be zone in lesa tlnui ten days. It Beema to rfo li e work tothe porfflét vtrtfsfaction of all who use it. I bar ome great nccfiunts oi'it, wliere il has jnodncnd tho spuUioa f from 15 or 20 to 115 worms front One person, and m-arly the ome number (torn some children. Ofcourse you will dunk rormt aoe ofthe preval t Is g dïseases in Canada and Vermont - lcatie send in o another sui)ply as soon as convenieni. Respect" ully, t. C. büTLKK. The folio is from an eminent Phyicia, JONESBORüUOM, Teño.. Ipr.3d, 1844. Dr. ir. F. Prery - 1 take rreui pleasure in recomnmndinj: to ie public your valaabfa Vermirigo, (properlv eallw) Deaíl hot.) I ban beaa Kendina it tor two years. Notliing ol the Ind tara i averaold tbat luis pi ven auch unireiaal saütfaction hen was ohe c;isn in iuy inunediale paigUbornood iliat I now ■ecollcct of in which om dosc cauaed expulsión of 150 wormi om a Btnallchild av the parent informad nae aAarwurd. Vory respectfullv. JOHIV YANCEV, M. D. Prloe35 cents por viul. Prepred by Dr. II. 1'. PkT, and etail bv A. B. &■ D. BANDS, Dru"gistx. 100 Pultoa c.niTof Villiam, Vork. Sold ttUo by A. T. HAVENS. J. OWEN Ca. Detroit, aml by Drusgits 'geuerally Uiruiighout the Uted St;ils. BTo the Public. EttGobliged byül-health to diuooutinne the abore business, all unsottlcd accounts maat bc arranged without delay. I will be firniul nt tl, Bhop of Faihan Bimee, whorenll my fermer contracto fbr work will be falfilled.. - . ■ 1 JOHN CAL1WELL. r School Bookt. aUIM.S, Steel T.mis. Pen-Holders. Dlock Blue -in,! Red Ink. U i,f,.,-sS,!1li„i!.w„x, tter8USL wrale cheap nt tlie ' Al'OTHECARIES HaLL, Engle Block Pamlly Blbles 00 AIÍRANGED that the books, chapters, &c may ' ".' '■'■:il' tt8 ""e ''"" fee] Instory. Also, commercial andfaucyenvelcp88,tismie,porfonitedancl billel paper Napoleon tnd lus Maj-ehals, aod Waal ton and hia öeasrals, &c., &., jut recoivedut the drns stcre of A]nl 12, 1848. A, T. HAVENS. :stray. STIÍAVED ov stnlon, from the Tnn-n nf Batt]e Creok, ons Erench Hone, mae twoyear nlil (;,ili, brown color. Tlie Hoi-e isa sorrel, ame yoafa old. with roas head, Imiw mane and tnil, lnvivy liml.s and a fasi rocker. Auy one giviifg mformatiön thi'ongh the fosi Olfioe where s.iiil horses nmj be femnd'. Bhall receive a b yrreward. DAMi;!. DIOAL. Jlioll lamo, consmntly on hand for sale at J. a. i ) Jacob A Co'., carriagé shop, Creck. 50 The Piles. A CCRB ''' ECl'RED !- Dr. UPHAM'S ■íl '■ (uf the care of Piles. Tbe Vrcetable Pile j iuvented by Dr. A. Uptutm, a ,{]■.■ tiiiguished Phj iciaii of York cily, jg lbe onlr renlly nceesfnl rrmedj for thia dangeroas and disl wg complauit tiie Piles, ever olleied tu ihu Americio! public. The Elecluary contains no Mineral Medicin, no Aloes, Oolocynta, Gainl or other powerfini nucí [rritntinL purgntive. No fear of taking cold wtii iinder iis mflncnce ; uo change in diel Is uecessary. If i according t direetious a lift is guaraiitied. Iiitlaminnlnry Dfaeaáes. Although the Electaary ivoa orisiiially prepwed tot the cure of Pije, je il tas prored itoU to be a medicine far superior i., all othere, in all diseaee of Bn iuÍJammatory haracter, with a determination of blood to particiiFar pmtor orgea. Ju inflatmnation and oon■a ofthe liver and spleen ; iuñutnmation, and iore nes and ulceration ofthe stomach, bowels, kidney and liladderj in inflammatory and mercurial rbeumatism, ii b the best medicine erer discovered. Impiirillcsof Ihc liloocl torall impuritiesoi thé Ulootl, aristng from the lmrndenl ase of mercury, or ather canses ; for all Jiemses ol ihe skin and scrofulous affectioas; in all ■ where the Wond is powerfiilly determined to the heod iroducing dizziness and distress, D.