Cass' Tote Against The Wilmot Proviso In Secret Session
Tbe njunction of seeresy having been removed, ihe National Intelligencer publislies the pj'oceedings of the Señale on the Treaty with Mexico. By tlie following extract i: will be seen that the ' model doughface,' who, for bis seiviüty, baa since received tbe nomination for tbe Presidency, will let no opportunity ftasa unirnproved to strike a blow at iV edoin,niKJ extend ihe ourse of slavery over the Ameiican continent. Wilmot Proviso Demócrata of Vermom, look at tbe Vote of your canditlate, see in what company be votes aiaiusl the Proviso, and say il" such a traitor to the Nortb deservfis your votes. Secret Prcxweedjngs of the stsnate, Mareh 7, 1848. Ãn motioti of Mr. Baldwin to insert al the end of the fifth article tbe Ibllovving words, to wit : Provided, Th at there sliall be neitber slavery nor involuntary serritude in tbc terriioâ lüUy ceded, otherwisn tlmn in llie pmiisbtnenl of crimes, whefeof the party sball have been duly convicted.' After the debate, tlie question was suted, " Sball these word? stand Sà a part of the fiftli anide r" And it was determinad in the negative : Yens 15, nay5 33. Those who voted in the affirmative are - Messrs. Atherton, Baldwin, Gl.irke, Clayton, Corvvin, Davis of Mass., Dayton, Dix, Greene, Hale, Miller, Niles, Phelps, Spruance, Upbam. Those who voted in the negative are - Messrs. Allen, Ashley, Atchison, Badder, Pagby, Bell, Benton, Berrien, Braflbury, Bréese, Briglu, Butler, Calhmin, Camieron, Cass, Crittenden, Davis of Miss,, Difkinson, Douglass, Downs, Felcb, Foote, Hanaegan, Hunter, Johnson of Md., Johnson of" La., Johnson of Ga., Lewis, Manguin, Mason, Moore, Pearce, Rusk, Sevier, Siurgeoo, Turney, Underwood, Yulee.
Wilmot Proviso
United States Congress
Old News
Michigan Liberty Press
Lewis Cass
Roger S. Baldwin
Charles G. Atherton
John H. Clarke
John M. Clayton
Thomas Corwin
John Davis
William L. Dayton
John A. Dix
Albert C. Greene
John P. Hale
Jacob W. Miller
John M. Niles
Samuel S. Phelps
Presley Spruance
William Upham
William Allen
Chester Ashley
David R. Atchison
George E. Badger
Arthur P. Bagby
John Bell
Thomas H. Benton
John M. Berrien
James W. Bradbury
Sidney Breese
Jesse D. Bright
Andrew Butler
John C. Calhoun
Simon Cameron
John J. Crittenden
Jefferson Davis
Daniel S. Dickinson
Stephen A. Douglas
Solomon W. Downs
Alpheus Felch
Henry S. Foote
Edward A. Hannegan
Robert M. T. Hunter
Reverdy Johnson
Henry Johnson
Herschel V. Johnson
Dixon H. Lewis
Willie P. Mangum
James M. Mason
Wyman B. S. Moor
James A. Pearce
Thomas J. Rusk
Ambrose H. Sevier
Daniel Sturgeon
Hopkins L. Turney
Joseph R. Underwood
David Levy Yulee