Niagara Suspension Bridge
-Mr. charlan, assistant engineer, in the corps engaged upon tlie iron bridge, gives ihe following items in legard to tliat siruclure, which muy bc of interest lo our reajera: Number of cables Ãbr bridge, 16; number of strands in each cable, 000; ultÃmate tensión, 6,500 tona; canacity of the bridge, 500 loiis ; number ofsirnndts in the ferry cable, 37 ; diameter of ihe cubte, 7-8 of an inch ; li i.,'!it of stone, 6S feel I nch ; !ie-lit of wooil tovver for forry, 50 leet ; baso of the tovver, 20 square feêt ; size at tho top, 11 sijuare fei;t; spnu nf"Ve bridge, 800 teel; wholu weighi ol ihe bridge, 0-50 tofls ; heigbi froin Uie water, '2-iO feet ; depth of water und(U' the bridge, 250 feet.
Niagra Falls
Old News
Michigan Liberty Press