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The Piles. ACORE FOR LIFE SECURED !- Dr. V'PHAM'S tnternal Remedy for the cure of Piles. The Vegetable Tilo Elsctuary, invented by Dr. A. tJpham, a i tiuguiehed Physician of New-York city.isthe only really successful remedy for thie dimgerous and distrèseing complaint the l'iks, ever oflerad to thc Amerioan public. The Electuary contains no Mineral Medicine, no Aloes, Culocyuia, Qrambpge, or pthqr pnwerful and irritar ting purgative. No fear of taking cold while ander ts inüuejice; no chauge iu diet is necessary. If taso aecording to directions a cure for lite is guaranticil. Inflammatoi-y Diseases. Although the Electuary was originally prepared for the cure of Piles, yet it has provea itscíl to be a medicine far superior to all otherè, in all discases of an iuflammatory character, with a determination of blood to any particular pftrt or organ. In iuflammation and congestión of the liyer aml spleen; iiill.uninalion, and sore HO.-.S and ulceration of the stornach, bowels, kidney and bladder; in inflntnmatory and mercurial rheumatism, it ia the best medicine ever discovered. Impuritiesof thc Ulood For all impurities ol the blood, ariaiog from the imprudeni use of menuiy, or other causes; for all diseases of the skin and scrofulous affections! in all cases whero the blood ia powerfully detennined to the head, producing dizziness and distrëss, Dr. Upham's Electuary is ontirely uurivalled. TO MARRIED t,AIEIS. Married ladies are almost invariably subject to that painful and injurioua diseasr. the i'ilcs, with consoquenl inflammatiupof the stnmach, bowels and spine, woakuiiss j J' bai'K. Iliw ofbloodtothe head, &c. The Electuary is peifectly sale for pregnant laaie, and the mósi nseful eatliartic that can poesibly ba ued as it will not only remove the Piles and all inflammatory diseases, without pain or irritation, but will ensnre an easy tima, a safé delivery, and a sound cin5titutiui in the offspriug. Peculiar Cásea, and Effccts in New Ensln;'' Chi'onic Piles. - A workmnn in the gas house t Carabridseport, who 1::,1 the piles fifteen years, very ief, and was cónstantly exposed to the iniensc he il of'afuriiace an 1 ereatly reduoeá by the diaease, received fifreat relietand a final cure by the use oï Dr. Qpharn s remedy. Th ■ avèry obstinate one, owing tn the nntora qf tha occupation and tUe deranged comlitiou ieut. Bleeding Piles. - génrieman in Bedford, M who had the bleedingpnea for mnay year, greatly exhaustinghi .-,... entirety relieyed of thia tresgiaa and daugeroua Bymptom, Uy taking aha'f dose oí' the Electuary once or twjee a ïnnnlh. Falling of the B pwel - A persofl afflicted with piles, aml falltng of tba bowets. i ■ Bttcaa degreetbat no e uatiou could be had without lying Batupon tlie ;' was ntirelj re leu i by this medicine. The cate ni a very extrnordinary ono. Extreme Costiieuesa, - Numerona persons, and es pecially females, afflicted with cxtrrinc costiveness and pilaB, with al! those dislressini; syptoms tii''iidiiiit upon sucli a state of tiie system. have been able to effect an eulire harige in this 6 inditioh by the nse of ihis medicine. It is a very mild cathttrtie, and an admirable remedy for costíveness, especially for married women. Fistolas, Ulcers, &c, - ín the worst case of piles, where fístulas, aleer, and cavenious holes exist, the Electuary is alwavs sa .ntary in its effeots, and it perseverinaly used, will produce a cure Two or three eaars. where a surgical nperation was thought to be necessirv by t!iB doctors, h ive been cored by tliis medicine II isa perfect remedy for mercurial diseases m the intestiues. Price, $1 per box. of twelve doses with full directions and other information reipecting the treatmeut and cure of the di Sold vvholesale and retail by Wvirr & Kv.tcham. 