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General Eltction. Shüiukf's Uffick, Ca [.nous Co. ? Marshall, Aug. IA 1848. J TVT OTICE is hereby givënthat at the General Eleotion IN lo lje holden in the State of Michigan, on lliu iirst 1 uénUuy of Ntfntdbai next, the t'olloiving otlicers are o le 'jlfctcil via : t'ive Eleolon of President and Vice Presideut of the : d Sute?. ttepresentative in the Congres? of the United i r ihi' hn.i..iii Cuugutaiuuul District ui' wid Kale t Cuiirltj ü Ki'i.nt vvliose term of office wlïï i Uw l.ii iliiy ui' Mafch, 1J49, composed of the . Allegah; üairy, lien iu, BntiHth, CüSi.Calhouu, i mis, JucUson, Kaiariiüzuo, Kent, Ultowa, St. uud Van BureU, and the couuties attached tu . . . o] .uu sanie regpectÍY_ely for Represeutitive purpo hl1;. : Une Senulni' ior the Kifth Señale District of said State, vvliich cnnsiats ut'tbe cuuutiesol' Allegan, Ualhoun, and Kuluma.uu, in the jiluce of Nalhaniel A. iJulcli. wtwso tenn uE otliue will expire on the 31st day of December next. 'J'hi-ee Bepresentstivea to the Stato LegiilaWre, in the placei of John D. l'ierco, A. E. Campbell and Arza Lewii whose terms of aervice expire ou the 13tU day ui December. A. 0. 1843. One lihcntf in place cf „luirles Dickey ; one County place of Johu Meaubem; one Register" of eeds, in place uf.lo'cih C. Krink ; one (Jnimty Treasurer iu ],ace of.M.lo S.juie: one Jiulye of i'robate iu place ol Ui A. ÍVoyes; one Surveyor ui place oi'Oyrus, Hewitt; two C'oruuen ia pluces oí Charlea llarkius, und J. U. i'otlg. Iu Wituees whereofl have hereanto set my bandand arhxed the iáeil of tin; County ofCatüooo at Mnnball, thi Kiili day of Aug. in the year of [l. s.] our Lord oue thousand eight iiumlred and furty eigüt iud ol' tbe tndepeudeuee of the Uuited Statee of America the seïeirty-third. OHAELBS D1CKBY, SlieriB. Mortgugc DEFAULT liaving been muele in the paymentof ■ certain sum ui' mouey secuied lo be paúl by ludeuture of mortgagu uxccuied by l'lieüx üuffi.-. uf Cathonn cuuuty and otate of Michigan, t' Joteph Merritt. Isaac Merriit, Daniel Hudsou and Jiiiialhau Hart, of said cmiuty o.' Cilh ma, and Abraham Merntt, óf ihe cönntjr of SrBtogH, i i tliu .-ta e ol' N. ï.i Ie .ring date ;h : 27ili da ut'Julj A. !)., lol:!, and recordad iti Tliï Reg'ster's office in and eaid couuty f Calhouu, on ttie Becond day uf December, A. 1). 1H42, at two o'cloek I'. M., in book F '( in irtgagea and 011 pages 50J, 509 and 510. The u.idiviÚL'd unu-liiilt' part uf wliicli .■ lid mnrlgige wasiluly oalgned by the aaid JouHtliaii IIi"t. J qili .Mj.t.u.' Is i;io Mcrrilt aud Abrotiaui Morriit t Lydia Ciiuvia o i tlie uvjiiiy-ürst il.iy 1' eCeuiber, 1817, aud ai'ierwarUa mi the tvveiitieth ci.iy ol M ly, tó48 aisiguêd in tliaaaid I.!i i Ounvi. i i E.r:i A. ■ onVis, which aid iaigiiin 'ii3 werc duly reciirded in si'd Register'd ufBce ou ihe eigtiteuulli day n{ Aa1t, 184B iu l;ook I of iiiurtgagcs upnii i),iges5ü4 & 503 upou wiiich sai.l mortgngo tlfere is claimed to be ilAw t the date uf liiis üotice tliesiiin ot'one huudred and forly-two dollars aud thirty ceuta.iér 'ho recovery