-. Upham's Electu"7 is entirely nnrivailed. TO MAKKIRD tiADEIS. Marned lidies are almost inVambly subject to tiiat paiuful and injoriom disease. the l'iles, with cunsequenl inflammalion of the stomach, bowds and gpiae, vveakness of back, flow of blood to the heaU.&c. The Electuary i-; perfectly for pregnant ladius, and the mpstuseful cathartic tint can póssibly !'■ ased as it willnotonly remove the Piles and BH iiiHaiiiuiatory diseases, without pain ij-iitaiicm, hut will ensure un easy time, a safe delryery, and a sumid couetttutiou in ! I tin' ollsi)nntr. ' i Peculiur fases and Effect in Xra Knglnfl. Un-ouic l'iles.- A wnrkuiau in the gasfaouaeat Canabridseport, wbo had the pilee fif a years, very sèverc-ly, and was oonstantly exposed to the intense hout ofafurnace and greally reduced liy the disease, received greal reliefahd a final cure by thé use "f Dr. Dpham'a rèmedy. Tlie case waa a very obstinate one, owmg to thé nature ot' the occupiition and derauged conditioii of the patiënt. Bleedioa Tiles.- A eentlemaa in Bfdford, Maa.. m lio h;n toe bleedmg piles for roany j i ly e-xnausting his systeni,' wíj entbely reheved of Ihfa dia tressingand daugeroug sy niptoin's, by taKing aha'fdosa ot tne EJectaary om-e ór twioe i montli. ' 'tho BoweU.- A person afflicted withpilea, aud lalhng othe bowels, to such a degree tlmt uo ! uatioa eould bc Imd without lying H.ii upon the Boor was entii-ely ralieved and cuied by tliis medicine. The case waa a very extraordinnry one. Extremé C'.jstivcuesa. - Pk'umeroin paraoiú, hiid ea peciaJly femalee, afiflicted with extreme coativi neaa and piics, with all those distreaaing syptoms atteudaat ai such a state of tho sy.sicm, have been able to effeel au enlire chango in tliis couditiou by llio 115c of ihia m ':111e. It ie a very mild cathnrtic, and au admirable remedy for costrveness, especial ly for rnarried wonji Fístulas, Dlcer, &O,- Ju the worsl case of piles, where ÊBtulog, alcers, and caveraoaa holea exist, the Electuary is alvrays salutary in its eSEccts, and it persevenngly uaed, wül prodaco a cure Two or three tases, where a surgicul operatiou waa thought to benecessary by the doctors, have been cured by this medicine. It is a perfect rèmedy for mercurial diseasca in the inestines. l'i-icc, $1 per bex, of twelve doses with fuil directionsand otner information respecting üte ti-eatm fiikI cure of the disi Sold wbolesale and retail by WrATT 4 Kktcham 121 Fulton streel, and by A. T. Havens, Battfe Cn CXICKNOR'S SUGAB-COATJED Purgativo Pilis. Cured uñthln the last yearover 200,000 persons who had been laboring under the most aggravated complaints, and given up as hupdess cases hy the most. eminent physicians, IËIGETADi r di I tWÈ A';,',"■ "' ri':J ""'y medicine over discovered that ilwill losinv.-ly Cure Headache, Giddiness, Rheu. matism, I iles. Dispepsia, Bcurvy, Smallpox, Jaundiee, 1 mis 111 tli.. back.IuwaH Wenkncss, Pafphation of the [eart, Huiugin the thngt, Dropsy, Asthma, Fevers ai II kmcU, témale oomplaiuts, ,h Bbeum Heartbuní, Wonns, Chofera Morbos, Cough, Cousurop"""■ Vf' L'.v?r Complaiut, Erysipelas, Deafuess. Itcliinga of the Skm, Colds, Nervoua Complainta, aud i vanety of othcr diseasea ariiiug from impuríties of the Ulood and obsimctions in the organs of digestión. It has been clearly proved that aearly c,-iv disease towmchtbe human traméis subject,, origínate from Lmpurmesofthebloodor üerangementa (,iÉ tlie Digesuve Organs 5 aad lo secaré bealtfi, wt must remove tire obstroctions or pestora the Blod to its natural itate.