121 Fulton streat, andby A. T.' Havens, Battle Creefc. public Xolicc. Y[IAI!EAS niv wife Susan has obtaiaed articles at differeul places anknown to me for whicb Bho has used my credit sad tteraby involvedme in debl t large amoont. Tliis, thercforc. n to forbid al! poreoas tnistintr lier on mv ttccouat u I wiU pay nodcbtsol'her con tviictiuy alter this date, his RICHARD [X] CiOUSMARK. Bedford, June 5, 18-18. mark. 8-3w To Pliysicians. Y OU CAN find at llic A.pothecaria Hall quinine, Iodine, sulph. urii-pliiin', iditim1 ron. Acétate morph liyil. potas, piperine, i 1 voleriun, rtrycbuine, iesquioxide ron, saliciue, ferrocynate iron, aud all other varietiosoT medicine, chasper than at aiiy other storei n wesloni Michigan. J. TAY1.OK. Scliool Books. miIEY DO SAY tlut Havena has'tha bei foolseap, _L letter and billei paper, and that beselts boots lovver tli ui at any otbar lïstablislimeut ia town. Cali and ■de ibr yoursalye . ' To tUc Ptiblic. BBIFG obligad by ill-lienltli to discputinua the aborc business, all uasettled accounts must be wrauged without delay. I will be found at tho shop of Paifian Durfee, wbereall my farmer contracta for wort willbe fullillol. 1 JOHNCALDWKI.L. Rcmoval, THE Tailoring Establishment of Wflliam Roo s remov.mI to McGamly's Btock, the conii-r store, whcre Ue will be glad to walt on his old customers anj all ucw ones lm m;iy favor liim witli a all. 3 School Ilooks. aUn.LS, Steel Pens. Pcn-Holders, Black, Blue aail Keil luk, W afora Sealiug-Wax, Letter Stamps. &c. ttu1 salo choap at the Al'OTHECARIES HaLL, EagleBlock % TOBLA.0KSMITHS - Auvils, Vices' Sledgennd áíjO band hfkTnmers, screw platel, and a ijocd assort% meatofirou andsteeUfor iuleby Willmin B roo kg Ban!.' Creek. April 13, 1848. l'ive Tons GRCITXD and dry lcad, viiitin:r. red lead, Scb. Also 20 bbla liaëoed, onrrfers nul Lamp ml, tarpentine, Ssc., just reosrved and for sale at the cbeap drug store. A. T. HAVENS. Tufo Fart ory. THE BOBSCRIBBB takes pleasore n informing the public that In1 bal resamed tlic bucioen of ïub makiu,' nul i's ready to anpply the publio uiih artii'lo of bil ïiiiiuufauturo cm as reasonabla tarjas ts any olher ootabliehment m the State. Haproposuto manmaotur ctotbiug bilt V;tsli-Tu!s, and lie will gvarautee lliat all work hall lio of the best ipudity, The patronage ui' tlie pubüe is solicited. E. UAILEY. BatileCreek May, 19 1848. 'l'onn Iïlra&ies. HV .ONS hm iiMt receiveJ h larga raortment of books êuitable for tOwn librarles, and thry ara '■ be boM ut low pricei. VAl.'MSIl. - Havens bas jusi peceiyed a largo lot of C :il, coach and fllowillg varuisll, Japan, &C. f- iijBiut_ I''M' 'M ''' andfancy goud.. ai thecheap fZ K' Ding Store of A.T' HAVENS. Hes! the Siek. Til!", proprietors, luli oi ■ in ihe ii; Dr. Sonle'a Sovereign Balm Vills, wbich have gaiu ed themsélvej smli au eiiviable repntation in ilm short sparu of five yoar.-; tliey have been befon; fho public - tlie mnny oorM ofdiseue Isbey Lave per&na chI - somc of the patiënt haviiig been cenSoad to 1 1 1 e ubeds for ni"iiilis uní! iiis, are trui) Ewtoniahiag, now cballeuge the worl'd i produce tfaeir eqnáj. for long standing Dyspepsy oud babkua] eostivo ness, they have never iáiled, when taken oecerdisg iu (lirrci inns, to rliVri a (in-e pr ive ])c;-ni;inciil relief. Old Liver complaini , Jaundice, 0.'