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The Piles. ACURE FOB LIFE SECURED !- Dr. ÜPHAM'S Interaal Romedy íbr tho cure o f Tiles. The Vegetable Tile Electuary, invented by Dr. A. Upmm, a distinguished I'hyaician of New-York cily, is the oniy renlly successful remedy fov tliis dungerous and distruBSing complaiiit the Files, ever oflered to the American public. Tho Electuary contains no Mineral Medicine, no Aloes, Colocynta, Gamboge, or other powerful and irrlteting purgativo. No fear ol' taking cold while under its influenoe ; no change in diet is neceasary. If taken according tu directions a cure for life is guarantied. liilluiiinixtol y Discaarl. Although tlie Electuary was originally prepared for the cure of Piles, yet it has provea itsell to be ■ medicine far superior to all othnrs, in all diseases of an inBammatory character, with a determination of blood to any particular part or orgau. ín innainnmtion and congestión oí' the liver and spleen; innammation, and sore ness and ulceration of the stomach, boweis, kitlney and bladder; in iiiHammatory and mercurial rheumatism, it is the best medicine ever discoverecl. Iinptirltlesof tlic lilood For all mparities oi the blood, arising frota the imprudent use of mercury, or other causes; for all diseases of the skin and scrofulous all'ections ; in all cases where the blood is powerfully deterinined to tlie head, producing dizziuen and distress, Dr. Upham'a Electuary is entirely unrivalled. TO M MI! II I I.ADEIS. Married ludies are almost invariably subject, to that painlhl and injurious diseasc, tlie Tiles, with consequent inflainmation of the stomach, bowels and spiíie, weakness of back, flow of blood to the head, &c. The Electuary is perfectly safe for pregnant ladies, and the most usefnl catliartie that can possibly be used as it will not only remove the Tile and ull intlmninatory diseases, without pain or irritation, but will ensure an easy time, a safe delivery, and a sound conslitution iu the offspring. Peculiar Cases and Effect in .■ tinglad. Chrouic l'ilt's. - A workman in tho gus house at Cambrulgeport, who had the piles fifteeii years, very severely, and was constantly exposed to trie intense lieat ofafurnace and ereatly reduced by tlie diseaso, received great relief and a final cure by the nse of Dr. Upham's remedy. The case was a very obstinate one, owing to the nature oi' the oceupatiou and the deranged condition of' the patiënt. Bleeding Piles. - A gentleman in Bedford, Mass.. who had the bleeding piles for many ycars, greatly exhausting hú systeni, was entirely reheved ol' this dis tressing and dangerous symptoms, by tak ing almH'dose oí the Electuary once or twice a month. Falling of the Bowels. - A persou afflicted with piles, and falling of the bowels, to such a degree that no evacuation could be had without lying fiatupon tile floor, was entirely relieved and carea by this medicine. Tlie case was a very extraordinary one. Extreme Costiveness. - Nuinerous persous, and es pecially females, afflicted with extreme costiveness and piles, with all those distressing syptoms attendnnt upon such a state of the system, have been able to etVect an entire change iu this conditiou by the use of this medicine. It is a very mild cathaitic, and an admirable remedy for costiveness, especially for raarried women. Fístulas, Ulcers, &c, - In the worst case of piles, where fístulas, ulcers, and cavernons holes exist, the Electuary is aíways salutary in its efleets, and il perseveringly used, wiíl produce a cure Two or three cases, where a surgical operation was thought to be necessary by the doctors, have been cured by this medicine It is a perfect remedy for mercurial diseases in the intestines. Price, $1 per box, of twelve doses with full directions and otlier information respecting the treatment and cure of the dise;is Soltl wliolesale and retail by Wyatt &, Kktcham, 121 Kulton street, and by A. T. Havens, Battle Creek. DR. H. F. PEERY'S VERMIFUGE OR "DEAD SHOT." EOR WORMS .