Walter Wilkinson Attends Flight Training Under The G.I. Bill, March 1946
Published In
Ann Arbor News, April 1, 1946
FIRST VET TO SIGN GI-BILL TRAINING: Walter Wilkinson (right) 2008 Jackson Pl., is the first local ex-GI to take advantage of the flight training provided under the GI Bill of Rights. Shown giving Wilkinson pointers on propellor pitch is Instructor Everett D. Esch, manager of Ann Arbor Aero Service who will manage the local school which begins training June 1.
Ann Arbor News, April 1, 1946
FIRST VET TO SIGN GI-BILL TRAINING: Walter Wilkinson (right) 2008 Jackson Pl., is the first local ex-GI to take advantage of the flight training provided under the GI Bill of Rights. Shown giving Wilkinson pointers on propellor pitch is Instructor Everett D. Esch, manager of Ann Arbor Aero Service who will manage the local school which begins training June 1.
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