-., eau be permanend} cureá By the nie of these Pils, aathey opérate diiTilly upon ílic livor, and cuuae :t ío perforni u Datara! nml heöthy action. Forfndilen attack in cliiklren - sacbtaa collie ferei, iinns, ir - for gravel, ïheinnnti.-m apiua] affectiose, headftche, cotigb and cokls, they have proved au iuva!uable remedy. Fivkh as and OHii.r, Ffvkk. No medicine yet discorered lias proved .-o ñffectual inenting iiirnenml fever, cbill fovcr, &x, in the Western Status, as the genuine Bovereign Balm iJills. A'j have nevcr küown a Binffle oase. when taxen ing to directions, wbere have not efl'ectrd a cure in trom one to eight !;vs. Thcy cl canso umi pnrii'y tlio blood, and are, iberefore, mi effeclual rcmedy for Bcrofiila, ErysipeinR, and uil diseasea aruhig Erom an impure stftto (il'tlie blood. In nervous debility and fcinali.' complaints, tbey havBWorjKod womlrrs. Tliey quict the n -rvr by removing the cause of nervoiis irritalion. and grndiinlly strengthen :iud brÍDg op t lm whole sysieOB By way of udvice to females amicted with the above diseiise, wc would say that larp doses ot'any kind of catlmrtics are aKvays iiijurioiis. Tbege pills sbould be laken one ata dose, evcry niglit uiitil a cure is efiected. (See Circulari. ) l'ills vvere firet introduccd in a noislcss maniipr. fío pmdv show cards, or loas apvcitiscnn-nts lüU'd wilh certificates from persons tliat liever livcd, were resórted to, bat were left to vvork their way inte public favor on their own merits. Thry are purely Tegetable, mild hut snro in thirop. erationand perfectly safe for yomifc and old ofdebilitated coiistitiitions. ïln;v never u::vi; the bowelaco tive, which cannot be said of aiiyother pill muv in use. Great care lias boen taken in aelecting and compouuding the medici ne which bas al way s been supriutendcd by Dr. Soule in ]ierson. For fiiriher direct ons, certificatff &c, see the Xrw York Botanie Inslitutc. poblisbed at Enclid, by Dr. E. L. Soule & Co-, whieh may be had of agents gratis. Biwarc of f 'nunuiTri la ! As there is spurious pills in circulation, called Oriental or BovereigU Babn, be sure to see lefore you Imy that the name of" Dr. E. L. SOULE & Co.'1 ia on the face of the boxes. None others can be genuinc. W are not aware that any oñe wno ra makiñg a apnrioua arli'cle hns yet dared to make nse of onr name; bnt som of them have bad the impnidence to imitate our boxea and copy our Circulars, Certificates, &c. Unl.",s the public ave careful wben they purchasa. tbey will bo ilecelvcd. The genante Sovereign Balm Pilis can be had wholffsaleand retail of Dr. E. L. Soulc & Co. Enclid, Ouondaga f'o. N. Y. .7. Owen & Co., wholesale and retail agenta: Also, solé by agenta in every town in the country, aud by A. T. Havens, Agent, Battle Creek. 1 THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEOY F O ft COUGHS. Colds, Astlimn, and Consumplion '. The un,: lias come when Consumptkm may bt classed witli the curable dÍMases. The most fearful malady of onr country hasbeen pouquared ! The most fatal of a!l dtseaues has yielded at last to tlie skill of man. Buchan's HmigariaM Balsani of life, will speedily anti certaiuly euro Oousumption, even in iis most hopeless forma, and i:i all ordmary ilisenses of tlio chest and Ijlings, it is the most perfect and admirable remody tn the civilizrd world. The Hungarisn Baleara was fint