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Insurrection In France

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Tlic foHowÏBg details of llio insurreetion. wliich broke out in Paris on the 231 ultimo, and whicl) was sn fearfully duaalruun in its ef"ects, are laken from Wilmer & Smi'.h's European Tunes. OttlOIN OF THE INSURRECTION. I'ursuant to their determination to diminisli tlie numbe of ouvriers the Government directed a drauglit of 3,000 of them, inhabitants of the provinces, should leave town on the 22d. TIil'V were supplied with money and orders Por their board and lodging. Tliey tlien left town, but halted outside the barricades, and tliere spent a large sharo of their expenses. - About three "'dock a body, atnounting to 400, returned, and paid a visit to the Execntivc Government. M. Marie presented himself tonèar their grievances. He was addressed by the chief, but M. Marie refused to hear him, as he had been amongst those who attacked tde sembly on the ióth of May, and he cmiH i recognize him ; then turning to the said, " You are not the slavcs can explain your grievance treated them not to be Ie and assuring them tkat occupied with tho oonsideral for tlie improvement of llieir condi delegates withdrew, but did nol count of their interview. On the contri stated that M. Marie called them slaves. i uc laborers then commenced shouting " Down with ihe Execulive Comm'ssions !" " Down with tlie Assembly !" Some of them attempted to force into the Church of St. Sulpice, with the intention of ringing the tocsin, but the gates were closed to prevent them, Thence they proceedcd to the quays iinging, " We w:ll rein ai n ; we will remain !" They next proceeded to the Faubourgs St. Antoine and St. Marceau, and placed themselves on the Place de la Bastile, erviner, " Vive Napoleon !" Friday. - On the moming of the 23d, at four o'clück, al)out 5,000 of these men erected barricade at tho Porte St. Denis and St. Martin. Many ofthem were armcd with muskcts. At about ten they attackod a post of National Guarda, and atlempted to disarm it. Resistancc heinjr made, tho assailants Bred, and the guard returned the fire. The people fled. At alout three o'clock, tho rappel was heaten for the National Gnards. nearly one-third turntd out. A detachment of the second legión marched against a barricade, and called upon the men who guardad to surrendcr. The unswer tTM a discharge of musketry, on which the Nalional Ouardl fired, l)'.it after a few rounds tluv woro averpowcreJ, :ml disárctied, ivorkrnon frona the windöws of the surrounding houses fired upon tliem. Tlircc at four wcre killed and ge vera] wounded. At a later ti.e National Guarclg carne up in forco, :nd openod a murdcrous fire on ihc barricades. The insurgents mntl a nn obstinate resistance, but at Icngtb abandoned the barricades and ficd. Severïl National Guarda werc killed : a Lieut. Col. and a Chief d'Escradon wen; wounded. F rom 30 lo H) ot' the peoplc wcre killed in the atlack. Lamoricierc commanded the troops. The erv of llie cmeuttèrs was " Vive la Republique Demncratjque," At an early hour the Place de la Corcorde had been occupied by ar. immense body of troop?, but very few of the National Guards were to be Beorí]; tlie same was the case in the Faubourg St. Honorc, the Rue de Rivoli, the Rue de la Puix.and the Boulevards. By three o'clock the Hotel de Vil'.e, together with the barricades erected there, were occupied by the troop, Bodies of the National Guard were stationed at the Tuileries, but on former occasions the rappcl had not been beatón for Iwo hours before Paris witnessed 150,000 citizens onder arms, althougli it beat for liours, there was not the tenth part oftfaat numbor seen. - In the evcning the guard-house on tlio Boulevard Bonne Ñouvilio was atiacked by the insurgents, who after a few shots (led. A small body of the National Guards in the Rue d'Aboukir, were (ired at by the people ; tliey retreated, several being killed and wounded. - A similar conflict took place in the Rue de Clory, in which the National Guards were successfu!. Before two o'clock the artillery was planled in a position to commar.d the barricades on the Boulevards. Severa! barricades were carried by the troops, at the point of the bayonet, iu the neighborhood of the Haláis du .lustice aud the