- I lus fact ís imiversiilly known; Imt people have snch :m aversión to medjcioe that, unless the case ia urgent, they prefer tbe disease to the oure, iintil au impaired Condtitution, or a jii of sickaaiw rebukea iheu fur the jolly oftheir conduct. Kiill they had some exense ; for heretofore, medicine in almost ál! its form was uearly as disgusting as it was lienelicia!. Now, howevr, the evil is most effectnally removed ; for Clickner's Vegetable Purgativa Pilis, being completely enveloped witli ooating ofp.u-e white sogar (wliicli ia asdistract from tUe interna] tugtediaata as a niitslicll from the Iterael.) Have Dotaste ut". Medicine. - Untare as eai]y si lowed as bits of candy. Mareover they ueither uauseatc or griii,; in the BÜgUtesl degree, which is oicasaionej by llie fact that, they are compoñndej on scieatific principies and opérate equally on all the diseased pi of tile system, rástead pfeonfining themselves to, and rackmg any particular región, (wfiich is tlic great and admitted evi] efevery otíler l.nuwu purgatire.) Henee, they Btrike at the root of disease, n move all hnpare huTOors from the body, open the ports externally and intérnally, promote tlie Insensible Perspiration, obvíate Flattilency, Headache, &c- separate all foreigti and obnoxions partióles from the ohyle, so that tne lilood, of whidiit ia the origin, must be thoroughly pure- socure a freo and liealihv action to the Heart, Langa and i.iv.r, and thereby Bestore Healtli, Even when all other ini-ans have fáiled. The satire Irutli of the abov canbeaocertainedby the tria] of a single box; and vntiies are so jiositive and certaiu in restorin.? Health, tbat the proprietor binds hi raself to return thti money paid for them in all cases where they do no: give riniversa] satisfaction. EdP AU letters ot inqniry or for ndvice must be ad9 -.1 (pprt piid) tu Dr. (,'. V. (. UCKENF.R. No. 8Í Vcsey st. New Vink, or his anthorized agent! tliroughout the country. N. IS. Eteraember Dr. C. V. Olicknener is tlie nveator of Silgar Coated Pilla, and that noiliing of tlie soit wás ever heard of úntil he introducc-d tliem in June, 1843. Purchasera should, therefore, alwaya ask for Clickuer's Sagar Coated Vegetable Pilis, and tana no otliers, or ihry uill be made victime oí ;i fraud A. T. HAVENS, Agent, R:itlle Cm-k. STATE of MICII1G VN-The Circuit Court lor liio cuunty ol'Calhoun - In Clmncery. At aesion of said court, íieKI al Marshall on llie 27lh riay of April, in theyearone thonaind aiglH hundrod and forty-eight Present Iimi. George Milca, Circuit Judge. ORLANDO PATEE, Complainanl. versus GIDEON F. SMIÏH, BETSBY DUTCIIER and BOLOMON DUTCHER, Delendanta. It salislactorilv appcarini; to tliisCunrt ihat Bctsey Dulcliur and Solouiun Dulcher ttt'O oJ' th defendanta in lina cause are non-residenls and Uut liiey reside in tho Slatc of Uhio - On mulion of Abner E. Camp. bell, Solicitor lor the Cumplaiount, it is ordcred that the said dufendants, Betsey Duicher and Solomon Dulclier cause iheir appearance to be enlerL-d wilhin tliree montlis ifom the date of this order, and Iliat in casool' theirappearane theyoauna Iheiranswer t t Ikcomplainant's lull lo be fileJ and a coiy Ihprcof lo be sirved n llie coinpUiiiant's Solicitor witlijn twentv daya nitir (rvice ol a coy of said oill and i.otice o" f thi order'; and in lolanlt Ihereof lliat the said bill I! taken aB conlegsed lv th uid del'cndants