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Olí. íi. i'JifcKi'S OH "0LADSHÜT."tOR WOHMS t'uo liours uitvent icrrn ori.'a nft'in i '. íl loiilom noeilulo ■ I . ti tntl lvl 10 .... ,v,m.,.v,..i1,v , iwrg iMer.1 v;1;:;;:,.;:;,;;' 1 " i""i;'"Aí:'Hi"u'ñ"Bvi.!":"ví..M,v7,',,i;. ,,MKv,_i ,.c,iv.-.u:.1..i.-i ■I1.s'"''' '.,;■■;:.';,",';■; lul ",i,,;,ii f ;■'"';;;„.; i Li i i'-""-' 'M""m!',u, ;';„"; .:.-!-!-- ;:;'■,:.:;?.;;■■;.■::■:;:: ,.;;:;;.:;:..::. .'■..:... --..v ■,.....- p.. .... ..1.1 m mutVr U(ti) nu " '■"■"(. ",' ,,irn.i.K. y' T:,eJol!,'lciHJ M ■'"■ """""', P' '"■"" . lr,4 .1 IWI I UO I. I ll" " ■■'■'■ ! ' " ■.,.,. l.'.-l .iflH WllCI... .-ill-il ■' ".' ' .,,. ff .: "'■'"■ ';'. ', ;';.V almiotTw- ■ , ...JiiV.r,.' .'. ■■■■:- "■ ki; r;,;r:;! ■;;;::■,; V!v-i:,iA?.:';'),-1vi"nvv ■' i'u tc'üV.r.. aulll, l uïtn -t f - H.n...gtaounW ü- i I I S'l ili'S. 'l' Hm l'iibüc. DTIKn i'ili-"'l iv ili-uiilili itidiiic'uitiim AHiwwe ) illilMS, ui ii 'II il lOCimiti iim -t Tirrni'.'cil v , ,,,, ,1 .1 IV, [ vf'lW li ■ fi'l.iil ui lijn -11 ' ' 'f '"ii!''i" ) wil liO.lll 111 r" KWH) 'I''" itfUCtil fl' W 'k WÜl I"' f,mi„rt. ' I .'IN (' l.'l RÏ,T;. Sril.M! It ks. V), Bij tuk; Wiif'T8iiug-Wnx, 1-enei Stianps. tbc. i'I)T.HBgARTT5? tl LI„ Eagle Block f--. .ijaFl, .lEWm.ltY iiniifaiu-y goodaat tliechoop 5Sfï' isS D,„., Stora of T HAVENS llcnl thö SScfc rp lii. inoprieim, lull i't' ■uilidi-i cv in viiiiies o I [)r. ttimlu'a Siivereigli K i'm Pilis, wliicli have gnb eil fov thrnnelves eitch mi c-nviable repufaitiou m ilw shori npso oL Bvs Jteaa tliey have lieeu bcfore tb pubji llie mmiy cure of di8ea?e ihey Iiave pprfoiTn,,!-?. ijic of lUepnttefitè hnviiig l)cen cehfined to théir ht-dsfor iwmüie .uut yeni-s, are trnly aslouibhing, now c-linlleii"o 'be world to pitjducc ibeir ccnnl. For imiL' staudiiig DycnenBy mul habitual costivin- ilnv btive tiiilid, wlim iiiken arcord'iig to direction. to effeci .1 euro or -nc peonaueut relief. Okl Liver ciimpliiii'ts. Jandipe, &c, eau he perinaneiitK cnreil by tbe nse of tiuxe l'ills. nsihcy opernte direotly npon ihv livt-r, iiii eause it !u perbun imtlirnl ;inif he;iltliy actinn. Forsudileu ttttaofcs in chiklren - iieli ns coldsfever, worm, fa. - fiir giavel, rlicum.'itism spinal afïectioiii, licnil.i lic. congb i'iuJ eolils, tbey llave provoil ou htvaliiü rumoily. Kkvkr sd Aglk. anti Cmii.i. Fkvui. No medici ue yét diicuvwred hui proveil o cffêctu! iiicurujg ngnenud fever, cliill fever, Sic, i.i ihe Wemeni States, ns the genniire sovej-eipii Bulln ISlls. We have nevoir knowii a single cae, when Iükbm aci ing to dú'ections, wlierp tl"y llave uot effucteJ a cure iu frnm im to ei'lit ójiye. Tli' y clemrae nnd piirity the blond, mul me. iberefbre, mi eOWtuil remedy for Scrofiüd, Brysipelus, and uil 'l iirisiug IVom uu impure kUiIü qf tlie bUiod. Iu ïiervons deliility mtd finíale copiplnïnta, tlicy Iiave wurxnd wouileri. Tliey quiet tbe uei-ve by - mnviiiL' tlie cuiiso of aervniis initatioii, and cvacliially a-éiifttlieu aud briiig lip )ho wbole syslcm. Bv wny of ml v ice to females nfflictcd witb Ibe above