Faubourg St. Antoine. At five o'clock a forcé of artillery was sent up to the railroad St. Denis when the second legión at tacked the barricades at the Porte St. Denis, the National Guards being fired upon by the insurgents, answered by a discharge in piatoons, firing in the air. This was replied to by an effective discharge by the insurgents; alter whicli the Nationnl Guards discliarged volleys for a qurter of an hour, to which the insurejents answered by a omlinunl dropping (ire, like that of sharp shooiers. It isimpossible to describe the effect prodneed by these fusilados upon the masses which crowded llie Boulevards, who fled in terror. This was incroased when the National Guards, from want of ammunition, retircd before the insurgents. The enjagement was very bloody in the quarter of the Ecole de Medicino. It was said that M. Pascal, Lt. Col. of. the llth legión, and M. Avriel, bunker, had been mortally wounded M. Bonjeau, and M. Bixio, on learning at tho Assembly the disorder in Paris, said that the Assembly should be the first to exposé hemselves to the lire. " Our place (said Mr. Hlxio) is at the headof the National Guard, to stop, if possiMe, the efFusion of blood ;" and Imrrowing tho scarf of one of the members, he iuimediatcly li-ft the Chamber to carry out lus declaratiou. M. Bixio had been shot in the i)i-east and il is feared he cannot survive. M. Clement Thomas lias received a hall in the thigh, M. Uornes, a representativo and editor of the National has been wounded. Col. 'I hayer, one of the richest propnetors in l'ans, lias liccn rounded. M. Pierre Bonaparte, son pf Lusiei), liad hishorse woundod liy a bal!, 1V tlie siiic of M. lo Lnroartinc. the greater partof tbe day, Lamartine accornpaniod General Cavaignac to all the scènes of the contest. At lvo o'clock au ordor was pulilitihed. signed hy the President of the Aasembly, and Kxecutive Comtnission, appointing General Cavaignac Cetnmander-in Chief of Jic troopi of every arm, ioctuding the National Guard mobile In tlie coa rao of the morning 500 men ol the guard mobile wero disarmed by a body of the insurgents, headed by in individual in the uniform of an officcr of the national guurc!. - At si o'clock the fighling continued, and the numberof troops had been increased. Fifteen national gaard we re killed nt the Porte St. Dcnis. By a fatal ratt'ake two legions of the naiional guards fired on oach other. The cries the popo lace wcro various. " Vive HenrvV-!" " Vive Napoleon !" " Vive la Re'publique !" wero severally heasd. A momber of the Assembly raiaed a flag at the Porte ' St. De.iis, hearing the nscnplior:, "Du pain au la inort." (Bread or death.) M. Caussidier#, at this joined the Members of the Executive Governmhnt on horseback, and they passed along the Boulcvaul. The insurgents occupied a house in the Faubourg St. Denis, from which they fired on the troops. Two hundred prisoners were taken by the national guarj on the Place de la Sorbonne. At nine o'clock, the struggle in the (parter of St. Jacques was most terrible. The insur geuts slrongly barricadod, fired warmly on the national guard and troops of the line. who repJied. Caiinon was at work. The stad" was at the Hotel de Ville. The artillory .vas at the Pont Notrc Dame. The cannon fired from thi3 point on the Rué de la Cite, and the bottom of the Rue St. Jacques seemed to engtge them very inuch. Strong barricades existed in the Ruédela Harpc. Much blood was shed there, and Gen. Francois was wounded. In the course of the evening the insorgents captyred a post of the guard mobile, and made them march withthem. All around the Temple town was in possession of the insurgents, who were defending themselves with intense energy. The platoon discharges replied to them very five minutes It was eslimated tliat not loss tlian 150,000 of theouvriers and the dregi of the population of Paris and the banlien, were gathered togetber in the desperate attempt to makc anoth er revolution, and recover tlie mastery. Satukdat. On the morning of the 24th the Place da la Concorde was crowded with cuirassiers, huicers. and artillery. These troops, with infiuitrj of the line, and guard mobile, oc cupied the Champs Elysees ; the bridge opposite tlie Cbambcr, and the quays on botli sides were similarly filled. The gardens and palace of the Tuilleries, and