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Washington, August 1. Sbnatb. - The Hb'iae joint resohnion of lliaiikg to the oflicer, marines, and sailurs of the United Stntes navy, vis pussrd. AIso, House rusolution providingfor the ap poitïtment of joint committee to revise tiie sysern of reporting fnr tlie two Houses House. Thtr coHsideralion of die Origori Territorial bilí was respmed, the )iieation lemj; on the sulwtiinle nffered ly Mr. McClelland, (the Sonate Compromise bill. with au ailliiional necljon contiiining thn provïtfions of the Missouri, di' ratlier Texan compromise, provi .lili!.' f'"" the mlmUsion of "■"' States, f'rom Orego"], Cnlifornia, and New Mexico, frrtm time, prohilming slavei y nortli "f 36 W. 30 ii, ii., ;in,l pnrmiifingit soutli nflhal line.Bgthe pe.iple bFthe territories rtiay dptormine.) The Cliiir p'uled the uhstltnte dut of (irder.-as eontnining irrelovant in itte . Mr VIcClerrrtml Hppt'ttleil. I:M thn deèUiitrt l the Gimir ws kustuined. Numéroa a rrr.lmnti v,.- (irnposed, om adopied, and olher rt-jéctd Mr. Giiyle, of Alabamn. moved lo adcling nt the close of the gection! tiTitliiag cotaiui'il i') ï ■trued to authorize the fxo to conliue in forcí an_v ' Lfgiêlature on ihia subjei Mr. Evans, nf Mnryhi-11 I the seciion I.y nMrting aftfi I quoted) ."nolinoomoatiblfl writli.' tli the CoñstitiHinn f the United Smte au Agreed to. Mr. Pulfrey moved to amend mh seciKMi iy excepting froto, the laws f. f the üuired Stwea o be extended over the Tarrkorj?, tbai wl.icli relates to the surrender of fugilive llavu. Re[ocli'd. MrTMillanl. "f AUtBfn pronoid to amend, ly Wiërttng u the c'"-'' "t' (ha iMslión h proviio, thl nftthing ilwrein contained liIJ coiistrned M prohihit sitisnsr ihe ITiiiteii Slatea fVom rem ving to the 'JVrriuiry wilh iheir p-itpérty t' uvery ilmcriptinn, anl enjoyiiig all the rigins, privileges and iinrnaiiitiea of the several States. Mr. Vandjfke moveJ to nmend the ame'nlmentbyinerting"with the exceptionol'shivt-s ' Aitopted. Mr. Giirnett Duncun moved firtherto amenil the ameiidment ly inserúnga substituto lor it lh provisionsofiiie Missouri Compromise, but apphcuble ti) Oregon alone. Logt. The cj'iestion tlien being on Mr. MiltHrd'h nmendmnt ui nmnnde I. rhai gentlerann, with the öoihen! of the corarainee, vrithdrtw th s.ime. Mr-. Criïfiel'd, of Maryland, Moredto strike on' the etitira wction as sitieftdêd. L"sr. [feo st'i-iion stiinds witii tho arnenJiiHMits nl)ove noteJ.J The Committee then procetnled wilh the re maiiiii),' sectioiid, irid several fu.-ther amendincnts wem pi-oposo-il, hut most ot tliam rejecto.i, when the Cominitiee rose and reponed I the bill and arnendments to tho House. The previous question was moved and sustauiod, when the House udjou'rned. [Among the atnendments declared to bo out of ijrüer, was a'substitute by Mr. Cabell, lar id ibe liill vi'titi'iilitv rcpoiicd i i the Sonate lij Mr. Beiilon, f'oi tlie lenipoiary goieiumun! ■ i i he Territorial.] Sknatk, August 2. - On rnotinn of Mr. Wnlker, ihc l)ill lo grimt totheSlale of Wiconin llie militiiry resorvulion of Fort Wintiebngo, í"f penitentiary puijioscs, was taken uj), atended, aml passed. TI, e House ilien resnmed the Oregon Tcrritoi-iul bilí, und conourrèil in most of ilie amorMments mude in Cornmittec of tlie Whole. On 1 ho question óFcofelJlirrihg willi iho Cnmmitteo of the whole in out si 1 1 of the t wel ft h st-ctioii wíticli ' relates to the Ordinance of 1787 - " Wilmot Proviso" - the yeas and miys ere again ordered, and ihe House ed to concur, S8 to 114. So tlie Wllmot Proviso remainj in the bill. On the passage of the liil! llio ycas and navs were Rgain ordercd, and resulteo, ycas 129, nays 7Í. A motion to recoiisider was laid on the tahle, nnd sothe bilí has pusged the House includinti tlic Wilmot Proviso, and placed ils ... vote bevond the power of recohwderation. Sf.nate, Angnst 3. - The House bill to i-stnblish the Territorial Government of Oregon wis taken up, when, M' Clyton callod the attentioti of the Senuto lo the ppciiünr rircumstnnces u'tid rr wliicl) tl,,. I i the House. The bill to uro i (! "Tinment of (JrP: (ürrna, m ■ : '' passed the i was known, nnd I . . ■ ■ Puh li ■ . im hi nci il t li h two-thirda vote. Ifsuch d here, ha woiih! not eiiTorce Uto prevent óction, wlw ever miglit lio his opinión of t'-e pravuiona oí thiï He tputed it would be treated vvilli courtesy due to