ál Highly Valuahle Preparatian, Capablc, from the Promptitude ofitsActiojij of Cleansing the System in a few kaursofevtrywvrm. THK cxceeding sinall quantity of this Medicine rcquired lu lest tlie exisence of worms, or to remove evory onc from the system, lts operaliiig iu a few hours, together willi its great eertuinty of eftcct,ccnFtituto it one oftho most hriltiatil difcoveries of tlie age. It seldoin needs to be repeated ttud ncver to l)e followed ly any other purge. Tiicrcfore in urgent cases, as thoie ofFiTS, srASMS, or convui.sioks, caused by worms, uurivaled superiority is manifest. Few medicines nr bettcr calculated to improve the health ofchildren, even whure no worms exist; as it reinnves tiiose masses of cruditiee that line and closely adliere to the stoinacliand bowels, giving rise to symptoms that counterfeit every variety of wonn-disease. Altliuugh prompt and certain in its operation, and not unpleasant to the t;i-tr, it is perfectly safo, and adopted to the tendercsi age. The Iblluwing is an extract from a letteraddressed lo A. B. &. D. Sands from the Agent at the Derby Line. Derby Line, Vi., Mnv 7th, lt?4fi. Gentlemen : - I rnceived tlie box of "Dead Shot" V rmifupc alout fifteen days since, and have now only a few dozen left on hand which will he gone in less tlian ten days. It aeems to do thework tothe perfect satiafactiou of all who use it. I hear somegreat accounts of it, where it has produced the expulsión Of Irosa 13 or 20 to 115 worm from one person, and nearly the same number from somo children. Of coutbc you will tliink worm onc of the prevailinjr diseases in Canada and Verraont - Ph';iM seud me another sutply as soon as conveuient. Respectfully, T.C. BUTLER. The folio icing ia f rom an eminent Pkynician, Jonesborough, Tenn., Dec.3d, 1844. Dk. H. F. Peery - l tak e great pleasurc iu recommendinp to the public your valuablR Vermifuge, (properly called Dead Shot.) I have been vending it Tor two years. Notlung oí the kind have 1 over sold that has pivcn such univeisal satisfaction. There was onc case in my immediate neighborliood that I now rccollect of in which one dose caused expulsión of 150 worms from a smull child, the parent iuformed ine aftcrwards. Very reapectfully, JOHN YANCEV, M. D. Pricc 25 cents per vial. Pmpared by Dr. H. F. Peery, and retai! by A. B. & D. SANDS, Druggists, 100 Fultou st. cortier of Williiim, York. Suld also by A.T. HAVENS, J. OWEN & Co. Demiit, oml by Druegifts gencrally thruughout the United States. 1 300,000 Cash Capital, Witk a Perpetual Charter. The rum Firc luaurance Co., of Hartford, Ct. THIS Company bas been in successful operation for more t han a qunrter of n century, and from its prompt and hoiiorablo mode cf adjusting losses, bas aever been dishonored at home or abroad. It has paid, within the laBt two years, $4,560 for losses snstained by fire in this county. Policies issued, insnring against the loss or damag by Fire, on mVEWLLING HOUSE, M A.VUFACTORIES STORES, MILLSf FURMTL'RE, WARE HOUSSS, PRODUCE til STORE, CHURCHKS, and upon all kinds of Insurable Froperty, at LOW RATES. Any loss which this company may sustaiu on risks taken at bis agency, will bo liberally adjusted by the agent here, according to the nsages' of the best Fire componies in the country, und wilh promptness, in mney carrent in the city of New York. This company has never contested a loss in the city of New York. In case difierences shonld arise tonching any loss or damage, the company is pledged, by a resolution of tho Board of Directora, to submit the same to arbitrators, indiflerently chosen, oratthe opinión of the Insured. THOS. K. BRACE, President S. L. TjOOMIs, Secretury. fëOT Application for Insurance, or the renewal of polices, and all business connected with the office, may be made to the subscriber, duly appointed agent, with full power to reoeive propouls and iscue pólices on terms as favorable as anv office in the state. JOSEPH C. FRINK, Agent, Office, No. 2 Gourt House. Marshall, Dec. 7, 1847 To tlic Public. BEIFfi obliged by ill-healtli to iliscontinue the above business, all unscttled accounts must bo arrangcd without delay. 1 will be found at the sluip of Nniliiui Dorfee, where all my tonner coutracts tor woi-k wilt be fulHlled. 