the Place Carousel, were filled with national guards. From mno UU twelve o'clock boulevards continued to be patrolled by the troops. , Members of the Assembly also patroled the principal Itreetl about noon, each cscortcd by detatehment. of the national goardi. At oue „clock notice was given that the capital was declared n a state 0? .alge, and all "J xcept tho.e n arras as nai.onal (■"''""" orJered to remain in thcir houses. Il WM finnounced that the Executive had abdicated, ud that Gen. Cavaignac wa. ppointed Provis.nal President of 't h. R 1 with powers of a dictatorship. At t o P. M. the streets were swept by columns , the national guard. u ;,.i. tlie Thefollow,,,, is the doeree hu. ..o National AcuiMy d-ohred 1 IM ". .■■,. - Art. 1. Tlic Natittnal Asscmbly rcmains en pèrmanence. Art. 2. I'aris in a state of sioge. Art. 3. All power and authority s dclegated to General Cavaïgnac. ïlio National A.s.sembly also votcd unanimously a deoreo hy wliicli the wivcs and chüören of' llio citizens who had fallen or rniglit fall In the defence of orde-r, vyöre to b adopted by the country. After t li is ilecree was paseed, the Executive Conncil resigned its powers. Vory largo detachments of national guards from tlic environs and further pomts, arnved in the capital. From 1 lili 4 o'clock all communication between the Madeletne and the Assembly and the E aster n part of the town, was stopped. Dclaclimcnts were placed in ll)O Foreign olfice, across all the Btreetf leading to tiie Palais Koyal and the Eastern quarters. On the dictatorship being conferred on Gen. Cavaignac, he issued the foilowing nolice - "]f at noon the barricades are not removed mortars and howitzers will be brought, and by which Bh el Is will Le thrown wliich wilt explode beliind the barricades, and in the apart monta of 'he houses ocenpied l)y the iniurgents. From one o'clock in the mornirg till nine o'clock, the fusilade and the cannonade had not ceased in t.lie quarters of the city and St Jacques. The insurgents liad thirtcen pieces of cannon. Threc were taken. About half past nine, the insurgents, who wcro stirrounded on almost all points, succeeded ín forcing a passage by means of their aiiillery. About ten o'clock this column w;is in the quarter of the Halle, where a bloody encounter took place. At the samo hour the insurgents of the Faubourg St. Antoine were marching to opérate injunction with the column of St. Jacques. - An armistice until eleven o'clock 'tvas proposed by General Cavaignac, who declared that after that hour the most e.iergetic terms would be adoptt-d. Froni the break of day the ennnon thundered without intermission in the direction of La Chapelle. A considerable body of insurgents driven into tlie Plaine des Vertus, was surrounded in the night. In the morning ihe insurgents became raasters of the clmrch S. Soverin. At. noon enormous barricades we re erected setween the Rúes St. Dennis and St. Martin, constructeo' entirely of paving stones about 15 Teel thick ; thev were almnst proof tigainstcannon billis. Barricades notless formidable were orected at the extremity of the Faubourg Poissoniere. At hli pa:.t 3 the insurgents were driven to the Pantheon, and there surrounded ; - they Cought dcsporately, and with a courage which would be admirable if devoted to a just cause. The Pantheon was recovered from the insurgents, after 300 discharges of cannon, about 5 o'clork. Fourteen battallions of the line and the 21st regiment were around the chamber daring the day. A battcry of arlillery with matches lighted were on the quay. Under the peristyle of the chamber two field howilzers were placed. i he cuirassiera were in great force on the Place de la Concorde. The contest near thc Northern Railway was most desperate. The head-qaarters of the insurgents was the church of St. Severin, sitúatela the qnarter of St. Jacques, near the rivcr. Tho lortross and citiidel was the Faubourg St. Anloine, occnpied and barricaded throughout. On the other side the nsurrection was in the quarter ot' St. Marcel, St. Victor, and the lower part of the qnarter St. Jac(jiies. Paris was thus lapped in a large semicircle by a line of fortificationg. The Clos St. Lazare was fortified so as to be rondered almost impregnahle. It was protected by immense barricades, and the insurgente were