of wbich no proceediugs at law or in equity l'iivi: been iiislltutod. Nolice therefore is hereby givcn that by virtne of n [ower of sale in said murlgage contained and pursaant tu the Btatnto iu sncli c ise made and provided the premi-es tlierain de i-ribed :i) J:t! - Ueginniiig on the 50 itherly liue of 'A Oouai troet iu the villaje of Hattle Crcek in said county of Calboaq at a p:)int No: th 51 ilislant leu feet from the rear of l'latt Gilbert't building siauding over said Can il and fronting ou s iid ■in-eet, ruaniug tbeuae Narth 51 East tweutyine l'uet ou the Soutlierly line of aiiditi'eet. Soutli 39 Eeast acriiu said c:mal lifty feet to tlie Nintherly line of Bast Oanal itreet, tlicuee Suutli 51 3 West uloug the Ñnrtherly line uf said East Canal sti-eet tweuty-one ieef. theiue North 3!) West aeroH suid canal fifty f'et to the })lace of beginning, cqotaiaina teu liuudred aud fifty square feet more or loss, subject to all the excepti'iis and Nwervationssetforth in a deed executed by the p irtio of the fint part in said mortgage to Justus A. Jabobs on ihe tweiity-seventli day of Jnlv, 1846, will I) ■ s 4d at public auc-tion to the nigbest bidder at the Comt House in the village of ManhuU m said c i.mty of Calboun on the !3tli day of November next at. one o'clock in ihe uftemoon. A. E. CAMl'BBLL, Att'y fir Assignee& Mortgngees. Dated August 18, 1848. 17-12w STATE UK MICHIGAN, ? Cuuuty ofCalhoun, ss. , _ T a Gourt if Probate held it the office of the Judge A tliereof in Marshall, on tlie 16ih day of August, A. D., 1813. Pre.ent tíoraca A. Nove, Judge ofTrobate. In the matter of the Mtateof Bdmoüd Wiiin deceased. Opoa aad filingthe pethion orHiram Rasaell, prnyiiig for reasoDs therein sot forth tlint ln ui.iy bcnppoiuted adminjrtrator of the Bals pf wad docdased, Thereupou it is óiilered tbat the cousideratioD "I raid netitiou bo postponed antil the 9th ily of September, nexl ni uini! o'clook in the foi-enoon. at the Probate office i Slayshall, afiirwaid; at which time and place at] persons muy nppaar aiid show canse, if any Aere be, i ■ prayer of Baid nctition shonlil not bo grauted. ■ ier nrdered tbaJ sakl petiouer oaaee i be puhlisheJ in tlu; Michigan Lib■i- printed and circulutuiy n said - sacceesively to ilie of . NOYES, Jndge of l'nilm'e' Moi Igage Sale. lieeu made ia the paycneut of corsé ured to be paid by un udeáínre ni' mu I i'e the eleveütli day of October, Ul , ni puf Curd cinu thoiiRiind e.ight lmudriul and .Ifive, executetl ly Omiailon Brown of Cwnk Cal,t,;l oóÓDiñ aniel 8tat of Micliiaan. to Benjamiu F. liuman aaá Johu F. Hinman, of Balletae, Eatou coiinv. and State foresaid, wlucli suúl mortgage w:s reo'nled iu the ce of the Bcgirterof DeedB m and for iiiil oodnty df Calhonh, on the eighteenth dpyof Octoer, 1845. ín book I of Mortgage, in toüoi 177 and 178 -una mi wUieh there ía dne ni the date tu-reof tbe wun iftlire Hnudreil nl cilit iluilars and twciity-live cto, or therec'overyof whicih no proeeedhiggat lawöreqBfc y havo beca ustituted. Notice i hereby givnn, wat y virtue o! n poivlr nf ale ín sukl mortgage oonumed li ■ prsmisen ttíerein deSBribed as tolluvi-s, vlz : AU that cerupu traet or parce) f land. lying and bemgiB tbe township of Cimvis afórenid, viz : Tiie east H;i $) o! the gnutíieart (i) of scction six (6,) the soiith ni í) olthe w.