Betsey Dulcher and Solomon Duother. And tis'further ordefëd that within fventy days the aid Lomplain tbl o m.r g copv of this order lo be poblinhed in llia " Micllifan Liberty Press" a newsl'aiitr pnhlishr.i :ii B.itile Creek, in thecounly ol'Call)oiKif and that (be taid publioation bc coetinued in said paper al lea onc in eaoh week lor six weeks in succession, or that ha causa ■ eopy of iliia order lo bc perBOiiilly seived on llie Baid delenclanls Betücy Uutcher and Solomon Düfcher at leasl Iwenty days belbre llie linie jbuvo prescribed fur Iheir appeartnoe. (A Irue cujiy ) JOHN MEAU1IKM, Regiöler. Ab.vkr E. Cajípdell, Soliiüor for Coniplainant. 5-6 -gafefl, JE W E LK V ;iik1 ram-y gootls at tliecheup veJr -V2 Drug Store of A.T. HAVENS. Heal the Sick. BBgSM'MiMi'niiiiiaHi!ilBÍl pubh-the nuny cures oí di;a.e they hare perform" Ï7,101 month and year, are truly stonJsWng 11Ow cballeuge the world to produce ibeií eqnai c' " ,""V '■■"■';..■""'■' .-.1. I,.-., takcn accül,,eto 'I' ■;■ m'..-, i" effect a cure ar gK permawmt relief" 014 Lu-er complainU, Jaundice, áeo. ota ,f. „,.r ate directly opon the liver, 'and cauíeíí o períbrm u natural and healtliyactian. p . ""ddeuattacks n oJuldren-Buch m c,,!,U fover, '""s fo-% Pval' ''"'„utis,,, S),ill:,i aTectioaa lKvtH and kavx Chill Fkveh. fto medjcme yet rtiseovi.-n-J has províd so ffectiml , ■'■ miiue Bbvereigu Bnlm l'üls. V V"- ■ lii t,K,„ ucroitltísfií "a;e not eflfeea-„n ] h;;.y f !rit' ""-■ ''''"I. and are, rterefora di8ea8esaii8iUgf.„m,nimpurelata oftfcebliod. J., oanous debüity a, ,1 f,,„:i,, conmtaiB, thev Wc. w„,,„d -"'-:- Thej qaiet the nerve. by Z ü-eugtheu aud biiug up il: , B ofadviceto female afflicted with the abwe dis,-,- -„!,! .aythatlarge doses of „yhtadrfciSC: ar alwayi ujuriouy. Thew pilla s!l.mlll be taken one rinúlar1'-"" (Se These PiUs w, re firsl iutroduced in a aoisteL manner. No gaudy ahow eai-Ua, or k,n? apvertisemenu lillcd with cerU6catos fi-om poraons never lived wera reaorlcd lo, hm we left to wnrk tfieir w;,v iut.l puhlicfavor on own merits Tl.-y ilt-c ..m-dy Vegetable, müd butwre „ theirop atedcomtitutíon, i ,,„.,. toWJ trve , wlmh cannot besfud pfanyotherpill nowin „„- Grea oere has been takeu iu „j compoundl mg tUe medicine which Wáiwayí beeu raprftleiided by Dr. Soule in persou. Fornrtherdirectieni, certiBeatei &c., ee the New Yor Botanie Ia,,,.,,;,, poblinhed at Buciid, by Dr. E L. faoulc & Co., wtich may be had of agenta ralis. A3 there isspurious pilU iu circulation, caUedOrieua orSoyereign Bate be sure to soe before you Uur u, .,.,„,,, ,„..]. E. L.80DLB&0O.-&W the theboxes. None otbers can be geAuma VV otftware thai anv oue who ia making a rouri"," fth,m have bad th, to SSïto ," boxes aml copy our Circulai, Cmific ate, Sao. L'iilew di'ed :'VC WheD ""'y l'urd"E= 'v will U ■ eonuiue SovereigH Biilm PÜIs cu be bad whole'retaUol Dr.E.L.Soule&Co.EUclid,.Omm: jf.Owen - ( „.. wholesala and rettt agent : AIn soleby agenta in every town n the ccn.ntrv, a„d by A. I. Huvtus, Agent, BatlleCreek. " i ii ii : i ;■■■ !' Public. Ur. Hernck, beins detennined K. protect the public from ïmpoiWaD, „„1 to prene the repntation of l.i. beautitul a-d every where popular Snaar Coated Pil], also, expoaecertainmedicjne-mongereresjdineiiidifl,, tb,.r(1,I11iry,h„ claim to bve Í patent THE S3EAT LNSL!SH REMEDY ■nOH COUGHS, Oolda, Astbma, Bad Conmmption ! -L Ihe ume haa doom vriieu Consnmption may bo ;■ a-,1 u.,1, the cumUe d,,,,ses. Thí most ftLfa" malady of oor onmry bobeen coaqered ! The moit i-i. .tl ol uil disease bag yicUed al hst lo thé skül of lililí). Bwhaa'i Hungwian Boluun oflife, will speedilv a,„l eertaialy cure ( onwimprion, even in it most bedelen lonnj, nud in all oitluidrjr iliaeues of the oheM aml toui,rtth, ,,,,,,1 perfeotSBd drairable remedv to the civilized world. Tl,o Hongariaa Bnlsam WM llr.