1 JOHN CALDWELL. Romoval. THE Tailoriug Establislimcnt óf Williain Roe is removed to McCamly's Block, the corner store, whore liu will ba glad to walton bisold oustomersutdallnew ones who in. ly favor liim witli a all. 3 School lloolts. aUirj.S.Steel Pens. Pen-Holder, lila. k, Blue and Red luk, Wafers Sealing-Wax, Letter Stampa. -. tor sale cheap at the Al'OTHECAElES HaLL, Eaglc Block ,LL&0E JEWELRYimlfaiu-y goodsal Lhecheap i- -a Drug Store of A.T. HAVENS. Marshal House, by L. KINCJSBl'RY, i all, Michigan. Stagvleavotthisfaonaafcr the N u-ili uii'.l South. Heal the Sick. TUF. proprieton, full ol' confidence in tlio virtuo o Dr, Soule's Sovereign Halm Pilis, which havo gaia ed for themselves Buch nn enviable nsputatioB in thu sliort since of five years lliey have boen before tho publio - the many cures ol disease they have performed - some of the patienta having been cenfined to their beds raonths and yeais, are truly astonishing, nuw challenge the world to produce their etpinl. Kor long standing Dyspepsy ünd habitual costive ness, they have never fniled, when taken according ( directions, to effect a cure or give permanent relief. Oíd Livor complaints, .laundice, &c, can be perniaiiently cured by the use ot' thewe Pills, as they opérate directly upou the livor, and cause it :o perform a. natural and hcalthy act ion. For sudden attacks in children - such as colds fe-verv worm, &c. - for gravel, rheumatism spinal afTectioua, lieadache, cougb and colds, they have proved au invaluable remedy. F KV KR AND AgLK AST) ClilI.I. FkVKR. No medicine yet discoverod ha proved so effcctual' incuring agneand fever, chili fever, Sc, in the Weltern State, as the genuiiie sovereign Bahn PilU. Ws have never known a siuglo case, when taKen according to directions, where they have not eftected a cur in frora one to eight days. They cleause and purii'y the blood, and are, therefore, au effeclual remedy for Scrofula, Erysipelas, and all diseases arising from an mpure state of the blood. In nervous debility and female complaints, they have worxod wonders. They quiet the nerves by removing the cause of nervous irritation, and gnuluolly strengthen and briug up the whole system. By v:iy ofadvice to females atflictcd with the above diseaso, we would say that large doses of au y kind of cathartica are always injurious. These pilla should be laken one at a dose, every night until a cure is eflected. (See Circulars. ) These Pilis were first introtluoed in a noisless mauner. No gnudy show cards, or Ion apvertissments lillod with certifícate from persons that never lived, were resorted to, Imt weit left to wurk their wny into pnlilic favor on their own merits. They are purely Vegetable, mild bul sure in thirop eral ion, and perfectly safe lor young and old of debilitated constitutions. TIihv never leave the bowels co tive, whicli cannot be said of any other pill now in uso. Great care has been taken iu selecting uud compounding the medici ne which has always been suprintended by Dr. Soule in person. For further directions, certificates Sc, see tho New York Botanie lustitute. published at Euclid, by Dr. E. L. Soule & Co., which may be had of agents gratis. Beware of ( ouiiliili (. ! As there is spurious pills in circulation, callad Oriental or Sovereign Balm, be sure to see before yon bur that the name of" Dr. E. L. SOULE & Co." ís on tho face ol the boxes. None others can be genuine. Wo are not avvare that any one who is makiug a spurioua article has yet dared to make use of our name; but some of them have hnd tlie impnulence to imitate our boxes and copy our Circulars, Certificates, &c. Unlen the public are careful when they purchase they will bo di'ceived. The genuine Sovereign Bfilm Pills can be had Wholesale and retail of Dr. E. L. Soule & Co. Euclid, Ououdaga Co. N. Y. .1. Owen & Co., wholesale and retail agents: Also, sole by ageuts in every town in the country, mul by A. T. Havens, Agent, Battle Oreek. 