-st hstfmof the soiit'.ieast quarter (i) ifsectíou s;x [fi.] together with the appnrtenauoe tbercto uelnugiug, will be snld at public anctlou to the kighest bidder, nu tile 18th day ofSeptemb' next, at teii n'c-lock iu tl)e fm-eiiooii, Jt tlie Court Huuse in the village of Marshall pawwnt tu tbe statute iu such caso made and provided. Dsted .Tune 21. 1848. l'-'2w STATE OF MICHIGAN, ? Culhoua county, ss. $ AT ■ Oourt of Probate, heM at tjhp office of the Judga thareif, iu Marshall on the 3.ld-iy if August, A. I). 1848, preseut 11. A. Nuyed, Judae ol Pmli.ite. Iu the in itter "f Ui ■ bsI it f B lm iid Koisell deoeaied. Upon réading aml Büug tlie petition of Biraey diily verifiwj, prnyinsi fnr reman thorein ot forin, fint i-i iv 'do uppointed oJnñnistrator oftbe eitatnul md dcoad. Threapn rt is órdoped tlmt tlio coiisiilenitinn ofkdd prtUios l8 posip.neil aattl the seooad day nf SaiiteiuliT net, at mie o'otó k ii) the ufternooa, ut the Pi-oUate offi.:o iu Manhtll nfuresniil, ut wlncli tune a-ul place uil paraom intresteJ m.vy appenr aiul lw cansí), if any there !.e. wliy tlie pruyer .f said petition ahouia mt bo -raiited. And it s Rwber erdwtd that siid patitionaícaaae a copy of tbiê oi'.l-r (o be [nDHslieil iiv tho Michigaq Liberty Press, n oewnpapor pnbbsh:d, prhited nud circulating in said couuty Wr tliree neamnvelv, prior totho time or hearing iu the pnsnmêe ir H. k. QHRKIKK'S SALF, ON EXECUTION.- By irtrtue of 3 011e lCxecnli, iasued out ol' the' County Court, ia ud for thu counly of Calboun, to me directed nud dovered, in favor ofEüus Wildmam and John Mirria s (ihiinlifTs, end agaiiist Jolm Wolfasdofendiint, 1 lnvo erird iipnn nil ihêinliresl of tlie dwfcndaut in mid to ie following dencribod landl and ipnrMnents. viz : The oitlifiiMquartcrof BCdionfimrf 4.] llic norttiCDRt f)i!ror of ratheaat qmtrterof Matton fonr [!,] ïmrlli hall of nrthweat quartertha outhweet quartór of nmiliwcst of Boiitliwcst horth ImlTol ntrrtbcast ijv. ud oaibcBd (juarifr ol nu ih-iis, qiwHfcr rf gectión 3,' i M.wiisliip ïiiimhiT oub somii'of range immUpr ■seyca 7] wout, contniuing six huudred nad fortv cri r liss, tagether wiih tlie appufceuaucee Itiei vuito beoiiging. Notice ia tüensfore Kéreby giveo that I shall xpbse tbe ali :in deacribed real estáte lor wie at piUüo iinctioii or'Veodue, to tbe hifihest liidder, ,1 tlie Cimrt IIuusb in the villuge c.f M.irsliull on' ïnesday the 11 tb duy of September noxt, betweeu the honis of nino o'clock, A. M., and the ettinp of llie suu of that diy. CHARLES DICKEY, Sheriff. By K. CLARK, Deputy do DateJ August 4, 1843. 16 ï$. J. PIEBSON, Aj Has optfird a !"[. onc 'lo r East ofW. V'-ji ?sJ Brookg' Hardware sio e. Main -i.. Bi ïle feft CreeU, fnr iho inannt'jci ure mud sale ol the Q various descriptlon of } 53 II {'!'