-t discoverd by Dr. Bucba?, of Condou, Bnghad, .-„„1 bas been teste'd tur mx year l.y Lha mol emineoi Pbysiciana iu Oreat Bntaii), ard on tbc continent of Barope, wben il ha. proved the Great and only Remedy. It luis receuüy been iutrodiiaed mts the United Mate?, under the immediate mpreuteBdeuca of the inventor, and bnowlitteri, weapmg Omisumptíoii Erom the land. What Innocnlatioo ' to Sin.ill l'ox. the Hunganan Baiaam is toCoumjtion- an insui-mountaülrebarricr ! Chemwss, PhysicianB, Medical Societics, and the gieat body of Consumplive paÈienU, fverv where admit tliat . t ie most important wurk of the age has been accompKahfd- ConattmptíoB Can be cured. WhereverU haa been intrcdnc-d, all Panaceas Expeotorants, Syrnps and Drops have been discardéd as iiseless-all VUmtft Inhalatioa, Vapor Bullís, Tarbn;,ke,Clianp of Chínate, &c., have been reiected and the won&rful produat of the Hangariw Gum. obtainedfrora the ■ MelfonSa," or Tree f Life, is now univci-sally received by Consuuiptives, as the Oniv Bource of Hope. } ,et no person attiictod with a sovere and obatinato Oougb, Inilunaüon of the Long, AlftuaM, nr any of the symptoqjg oi Consuroption lose a moment of time i seekihg relief hom this GKEAT ENGLISH REMEDY Delata are dangerpus, and all atber pretended remedios are not only anelera, bat fataUy delusivo. ■Lveiy fomily jn ule („jd Sta„,3 5Jm,d be sup 1ed witu üucliau s Hungarimi Balaam of Life, not only to counteract the cousu.nplives of the oliraate, but to be nsed ua prpvontíve medicine in all cases ofColds, Coughs, SpUtingofBlood, Pain in the side and Cliest lmiation and aoreneas of the Lungi, Bronchitis Difïïcnlly of Braathiag, Hectic Fevor, Night swents Eniaciahon and G-neral Debility Asthma, Influenza, Whoop1U2 Cougb, and Crou). Tiie great t,.erit of Dr. Buchan's Balsam is tliis- tliat m all enses of 1 ulmony Consnmption is cives Immediate Relief. A single bottlo will reveal itsastonishin" virtues, and open at once the foundation of Health and Strength to the stflicttd. lyiVice of the Balsam only one dollar per bottle, wnh full direotídns, Dissertalion oi Cousumption, Notioe, and crelificates of Kemarkable cures. 4. 1"6 m For Sale liy A. T. HAVENS A'cw Ari'Hiigmciit ! g& MORE STOVES S?i3L T ' I-ATER I'ATTERNSM! K HB ÜNDERSIGNBt) take pleasuiq ofièring t0 the ,Iul)tic n mere complete stock of new lud beauiH'il stvlrs el OooteiBg ■,,„! 1'ailoi-StovestlKin have ever iM-imc beah offerod ia this nmrkct, tosether with a Eeuoral assmuw.nt of HaUow Ware, Copper, Tin Sheet troo, Move Pipo, .Síes &e., &o. The nttei.ion „f thè Btove bnying commmiity is rMl-'i nilv wUoited toan examination of our stock befovo purohaaiog. .. . ... . SAMUEL S.BÜRPEE. Marshall October 8. 1848. To Pliysicians. you CAN find at the Apothecarie. Hall quinin, IoX Hne, mlph. iqorphine. iodine ron, Acétate morph jyd. potass , piperme, oil volerian, itrychaiue, setquioiide iroii, .aaliciqe, tcrrocynale iron, a'ml all othervariH's„ I mj-nicmcvheaper than at any ollu-r stcmi n westnni Miclugaii. J. TAYI OB ■ternera]. rpHE Tuiloring Establishment ofWülinm Roéis remo. i 'mi , ■;I'l'allll.y's Block.tho córner store, whett, be wiH be glad tpwajtoq hisold custoimra wid 11 new ones v-ho m.iv favor him with a salí. i