1 C iiiilion to Ihr Public. Dr. Herrick, being detennined to protect the public from iinposition, and to preserve the repuration of hia beautiful a'd every where popular Sugar Coaled Pills; also, to exposé certain mcdicine-inongers residing in different parts of the country, who claim to have a patent for OOBtBlH pills with sugar, asks a careful perusal of the ollowing letter: - THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEOY FOR COUGHS, Colds, Asthma, aiul Consnmption '. The time lias come when Consumptiou muy be classed with the curable diseases. The most fe'arlul malady of our country has been conquered ! The most fatal of all diseases luis yielded at last to the skill of man. Biiclmn's Hiingarian Balsem of life, will speedily ana certainlv core Consumptioa, even in its most hopelesa fonns, and in all ordinary diseases of the chest and Langa, it is the most perfect and admirable remeuy to the civilized world. The Hungarian Balsam was first discoverd by Dr. Buclian, of London, England, and has been tested for six years by the most eminent Physicians in Great Britain, and on the continent of Europe, whero ithas proved tlie Great and only Bemedy. It has recently been introduccd into the Uuited States, under the immediate suprenlendence of the inventor, and is now litterly svveeping Consumption from the land. What Innoculntion is' to Small Pox., th Hungarian Balsam is toCousumption - an insurmountablrebarrier ! Chemists, Physicians, Medical Societies, and the great body of Consumptive patieuts, every where admit that the most important work of the age has been accomplished - Consumption Can be cured. Wherever it has been introduced, all Panaceas, Expectorants, Syrups and Drops have been diacarded as useless - all systems of Iulmialion, Vapor Baths, TariSmoke, Changes of Climate, &c, have been rejected and the wonderful produot of the Hungarian Gum, obtained from the ' Melsonga," or Tree of Life, is now univereally received by Consumptives, as the Ouly source of Hope. Let no person afflicted with a severe and obstinate Cough, Inflamation of the Lungs, Asthma, or any of tha symptoms of Consumption loe a moment of time in seeking relief from this GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. Oelays are dangerous, and all other pretended remedies are not only useless, but fatally clelusive. Every family in the Uuited States should be supplied with Buchan's Hungariau Balsam of Life, not only to counteract the consumptives of the climate, but to be used as a preventive medicine in all cases of Coldn, Coughs, Spitting of Blood, Pain in the side and Chest, Irritation and soreness of the Lungs, Broncliitis, DiflSculty of Breatbing, Hectic] Fever, Night sweats, Emaciation and General Debility Asthma, Influenza, Whooping Cough, aud Croup. The great merit of Dr. Buchan's Balsam i this - that in all cases of Pulmouy Consumption is gives Immediate Relief. A single bottle will reveal its astonishing virtues, and open at once the foundation of Health and Strength fc" the atïïicted. ty Price of the Balsam only one dollar per bottle, with {uil directions. Dissertation on Consumption, Notices, and cretificates of Remarkable cures, &c. 1-6 m For Sale by A. T. HAVKN'S. New A na ngment ! 8,. MORE STOVES SB LATER l'ATTERNS .' ! k THE UNDERSIGNEÜ take ploasure in offering to tho dublic a more complete stock of new nnd beautit'ul Htyles of Cooking and Parlor Stoves than have ever beforo been offered i this market, together with a general a8sortment of Hallow Ware, Copper, Tin Sheet Irou. StOTS Pij, &O. &, fcc, The attentou of the stove bnying community ia respectlully aolicited toan eiaminatiou ofour stock before parchanng, v SAMUEL S.BCRPEE. Marshall Octobor G. 1848. Paper. riiHE nndersigned will bc supplied front tho Aim Ar 1 hor Paper Mili, svitli tht various descriptions olthe abovu namod artitlo, nianufiictured M that place, consistin of Printing, Wrapping an:l VVriting, togethrr with Blank ISooks. Theabov articles will be soldfor cash or ezchahged for rags, The aliuvc mav he found at the slioe Store of J. Pierson, onc door east of the Hardware Store of Willinm 13 rook s. E. DORUANCE, Agen'., i BaUle Creok, N'nvemhr 29, 1817. 11