clísense, we wimld say thiit Urge doses ofon'y kind of cntliartici ure aKv:iy injurioüs. These lilis sliunlrl be tiiken oo at a deae, every uigbt uinil a cure is eftecled. (Se Cireulara. ) These l'ills vvere first introduced i n nniplces raanlier. No girndy show eKlds, or lont; apvertisfineiit liiletl wilh certifictttcs frr.m persons Uiat liever lived. nrted 10, lint wore lelt to work tbeir fiiy inlo pubUii " ' ' '"■'■ ;l meriti. They art parelj ■ niilu l'-it fiiro in tnc r r,p ei-atinn, 6nd perfoctly safe lor j-oniisr aml uld of dobilitated Cmstituüèii8. ■ Tliev liever leive - Imwelsco v.-liitli Ciinliot bemiid otaiiyiitluT pi]) uuw In u. . Great core Imslie tüUcu in v Leftiug aml ciim])i:miding luedici lie wUicli has alwaye bei;n supriiitendöd liv Dr. Soule in perfon. Fiir hirtber dircction, certifiontjPi &c, seetlio New Yiirli Botanie Inatitiue. pnbliflivd Ht Emüii. ly Dr. E. I.. Soule & C'".. Vfiicb mnv !■ had nf ajteutd gratis. Binnrror t'niiiin-HVil! As tliere is pnriim [lilis in cirunlatiou, calledOrjepi Uil r Sóveri-igii liii'in. le save l nee ln-loi-c ym byy , tliat tlie iiMiii.'i.r ■'!)!. E. L. SOULE .t Co." m '" ll)a l'u .-e of t'.ie li'ixi's. None oilicis cim be pciiniiio. W uro iMt iiwnre thnt my oira wlui ia róaking a RpmrioH iiititle Ins et 'ilaifd ti mnke ut ' onr nnnie; Uut mime of i hem lmv liad the iinprwieiice 1" imitato our :inil topy iWir Circulara, Certificateí, í.-'. Uiüoaa i tlw piiblU) nra ciirrful wlieu tliey purchaB, ïliey willbe tlrceived '1 'h" m'iminc Sovereign B.'dn Pili eau behid wholesiileaml ii'l.iil iif Dr. E". L. Soulc & Co. Elidid, Oaondas Co. N. Y. .T. Oweu & On., wholesale nud retnil Mpenl: Alsr,, imlf ly ngéntsiii every town in filo cuuutry, and by A. T.'lI.ivL-ns. Agent, Bnitfe Civrk. 1 imlioii lo llic Public. Dr. Uprrick, beiua iletenninl to jfrotPCt tlie public IVnm iinniisitiiiii. 'miei to prenéivo the reptitalioivnf hií In lil'ul ii (I fwery wii .■!■ pnpnlnr Snpir G.wted Pffli-, ii'sii. tn exp i! certnin on'JjcUieymoniersi'egiiliiifi in UifIWrant piut nf the cnimtrv. wbii claim in have i pntent lor crmtiujj pilla witli BUgur.asks a carc-fnl pemsiil of th nlli) ini.' If't tl i1 : - THE GREAT ENGL1SH REMEDY EOR COUGHS, Colds, Astiimn, :i:;d Co09implion ! The time lina ciune when Cousumption muy 1).; i - 1 ; ■ - =. - l wil li the curable discuses. Tlie most fearful unladr of cuir couutrv Iwsbeen couquéred ! Tlie rtiost fatal of uil diseases bas yieWeü at last to the skill of man. IJiolwu's Hmgarian Ralaam of Ufe, will sjjfeiluy and pcrtaiuly ciire Cousumjrtiou, even in its most hrtpeleat l'nrins, lint in all ordmary dist-nses "f tlie chust mul t.nus, il is tb most perfect and admirable vemuily to lito civili.ud wol'ld. Tlie HuHSjHiJiin Balsam was firat dincoverd by Dr. Bnchau, of Loudon", Eiiglnnil, rut Iia9 been teslfd tof si. yeará by llio most eminent 1'hyoicinua in Great Britnin, ard mi the onntineot f Bmope. wiieru itlias proved tha Great (id onlv Kemedy. It has reeeuüy beeu iatreduced into tlie Uaited States, undec the iinraediate Bilprentendence ofihe vëïitor, nul is un-.v