the House, Uv a referewce of ii to the apnropriate cómuiittee, aiul that it wou ld receive all proper confiderattoii. On molion of Mr. AtlwrioB ihe Senate then resutned tlie considerador! of' the civil and diplomatic appropriation bill. The Senate aUo made au amendmen', on the recommendtition of tlio Finance Committi'e, providing for i In ptiynipnl o! iheSlaves in Uit celebrated" Iluiz and Montes cnse," wliicli bos occupied 8o much of ihe nttefttiftn afCongre, for so nianv years - yeaa 24, nays 21. Adjourned withoul geiting tbrough wilh arncndments ]ropdsed. House. - On motion, the Huuse then, in Coramiitee ufthe Wliole. retumed tlie cunuideraUon oftlie Arniy appropriation bill, and Mr, Marsh, of' Vermom, addrossed the Committee, chiefly on tlie question of slavery, and in relation to the condition and exisüng iaws of Oregon, California, and New Mexico. He argued that slavery had not been aboljshed by Sjexico, in either California or New Mexico - that down to the extiction of Spanish dominBlioii, glavery liad b(en permitied in Spanish Arn'-rica - and iliftt the Mexican Constiuuion contained provisions recognizing slavery as does oot the Ulltted Simes. Ilr. Crozier, of Tnnesee, followed in explanation nn'd defénce of'his vote in opposition ro tliö " Cotnprotnise Bill" of the Senate. SeNATB, Augtiit 4. - THe Senato then rcsumud ihO consiiieralion of the Civil and Diplo raaüc Appropfiution bill, which ivai amrnded in vari.iiis parlicjlars. An appropriation o!' 41,000 to the Ori-ek Indians lt-d to a long and protracted debate; aíter which, tfia Soniilf ndiniirneti Mr. Vinioii (cbairman of the com.nuttefl roportin-í) tlicn addresseJ ihc Commiltee in the way of surnming up and review of ihe debate upon tlie bilí. The second section oftlu; bilí as ttuiended so as to reduce the maximum number of iho conpaiiies lo 42 msmttc)i, givingthePreíident i discretion to incroase llie numlier of t! use compunies employed in tlie Territoriei lo 100 men ; bul providing that. tlie aggregate o( prvatei and employees of tlie army shall not expeed niño ihousand ani) sixty, exclusive ofoíficers - just fifty per cent, above tlie strength of the arm y lefire the war. The Commiltee also voted an appropriation of $100,000 lor a national irmory, to Le Incaled by tbe President AAnewhera in tlie Wesi ; and lwo national foundrie?, wliose iteii are also to be lucated by the President. Bul before the final vote upon ihis nmendment, tlie Conirnittee rnse - And tbc House adjourned. 1. The Sivnnnatl river nppropriation - again stricken out, 14 to 19. 2. The " Arnisifid" (Rniz and Montcz) npproprintion of' 350,000, which was finally concurred in, 24 to 2í. 3. The puyment to the Creeks of $141,000, prevíntisty nñco pnid to the State of Qowgin, mivv euHcurred i 2H to 13. (Mr.Joh.ison, ni Gl-eora 'i wualy the appropriai 4. p0 ■■■■ r: uoi. turnad io Bonmn b ion ; Mr. Bell, ■ . to ihnik terM i' ; ■..] i,, i ■ i .. 1 lui!. : - Uil ■mii'ii. il ■ lüt a iliviM.n( illitj the -f nit mljnurnedi House. - The C(insiilcrMti":i of the iii-my ap proprintion liill wa-i remimed. nd tlie tjnestion beilTB on Mr. Tlinriisn:i's inotion to reconsid nr üm vaW Hy wliicb the liill was ordei-ed u he pngrossed . The tiousr ri.fnse.lio peconsijer - 56 to 117 - nul tlit! lill u-as rhi.'ii passed. Mr. Sieplicns. nföftorifia, followed in BXpliinaünn and definc .t' liis ctiurae in voting to !ay ilie " CortiproraiM" liü'uif the Senate on the taUli' Mr, Binghiwn, of Michigan, ctattvered a care' f'illv prp) irc.l sx'cli. in explanation ot lus views (iii llie qnestinn of slavery, taking the Northern views nf the subject Mr. Wentworh il.taineil the flooi-, and ni"verf the provioiw question, which was siistained, and the mum question was ordei-ed. Mr. Stephens moved to lay the Message on th tatile. TIip veas and nays wore ordered, and the ri.Mise iaiJ the mL-ssiige on the table - 76 to A rnution to reconsiJer was laidf the tnlile. And then, filter ituu "r two very unsuccessful efforis td niljniim. thn Hume, IX 4 1-2. P. M.. resolved iui;)fiiitocminiiteeonhe Wliole and has since heen engaed iu vafíom moiions to tako up particular bilis, and or queslions of order. New Yovk Mny 14, 2 P. T. Orkgox Bixl - AJter silting H night. ut 9 o olock Snnlay njorning thn Senate passed the Ur gou bill with the Wilmot Proviso, 29 yens inclucmg Beatou Sprague arid HouBtoo, nays 25. No poe í'roin a free state absent. .