A Hoosier
A Hoosier was callad npon th" stand away out West, to U'stiiy totlie cHaracter of a brother Hoosier. lt. u-as as I'dÃo'.vs: " How long1 )avo vou known Bill Busliwhack 1" " Ever since He war bom." " What is his güneral character ?'" " Letter A, No. 1; 'bove par a vory groat uay." " WoulJ yeti believe liiin on ontli I" " Yes, Ãr-ee on or off', or nny olher way." " What, in vour o pin i o ir, ar; lus qualificalions to good ciiaracter ?" " We 1 1 , old lioss, he's the best shot on the prairies or in ilie wonds ; ho s'.ecps om the rround, oats ravv bear and Buffmlo, and can shave the eye-winkers oli' â wolf as fnr as a shootin iron'll carry a hall ; lio can drink a iiárt of gvus. any day, and lie chaws labacker liker an alligator." So Bill p.ifsod muster.
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Michigan Liberty Press