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The Whig National Convention

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On our first page we copy the voice of some of tho best Whig presses, on tiio proceodirgs of tho recent National Whig Convention, which wil] show how they regard the nomination of General Tnylor for the Presidency, and soine short extracta from the third day's proceedings, to whicli wo invite the pnrticulnr attention of our readers. We are compelled to sny, nfter a careful examination of tho procoodings of tho Phihidolphin Convention, that it far surpassed that of Bultimore in want of dignity and order, - indeed, tho whole scène wns one of perfect Babel-Iike confusión, - and in ils humilmting servility to slaveiy, or Southern policy, which nre synonytnous ; for really tho whole politicnl policy of the Soulh spems to be so to exfend and strengthen the institution ns to fnsten it forever upon this Republic. The cntiro want of individual liberty in this Convention, is unparnlleled in the history of this country. The President (ExGov. Morehead of N. Carolina) manifested very little decisión, and that little in favor of the South, or men with Souihern principies, made very little effort to preservo order ; and Üim Cüayention, the greuter portion of which were representatives from the freo States, was as truly a mnbocratic asse nb!y as ever convened in the City of Brotherly Love. No member, who was in the minority, conldbe heavd, nor one word about principies horetofore professed to bo held sacred ; no pledges to nbide by them requred of ts candidates; no resolutions embo.lyingthem passer!. Really this Convention went upon General Taylov's non-committnl plan ; and, as we hnve seen somewhore exprestad with reference to it, " the mountain went to Mahomel" in this case. Tho General hnd formed no opininns upon the great politica! questions of the day, therefore tho ereat Whig Nationrtl Convention for 1848 has annonnced to the world that it also M in the saine predicament, and adjourned without evpressiing an opinión or passing a single resolution. The Whig party of the frpe States havo a very Inra mnjority intlie Electora! colInses.Ronsoquentl}' sho'd hold great infiuence in ny detegated Nntionel Convention. But how wns it in this ense ? Tt is obvious to all who read the procteedings of this Convention, that many Northern members wentthere prepnred to sacrificü Principio to Availnhility. ' Vicrory" was thèi'r watchword, for which they were willing to compromiso their rights and those of their constitui)ts - to relinqtiifh the " Wilinot Proviso," the Currenry, the TVlriff, Tntrrnal Ttnprovpmenls, Distrihu'ion of the Puhlic Lands, &ci, &r., coinprisinjr the Northern Whig doctrine dv which the party l;nvo proposeJ to rrdeem these, United Stiltes from the curse oí the ftirflin extensión of Slavery and otlier pxiofinir evils - al! thoso long cherished Whig principlps were abandonad. To the Wümnt Proviso, ihe General's hoslilUj is well known and acknowiedged. He is not only a large slaveholdcr, but Í6 in favor of extending the institution into all newly ncquired rerritory, and with reference to the other important subjects above mentioned, he has never given the party any answers to their inquiries; therefore. tliey risk every thing. The one idea of electing a Whig President seems to have possessed them - and as the South were a perfect " unit," which, with their usual shrewdness in poütical management and their unyielding tenacity to one fixed pnrpose, that of protecting their favorite institution, rendered them powerful, and there was little probahility of nn appealfiom their decisions, Tavlor whs their chnice, almost the entiro South woiild go forhim, in short, he was the only avnilahle enndidate, and fhose who had determined upon success nt all hazard, bartered their privileges, their principies, and alrnost their existence as a party, for that prospect. And mny they not be defeated ? The past shows us that there 1s, at best, a " glorious uncertninty" in poütical confpsts. To this spirit of compromise and slavery to party policy, there were. (as in the Paltimore Convention. y somp honorable and noble oxceptions, examples of whicli we have givpn in our extracts on fitst pagp. There does exist in both the oíd parties a vital spa rit of Liberty, which the wholo tide of Southern influence cannot qnench. Thero doos exist in both, a spirit Southern despoiism cannot crush. Thinks any one that J. R. Giddings or John Van Buren will bow beneath it ? Never! It will soonpr crumble beneath its own weight, than bend sucli spirits. We give to-diiy n. short extract from an address read at a recent Mass Meeting of the Barnburners in New York city, which shows that they stand on the noble ond dignified platform oí " Equal Rights." We are aware that the public are too well acquainted with Giddings' principies, and Lis tenaci ma acdierencé to them. to rsquire any now exposit.ion of themi But we invite their attention to a short, articie ia onv columns to-day, headed " Mr. Giddings' position," which confirms our formerly expressod opinión, that he would never again vote for n slaveholder or an advocate for tho systpm. Wh.-it an nbsnrdity is the nomination of Tnylor, in n party that can bonst of such a man as J. R. Giddings, who is piedged to the whole world as a true republican, whose principies are based upon " Freedom and Equalit3' ;" and sucVi men as Webster, Clay, Corwin, McLean and otheis, who have so distinguished themselves as statesmea. But there is, umid this melancholy contemphition of the despoiism with which tho slavo power politically govm'ns these United States, n most cheering roflection, which is, that the light of Liberty is sliining in so conspicuous a miinner upon the durk and iniquitous system, that its deforniity and baueful inftuence will alarm and arouse those who iiave vvithin their souls some latent spiirks of freedom, but who have heretufore been content with only " a uame to live." Tpr iif tor one mmnr.nt rmipider the Libprtv porties, or lliose who wifl not bow to ido). Slavrry, nt this timo orgnnisxj in th United States. Now, if uil thfiso Torcos wero concentriitecl, would not the Trast wcightof ''flunnce thoy would wicld ngninst tho system of opprcssion, cnuse its advoratos to tromblo ? And mny we not hope from the 'signsof tho times" for n rnllying totiio truo standiird of Ijiuorty ero long ?■ In thfi menu time let tlioso wlio nre orgnnized iindrr the nïiino of the Liberty Party, rea'ize how inncb devolves upon thpm and consciously ndlicre to tlioso pure principias llipy profesa, conlidtint in tlifi virtue, talent nnd ntegrity of tlieir cnndii'atc, Jolin P. Hale, nnd that their causo will ultimately prevail.