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The Independent People's Convention

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Met at Columbus, Oliio, on the 20th of June, 1848. E, S. Hamlin, of the Cleveland True Democrat, in reference to the Convention, says: The utmost decorum prevailed throughout. As for its harmony, it is evidenced by the fact ihat on the great question of calling a National Cunvention to nomínate a Presidential ticket in favor of Free ïerritory, there was but one dissenting voice. In regard to the question of acting in a separate organization in State matters, there was a like unanimity in opposition to any such action at the present time. All ihe Convention did in this matter was to recommend to our friends to vote for no man for Congress, or the State Legislature, who is not an open friend of freedom, and will make that question paramount to all others. While the great issues made by the Convention are, No MORE SLAVE STATES No SLAVE TERKITORY, resolutions were passed in favor of disposing of tha Public Lands in limitedquantities to actual setllers, in favor of Harbor and E ver Iinprovements, favor of the reduction of Executite patronage, &c. From beginning to end the proceedings of the Convention were characterized by moderation, firmness, and enthusiasm. The address to the People of Ohio, when pablished, will be found to compare favorably wilh any public document whieh has been put forth in this State for years. About 800 delegates were presen!, and the Convention is admitted on all hands to have been the largest whioh has assembled at our State Capital in many jears. Prominent men of all parties, were actively engaged in the movement, and entered into it with an enthusiaslic determination to assert their rights, promote the cause of human l!berty, and not to abandon principies formerly advanced. All was harmony, enthusiasm, and determination. All for which the Convention was called was accomplished ; and each man went home from that convocation of intelligent and independent freemen, strong in his convictions of tle riglit, and self-pledged never to withdraw from the fight till the collar of southern dictation is unloosed from the too vvilling necks of the northern people, and the great principie of Free Soil is triumphant. This Convention adjourned on Wednesday, the 21st instant. We give below the resolutions adopted by it : Whereas, we have assembled in Convention as the friends of freedom, free territory and free labor, and are willing and desirous lo co-operate wilh any party thoroughly resolved and inflexibly determined to permit no farther extensión of slavery, and to resistthe alarming aggressions of the slave power, and to support nominees for the Presidencv and Vice Presidency presented by the Conventions of either party, if animated by a liko resolve ; but prepared the event that either of the great political parties should nomínate a candidato unfaithfu! to freedom, to act as befits men determined to resist by all constitutional means the introcluction of slavery nto national territories. And whereas, tho Convention styling it8elf Democratie, asseinblei) at Baltimore on the 22d of May, 1848,nominated forthe Presiden cy Lewis Cass, whose recent and ardent friendship for the Wilmot Proviso has suddenly been converted into decided hostility by Presidential aspirations : and the Convention styling itself Wliig, assembled at Philadelphia on the 7th of June, 1S48, nominated for the Presidency Zachary Taylor, a large slaveholder of the extreme South, who has never avowed a sentiment in favor of the restriction of human blavery, but from his position, circumstances, habits and associations, must be pre sumed to be favorable to its extensión. And whereas, among the principies of Ohio avowed by her Legislature, cherished by her citizens, and incorporated in her fundamental law, none are more firrnly fixed than this of opposition to slavery extensión : 1. Resolved, therrfurc, That this Convention, and the freemen whom this Convention repre sents. unwüling to subtnit to slavaholding dictation, but determined now, and hereafter, at all times, and under all circumstances, to resist inflexibly, the aggressions of the slave power, repel, with indignation, the nominations dictated by the slave holders to the Balumore and Philadelphia Conventions, as utterly unworthy of the support of non-slaveholding freemen. 2. Resolved, That the provison of Jefferson prohibiting tho existence of slavery after 1800 in all the territories of the United States, southern and northern, the votes of s'X States, twenty-three delegates in Congress to three States, and seven delogates against it; the actual exclusión of slavery from the north-western territory by tho ordinance of 1787 unanimously adopted by Congress ; and the entire history of that period clearly shows that it was the settled policy of the nation, not to extend or nationalize, but to limit and locali-ze slavery ; and to this policy, which ought never to have been departed from, the Government ought immodiately to return. 3. Resolved, That our fathers ordained the Constitution of tho United States, to establish juslice, promote the general welfare and secure the blejsings of' liberty, but expressly denies to the Government which they created, all constitulional power to deprive any person of ufe, liberty, or property, without duo legal process. 4. Resolved, That in the judgment of this Convention, Congress has no power to inslitue siavery ; and that no such power can be found among those specially conferred by the Constitution, or rcenved byrimplication from tliem. 5. Resolved, That Congress, liaving no power to authorize slavery in 'he Territorios, is bound by every consideration of reason, jstice, sound policy and constitutional obtigation to prohil t ks int-roductioH. We claim tua Terrïtories under the guarantiea of the Cobslitution, and accept the issue teudeiej to us by the slaveholders as to their demand for more ïlave States and more alave lerrilory, and our answer is, 110 more sluve States, no more slave tcritory, 6. Resolved, That we gtta'.ly honor th bold, honest and independent course of the New York Democrcy in maintaiuing the principies of Jefferson againtt the extensión of slavery ; and of the delégales to the Bahimorn Convention in refusing to accept seats in that body upon conditions dishonorable to their constituents, and we earnestly deiire lo cooperate with them in the approaching strugglo for free soil and free men. 7. Resolved, That we repose full confidence in the wisdom, patriotism and finnness of John M'Lean. His opinions that slavery can exist only by virlue of' special law - that the common, national law, law of nature aro opposed to it - that the relation of master and slave is an unnatural and artificial relation, created by the municipal law, and consequently cannot exist bevond the binding influence of such law, and that Congress has no power to constitute slavery any where, meels our warmest approval and heartiest concurrence. 9. Resolved, That Preston King and Joh Van Buren, by their indomitable courage and inflexible perseverence in leadingthe N. York Democracy against the combined forces of Hunkerism and Slavery, have entitled ihemselves to the admiratión of all lovors of freedom and haters of despotism. 10. Resolved, That John P. Hale- the first rebel against Hur. kerism and Slavery in the Democratie party, and the victor against their combined powers, and bold and uncompromiaing defence in the Snnate of the United Stalt! for free soil and free territory, and against the aggressions of the slave power - has won for himself the enduring confidence and affections of all true hearted Amer'cans. 11. Resolved, That we recognize as valul that interpretation of free soil which assurea to actual settlers, under suitable limitations, the free grant of reasonable portions of the public domain as permanent homes for themselves and their children ; and we full y believe that thejfreeand independent yeomanry which sucli a policy would créate, would prove in every emergency the surest safe-guard and defence of' free inslitutions. 12. Resolved, That we demand a retrenchment of the expenses and patronage of the Federal Government - the abolition of all unnecessary offices and salaries, and the election by the people of all local officers in the service of that governmant, 60 faa as the same may bo practicable. 13. Resolved, That ve demand freedom and established ínstitutions for our brethren tn Oregon, exposed to hardship, peril and massacre, by the reckless hostilily oí the slaveholders to the establishment of a free government for a free terntory. 14. Resolved, That we earneslly invite all friends of freedom, free territory, and free labor, opposed ío the election of Le wis Cass and Zachary Taylor; to assemble m convention at Buffalo on the 9th day of August, 1848, to nominare candidates for the Presidency and Vico Presidency of the United States, and lake such other measures as the crisis requiree. 15. Resolved, That an address, signed by the officers of this Convention, be issued lo the people of the United States, urging attendanco in the convention at Bufi'alo. 16. Resolved, That vo deem t inaxpedient at this lime to make a nomination for a Governor. SP"