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Post Office Delinquencies

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We havo frequent and continuod complttints of tho deliiy of tho delivery of our pnpois to subsciiber8 through th Post Office. Whnt the rcasons aro for this deluy, vvo cannot conccive, us tbey li;o boen mailed ovory weck oxcept. two, siuco the 13lh of' April, regularJy. It woulil not appear so strange ifthcy Bliould bo de];iyed i'ur ono week only, but we are informad they are sometimos detained ior tlireo weeks at a linie. Tliis is sufficient evideoce that eemething is wrong that should be remediad. One complaint would cali fui' atteution but whon tbey aru frequent thcy cali loudly for redress. If necessiiry, we cas gtve placo and circumstunces that iniht nol ba plaiisant lo soine individuáis to bear. We would nlso caution our frienda and subscribers ogainst sendirr;;; muncy by lottor unless it is put in au envelop in tho préieoce of tho l'ostinaster, ov liis doputy, or forwiirdad by the P. M. himself, as we lmvo been inforinod ot' lato that soveral letters have been sent us with Üie ïnoney in that havo nut como to hand. This matter shall bo invostigated, we mean to kuow where ■be difficulty lies. 11' our public oflïceis are uot worthy of thw confidenco of tlio peoplo, thoy should bo removed. It is certuinly a bad state of things tf letten and papen caonot go fifty or ono hundred miles in our Stilte " ithout robbory or delay. Wc shall soon send receipts to all our siibseribers fur monoy which bas been receivt-d.