. & KOES, H V Particular attpnlion willbe givenlo Ladie "Vj O Moroci-o vaiking : hoe, Gaiiern. Slippers -'v iiurf 'me. The lirsl ■.uality of slocli nul) . .' : fyü will be uu'-d and the L'Cbi oi workmen eiir -SL Oj ploved in il maBOlactur". Perons Kfl 0K ons o!' a tirst rale fit and a durable arl;c: f%? will pifase g.v him a cal!. All of l!ieub'„. íot Uepi consiaully on liand and made lo order. j .■% Hiile wanted n exohang liir cash ir jgjB SR work. Recollecttht; uumber. One diiori'ast i: gj olBaooke. Battle Creek, May 13, O JA. MES A. BA1LEY, Aj m SUOE AXD LEATHER DEALER, V BATTLE CREEK, M-, .-:í [X Keeps constaiitly ou hn:;d and for suleau Ai Sd assortmetit of anieles i his Une, consisliug oí Ss BOOTS, SHOKS, LEATHEB. :Cy, TrimmingB, Stc., &c;, nd for Je cheap. 51 rf;?". The suhsiiriber wonUl rewioctfully say ta SP ;: -i liiusc wlio deBÍre a GOOD FIT. and a tusty Lj Fashionablc Boot, or Síioc, gil And at tlie snme time durable, that he ia pvcK VS2 pared to execnte orders in sucli 11 m.nmer na WR TO DEFV COJ1PETITIOS, Uji Having tlie be! of' material and every Exal5 -y ty [íocpssary lo rrattiy the particalar ta9te of K- ?V every iiuüvidiuil - i s'norl to snit t lie moat ;; ol Faslidioun. Shop, Main st., oppogfte Bricfe ra . ock. HideS ranted and the bighöst pri j@ pakl. Clieap í&fiíig Storr. T1I1E SüIiSCIUBEH lus been eiilargitie his 1 and receh'iftg larga addnioua t his stoelt of f v.u is no w prspared to vúi apon all bisoldcastoii er, mil as nnuy huw ones as ]le;ise to sive liim a chI!. Youwillfiud every artiele uaually kept in i Diug Store, iucluding PaiuV, OiU, Dye Woods, f:tent Mt-ilcines, aujagreatvaritty ofarticles in iliis clepartment, :ogether witn a large tock f Si-.liool Bouks. booKs :'nr towu libi-ario, Bla _?., Letter, Fools:ai and Wrapping Papev, fancy Statiouery, Jewelry' Musical Insirumeats &■-, Sec. Tiiis is tbc agency oi the Cantón Toa Ciimpony and fainilios can be snpplieH with a tlioit e nrtïcle, aixl at a lovv jM'ictti All kinds of öroceci eau bu fuaud lierc, md the prices art juut rigllt to Buit tlioae wlio wish to i iv eb ■ [- i'hysicÉns, Meithants, i'. .!!.:. Rrrmers. lid ii 'hnrt all can make money li% I nrailetennined not to lie ÜNDÊESOLb, éither at wliolesalo or rctail, by anv similar cstablisliment lilis sido of New Yörk, A. ï. HAVENS ButleCreelt, April. 13. 13-13. líaíllr rrcrk-ISigh School. THE F ALL TERM of tliis Bcliool, for tl.o nstniction nfyo ug tiiilie and gentlemen, will coniini . Mnnday. Anpust 28, liuder thesupmutendeucë [f Mr. P. W. Mooi, nasi ted by MíhsT. W. Moor, and Miss Charlotte E. Byiugtou, teachfï in Mcwic. All i f the branches naaally imrpued in Ihe Bral Seminaries of Leiiruïug Ea'st, "will lie tuught. Fnrents semling tlieir children hore miy rct Bisurexj tht the ronne o{ instruqtioil will be iboroagh, and in paina will l)e spared lv ihe teacher to bo disoiplièe and cultivete the mind and iiiaiiners ot' tbeir papila, as to euable ihcni to fül witli usefiihu'ss iintl houor tfast Btation in hi'e in ulnili theyare afterwards dcitiiied to move. Terms per Quarter of Eieren Weeks. Smull cholars, attemUng to readingand epelliug, $3,00 Coinmon EnglÍBlibracbi-í, - - - 4,00 Hizfavr do ' do l'ililosopby, Chemistry Btaoy, &c, .... 