litterly swiepms Girawiinptiimfrora ïl-.f land. What Iiiiinc-wlalioii i' to Sniall l'ox., the [jnugiirinn Balsam is loCoii-iiuijitiuu - au iusurmimutublrrb.ur e" ! Clu'inisis, fhysicians, Medical Societies, ml tlio greirt IkkIt of Consuinntivi; patiënt, every wli-rc adimt tlutt llie nwist iniporiaut work of tlie a"e hus been accomplislied - Coiisumptiuu Can b cureu. Wlierever it Uas been iutiinliu.i'il. a!l l'iiuiiceni", Expi'Ctin-.iiits. Syriips nul Drop-! Inve been (liscarjcd 3 U4, 4, .ss - üll syslem-i ot' luli fluli.m. V.i; ir B.iths, TurSiiiiikc, Cli.üi-l'i's nl'Ciim i; Sta., have rtn rijocled niiU tile wuuilerfnl i"oduot nftlie Hnuparinii Gun, bkiined frirai thé " MalsougH," or Treo of Life, iá mw liuiversallv recoivcd by jCousumptivcs, as the Ouly Btnitl'Q of Hupe. L'-'t no p rann nfflicUj wttb n gavere and obstinnte Cuugb, Euflimnlioii oftbe Lungs, Asthran, or miy of lbo svniiitoms of Cousnniptïin] Una h innment of tin iu seekhlg ri-lirt' tV..n thia GRBAT EN(.I.!SII HEMEUY. Di'layü ue daiiïenius, ju ül ill ntUei' pii-iondrd lemet_rs arr nnl onlv usoU's?. but futaUy ueiujáyo Evei-j Runlly iu Üie Ouited States tu mlíbe snplieil wilh Biiehau's Hmigartan lï.-ilsam of IM't; ii"t only to cólniteWct oMi.-iuiipiivcí. of ''i ■ clini He, but to be nstíi} as -t prnviMilivc medicine in all c.l-os ol Colds, Coitillfi, SlHltiujfof Bldod. l'ain iu tho side and Clu's', [rntutiiiu nud am-eneos of tbe Lungs. Broiidiitw, I) fficuhy ol' B.'oailiinu'. Hectic Fever, Nisilit swi-at-. Enii, i trimmiicl G'.-mcimI Dubiliiy Asilmi.i, lutiueuzn, W Uuupi.ii; C Wlgll, aud Croup. The graat u.orit uf Dr. Buchan'a Paleara is tliis - that in all cases of l'ulinouy 0oli8nmptku is givos ImmudiHto Belief. A single bottlewHl revea! tonstonishing virtnes, and (ijwii at Hm t Ij foniidaiioii of Uealtb aud Streugtb to tlie iHlu'ivl. EflVics of 15 ilsnm nly ilollnr prrboltle, v;ili lïill ilireofious, Diwertatiun or Cousutnptioii , Noices, mul cueliticates nf l! umrkniile riirs. íirt'. l-( „i lo. Sala liy A. T. HAVENS. AlW Aii'Hiigmciil ! QJl MüUK STUVES RrTL xtm : la r LATER PATTEBN8!!! n? ' T!IG UNORllSIG UD tiik ik'iisurtJ iu otiéñns to tile (lilUlic II mire coinplute stutk rf uew luid berunal H'yii-sot' (.' i ikiug a, ni l'.r -I ir Stnves iliin liive ever i luí' I i 1 'i ' liis ni i' ket, tn retlmr with :i aeo■ .-;il u-m -nt it' Ililluw Wiuc Cuppoi-, Tin Slieet íltri, Stnvr l'i c. &.C., iV.1'. Tlir ittent i i "( tlio atViv ■ bnying co'n'tiunity is rcII-, s liu-iíej toas examitiiition bfonVstook liefur mi'chaáiiíg. SA.MCEL S. BURl'EE. M irsliifll October rt. 1313. To IMiys i;n. YOU CAN fiíul lit tbe AKith:crjeS Hall qninine, lodin". iiili. III ")tiiiie. icidiiic roa, Acetute murpli ivl. putiiss. iipui'inii, uil voleri.ui. Btrychuiue, scsqu'mxI mil, silic'uie, turr'c-vim:o irmi, ml all "'lie;1 vanerii-so m l oiiie, vbuaper thau ut any othw tnwi n we , MÍhisÚ. TAYI.OR. Kemoval. T1IIE TiilnvinT Eítalilisiimeiitof Willium Ríe is rmo. L vwl t MrC.Kiilv's Block, tlio um-' strwe, whero liu will be gliul to w,it on IW '■ufltoinersniidall uew m iv favor úm with i alli