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Betty Jane Wilson Presenting Achievement Ribbons To Ice-Skating Winners, February 1969

Betty Jane Wilson Presenting Achievement Ribbons To Ice-Skating Winners, February 1969 image
Published In
Ann Arbor News, March 2, 1969
Receiving achievement ribbons for having successfully completed a series of eight ice-skating lessons offered by the Ann Arbor Parks Department and the Recreation Department are (from left) Lyou-Fu Ma, Robert Gantt, Laura Harpster, Linda Sheham, Lee Bauer and Syau-Fu Ma. Presenting the awards is Mrs. Betty Jane Wilson, coordinator of the program. Approximately 140 city children, from pre-school to high-school age, took the lessons, which began in December and concluded this week. The lessons were so popular that Mrs. Wilson, who teaches at the Fuller Ice Rink, said they will definitely be offered again next year. Interested persons should contact Mrs. Wilson.

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