5.00 Lnnsutiges aiúi Mathem-.uics, - - 6,0U lusie, (witbnul use of Piano,) - .8.00 do witli do do - . 10.00 Tuitiou páyable iuvarinl-'y at the mratinn of ihe Brut h.ilfot ilie le:m. No ci.J i;t',3i made for trSsqnce, ficept in case of aicknefts. No scbolar received for less timo thin half a term; { v.kA om l) al)tained in respectab'e faiuihet village, apon feisnniible terins, For furthér inliirination, apply tö the l'riucipsi.-or to Rev.J. 13 iu toa, Dr. J. L. Holkcom, .Mr. .1. Brown and Mr. W. DrooKS. Batile Creek, August 3. 13J3. Ï6 " lio I Vonr Motmm!' THE SUBSCRIBES would iuform nddl . uud H iruess buyiug nulIic, tliilt ' ' un lutnd, ÍS: isCjDgtautly manufictoring Saddlt, Harnea, Biidlea, Haltera, Tniuks. TrunSaes, Vulieces, Carpet Bags, Whips, &c, &(■.. which wiilbelicreinu-i -Snid forCash' - and Caihonly - at proe do u, down, dowu so low you wil! iliiuk na ütulc the stook, ur ihaí tneir a som mistakeábuut it. Culi ml ree. Don1 forget ywur t ., ], : Book,Shnpon Maiu St, oppoaite the " B. Ork House" - SSgh ofthe inammottt Uullor. BattleCreolt, April, 1M8. K. R. OSGOOD. n EX'ÍFjlARKÍBTr" RII'FlTll & Sl.MuNá respeotliiHy anoMnc to t'.ie Uí iuhobitaut8 ofBattle Crees, tbalthey Unve madearruagemeata t.. keep oonatautly on haud all varieties cil moa't ia season. and solieit a fiare ofptrfilie ptrooagr. Farmers and otbertdeíirouato dispese ofcattle, hog, ■faeep, &c., caafiud a marKel för töe tune by palUng upnii theabovc iiiinipd inJiviilua's. Murkot uuder & C ftlerriU'a Jeweller's Store. kvgUft 10, 1848. ■ ll5 Livety stnbic. A HÁVING rURCHASBD tlin interrst of Mrp rs. Sprngne in the. Iivtry establishment, of thii place, I woulrt state tn the pnii.ic bat I urn Draoared toflkrliiah theinwiih Wses mul camagrton short notico anü oü reaanfliiltern. The undvnigned Uikes iliis opportunity t Mtpress !r t!i:i ;k Kir th i liberal patronage herehifere Bwtowed. Uree dilitionii have leen inaiie to tlie establishment, and he Batten bimself tliat the lasie wiih whicli he can lit on liis con. veyaocea will guatntee public patroöaf; fc? Travelers carried to-uiiy placo in the nrijncent Battie Creek, Angust lfl, 184Ü. f8 4w [848. jpíbg3a&i5 1848. Hl'.XT & HOBY, STORAGE, FOEnRDIXG & COMMISSIO MERCHANTS, Wnrefcniwe, Fooi of Batr Slrert, Drlroil. Agents for Trny uiiü Westera Line. No traushipment at AlbaaT or Tn 1iiopriktiks.- Rice. Ginpp & Co.. No. 31. Coentips Slin New Ymk; S Strnbry 4b Oö., oorner Front ni,l Doelj rtroets, Buffalo, .T. Nev comb. L. Wburf, Q ntnn, EWwison, P'er All inv. Aigeots. H.lao A"entslbrtlip WaitHugton Lia. PBiwiiïTor.- Jáiae Giilley & Co, 49 Qnny rt., Albany Uaac Jerome, Í9S Broád st., New YorH, Oi.ats & Foleer.No. 1(1 Cfmtnl Wharf. BRao AfwentB. Übei-nl Caahndvancei made at ■U times iijiou proper. iv dwtiued lor Biwtqru Miirki-ts. or lor salo here. O-tf l'aiH4y Itiblos O ARITANGED tliat th booka, chinter, &t O be road as oue conviected history. Also, commercial aiid'fancy envolcpe, I iae, peit'nr.iteil and billet paper. Nipoicon and liis Marshals, lul Washington and hm General, .&e.-,.&., jiwt i ' CI;.OJ