Martha Mann models back-to-school fashions, September 1969
Published In
Ann Arbor News, September 7, 1969
Gals Start With 'Smarts': College-bound Martha Mann, above, (she's a freshman at Western Michigan University) set her heavy suitcases down long enough to pose in this casual outfit. For her campus debut, she chose a brown and beige wool check skirt that buttons down the front and topped it off with a brown wool sweater and an eggshell white blouse. Her brown opaque stockings -- very popular again this fall -- complete the outfit. Martha is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Mann of Granger Avenue.
Ann Arbor News, September 7, 1969
Gals Start With 'Smarts': College-bound Martha Mann, above, (she's a freshman at Western Michigan University) set her heavy suitcases down long enough to pose in this casual outfit. For her campus debut, she chose a brown and beige wool check skirt that buttons down the front and topped it off with a brown wool sweater and an eggshell white blouse. Her brown opaque stockings -- very popular again this fall -- complete the outfit. Martha is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Mann of Granger Avenue.
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Fall Fashions
Back To School
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Ann Arbor News
Martha Mann
Jack Stubbs