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The Piles. ABS FOR LIKE SECUKED ! - Dr. LTIIAM'.S Intern! Remedy lor the cure óf Piles. The table Pile Electuary, invented by Dr. A. Upbam, h !:■■ tingmslied BJiysician uf NewYork city, is the onlyreBtlly. auccessful remed y for this dnngerous and distressing cbmplaint the l'Wes, ver oftered to the Amerieou Elei tuary con taina no Mineral Medicine, no Aloes, Oolooynta, Gambóge, or other pow rritaNo fear ot' taking cola wbile oud ir its mnuence ; no change in diet is necessary. Jf taken acoordiug to din ctious n cure for lífe is guarantied. I uflnmmntnry I)isnss. Although the Electuary wa originally prepared for the cure ï Piles, yel il. n;i ■ U to bea medícine t'.ir siip'-iior u i!l iiiliri-s. i'i all soases of an iulatian of b'ooil to particular part oi orga'tí. ín tiflaminatíon and congestión of the liver atid ppleeu ; inflatntnation, and sope i iil alcer&tion ofthe stomach, bowelo, kidnev ! nKl'-i' ; in úiflamnwtoiry an 1 mercurial rbeumatism, it is the best medicine ever discovered. Impurifica of fiic Blood Por all impnritiea oi ilie blood, iriñug from the talent iis; of mercttry, or other rau así for aU di - ioí tbe skin and crofulons affections; in all i where the blopd is powerfully determiued to the head, producing dizzinevs nnd distrese, Dr. üpham's Etectuary ia eotirely unrlvalted. TO MARRIED r-AHFÍIS. Manied ladies are almpst iuvariably subject to that j'.:iulul nnd i n í ■ . tBe Piles, with contéquent inttammatiün of t.he stomach, bwwels Mid ipine, aes "I back, flow of blood to the head, Ate. The Electuary is perfectly safe for preg laiii ladies, and ihe most useru] cathartic that oau possibly be used al it will not only remove the Piles and all inflammatory ae, without pain or irritation, but will enmira an easy timo, a lafo delivery, and a simad coustitution in the iillspi-iug. Peculiar Caaes mul FffrcU in New Bnglad. Chronic 1'jjí1. - A workmna in the al C'ainbridgeport, who hud the p years, very severely, and was coustantly exposed to the álense beal ofa raritaee an.l preatTy redttced by tlic disease, received great relief and a final curo by ll"' use of Dr. Uphanvs remedy. The casé wbb b very obstinate one, owfog tij the notare of the oceupation and the deranged coaditiun ofthe patiënt. Bleedin Piles. - A gentleman in Bedford, Mass.. who liad the bleedingpues for many years, greatlj ■■■- haustinglii was entirely relieved "I' this dis tres: .:■: and daugcriiusayinptoms, by taking aha'f doso of'tliu Electewry e . r ivvi - a month. Falliug oftlie Bowcls. - A person aflücted witll pilivs, nnd falling ofthe bowels, to such a degree tbat no i I aatiou couíd be had withont lying flatupoii Üie floor, was entirely relieved and oureu by thjg medicine. The cas.1 was a very extraordinary one. Extrei i icás. - N US persons, and es pecially liiiiil rs, afflicted with extreme costivoBess and piles, with all those' syptoms attendant ii]":i Mich a state ofthe system, have been able to effect an entire change in this coudition by tho use of this medicine. It. is a very mild cathartic, and an adtnir n-ni'1:!-, (br costivenéss, úspedally for married women. Kistulns, Ulcere, &c, - lu the worst case of pilns, wliere Estalas, akers, and cavèrnons holes exist, the j Electuary is slwavs salutary in hs effeets, and it p i veringly used, will produce a cure Two or three cases, wuVre a Bnrgica] operation vis thonght to benecessary by '.he doctors, have been cured by this medicine It is a perfect remedy tbr mercurial diseases in the intestiues. Price, $1 per bes, of twelve doses witli full direo and other informatiou respecting the treatment ] mul cure ofthe di Sold wholesale and n-tail lv Wtatt & Kktcham, I 101 Fulton Btreot, and by A. 