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The Army In Mexico

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The Cincinatti Atlass has a long and iniciesting nrticle," ehowing ;he rganizatimi of ;'io armv previons to the lale war. lts service in Mexico, and the peace rstablishment. We have not rimni fur the enlire article, instruclive as L is, but some of the fucts that are ucvoiop.'d we vl! reproduce, lt appeara froni the official statemeuts on the sulyect, that in a . war of two orily, the Govenimcüt of ihc United States, in adJition to the immense number of volunteore pourrd into that. cnunirv, actuiiiiy marclied into Mexico thiry tJcousund regular soldier. bccanic of tliis gieat force, is thus shown : ruft Cura. Adv.] Killed i.v Battíe. - Of the o'ni regiiiient G4 olllcers and 765 rae;; - 820 in all. 'S, ufthe iicw n-s;i 10 officers 133 men - inaking 143. ÜF Disrasi:. - The dcatlis were thus - Old ■ nent, 41 ofticers and 1,766 mor). New tegiments, 2! oïficérs and 977men. Putting all the casualües of tlie regular armv ni a tabular forni, wc have the result ; In addition in these, 2397 were wounded. On the lst oT Januiiry, 1S4S only 20 monlhs from ilic commenceiiMiiit of tuc war, out of ou avmy of 30.0000 men, most ofwhoï were nota year in Mexico, more thnn eight tJmuand wcre numbered amone? Che d.ead, the i wounded, or the deserted. One in thirty h;i3 'heen Killed ; one in ten died of' disease ; one in ten had boorl wounded, and one in fifteen i deserted ! Of lliis number, tlireo liundrcd aix' se ven leen were office ra ! A &;nt(nont likc ihis, fliows the cxüthio I severity of the service? in Mexico, ihan wliicli : we do not lie.liove nny more destrnciiva bs i beon fmind on the face of the enrtli, in recular ! campaigns. From llie abovo fnets, some remarkiililo conclusions niay ho drnwn. It will ,c observed, that ulii'e th ïmmLer killed, in ; the old regiment, were six limes Üial of the LnoWi thO aatnW of deaths by djbsease wero not doublé. The new reimeiits were liowever, mach Jèss time in Mexioo. The conrlusion to bfl ('.-awn, is wliu' every c(f:ecr knows to t.e truc - that the bctler djcip'.ine and experienco of the old 'soldier has a great tendency to pre serve the health Thig is the fact. Anoiher QOnclusian is, that nllhougJ) die old regitnents made l)'it one eighth pai-t of tho armies sent lo Mexico by t'ne Qoyernmeqt, yet they bore the bruut of the battles' foüght, teken ' as ;i whole. This fact is shown in the o'Kcinl 'returns, and will be-more obvious when tlio details of tho war are mova fully bronght ouï. A part of new regimenis wcre conspicuous in baúles ronnd Mexico, btlj t'iey did not pet into service lili after the batlie of Cerro Gordp. The TYxnn Star States a million mummies, have heen discovered on ihc enviross of Duranr", Mexico. Thüy are in a sitiiiur po;n:-c, nnd have tlie satBd vrn)[)inrrs, haüds and oirtlameHts; as the I 18. Atnong tliotn founci a sculptnred i a 1 1 . witli a poignard of (lint, chnpiels, iit'cidnccs, fee., of nltonintod colorea beads, fragments of hom1 polishcd like ivoi-v, fiiiii workcd elaalle tissn'ls, (probahly out moiJern India rubUer cloth,) mtftcasins worked HWe tkoM of ovir indians to-day, liónos ofvipers, &c. It ramairrs to cor.ii!ic?o mtenJitiftg ressafche, :m America will beome alio'tlic ' to antiquarians, and her ruins will gd bapk td the oldet period of tho vvorldi ibowirig doublJess, that the anecstorsoftho Montezutuas hvod on the Nilc. L'bera is now i tciegrnph commu tion frotn Now Orleans to Q.u6lec, WkI iVom Poi-tlarnl to Chicago! Each of these points máy be reached in an instant ! A ml y( s rapidly lvivt: cxtrncirdinnry invcntionscrow.lotl tlicmsi'lviïs upot] cacli otlior ihntthis grcat i';ic; scarcelv excitos a momoni's thought.