entrenched in a hospital now erecting. The post was connecied with advanced works extendino- to the heighta of the Faubourges St. Den9. St. Martin, La Chapelle, La Villelte, the Templo, the quarler called Popincourt, and the Faubourg St. Antoine. The re was great slaughtor here, The nat io nal guards arrived from Poissy and PontoiiO drew up befüra the barricade of the Clos St, Lazare, and at the first fire fifty of tliem feil. The Pantheon the insurgents defended with four iieces of cannon. They had also seized the College of Henry IV. behind it, and this church was the kny of the pusition extending throujh the quarter of Saint Jaoques to the church of St. Severin. Accordirgto the Siecïc, there wcre 1,500 national guards lying dead in the church of St. Severin, who feil in the lausrhter at this spot. The church St. Gervnis, immediately beliind the Hotol de Ville, had to be taken from_ the insurgents with cannon. Tho bridge of Notro Dame had to bo swept by cannon, as well as the Quai aux Fleurs. A house of business, six storicd high, called " La Belle Jardiniers," on thisquay, was demolished by cannon-balls. It had been taken possession of by the insurgents. At six o'clock, by the reduction of the place Lafayette, the Clos St. Lazare isolatfid. A dreadful act. of butchery was committed on this day (Saturday) by the insurgen! at onc of the barricades in the FaubourgSt. üermain. They liad taken five of the garde mebile prisoners, and held them apart without injury. Hearing, however, thst the troops of the line were coming down in force, they determined to abandon the barricade, hut at the same time they carne to nnother terrible determination, which they forthwitli carried into execution- -they cut tho throats of the five prisoners ! The lifelcss bodies of the unfortunate lads, for none of them had exceeded the age of eio-hteen, were found still warm when the troops of the line and the guard mobile carne pp. This act had the effect of cxciting the most intense exasperation, and particularly amorgst the garde mobile. 1,500 of the insurgentshad surrendered on the place du Pantheon. These men ware being led across tlic aarden of the Luxembourgh, when a large body of tho garde mobile, who were then guardin the palacc and garduns, being uiwble to rottrain their desire of vangeancs for the-.r murdercd comrades, sent a volley into the body thus passing, and killed upwards of _ Prisoners were brought in from time to time to the building in which the National Assembly sits. Amongst one batch of twenty-five was a young girl dressed in male attire, who was most activo in supplying ammunition to the insurgents. The insuiTCCtion ot the lolt bank in the Oite was enlirelv put down in the afternoon, but not without" great loss of Ufe on both sides. - So ?tronrly were the insurgonts postnd, that the military, after repe ited attacks, fuuml i.t impossible to dislodge to dislodge the. They therefore had recourse to the stratagem of apnearing to give way. ïhey retired- the ingurgaoti feil into the trap- they left their barricades, and pursued their opponents. The insurgcnts wore driven from point to point til 1 thpv lost the whole oftKeir strong potntï, t)d vvere at last forced to take refugo in tbo lnrge district in the neighborhood oí'tlie Barriere d' Italië. As for the stato of tlie insurgents on the riglit bank. it was very different. ]n the carly part of the dnv thr.y wero drawn fi-om a streng position wliicli llicv had in the Ruc du Fauboürg du Temple, to harneados built in ibe neighborhood or the hospital of St. Louis, which nnarly cut off the cnmmunioations between the Cloí St. Lazare and the Fauboürg St. Antoine. ftoon ifierwards llicir position was veakened by tho loss oí' a formidable barricade in the Ruo Rochechouarr, but stil! their position in the Clos St. Lazare was very formidable. On the other hand, a strong body coming from the quarters des Halles th rea tened the Hotel de Vü'e. I was not till near 3 o'clock tliat the insurgents werc driven back All day troops wero gathering towards the terrible C!os St. Lazare, which held out all night. GF We liave been compelled to lay over a number of Communications and leave out nearly all our miscelkny üiis week, to give place to the Slave case, tlie higlily important news from Franco, and tlic President's message.