'i'. H ivens, liaitle Creek. Il DR. 11. F. PEERY'S VER'iFÜGE GR " DEAD SHOT." EOR WOJUWS A Highlij l'aluithlc Prcjttirtiti-w, (%i pable, rom lite Promptitudé oj its At ii ■■. oi ' i ,a e te haurt of i rent irnn.i rpiIE csoeediag sm ill q i tatíty oí Ui ie Medicina req -1 leet ttie exifl mee f' wonns, or to remove et ery rom tiic Bystem, it op-r-aiue iu i few hours, tagfther whb ita jreal ei rtaiatj of Ifsct,ccitstitate il one of the most brillitmt üibcov(riffj of tho ;tifR. Il ff ni uní 1KMMÍM to bo r. never to be ful lo wed tj miy utbr purgc. T iftrel re . i urgí ni cases, ns ' ■■ ■ ■■ ■■ tn, uhi iVal '! pu re l-'Uer culmin prove the bealtn ofchtliircu, even wba ■i isph ui' crttdfi iei ifrat : i rloM-iy ad icre I toiji th ' ' mi ;. : ir feit evtiry u i'1! ' of worai-dieaae. Althouh prompt itul certa'm in tts 0 eral m, sod aot uonlöasont lu the taste, ii is perftctly iafet and ndaptedttvthetendereai .ilp. The follo ny ia an extrart from a letteraihire ti A. lï. & j D. SaaUs froin ilie Ageut at the Derbv Line. Dkubt Lihk, Vf., Mai 7th, lf46. GarrrtiMKN:- 1 reeipdthe box o'Dad Shot" V rraifupe aliout ÖAopu mi c, aut] have aow ouly a faw dozen lei't on tinnJ w Inch ivili be aoae in i th in ten day. It aeeras to f!i thn work to the perfnet iat ia Ai et ion of ;i!l who um it. I (war J muts of i ti ft b ■ ÍUG4 i il. ■ expulsión ül from IS or 30 to 1)5 wormi fram ooe pèraon, and nwurly vIip tta :iin children Ofeourm ioa arill tliiuk wo m ons of tha prei ti ieg llseasea io Caá k! i nnd VerigoBi - Píente senil me suother supply is aooo as conven i.1 ni. Respectully, T. C. hUTLEK. Theollflteing is rum an eminent Pliyticinw, Joi38iioiir)rLH, Tiini-, Dec.Ü '■■ Dr. II. r. Pecbt - 1 tak e i in réVommeii I the publk j our valuabla Vermih ■ Iv c tllcd uead ShóL) I I w,-j. U foc twö years. Nothing ai the kind bavfl i ovoraold thui U ia piven siich univeisalsatii Thera Was on o case in my iramediate nftfc;hb rUood thai I now reeolleot of ia whlch oí i sd expulsión af 150 worma from a amallchild, a thearenl ioformod me afterwnrds. eapctfuHy, JOHN VANCEY, M. D. Price fio cftnts per vial. Prnpared by ir. II. F. Pmebv, and rel lil by A. is. 81 l). ..VNis, D I Pultou -i. eortirof Wiihim, Nflw-York. Suld ro by A.T. HAVENS, .(. OWEN & Co. Detroit, and bv Druggi.'ts gencrally throughout the I - aite.l 9c Hes, 1 Scüiool Buoki. nntlEY DO SAY Üiat llav.iis hu lii beat ter and billet paper, and ifa il he sella booka lowerthanatany ether eabtbliahment in towu. Callanri u ■ for l To the Public. BETFG obligad b'y ilt-tienlth uu 1 i si tinne the aboe business, all nnsettled accoitnts raust be arranged without delay. I vvill Ur fouud ut the Bttop of Iiiiian Durfee, wnereall ray fbrmer eontracta fbr work will be fulfilled. 1 JOHN CALDVVBLL. Kcmoval. THE Tailoring Establishment of William Roe is removed to McGainly's Block, the uorñer store, vvhere he will !-■ Lrlriil ti) watt on hisoM castotnersandallnew míos who may favor bim wifh a ill. 3 Scliool U:k. aUIT-TS, Slrel Paus. Pen-Hoiders, BUck, Blue nod Re 1 tnk, Wafers Sealing-Wax, Latter Stampa. &c. tor Bale obeap at ihe APOTHBCAHIBS IIaI.L, Engle Block A TOBLAOKSMITH3 - Auvils, Vièes' sied-euiid L li.iinl haramsrs, sertfo platea, nnd a goed assorty ment oftroaaud steel, for sulaby William l?roka Battle Cre ik. April 13, 1848. live Tons riROUND nnd dry leaj, wliitiiür. red lesd, Sec. Also U 20 bals liuaeed, ourriera and lamp oil, hupentiue, &c, jusi recaived and sale at the cheap drug store. __ A. T. HAVENS. Tnb Factoiy. THE SUBSCEIBEB takea pleaauS inforning the public ttiat lie lias resnmed the business of Tub tud l to ii])ply the public with artklea nl lus manufacture on as reaooaable terma as aay otóer ewtablishm ml ii the 81 its. He propnaes to manufacture notliina bul Waah-Tubs, and he vvill guarantee tlmt all work sluH of the bestquolity, The patronage of the iu!lio i.s solicitad. E. DA1LEY. BanloCreek May, 19 18(8. 