discoverd by Dr. Buchau, of LondiMi, Eugland, aud lms been tetej fmsix ye&rs by Lhc aioat eminent IMivsician in Great Britain, m l on the continuo t of Enrope, where ithas praored tbe Grost and ou'y Bemedy. It lias receutly beeu intindiired into the Uuitad States, uader the inmediate suprentendence of the inrentor, and ia now Iftteriy swiwiping Consnroption trom ihe land. hat Innocidation is' to Sniall l'ox., the Hungarian Bals:im is toCoii3uinjtion - an insurmountablrebftiTier ! Ohemista, Physioians, Medical Socifties. and the i-.-at body of Consumptive patients, rverv where admit tliat llio most iiii[ori'int work of the ng has bet accomplished - Consir.nptimi Can be carea. Wherever it has hem introdnecd. all Panacee, E pectoranU, Syrups and Drop have been discarded a useless - all ygtere8 of liihalation, Vapor üatlis, TarSuioke. Changos of Climate, ftc., have been rojected and the wonaerfal prodast of the Hungarian Gum, obtained fiom the " Melsonga," or Tree of Life, is now umiversaüy received by Consumptives, as the Oaly source of Hope. Let no person afflictsd with a severe and obstinate Cough, lutlamation of the Lung, Asthma. OT auv of tho aymptoma of Consuinption Uwe a mnneni of time in seekiog relief (rom this GKEAT ENGLISH REMEDY. Di'lays are danaerons, and all other pretended remedies are not onfy useles, bnt falally delusive. Every 1-miily in tlie Uuited States 'sliould be supplied wil li Buclian's Hungarian Balsam of Life. not only to eoanteract the consninptives of the climate. bnt to be Bsed iis a juvveutive meiüeine in all cases ofColds, Coughs, Spitting of Biood, l'ai.i n the side and Chest. [rritatioii and aoreuaga of the Luags, Bronchitis, Im"'culty of Breathing, Hectic, Fover, Night sweats, Emaciation and General Debility Asthma, Iiilluenza, Whooping Cough, and Croup. The graat u-erit of Dr. Buclian's Balsam ia this - that in all cases of Pulmony Consumption is gives Immediate Relief. A single bottlo will reveal its istoiiishing virtues, and open U snee the foundation of Health aud Strength to the afflictcd. CyPrice of the Balsam only one dollar per bottle. with lull directious. Dissertation oi Consumption, Notices, aiid crelificates of Rcmarkable cures. &C. 1-6 m Vor Sale by A. T. HAVENS. IVew ArrangniciU ! SïSSV MUEE STOVES SA Léb uu ,8a K ■ LATER PATTERNSÜ.' Vjl ' THE UNDERSION'ED picasure in offering to the dublic a more complete stock of new ;uul beauliful Btyles of Oooking and Pmlor Stovcs tljmi have ever before been ofleHd u tliis mafket, together with ■ general Mssortm.'iit of Hallow Ware, Ooppsr, Tiu Sheet Iron, Stove Pipo, &c. &c, Sc. The attenton of the atove huvins communitv is rospectfiilly Kjlicited toaa examinatioii of our stock beforo purchasing. SAMUEL S.BL'RPEE. Marshall October 8. 1848. Paper. THE uudersigned wij] be supplied frtnri the Ann Ar linr Paper Mili, with the iranous desciiptjons oftne above iianird artiole, manufactureil nt that place, conaiatiiof Priatiog, Wqapspig nul Writing, topether with Blaak Books. Theapovs articles li be soldfjr cah ezchanged for rag, The aliove muy be (band ;ii the slioe Store of J, Picvsoa, onc iliMir aast of ttia Ihinlwniv Stom of Willium Bi-ooks. E. DOKRA.NCE, Agent. Battlc Ci-ci'k. November 28, I:U7. 1 1 TI1DSK INDKIi'l'F.l) to the taVêeriber, wffl nh not wnte for the Imll to ii" , beloro c;il!"iy to the Cnphyms Otliicc toSettl Battle Creék, April, I R. R. OSQOOD. O ÏM'H IJlllV, conslimllv on h.ind i'or ■! 'il J A O Jaceba & Co'., cwriage slri, Huttlu Ccoek. O11