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own Liforaa-ics. HA.VNSbajiit receiveJa largp assortmen t of bnok ni tabla fur tovrn libraries, aud they are io be sold at low pnces. Five Toits n RCUND imd dry lend, wliiting, red Uad, &c. Also lj 20 b'ols liiisei.-d. cn.TÍers undlatnp ol, tnrpentiae, &c., just recjived and fur sale at tho clieap di-u? Store. A. T. HAVENS "tfARIflSH.- Havona luis just roooived a large )'■ ■' V ■ "wh ind ËMwiiig w-n' ih. jipan, feo VW Int o ii'w.i of 1'iiYvni i,üit'ie'f f f New York, . m iv til ■ n. n: 8 iif a ulier, well vvn i u !i:;;i v i ■■■■iil minister. Biliar S(1 ín 'ii fia duer'i ilaiipltt-r, in ihe mouili of Ootobar 1845, w k inlr-.i uil: rtropny ftucl w,-n! Ihrongli llio s.i -.: ss.vo Btagee il i'iii il H'id w.ant la t giveu [ h Brát mrd onj iuaitf ilie vi i.i'ty, at ibis sta e, writes Mr. Gntluer," we heiti'd cifyouv Lithiratriplic - .ut in !;a:c f. r n large bo'.tic - slio took it in 9 i av?, was butter, senl lor 4 more, nml at ihi date, May lOili, 18-16. my dauginer is ncnv a' work BtuJ tree IVum thnt dreadfal duease - U all human app irance. as weil as ever, fOLOMO.N GARDNEE. The abnve is c irrecl regard 'n m , case T ain h-i; p f toadd I tu wol!. ' MAKYANN (iARÜNER." Reader look at our ooIuuiD, st" Grit Ainerican Remedy, - Dr. (1. C. VHiighna J.itlumtriptio, - cjll upon Agout uud get a patnphiet' WUlar'ü IlnUai of VTil.l Clierry. Grkat Ke.medy. - A vety important diseases over which th'n Balsnm cxnrts S.very powerful inllucnoe, is ihat of n Diseased Ltvér. In tiiis compiuiut il has un. doubtedly proved mure efficücioua than any remedy hhherto mployeil, and n namerous initances wlien pa. tienta had emlurci' long and severa aaffering frovn tlio discasc, witbout receiving tlie least benefit frotn varion remedies, and whon Mercuiy has been ïvsurted to in vain. tbe use of tliis Baliam ba restored the livor to a healthy action, and in ma.iy ostanoea efftcted permanent cures, after every known remedy hadfailed tó produco the deircd effect. Sec advertisement 9 EilN Viir flirliignii. A v : VOKTHK SUASO.V- Mosl all the prevailing oomplaúlta of 6hia time ot'tlie year ure eaily if attencled to in timo, by '!]:■ uso of the proper medioine.and it is admitted by Physkiihiia well known here, il at Dr. G. Benjtnnin Smitii '? Indisii Vegetable Suzar C"H" ! Pitia re nat only smí'o and jjlenssnt. Uut inst effioncions fmnily medicine in bse. - Childrencnu take these pilla vvith entiresufty, lor Cplds Dyaeiit ■■■ . Measie? Bra[tinus ond otner disorders ; and :he liged fiud them admirabiy ndspted to tlietr usi for ;i jood general m idicine. They wii! purify t!i blooil, ■nul iuilace ;! healthy iction of tlie Liver iml all tlie vital functions. Aron V. Bn)w&, GovernorofTennessee, buya those pills by tho dozan boxea andia the best cusr lomer iu Nnshville. He anys, " tUey .wc the hest pilli Iri8 Ciniily ever aaed.'" which is also llio opinión of" uil wlio iin".c iriiil of them. A.T. HAVENS