'Eo-tvii Librarles. HAW.XXlns jus! reoeive la larga RMOCtnwatofbnoka iblo for tuwu libfaciM, a in 1 thoy are lo bo sold it low prices. Cui-peiilcr's Tool. A GOOI) ftMortment will be foond al the hardware, store in ll.i'.ilr Crrrk, oonsisttnjof broad aies, adz's o, s. añil cummuii ausura, loug and sli irl iointerg, jack plaae, Btnooth litta,hUowgaad ronods, ske w mid rubl)it planes, brad, m itch plan ■ .. :r, 0a. b planes, plougba, iu eta, (a oew arMola) mvinand biu, augur m, marked to 12tos,slicki n.'w aaegog, scotch srayand bindoitaji oil stones, all of vrhicli vvill be sold chc;ip. IficaS the Sick. [lfinDr. E. L. SouLe & CojjBS TI!, proprietors, full of oufdrurc t: ;1. vi Dr. Boule's Sove : i Pil], whieb ed for themseWes aueh au euvi ble reputarien in lU siifirt gpace oi iivr years tbe) have ! re tïjfi pnblio - Uic many cun e 1 l. v li; ■. e pi rf m ed - sotoe of the palíente having been cenficecl t Ibeir for mouths nul yeur&j aie truly a.-iouiöhm?, uow challenge tbe worldto produce llieir equal. For long standing Dyspepsy and habitud cotir iic.-s. tbey hare m-vcr tailea, when taken sccordhit ta fliiTctiois, to effect a cure or (íive peroiftnent relief. (Jld Liver cuinplaints, Jaundico, Sec., can b peí manently cured By tha use of these I'.lls, asthey opérale direclly npoD ilio liver, aiid cause it io perforin natural and healtliy act ion. For todden sttacka in children - eucli as colds fertr, wonns, &c. - hv gravel, rheuraatism spiij il aSeetiöuo, hadache, oougb -iíh! coldt, tbey have provedftB ü uablc romody. !': : ;n a.vd Aciii and Chim. I"i:VKn. No m liscovercd lias provecí so eflsctdal incuring agueaud ever, chili fever, &ic, iu the West . is i1k genuiue lovereign Balm J'iüs. Wo liave uovcr ksown a ringle case, wben tu Ken acconiing to directions, where thay have notefiectada curein i'rcmi om to eiylil do Tbey cleause and purffy theWood, and are, thnrefore an eBéctual remedy for Scrofala, Erj-íípel, and all ing front an impure ..-ite ofths bload. In nerroua deljility and fraaie complainta, thuy have worKod wondera. They riuk't tlic nérvea by reninv: ■■ tbe cause 01 nervous iriitation , and gradually Btreugthen aud bring tip the whole system. By wuy ofadvice to femi d witb tbe abov enseax, ui; wiiulil siiy ihai large doee oiany kind uf cath irtics are always iojuripus. These pille ihould be taken one at :i dose, every night until a cure is etlectcd. (Sea Circulare. ) These Pili were ñVst intreduoed in a noÚew bkuiner. No gaudy Bbow carda, Ung apvertiw nlled w-ili ceitificatet from persons ilii ne1 tvere reaorted to, bul were left to -woi k 'Ji public favor on Ibeir umi merits. They are pnrely Vegetable, mildbutgura n the eration, and pcrfcctly safe t'or young aud old ofiï itated constitutions. Tlicv never leave ? bowels i tive, wbith canniit besaid ofanyotber ]iii! now in use. Greal oare liasln-j faken in selectiiig ;.id compouudin.' the medici ne whicb haa always been eupriutonded by Dr. Soule in peraon. For Further directioiis, certifícate &c., seê tlio tievr Vink Botanie Institute, publisbed at Enclid,+y Dr. E. L. Soule & Co., whih may bc Had ofagents gratis. Ruñare oí Cniiiilri T Iw ! As ilion: ia sparious pills n circulation. rulled Ürieutal or Sovereigñ Balm, be suro to pe before yon buy tiiat the name of "Dr. E. L. SOÜLE Si Co." is on thé faceof the boxes. None olher eau be genuino. We are not aware that any on wfao ia makiug a ■pariou article hu yet dared to make ase of our name; but some of thera have had the imprudroce to imitate our boxes nml rnpv our Circulare, Certificóte, &c-. Unlew the public careful when they purcha, they will be decelved. The genuine SoyereigB Balm Pilis can lio had whole. : Dr. E. L. Soule & Co. Eaclid, Ouondaga Co. N. V. j. Ou-cii & On., wholesele and retail ngeiits: Alan, solé hv agenta in every towii in the country, aad by A. T. Havens, Agent, Battle Creek. 1 THE GREAT f NGLISH REMEDY FOB C0UGH8, Oolds, Astha, and Boniumptwu ? Tlio lime luis come when Cousumption may bc 'I with the curable diseases. The mort feerful our hfxbeen conqnercd ! The most fai .! of all diaeaaes has yielded at lat to tlie ckill of in' Hungarian Balan oflii'o., wül speodiiy and itttion, even in its most hopelesa an 1 in all ordfimry disensos of the chest and t-nn perfectaud admirable reraedy t tiu' civilized v. inïil. The Hungarian Balsatn was fn-st discorerd by Dr. Buchau, ofLondon, England, and has heen teeled tbr six years by iho toost eminent Physicians in Great Brit Ju, ai cl "n the öontinont of Enrops, wber ithas proved tbe Great and only Remedy. Il lias recently been ntn iluced into ibe United Stal -. nnderthe immetliate suprentendence of the mrentor, snd is now litterly sweeping Cnnsumption frorn Ihe land. h n lunocnlation is' lo Small Po, the Hungalian Bakam is toOoosuinptioo - au inaurmouiitiiblrebarrïer ! . Physicians, BÜedical Societiea, and tho greni body of Consnmptive, patiënt, every Where admittbat tlie most important work of the age bas ba , tisbed - ConsumptioB Can be carea. When-vi i ii has becn introduced, all Panacea, B pectorantB, Syrnps and Drops havo been diacarded aa úsales- all Bystems of Inha-laiiim. Vapor Batbt. TarBmok'e, Cbange of dimste, &c, have been rejeoted and the wonderfal of the Hangarian Gnú), obd from the ' Melsooga," or Tree of Life, is now nnivsrsaltv recorred by Consnmptivos, as the Only Bource of I [op i. Let mi peraon affllctsd with a severa and obstinato [h, luHamalicm of the Liings, Astlima, or nny of the symptoms of Consumptioq lose a moment of linie in seeking relief from thia GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. Delays are danserona, and all ntlier preUllded renutnot only nseleas, bat fatally delnsivo Gvei? family in the United States ghoaW be applied w th Buc i m's Hungarian Balsam of Life, nat only to counteract the consumptives of the chínate, b'nt to be asa preventivo medicine in all cases ofColds, Coughs, SptttingofBlood, Pain in the side uid Chest, Imtation and sqrenesa f the Lunes, Bronchitis, Diffi. cnltjr ol Breaithing, Hectic Fever, NMght sweats Émacial ion apd Gineral Debility Agthma, Influenza, Whoop. las Cough, and Oroop. The great uerit of Dr. Bachan's Balsam is this- bat m all cases of Pulmmiy Consumptioii is irivei Iinim-diate Relief. A single bottle will reveal itsaatODrahing virtues open at once the foundation of Ilealih and Bti m the alnieted. CSPrice of the Balaam only onc per bi withlull dirwtions. Dissertation Conuinptioii, fi tices, and orcliflcatea of Bemarkable cures, kc. 1-6 m Vor Bale !iy A. T. HAVENS. jVcw AnaiisnuiU : Sá MORE 8TOVB8 B.A ■Vi ANC) BB S LATER PATTERNSü! ?# ' rnHB ONDBRSIGNED take pleasurein offcriag ta J. the dubhc a mora compUte atock oí'iiew una beauiii.ii rtrle of Oookiag and PariurStoWwthan liave ever betere been oöered m this market, tosetber wirti a en. eral ttMOrtment of Hallow Wan-, Dopper, Tin SÍieet [ron, Stove Pipe, Seo. Sus., &o. The attenton of tho Btova biiying commnuity u re, pectfully Bohcited toas eiamination of onr ttook betbre [xircUaaing. „ , SAMUEL S.BüRPEE. Manhall Octobcr S. 1848. Pa por. rrHE anderrirned wili be inpplWd groa tlio Ann Ar J. Paper Mili, with the vanoaa doscriptioiu oftlio abnve aamed artiela, manufactured at that place, constaras of Priating, W rapping an-i Writing, tojwthsr nth l!l;ink Books. Tbe aboy ar ticlet wili be soldfor cab or ezchanged for ragB, ii ■ al ive niiiy be found nt the shoe Store ol'.T. Piori i, "ue L-ast uf the Hardwsra ülore of William BroofeB. E. DORRAXCE, A2ent. ' ttüe Oreek, Norembar 3, 1047. 1 1 THO8H CNBBBTBD i.. thé tdbacribets will pleas not wate fur lie heil to riu , befor calüng lo tha Captuina 0$e to Settle, fcrttde Oeek, ïprtl, 1818. R. R. OSGOOD. Shell Umc, coosteudy on hand for sa! at J. A Jacobs & Co's.. cun-iage shon, Butrie Creek. 50